function ConvertTo-QueryString { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $BaseURL, [Parameter()] $QueryParameters ) try{ $QueryCollection = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString('') $URI = [System.UriBuilder]$BaseURL if($QueryParameters){ if($QueryParameters.GetType().name -eq "Hashtable"){ foreach($Property in $QueryParameters.GetEnumerator()){ if($Property.Value){ $QueryCollection.Add($Property.key,$Property.Value) } } }elseif($QueryParameters.GetType().name -in @("DictionaryEntry","Object[]")){ foreach($Property in $QueryParameters){ if($Property.Value){ $QueryCollection.Add($Property.key,$Property.Value) } } } } $URI.Query = $QueryCollection.ToString() if($URI.Query){ Return $URI.URI.OriginalString }else{ Return $URI.URI.OriginalString + "?" } }catch{ #If auth has not been set, it's possible a bad URI has been passed to this function so we'll run the auth check in this instance if($_.Exception.message -like "*Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed*"){ Assert-SNOWAuth } #If the auth check passes or for all other reasons, throw the original error Throw $_ } } |