function Invoke-PSSpeak { <# .Synopsis Retrieve from RSS feeds, and convert into a single MP3 file .Description Retrieve the latest news using RSS feeds, and use a Text to Speech (TTS) engine to convert those feeds into a single MP3 file .Example Invoke-PSSpeak -Play .Example Invoke-PSSpeak -Play .Example Invoke-PSSpeak -Play .Example $rss = '', '' Invoke-PSSpeak $rss -Play #> param( $feeds = '', [Switch]$Play ) # '' # '' # '' #Write-Progress -Activity "Reading" -Status "Rss feeds" Write-Host -ForegroundColor green "Reading RSS feeds" $entries = @($feeds) | Get-FeedEntry $entriesFile = "$PSScriptRoot\entries.txt" $outputMP3File = "$PSScriptRoot\output.mp3" $fasterMP3File = "$PSScriptRoot\faster.mp3" if ($entries.count -eq 0) { "Sorry, no new entries since last data collection" > $entriesFile } else { $entries > $entriesFile } Write-Host -ForegroundColor green "Text to Speech Creating audio file" &"$PSScriptRoot/bin/gtts-cli" --file $entriesFile --output $outputMP3File Write-Host -ForegroundColor green "Optimizing audio file - Increasing Tempo" &"$PSScriptRoot/bin/ffmpeg" -i $outputMP3File -filter:a "atempo=1.5" -vn -y $fasterMP3File $date = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MMM-ddd") $time = (Get-Date).ToString("HH-mm") $newsMP3name = "$PSScriptRoot\" $newsMP3name += 'NEWS - {0} at {1} - {2} articles.mp3' -f $date, $time, $entries.Count Remove-Item $entriesFile Remove-Item $outputMP3File Rename-Item $fasterMP3File $newsMP3name if ($Play) { Invoke-Item $newsMP3name } } function Get-FeedEntry { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $url ) Begin { $feedDataFile = "$PSScriptRoot\feedata.csv" if (!(Test-Path $feedDataFile)) { "title, link`r`ndummy, dummy" | Set-Content $feedDataFile } $feedData = @(Import-Csv $feedDataFile) } Process { $r = Invoke-RestMethod $url foreach ($item in $r) { if ($feedData.Where( { $ -eq $ }).Count -ge 1) { } else { $feedData += [PSCustomObject]@{title = $item.title; link = $ } $s = $item.description.'#cdata-section' -replace '<[^>]+>', '' @" Start of blog post $($item.title.ToUpper()) $([System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlDecode($s)) "@ } } } End { $feedData | Export-Csv $feedDataFile } } |