function Get-DynamicHelp { <# .SYNOPSIS Outputs documentation about commands .PARAMETER COMMAND PSSoltra command name(s) .PARAMETER EXCLUSIONS Soltra endpoint names to exclude from results #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType()] param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [array] $Command, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [array] $Exclusions ) begin { # PowerShell default parameter names (plus Help) to exclude from results $Defaults = @('Help', 'Verbose', 'Debug', 'ErrorAction', 'WarningAction', 'InformationAction', 'ErrorVariable', 'WarningVariable', 'InformationVariable', 'OutVariable', 'OutBuffer', 'PipelineVariable') # Capture parameter set information $ParamSets = foreach ($Set in ((Get-Command $Command).ParameterSets | Where-Object { ($ -ne 'DynamicHelp') -and ($Exclusions -notcontains $})) { $Endpoint = $Soltra.Endpoint($Set.Name) @{ $ = @{ Endpoint = "$($Endpoint.Method.ToUpper()) $($Endpoint.Path)" Description = "$($Endpoint.Description)" Parameters = ($Set.parameters | Where-Object { $Defaults -notcontains $ }).foreach{ # Include parameters not listed in $Defaults $Parameter = [ordered] @{ Name = $ Type = $ Required = $_.IsMandatory Description = $_.HelpMessage } # Add ValidateSet, ValidateLength and ValidateRange values foreach ($Attribute in @('ValidValues', 'RegexPattern', 'MinLength', 'MaxLength', 'MinRange', 'MaxRange')) { $Name = switch -Regex ($Attribute) { # Convert field names into friendly descriptors 'ValidValues' { 'Accepted' } 'RegexPattern' { 'Pattern' } '(MinLength|MinRange)' { 'Minimum' } '(MaxLength|MaxRange)' { 'Maximum' } } if ($_.Attributes.$Attribute) { $Value = if ($_.Attributes.$Attribute -is [array]) { # Convert [array] to [string] $_.Attributes.$Attribute -join ', ' } else { $_.Attributes.$Attribute } $Parameter[$Name] = $Value } } # Add parameter to array $Parameter } } } } } process { foreach ($Set in $ParamSets.Keys) { # Output a basic description of each endpoint in $Command "`n$($ParamSets.$Set.Description)" + "`n Endpoint : $($ParamSets.$Set.Endpoint)" if ($ParamSets.$Set.Parameters) { # Output a description of each parameter involved with each endpoint foreach ($Parameter in $ParamSets.$Set.Parameters) { $Label = "`n -$($Parameter.Name) [$($Parameter.Type)]" if ($Parameter.Required -eq $true) { $Label += " <Required>" } $Label + "`n $($Parameter.Description)" foreach ($Pair in ($Parameter.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $_.Key -notmatch '(Name|Type|Required|Description)'})) { " $($Pair.Key) : $($Pair.Value)" } } } } "`n" } } |