Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum RGBColors { None, Black, Navy, DarkBlue, MediumBlue, Blue, DarkGreen, Green, Teal, DarkCyan, DeepSkyBlue, DarkTurquoise, MediumSpringGreen, Lime, SpringGreen, Aqua, Cyan, MidnightBlue, DodgerBlue, LightSeaGreen, ForestGreen, SeaGreen, DarkSlateGray, DarkSlateGrey, LimeGreen, MediumSeaGreen, Turquoise, RoyalBlue, SteelBlue, DarkSlateBlue, MediumTurquoise, Indigo, DarkOliveGreen, CadetBlue, CornflowerBlue, MediumAquamarine, DimGray, DimGrey, SlateBlue, OliveDrab, SlateGray, SlateGrey, LightSlateGray, LightSlateGrey, MediumSlateBlue, LawnGreen, Chartreuse, Aquamarine, Maroon, Purple, Olive, Grey, Gray, //Grey, SkyBlue, LightSkyBlue, BlueViolet, DarkRed, DarkMagenta, SaddleBrown, DarkSeaGreen, LightGreen, MediumPurple, DarkViolet, PaleGreen, DarkOrchid, YellowGreen, Sienna, Brown, DarkGray, DarkGrey, LightBlue, GreenYellow, PaleTurquoise, LightSteelBlue, PowderBlue, FireBrick, DarkGoldenrod, MediumOrchid, RosyBrown, DarkKhaki, Silver, MediumVioletRed, IndianRed, Peru, Chocolate, Tan, LightGray, LightGrey, Thistle, Orchid, Goldenrod, PaleVioletRed, Crimson, Gainsboro, Plum, BurlyWood, LightCyan, Lavender, DarkSalmon, Violet, PaleGoldenrod, LightCoral, Khaki, AliceBlue, Honeydew, Azure, SandyBrown, Wheat, Beige, WhiteSmoke, MintCream, GhostWhite, Salmon, AntiqueWhite, Linen, LightGoldenrodYellow, OldLace, Red, Fuchsia, Magenta, DeepPink, OrangeRed, Tomato, HotPink, Coral, DarkOrange, LightSalmon, Orange, LightPink, Pink, Gold, PeachPuff, NavajoWhite, Moccasin, Bisque, MistyRose, BlanchedAlmond, PapayaWhip, LavenderBlush, Seashell, Cornsilk, LemonChiffon, FloralWhite, Snow, Yellow, LightYellow, Ivory, White } "@ $Script:RGBColors = [ordered] @{None = $null AirForceBlue = 93, 138, 168 Akaroa = 195, 176, 145 AlbescentWhite = 227, 218, 201 AliceBlue = 240, 248, 255 Alizarin = 227, 38, 54 Allports = 18, 97, 128 Almond = 239, 222, 205 AlmondFrost = 159, 129, 112 Amaranth = 229, 43, 80 Amazon = 59, 122, 87 Amber = 255, 191, 0 Amethyst = 153, 102, 204 AmethystSmoke = 156, 138, 164 AntiqueWhite = 250, 235, 215 Apple = 102, 180, 71 AppleBlossom = 176, 92, 82 Apricot = 251, 206, 177 Aqua = 0, 255, 255 Aquamarine = 127, 255, 212 Armygreen = 75, 83, 32 Arsenic = 59, 68, 75 Astral = 54, 117, 136 Atlantis = 164, 198, 57 Atomic = 65, 74, 76 AtomicTangerine = 255, 153, 102 Axolotl = 99, 119, 91 Azure = 240, 255, 255 Bahia = 176, 191, 26 BakersChocolate = 93, 58, 26 BaliHai = 124, 152, 171 BananaMania = 250, 231, 181 BattleshipGrey = 85, 93, 80 BayOfMany = 35, 48, 103 Beige = 245, 245, 220 Bermuda = 136, 216, 192 Bilbao = 42, 128, 0 BilobaFlower = 181, 126, 220 Bismark = 83, 104, 114 Bisque = 255, 228, 196 Bistre = 61, 43, 31 Bittersweet = 254, 111, 94 Black = 0, 0, 0 BlackPearl = 31, 38, 42 BlackRose = 85, 31, 47 BlackRussian = 23, 24, 43 BlanchedAlmond = 255, 235, 205 BlizzardBlue = 172, 229, 238 Blue = 0, 0, 255 BlueDiamond = 77, 26, 127 BlueMarguerite = 115, 102, 189 BlueSmoke = 115, 130, 118 BlueViolet = 138, 43, 226 Blush = 169, 92, 104 BokaraGrey = 22, 17, 13 Bole = 121, 68, 59 BondiBlue = 0, 147, 175 Bordeaux = 88, 17, 26 Bossanova = 86, 60, 92 Boulder = 114, 116, 114 Bouquet = 183, 132, 167 Bourbon = 170, 108, 57 Brass = 181, 166, 66 BrickRed = 199, 44, 72 BrightGreen = 102, 255, 0 BrightRed = 146, 43, 62 BrightTurquoise = 8, 232, 222 BrilliantRose = 243, 100, 162 BrinkPink = 250, 110, 121 BritishRacingGreen = 0, 66, 37 Bronze = 205, 127, 50 Brown = 165, 42, 42 BrownPod = 57, 24, 2 BuddhaGold = 202, 169, 6 Buff = 240, 220, 130 Burgundy = 128, 0, 32 BurlyWood = 222, 184, 135 BurntOrange = 255, 117, 56 BurntSienna = 233, 116, 81 BurntUmber = 138, 51, 36 ButteredRum = 156, 124, 56 CadetBlue = 95, 158, 160 California = 224, 141, 60 CamouflageGreen = 120, 134, 107 Canary = 255, 255, 153 CanCan = 217, 134, 149 CannonPink = 145, 78, 117 CaputMortuum = 89, 39, 32 Caramel = 255, 213, 154 Cararra = 237, 230, 214 Cardinal = 179, 33, 52 CardinGreen = 18, 53, 36 CareysPink = 217, 152, 160 CaribbeanGreen = 0, 222, 164 Carmine = 175, 0, 42 CarnationPink = 255, 166, 201 CarrotOrange = 242, 142, 28 Cascade = 141, 163, 153 CatskillWhite = 226, 229, 222 Cedar = 67, 48, 46 Celadon = 172, 225, 175 Celeste = 207, 207, 196 Cello = 55, 79, 107 Cement = 138, 121, 93 Cerise = 222, 49, 99 Cerulean = 0, 123, 167 CeruleanBlue = 42, 82, 190 Chantilly = 239, 187, 204 Chardonnay = 255, 200, 124 Charlotte = 167, 216, 222 Charm = 208, 116, 139 Chartreuse = 127, 255, 0 ChartreuseYellow = 223, 255, 0 ChelseaCucumber = 135, 169, 107 Cherub = 246, 214, 222 Chestnut = 185, 78, 72 ChileanFire = 226, 88, 34 Chinook = 150, 200, 162 Chocolate = 210, 105, 30 Christi = 125, 183, 0 Christine = 181, 101, 30 Cinnabar = 235, 76, 66 Citron = 159, 169, 31 Citrus = 141, 182, 0 Claret = 95, 25, 51 ClassicRose = 251, 204, 231 ClayCreek = 145, 129, 81 Clinker = 75, 54, 33 Clover = 74, 93, 35 Cobalt = 0, 71, 171 CocoaBrown = 44, 22, 8 Cola = 60, 48, 36 ColumbiaBlue = 166, 231, 255 CongoBrown = 103, 76, 71 Conifer = 178, 236, 93 Copper = 218, 138, 103 CopperRose = 153, 102, 102 Coral = 255, 127, 80 CoralRed = 255, 64, 64 CoralTree = 173, 111, 105 Coriander = 188, 184, 138 Corn = 251, 236, 93 CornField = 250, 240, 190 Cornflower = 147, 204, 234 CornflowerBlue = 100, 149, 237 Cornsilk = 255, 248, 220 Cosmic = 132, 63, 91 Cosmos = 255, 204, 203 CostaDelSol = 102, 93, 30 CottonCandy = 255, 188, 217 Crail = 164, 90, 82 Cranberry = 205, 96, 126 Cream = 255, 255, 204 CreamCan = 242, 198, 73 Crimson = 220, 20, 60 Crusta = 232, 142, 90 Cumulus = 255, 255, 191 Cupid = 246, 173, 198 CuriousBlue = 40, 135, 200 Cyan = 0, 255, 255 Cyprus = 6, 78, 64 DaisyBush = 85, 53, 146 Dandelion = 250, 218, 94 Danube = 96, 130, 182 DarkBlue = 0, 0, 139 DarkBrown = 101, 67, 33 DarkCerulean = 8, 69, 126 DarkChestnut = 152, 105, 96 DarkCoral = 201, 90, 73 DarkCyan = 0, 139, 139 DarkGoldenrod = 184, 134, 11 DarkGray = 169, 169, 169 DarkGreen = 0, 100, 0 DarkGreenCopper = 73, 121, 107 DarkGrey = 169, 169, 169 DarkKhaki = 189, 183, 107 DarkMagenta = 139, 0, 139 DarkOliveGreen = 85, 107, 47 DarkOrange = 255, 140, 0 DarkOrchid = 153, 50, 204 DarkPastelGreen = 3, 192, 60 DarkPink = 222, 93, 131 DarkPurple = 150, 61, 127 DarkRed = 139, 0, 0 DarkSalmon = 233, 150, 122 DarkSeaGreen = 143, 188, 143 DarkSlateBlue = 72, 61, 139 DarkSlateGray = 47, 79, 79 DarkSlateGrey = 47, 79, 79 DarkSpringGreen = 23, 114, 69 DarkTangerine = 255, 170, 29 DarkTurquoise = 0, 206, 209 DarkViolet = 148, 0, 211 DarkWood = 130, 102, 68 DeepBlush = 245, 105, 145 DeepCerise = 224, 33, 138 DeepKoamaru = 51, 51, 102 DeepLilac = 153, 85, 187 DeepMagenta = 204, 0, 204 DeepPink = 255, 20, 147 DeepSea = 14, 124, 97 DeepSkyBlue = 0, 191, 255 DeepTeal = 24, 69, 59 Denim = 36, 107, 206 DesertSand = 237, 201, 175 DimGray = 105, 105, 105 DimGrey = 105, 105, 105 DodgerBlue = 30, 144, 255 Dolly = 242, 242, 122 Downy = 95, 201, 191 DutchWhite = 239, 223, 187 EastBay = 76, 81, 109 EastSide = 178, 132, 190 EchoBlue = 169, 178, 195 Ecru = 194, 178, 128 Eggplant = 162, 0, 109 EgyptianBlue = 16, 52, 166 ElectricBlue = 125, 249, 255 ElectricIndigo = 111, 0, 255 ElectricLime = 208, 255, 20 ElectricPurple = 191, 0, 255 Elm = 47, 132, 124 Emerald = 80, 200, 120 Eminence = 108, 48, 130 Endeavour = 46, 88, 148 EnergyYellow = 245, 224, 80 Espresso = 74, 44, 42 Eucalyptus = 26, 162, 96 Falcon = 126, 94, 96 Fallow = 204, 153, 102 FaluRed = 128, 24, 24 Feldgrau = 77, 93, 83 Feldspar = 205, 149, 117 Fern = 113, 188, 120 FernGreen = 79, 121, 66 Festival = 236, 213, 64 Finn = 97, 64, 81 FireBrick = 178, 34, 34 FireBush = 222, 143, 78 FireEngineRed = 211, 33, 45 Flamingo = 233, 92, 75 Flax = 238, 220, 130 FloralWhite = 255, 250, 240 ForestGreen = 34, 139, 34 Frangipani = 250, 214, 165 FreeSpeechAquamarine = 0, 168, 119 FreeSpeechRed = 204, 0, 0 FrenchLilac = 230, 168, 215 FrenchRose = 232, 83, 149 FriarGrey = 135, 134, 129 Froly = 228, 113, 122 Fuchsia = 255, 0, 255 FuchsiaPink = 255, 119, 255 Gainsboro = 220, 220, 220 Gallery = 219, 215, 210 Galliano = 204, 160, 29 Gamboge = 204, 153, 0 Ghost = 196, 195, 208 GhostWhite = 248, 248, 255 Gin = 216, 228, 188 GinFizz = 247, 231, 206 Givry = 230, 208, 171 Glacier = 115, 169, 194 Gold = 255, 215, 0 GoldDrop = 213, 108, 43 GoldenBrown = 150, 113, 23 GoldenFizz = 240, 225, 48 GoldenGlow = 248, 222, 126 GoldenPoppy = 252, 194, 0 Goldenrod = 218, 165, 32 GoldenSand = 233, 214, 107 GoldenYellow = 253, 238, 0 GoldTips = 225, 189, 39 GordonsGreen = 37, 53, 41 Gorse = 255, 225, 53 Gossamer = 49, 145, 119 GrannySmithApple = 168, 228, 160 Gray = 128, 128, 128 GrayAsparagus = 70, 89, 69 Green = 0, 128, 0 GreenLeaf = 76, 114, 29 GreenVogue = 38, 67, 72 GreenYellow = 173, 255, 47 Grey = 128, 128, 128 GreyAsparagus = 70, 89, 69 GuardsmanRed = 157, 41, 51 GumLeaf = 178, 190, 181 Gunmetal = 42, 52, 57 Hacienda = 155, 135, 12 HalfAndHalf = 232, 228, 201 HalfBaked = 95, 138, 139 HalfColonialWhite = 246, 234, 190 HalfPearlLusta = 240, 234, 214 HanPurple = 63, 0, 255 Harlequin = 74, 255, 0 HarleyDavidsonOrange = 194, 59, 34 Heather = 174, 198, 207 Heliotrope = 223, 115, 255 Hemp = 161, 122, 116 Highball = 134, 126, 54 HippiePink = 171, 75, 82 Hoki = 110, 127, 128 HollywoodCerise = 244, 0, 161 Honeydew = 240, 255, 240 Hopbush = 207, 113, 175 HorsesNeck = 108, 84, 30 HotPink = 255, 105, 180 HummingBird = 201, 255, 229 HunterGreen = 53, 94, 59 Illusion = 244, 152, 173 InchWorm = 202, 224, 13 IndianRed = 205, 92, 92 Indigo = 75, 0, 130 InternationalKleinBlue = 0, 24, 168 InternationalOrange = 255, 79, 0 IrisBlue = 28, 169, 201 IrishCoffee = 102, 66, 40 IronsideGrey = 113, 112, 110 IslamicGreen = 0, 144, 0 Ivory = 255, 255, 240 Jacarta = 61, 50, 93 JackoBean = 65, 54, 40 JacksonsPurple = 46, 45, 136 Jade = 0, 171, 102 JapaneseLaurel = 47, 117, 50 Jazz = 93, 43, 44 JazzberryJam = 165, 11, 94 JellyBean = 68, 121, 142 JetStream = 187, 208, 201 Jewel = 0, 107, 60 Jon = 79, 58, 60 JordyBlue = 124, 185, 232 Jumbo = 132, 132, 130 JungleGreen = 41, 171, 135 KaitokeGreen = 30, 77, 43 Karry = 255, 221, 202 KellyGreen = 70, 203, 24 Keppel = 93, 164, 147 Khaki = 240, 230, 140 Killarney = 77, 140, 87 KingfisherDaisy = 85, 27, 140 Kobi = 230, 143, 172 LaPalma = 60, 141, 13 LaserLemon = 252, 247, 94 Laurel = 103, 146, 103 Lavender = 230, 230, 250 LavenderBlue = 204, 204, 255 LavenderBlush = 255, 240, 245 LavenderPink = 251, 174, 210 LavenderRose = 251, 160, 227 LawnGreen = 124, 252, 0 LemonChiffon = 255, 250, 205 LightBlue = 173, 216, 230 LightCoral = 240, 128, 128 LightCyan = 224, 255, 255 LightGoldenrodYellow = 250, 250, 210 LightGray = 211, 211, 211 LightGreen = 144, 238, 144 LightGrey = 211, 211, 211 LightPink = 255, 182, 193 LightSalmon = 255, 160, 122 LightSeaGreen = 32, 178, 170 LightSkyBlue = 135, 206, 250 LightSlateGray = 119, 136, 153 LightSlateGrey = 119, 136, 153 LightSteelBlue = 176, 196, 222 LightYellow = 255, 255, 224 Lilac = 204, 153, 204 Lime = 0, 255, 0 LimeGreen = 50, 205, 50 Limerick = 139, 190, 27 Linen = 250, 240, 230 Lipstick = 159, 43, 104 Liver = 83, 75, 79 Lochinvar = 86, 136, 125 Lochmara = 38, 97, 156 Lola = 179, 158, 181 LondonHue = 170, 152, 169 Lotus = 124, 72, 72 LuckyPoint = 29, 41, 81 MacaroniAndCheese = 255, 189, 136 Madang = 193, 249, 162 Madras = 81, 65, 0 Magenta = 255, 0, 255 MagicMint = 170, 240, 209 Magnolia = 248, 244, 255 Mahogany = 215, 59, 62 Maire = 27, 24, 17 Maize = 230, 190, 138 Malachite = 11, 218, 81 Malibu = 93, 173, 236 Malta = 169, 154, 134 Manatee = 140, 146, 172 Mandalay = 176, 121, 57 MandarianOrange = 146, 39, 36 Mandy = 191, 79, 81 Manhattan = 229, 170, 112 Mantis = 125, 194, 66 Manz = 217, 230, 80 MardiGras = 48, 25, 52 Mariner = 57, 86, 156 Maroon = 128, 0, 0 Matterhorn = 85, 85, 85 Mauve = 244, 187, 255 Mauvelous = 255, 145, 175 MauveTaupe = 143, 89, 115 MayaBlue = 119, 181, 254 McKenzie = 129, 97, 60 MediumAquamarine = 102, 205, 170 MediumBlue = 0, 0, 205 MediumCarmine = 175, 64, 53 MediumOrchid = 186, 85, 211 MediumPurple = 147, 112, 219 MediumRedViolet = 189, 51, 164 MediumSeaGreen = 60, 179, 113 MediumSlateBlue = 123, 104, 238 MediumSpringGreen = 0, 250, 154 MediumTurquoise = 72, 209, 204 MediumVioletRed = 199, 21, 133 MediumWood = 166, 123, 91 Melon = 253, 188, 180 Merlot = 112, 54, 66 MetallicGold = 211, 175, 55 Meteor = 184, 115, 51 MidnightBlue = 25, 25, 112 MidnightExpress = 0, 20, 64 Mikado = 60, 52, 31 MilanoRed = 168, 55, 49 Ming = 54, 116, 125 MintCream = 245, 255, 250 MintGreen = 152, 255, 152 Mischka = 168, 169, 173 MistyRose = 255, 228, 225 Moccasin = 255, 228, 181 Mojo = 149, 69, 53 MonaLisa = 255, 153, 153 Mongoose = 179, 139, 109 Montana = 53, 56, 57 MoodyBlue = 116, 108, 192 MoonYellow = 245, 199, 26 MossGreen = 173, 223, 173 MountainMeadow = 28, 172, 120 MountainMist = 161, 157, 148 MountbattenPink = 153, 122, 141 Mulberry = 211, 65, 157 Mustard = 255, 219, 88 Myrtle = 25, 89, 5 MySin = 255, 179, 71 NavajoWhite = 255, 222, 173 Navy = 0, 0, 128 NavyBlue = 2, 71, 254 NeonCarrot = 255, 153, 51 NeonPink = 255, 92, 205 Nepal = 145, 163, 176 Nero = 20, 20, 20 NewMidnightBlue = 0, 0, 156 Niagara = 58, 176, 158 NightRider = 59, 47, 47 Nobel = 152, 152, 152 Norway = 169, 186, 157 Nugget = 183, 135, 39 OceanGreen = 95, 167, 120 Ochre = 202, 115, 9 OldCopper = 111, 78, 55 OldGold = 207, 181, 59 OldLace = 253, 245, 230 OldLavender = 121, 104, 120 OldRose = 195, 33, 72 Olive = 128, 128, 0 OliveDrab = 107, 142, 35 OliveGreen = 181, 179, 92 Olivetone = 110, 110, 48 Olivine = 154, 185, 115 Onahau = 196, 216, 226 Opal = 168, 195, 188 Orange = 255, 165, 0 OrangePeel = 251, 153, 2 OrangeRed = 255, 69, 0 Orchid = 218, 112, 214 OuterSpace = 45, 56, 58 OutrageousOrange = 254, 90, 29 Oxley = 95, 167, 119 PacificBlue = 0, 136, 220 Padua = 128, 193, 151 PalatinatePurple = 112, 41, 99 PaleBrown = 160, 120, 90 PaleChestnut = 221, 173, 175 PaleCornflowerBlue = 188, 212, 230 PaleGoldenrod = 238, 232, 170 PaleGreen = 152, 251, 152 PaleMagenta = 249, 132, 239 PalePink = 250, 218, 221 PaleSlate = 201, 192, 187 PaleTaupe = 188, 152, 126 PaleTurquoise = 175, 238, 238 PaleVioletRed = 219, 112, 147 PalmLeaf = 53, 66, 48 Panache = 233, 255, 219 PapayaWhip = 255, 239, 213 ParisDaisy = 255, 244, 79 Parsley = 48, 96, 48 PastelGreen = 119, 221, 119 PattensBlue = 219, 233, 244 Peach = 255, 203, 164 PeachOrange = 255, 204, 153 PeachPuff = 255, 218, 185 PeachYellow = 250, 223, 173 Pear = 209, 226, 49 PearlLusta = 234, 224, 200 Pelorous = 42, 143, 189 Perano = 172, 172, 230 Periwinkle = 197, 203, 225 PersianBlue = 34, 67, 182 PersianGreen = 0, 166, 147 PersianIndigo = 51, 0, 102 PersianPink = 247, 127, 190 PersianRed = 192, 54, 44 PersianRose = 233, 54, 167 Persimmon = 236, 88, 0 Peru = 205, 133, 63 Pesto = 128, 117, 50 PictonBlue = 102, 153, 204 PigmentGreen = 0, 173, 67 PigPink = 255, 218, 233 PineGreen = 1, 121, 111 PineTree = 42, 47, 35 Pink = 255, 192, 203 PinkFlare = 191, 175, 178 PinkLace = 240, 211, 220 PinkSwan = 179, 179, 179 Plum = 221, 160, 221 Pohutukawa = 102, 12, 33 PoloBlue = 119, 158, 203 Pompadour = 129, 20, 83 Portage = 146, 161, 207 PotPourri = 241, 221, 207 PottersClay = 132, 86, 60 PowderBlue = 176, 224, 230 Prim = 228, 196, 207 PrussianBlue = 0, 58, 108 PsychedelicPurple = 223, 0, 255 Puce = 204, 136, 153 Pueblo = 108, 46, 31 PuertoRico = 67, 179, 174 Pumpkin = 255, 99, 28 Purple = 128, 0, 128 PurpleMountainsMajesty = 150, 123, 182 PurpleTaupe = 93, 57, 84 QuarterSpanishWhite = 230, 224, 212 Quartz = 220, 208, 255 Quincy = 106, 84, 69 RacingGreen = 26, 36, 33 RadicalRed = 255, 32, 82 Rajah = 251, 171, 96 RawUmber = 123, 63, 0 RazzleDazzleRose = 254, 78, 218 Razzmatazz = 215, 10, 83 Red = 255, 0, 0 RedBerry = 132, 22, 23 RedDamask = 203, 109, 81 RedOxide = 99, 15, 15 RedRobin = 128, 64, 64 RichBlue = 84, 90, 167 Riptide = 141, 217, 204 RobinsEggBlue = 0, 204, 204 RobRoy = 225, 169, 95 RockSpray = 171, 56, 31 RomanCoffee = 131, 105, 83 RoseBud = 246, 164, 148 RoseBudCherry = 135, 50, 96 RoseTaupe = 144, 93, 93 RosyBrown = 188, 143, 143 Rouge = 176, 48, 96 RoyalBlue = 65, 105, 225 RoyalHeath = 168, 81, 110 RoyalPurple = 102, 51, 152 Ruby = 215, 24, 104 Russet = 128, 70, 27 Rust = 192, 64, 0 RusticRed = 72, 6, 7 Saddle = 99, 81, 71 SaddleBrown = 139, 69, 19 SafetyOrange = 255, 102, 0 Saffron = 244, 196, 48 Sage = 143, 151, 121 Sail = 161, 202, 241 Salem = 0, 133, 67 Salmon = 250, 128, 114 SandyBeach = 253, 213, 177 SandyBrown = 244, 164, 96 Sangria = 134, 1, 17 SanguineBrown = 115, 54, 53 SanMarino = 80, 114, 167 SanteFe = 175, 110, 77 Sapphire = 6, 42, 120 Saratoga = 84, 90, 44 Scampi = 102, 102, 153 Scarlet = 255, 36, 0 ScarletGum = 67, 28, 83 SchoolBusYellow = 255, 216, 0 Schooner = 139, 134, 128 ScreaminGreen = 102, 255, 102 Scrub = 59, 60, 54 SeaBuckthorn = 249, 146, 69 SeaGreen = 46, 139, 87 Seagull = 140, 190, 214 SealBrown = 61, 12, 2 Seance = 96, 47, 107 SeaPink = 215, 131, 127 SeaShell = 255, 245, 238 Selago = 250, 230, 250 SelectiveYellow = 242, 180, 0 SemiSweetChocolate = 107, 68, 35 Sepia = 150, 90, 62 Serenade = 255, 233, 209 Shadow = 133, 109, 77 Shakespeare = 114, 160, 193 Shalimar = 252, 255, 164 Shamrock = 68, 215, 168 ShamrockGreen = 0, 153, 102 SherpaBlue = 0, 75, 73 SherwoodGreen = 27, 77, 62 Shilo = 222, 165, 164 ShipCove = 119, 139, 165 Shocking = 241, 156, 187 ShockingPink = 255, 29, 206 ShuttleGrey = 84, 98, 111 Sidecar = 238, 224, 177 Sienna = 160, 82, 45 Silk = 190, 164, 147 Silver = 192, 192, 192 SilverChalice = 175, 177, 174 SilverTree = 102, 201, 146 SkyBlue = 135, 206, 235 SlateBlue = 106, 90, 205 SlateGray = 112, 128, 144 SlateGrey = 112, 128, 144 Smalt = 0, 48, 143 SmaltBlue = 74, 100, 108 Snow = 255, 250, 250 SoftAmber = 209, 190, 168 Solitude = 235, 236, 240 Sorbus = 233, 105, 44 Spectra = 53, 101, 77 SpicyMix = 136, 101, 78 Spray = 126, 212, 230 SpringBud = 150, 255, 0 SpringGreen = 0, 255, 127 SpringSun = 236, 235, 189 SpunPearl = 170, 169, 173 Stack = 130, 142, 132 SteelBlue = 70, 130, 180 Stiletto = 137, 63, 69 Strikemaster = 145, 92, 131 StTropaz = 50, 82, 123 Studio = 115, 79, 150 Sulu = 201, 220, 135 SummerSky = 33, 171, 205 Sun = 237, 135, 45 Sundance = 197, 179, 88 Sunflower = 228, 208, 10 Sunglow = 255, 204, 51 SunsetOrange = 253, 82, 64 SurfieGreen = 0, 116, 116 Sushi = 111, 153, 64 SuvaGrey = 140, 140, 140 Swamp = 35, 43, 43 SweetCorn = 253, 219, 109 SweetPink = 243, 153, 152 Tacao = 236, 177, 118 TahitiGold = 235, 97, 35 Tan = 210, 180, 140 Tangaroa = 0, 28, 61 Tangerine = 228, 132, 0 TangerineYellow = 253, 204, 13 Tapestry = 183, 110, 121 Taupe = 72, 60, 50 TaupeGrey = 139, 133, 137 TawnyPort = 102, 66, 77 TaxBreak = 79, 102, 106 TeaGreen = 208, 240, 192 Teak = 176, 141, 87 Teal = 0, 128, 128 TeaRose = 255, 133, 207 Temptress = 60, 20, 33 Tenne = 200, 101, 0 TerraCotta = 226, 114, 91 Thistle = 216, 191, 216 TickleMePink = 245, 111, 161 Tidal = 232, 244, 140 TitanWhite = 214, 202, 221 Toast = 165, 113, 100 Tomato = 255, 99, 71 TorchRed = 255, 3, 62 ToryBlue = 54, 81, 148 Tradewind = 110, 174, 161 TrendyPink = 133, 96, 136 TropicalRainForest = 0, 127, 102 TrueV = 139, 114, 190 TulipTree = 229, 183, 59 Tumbleweed = 222, 170, 136 Turbo = 255, 195, 36 TurkishRose = 152, 119, 123 Turquoise = 64, 224, 208 TurquoiseBlue = 118, 215, 234 Tuscany = 175, 89, 62 TwilightBlue = 253, 255, 245 Twine = 186, 135, 89 TyrianPurple = 102, 2, 60 Ultramarine = 10, 17, 149 UltraPink = 255, 111, 255 Valencia = 222, 82, 70 VanCleef = 84, 61, 55 VanillaIce = 229, 204, 201 VenetianRed = 209, 0, 28 Venus = 138, 127, 128 Vermilion = 251, 79, 20 VeryLightGrey = 207, 207, 207 VidaLoca = 94, 140, 49 Viking = 71, 171, 204 Viola = 180, 131, 149 ViolentViolet = 50, 23, 77 Violet = 238, 130, 238 VioletRed = 255, 57, 136 Viridian = 64, 130, 109 VistaBlue = 159, 226, 191 VividViolet = 127, 62, 152 WaikawaGrey = 83, 104, 149 Wasabi = 150, 165, 60 Watercourse = 0, 106, 78 Wedgewood = 67, 107, 149 WellRead = 147, 61, 65 Wewak = 255, 152, 153 Wheat = 245, 222, 179 Whiskey = 217, 154, 108 WhiskeySour = 217, 144, 88 White = 255, 255, 255 WhiteSmoke = 245, 245, 245 WildRice = 228, 217, 111 WildSand = 229, 228, 226 WildStrawberry = 252, 65, 154 WildWatermelon = 255, 84, 112 WildWillow = 172, 191, 96 Windsor = 76, 40, 130 Wisteria = 191, 148, 228 Wistful = 162, 162, 208 Yellow = 255, 255, 0 YellowGreen = 154, 205, 50 YellowOrange = 255, 174, 66 YourPink = 244, 194, 194 } function Add-WinADUserGroups { [CmdletBinding()] [alias("Add-ADUserGroups")] param([parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Object] $User, [string[]] $Groups, [string] $FieldSearch = 'Name', [switch] $WhatIf) $Object = @() try { $ADgroups = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $User.DistinguishedName | Where-Object { $_.Name -ne "Domain Users" } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $Group.Name; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } if ($Groups) { foreach ($Group in $Groups) { if ($ADgroups.$FieldSearch -notcontains $Group) { try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Members $User.DistinguishedName -ErrorAction Stop } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $Group; Extended = 'Added to group.' } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $Group; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } else { } } } return $Object } function Find-ADConnectServer { [alias('Find-ADSyncServer')] param() $Description = Get-ADUser -Filter { Name -like "MSOL*" } -Properties Description | Select-Object Description -ExpandProperty Description foreach ($Desc in $Description) { $PatternType = "(?<=(Account created by ))(.*)(?=(with installation identifier))" $PatternServerName = "(?<=(on computer ))(.*)(?=(configured))" $PatternTenantName = "(?<=(to tenant ))(.*)(?=(. This))" $PatternInstallationID = "(?<=(installation identifier ))(.*)(?=( running on ))" if ($Desc -match $PatternServerName) { $ServerName = ($Matches[0]).Replace("'", '').Replace(' ', '') if ($Desc -match $PatternTenantName) { $TenantName = ($Matches[0]).Replace("'", '').Replace(' ', '') } else { $TenantName = '' } if ($Desc -match $PatternInstallationID) { $InstallationID = ($Matches[0]).Replace("'", '').Replace(' ', '') } else { $InstallationID = '' } if ($Desc -match $PatternType) { $Type = ($Matches[0]).Replace("'", '').Replace('by ', '').Replace('the ', '') } else { $Type = '' } $Data = Get-ADComputer -Identity $ServerName [PSCustomObject] @{Name = $Data.Name FQDN = $Data.DNSHostName DistinguishedName = $Data.DistinguishedName Type = $Type TenantName = $TenantName InstallatioNID = $InstallationID } } } } function Find-ExchangeServer { <# .SYNOPSIS Find Exchange Servers in Active Directory .DESCRIPTION Find Exchange Servers in Active Directory .EXAMPLE Find-ExchangeServer .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] param() $ExchangeServers = Get-ADGroup -Identity "Exchange Servers" | Get-ADGroupMember | Where-Object { $_.objectClass -eq 'computer' } foreach ($Server in $ExchangeServers) { $Data = Get-ADComputer -Identity $Server.SamAccountName -Properties Name, DNSHostName, OperatingSystem, DistinguishedName, ServicePrincipalName [PSCustomObject] @{Name = $Data.Name FQDN = $Data.DNSHostName OperatingSystem = $Data.OperatingSystem DistinguishedName = $Data.DistinguishedName Enabled = $Data.Enabled } } } function Find-HyperVServer { [cmdletbinding()] param() try { $ADObjects = Get-ADObject -Filter 'ObjectClass -eq "serviceConnectionPoint" -and Name -eq "Microsoft Hyper-V"' -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error "Error: $_" } foreach ($Server in $ADObjects) { $Temporary = $Server.DistinguishedName.split(",") $DistinguishedName = $Temporary[1..$Temporary.Count] -join "," $Data = Get-ADComputer -Identity $DistinguishedName -Properties Name, DNSHostName, OperatingSystem, DistinguishedName, ServicePrincipalName [PSCustomObject] @{Name = $Data.Name FQDN = $Data.DNSHostName OperatingSystem = $Data.OperatingSystem DistinguishedName = $Data.DistinguishedName Enabled = $Data.Enabled } } } function Find-ServerTypes { [cmdletbinding()] param([string[]][ValidateSet('All', 'ADConnect', 'DomainController', 'Exchange', 'Hyper-V', 'RDSLicense', 'SQL', 'VirtualMachine')] $Type = 'All') $Forest = Get-ADForest foreach ($Domain in $Forest.Domains) { try { $DomainInformation = Get-ADDomain -Server $Domain -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning "Find-ServerTypes - Domain $Domain couldn't be reached. Skipping" continue } try { $ServiceConnectionPoint = Get-ADObject -Filter 'ObjectClass -eq "serviceConnectionPoint"' -ErrorAction Stop -Server $Domain foreach ($Point in $ServiceConnectionPoint) { $Temporary = $Point.DistinguishedName.split(",") $DistinguishedName = $Temporary[1..$Temporary.Count] -join "," $Point | Add-Member -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'DN' -Value $DistinguishedName -Force } } catch { Write-Error "Find-ServerTypes - Get-ADObject command failed. Terminating. Error $_" return } $ADConnect = Find-ADConnectServer $Computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties Name, DNSHostName, OperatingSystem, DistinguishedName, ServicePrincipalName -Server $Domain $Servers = foreach ($Computer in $Computers) { $Services = foreach ($Service in $Computer.servicePrincipalName) { ($Service -split '/')[0] } [PSCustomObject] @{Name = $Computer.Name FQDN = $Computer.DNSHostName OperatingSystem = $Computer.OperatingSystem DistinguishedName = $Computer.DistinguishedName Enabled = $Computer.Enabled IsExchange = if ($Services -like '*ExchangeMDB*' -or $Services -like '*ExchangeRFR*') { $true } else { $false } IsSql = if ($Services -like '*MSSql*') { $true } else { $false } IsVM = if ($ServiceConnectionPoint.DN -eq $Computer.DistinguishedName -and $ServiceConnectionPoint.Name -eq 'Windows Virtual Machine') { $true } else { $false } IsHyperV = if ($Services -like '*Hyper-V Replica*') { $true } else { $false } IsSPHyperV = if ($ServiceConnectionPoint.DN -eq $Computer.DistinguishedName -and $ServiceConnectionPoint.Name -eq 'Microsoft Hyper-V') { $true } else { $false } IsRDSLicense = if ($ServiceConnectionPoint.DN -eq $Computer.DistinguishedName -and $ServiceConnectionPoint.Name -eq 'TermServLicensing') { $true } else { $false } IsDC = if ($DomainInformation.ReplicaDirectoryServers -contains $Computer.DNSHostName) { $true } else { $false } IsADConnect = if ($ADConnect.FQDN -eq $Computer.DNSHostName) { $true } else { $false } Forest = $Forest.Name Domain = $Domain ServicePrincipalName = ($Services | Sort-Object -Unique) -Join ',' ServiceConnectionPoint = ($ServiceConnectionPoint | Where-Object { $_.DN -eq $Computer.DistinguishedName }).Name -join ',' } } if ($Type -eq 'All') { $Servers } else { if ($Type -contains 'SQL') { $Servers | Where-Object { $_.IsSql -eq $true } } if ($Type -contains 'Exchange') { $Servers | Where-Object { $_.IsExchange -eq $true } } if ($Type -contains 'Hyper-V') { $Servers | Where-Object { $_.IsHyperV -eq $true -or $_.IsSPHyperV -eq $true } } if ($Type -contains 'VirtualMachine') { $Servers | Where-Object { $_.IsVM -eq $true } } if ($Type -contains 'RDSLicense') { $Servers | Where-Object { $_.IsRDSLicense -eq $true } } if ($Type -contains 'DomainController') { $Servers | Where-Object { $_.IsDC -eq $true } } if ($Type -contains 'DomainController') { $Servers | Where-Object { $_.IsDC -eq $true } } if ($Type -contains 'ADConnect') { $Servers | Where-Object { $_.IsADConnect -eq $true } } } } } function Find-UsersProxyAddressesStatus { param($User) $status = 'No proxy' if ($null -ne $user.proxyAddresses) { $count = 0 foreach ($proxy in $($user.ProxyAddresses)) { if ($proxy.SubString(0, 4) -ceq 'SMTP') { $count++ } } if ($count -eq 0) { $status = 'Missing primary proxy' } elseif ($count -gt 1) { $status = 'Multiple primary proxy' } else { $status = 'All OK' } } else { $status = 'Missing all proxy' } return $status } function Get-WinADForestControllers { [alias('Get-WinADDomainControllers')] <# .SYNOPSIS .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER TestAvailability Parameter description .EXAMPLE Get-WinADForestControllers -TestAvailability | Format-Table .EXAMPLE Get-WinADDomainControllers .EXAMPLE Get-WinADDomainControllers | Format-Table * Output: Domain HostName Forest IPV4Address IsGlobalCatalog IsReadOnly SchemaMaster DomainNamingMasterMaster PDCEmulator RIDMaster InfrastructureMaster Comment ------ -------- ------ ----------- --------------- ---------- ------------ ------------------------ ----------- --------- -------------------- ------- True False True True True True True True False False False False False False False False False False False Unable to contact the server. This may be becau... .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]] $Domain, [switch] $TestAvailability, [switch] $SkipEmpty) try { $Forest = Get-ADForest if (-not $Domain) { $Domain = $Forest.Domains } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " Write-Warning "Get-WinADForestControllers - Couldn't use Get-ADForest feature. Error: $ErrorMessage" return } $Servers = foreach ($D in $Domain) { try { $DC = Get-ADDomainController -Server $D -Filter * foreach ($S in $DC) { $Server = [ordered] @{Domain = $D HostName = $S.HostName Name = $S.Name Forest = $Forest.RootDomain IPV4Address = $S.IPV4Address IPV6Address = $S.IPV6Address IsGlobalCatalog = $S.IsGlobalCatalog IsReadOnly = $S.IsReadOnly Site = $S.Site SchemaMaster = ($S.OperationMasterRoles -contains 'SchemaMaster') DomainNamingMaster = ($S.OperationMasterRoles -contains 'DomainNamingMaster') PDCEmulator = ($S.OperationMasterRoles -contains 'PDCEmulator') RIDMaster = ($S.OperationMasterRoles -contains 'RIDMaster') InfrastructureMaster = ($S.OperationMasterRoles -contains 'InfrastructureMaster') LdapPort = $S.LdapPort SslPort = $S.SslPort Pingable = $null Comment = '' } if ($TestAvailability) { $Server['Pingable'] = foreach ($_ in $Server.IPV4Address) { Test-Connection -Count 1 -Server $_ -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } [PSCustomObject] $Server } } catch { [PSCustomObject]@{Domain = $D HostName = '' Name = '' Forest = $Forest.RootDomain IPV4Address = '' IPV6Address = '' IsGlobalCatalog = '' IsReadOnly = '' Site = '' SchemaMaster = $false DomainNamingMasterMaster = $false PDCEmulator = $false RIDMaster = $false InfrastructureMaster = $false LdapPort = '' SslPort = '' Pingable = $null Comment = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " } } } if ($SkipEmpty) { return $Servers | Where-Object { $_.HostName -ne '' } } return $Servers } Function Get-WinADForestOptions { <# .SYNOPSIS This Cmdlet gets Active Directory Site Options. .DESCRIPTION This Cmdlet gets Active Directory Site Options. We can fill out the rest of this comment-based help later. .LINK .LINK .NOTES Written by Ryan Ries, October 2013. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param() BEGIN { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @" [System.Flags] public enum nTDSSiteSettingsFlags { NTDSSETTINGS_OPT_IS_AUTO_TOPOLOGY_DISABLED = 0x00000001, NTDSSETTINGS_OPT_IS_TOPL_CLEANUP_DISABLED = 0x00000002, NTDSSETTINGS_OPT_IS_TOPL_MIN_HOPS_DISABLED = 0x00000004, NTDSSETTINGS_OPT_IS_TOPL_DETECT_STALE_DISABLED = 0x00000008, NTDSSETTINGS_OPT_IS_INTER_SITE_AUTO_TOPOLOGY_DISABLED = 0x00000010, NTDSSETTINGS_OPT_IS_GROUP_CACHING_ENABLED = 0x00000020, NTDSSETTINGS_OPT_FORCE_KCC_WHISTLER_BEHAVIOR = 0x00000040, NTDSSETTINGS_OPT_FORCE_KCC_W2K_ELECTION = 0x00000080, NTDSSETTINGS_OPT_IS_RAND_BH_SELECTION_DISABLED = 0x00000100, NTDSSETTINGS_OPT_IS_SCHEDULE_HASHING_ENABLED = 0x00000200, NTDSSETTINGS_OPT_IS_REDUNDANT_SERVER_TOPOLOGY_ENABLED = 0x00000400, NTDSSETTINGS_OPT_W2K3_IGNORE_SCHEDULES = 0x00000800, NTDSSETTINGS_OPT_W2K3_BRIDGES_REQUIRED = 0x00001000 } "@ ForEach ($Site In (Get-ADObject -Filter 'objectClass -eq "site"' -Searchbase (Get-ADRootDSE).ConfigurationNamingContext)) { $SiteSettings = Get-ADObject "CN=NTDS Site Settings,$($Site.DistinguishedName)" -Properties Options If (!$SiteSettings.PSObject.Properties.Match('Options').Count -OR $SiteSettings.Options -EQ 0) { [PSCustomObject]@{SiteName = $Site.Name DistinguishedName = $Site.DistinguishedName SiteOptions = '(none)' } } Else { [PSCustomObject]@{SiteName = $Site.Name DistinguishedName = $Site.DistinguishedName SiteOptions = [Enum]::Parse('nTDSSiteSettingsFlags', $SiteSettings.Options) } } } } } function Get-WinADOrganizationalUnitData { <# .SYNOPSIS Short description .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER OrganizationalUnit Parameter description .EXAMPLE An example Get-WinADOrganizationalUnitData -OrganizationalUnit 'OU=Users-O365,OU=Production,DC=ad,DC=evotec,DC=xyz' .NOTES Output of function: CanonicalName : City : CN : Country : PL Created : 09.11.2018 17:38:32 Description : OU for Synchronization of Users to Office 365 DisplayName : DistinguishedName : OU=Users-O365,OU=Production,DC=ad,DC=evotec,DC=xyz LinkedGroupPolicyObjects : {cn={74D09C6F-35E9-4743-BCF7-F87D7010C60D},cn=policies,cn=system,DC=ad,DC=evotec,DC=xyz} ManagedBy : Modified : 19.11.2018 22:54:47 Name : Users-O365 PostalCode : ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion : True State : StreetAddress : #> [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]] $OrganizationalUnit) $Output = foreach ($OU in $OrganizationalUnit) { $Data = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Identity $OU -Properties CanonicalName, City, CN, Country, Created, Description, DisplayName, DistinguishedName, ManagedBy, Modified, Name, OU, PostalCode, ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion, State, StreetAddress [PsCustomobject][Ordered] @{CanonicalName = $Data.CanonicalName City = $Data.City CN = $Data.CN Country = $Data.Country Created = $Data.Created Description = $Data.Description DisplayName = $Data.DisplayName DistinguishedName = $Data.DistinguishedName LinkedGroupPolicyObjects = $Data.LinkedGroupPolicyObjects ManagedBy = Get-WinADUsersByDN -DistinguishedName $U.ManagedBy Modified = $Data.Modified Name = $Data.Name PostalCode = $Data.PostalCode ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion = $Data.ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion State = $Data.State StreetAddress = $Data.StreetAddress } } return $Output } function Get-WinADOrganizationalUnitFromDN { <# .SYNOPSIS .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER DistinguishedName Parameter description .EXAMPLE An example $DistinguishedName = 'CN=Przemyslaw Klys,OU=Users,OU=Production,DC=ad,DC=evotec,DC=xyz' Get-WinADOrganizationalUnitFromDN -DistinguishedName $DistinguishedName .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] param($DistinguishedName) return [Regex]::Match($DistinguishedName, '(?=OU)(.*\n?)(?<=.)').Value } function Get-WinADUsersByDN { param([alias('DN')][string[]]$DistinguishedName, [string] $Field = 'DisplayName', [switch] $All) $Properties = 'DistinguishedName', 'Enabled', 'GivenName', 'Name', 'SamAccountName', 'SID', 'Surname', 'UserPrincipalName', 'EmailAddress', 'DisplayName' $Users = foreach ($DN in $DistinguishedName) { try { Get-ADUser -Identity $DN -Properties $Properties } catch { } } if ($All) { return $Users } else { return $Users.$Field } } function Get-WinADUsersByOU { [CmdletBinding()] param ($OrganizationalUnit) $OU = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit $OrganizationalUnit if ($OU.ObjectClass -eq 'OrganizationalUnit') { try { $Users = Get-ADUser -SearchBase $OU -Filter * -Properties $Script:UserProperties } catch { Write-Color @Script:WriteParameters -Text '[i]', ' One or more properties are invalid - Terminating', ' Terminating' -Color Yellow, White, Red return } } return $Users } function Get-WinADUserSnapshot { [CmdletBinding()] [alias("Get-ADUserSnapshot")] param ([parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Object] $User, [string] $XmlPath, [switch] $WhatIf) $Object = @() try { $FullData = Get-ADUser -Identity $User.DistinguishedName -Properties * if (($XmlPath) -and (Test-Path $XmlPath)) { $FullPath = [IO.Path]::Combine($XmlPath, "$($User.SamAccountName).xml") if (-not $WhatIf) { $FullData | Export-Clixml -Path $FullPath -ErrorAction Stop } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = "Saved to $FullPath" } } else { $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = 'XmlPath Incorrect' } } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } return $Object } function Remove-WinADUserGroups { [CmdletBinding()] [alias("Remove-ADUserGroups")] param([parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Object] $User, [ValidateSet("Distribution", "Security")][String] $GroupCategory , [ValidateSet("DomainLocal", "Global", "Universal")][String] $GroupScope, [string[]] $Groups, [switch] $All, [switch] $WhatIf) $Object = @() try { $ADgroups = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $User.DistinguishedName -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { $_.Name -ne "Domain Users" } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $Group.Name; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } if ($ADgroups) { if ($All) { foreach ($Group in $ADgroups) { try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $User.DistinguishedName -MemberOf $Group -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $Group.Name; Extended = 'Removed from group.' } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $Group.Name; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } } if ($GroupCategory) { $ADGroupsByCategory = $ADgroups | Where-Object { $_.GroupCategory -eq $GroupCategory } if ($ADGroupsByCategory) { foreach ($Group in $ADGroupsByCategory) { try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $User.DistinguishedName -MemberOf $Group -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $Group.Name; Extended = 'Removed from group.' } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $Group.Name; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } } } if ($GroupScope) { $ADGroupsByScope = $ADgroups | Where-Object { $_.GroupScope -eq $GroupScope } if ($ADGroupsByScope) { foreach ($Group in $ADGroupsByScope) { try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $User.DistinguishedName -MemberOf $Group -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $Group.Name; Extended = 'Removed from group.' } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $Group.Name; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } } } if ($Groups) { foreach ($Group in $Groups) { $ADGroupsByName = $ADgroups | Where-Object { $_.Name -like $Group } if ($ADGroupsByName) { try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $User.DistinguishedName -MemberOf $ADGroupsByName -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $Group.Name; Extended = 'Removed from group.' } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $Group.Name; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } else { $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $Group.Name; Extended = 'Not available on user.' } } } } } return $Object } function Set-WinADGroupSynchronization { [CmdletBinding()] param([parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $GroupFrom, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $GroupTo, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateSet("User", "Group", "All")][string] $Type = 'User', [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateSet("None", "RecursiveFrom", "RecursiveBoth", "RecursiveTo")] $Recursive = 'None', [switch] $WhatIf) Begin { $Object = @() if ($Recursive -eq 'None') { $GroupFromRecursive = $false $GroupToRecursive = $false } elseif ($Recursive -eq 'RecursiveFrom') { $GroupFromRecursive = $true $GroupToRecursive = $false } elseif ($Recursive -eq 'RecursiveBoth') { $GroupFromRecursive = $true $GroupToRecursive = $true } else { $GroupFromRecursive = $false $GroupToRecursive = $true } } Process { try { $GroupMembersFrom = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupFrom -Recursive:$GroupFromRecursive | Select-Object Name, ObjectClass, SamAccountName, UserPrincipalName } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $Group.Name; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } try { $GroupMembersTo = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupTo -Recursive:$GroupToRecursive | Select-Object Name, ObjectClass, SamAccountName, UserPrincipalName } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $Group.Name; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } if ($Object.Count -gt 0) { return $Object } foreach ($User in $GroupMembersFrom) { if ($User.ObjectClass -eq "user") { if ($Type -eq 'User' -or $Type -eq 'All') { if ($GroupMembersTo.SamAccountName -notcontains $User.SamAccountName) { try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupTo -Members $User.SamAccountName } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = "Added to group $GroupTo" } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $Group.Name; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } } } else { if ($Type -eq 'Group' -or $Type -eq 'All') { if ($GroupMembersTo.SamAccountName -notcontains $User.SamAccountName) { try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupTo -Members $User.SamAccountName } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = "Added to group $GroupTo" } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $Group.Name; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } } } } foreach ($User in $GroupMembersTo) { if ($User.ObjectClass -eq "user") { if ($Type -eq 'User' -or $Type -eq 'All') { if ($GroupMembersFrom.SamAccountName -notcontains $User.SamAccountName) { Write-Color "Not a member of $GroupFrom - requires removal from $GroupTo ", $User.SamAccountName -Color Red -LogFile $LogFile try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupTo -Members $User.SamAccountName -Confirm:$false } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = "Removed from group $GroupTo" } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $Group.Name; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } } } else { if ($Type -eq 'Group' -or $Type -eq 'All') { if ($GroupMembersFrom.SamAccountName -notcontains $User.SamAccountName) { Write-Color "Not a member of $GroupFrom - requires removal from $GroupTo ", $User.SamAccountName -Color Red -LogFile $LogFile try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupTo -Members $User.SamAccountName -Confirm:$false } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = "Removed from group $GroupTo" } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $Group.Name; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } } } } } End { return $object } } function Set-WinADUserFields { [CmdletBinding()] [alias("Set-ADUserName")] param ([parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Object] $User, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateSet("Before", "After")][String] $Option, [string] $TextToAdd, [string] $TextToRemove, [string[]] $Fields, [switch] $WhatIf) $Object = @() if ($TextToAdd) { foreach ($Field in $Fields) { if ($User.$Field -notlike "*$TextToAdd*") { if ($Option -eq 'After') { $NewName = "$($User.$Field)$TextToAdd" } elseif ($Option -eq 'Before') { $NewName = "$TextToAdd$($User."$Field")" } if ($NewName -ne $User.$Field) { if ($Field -eq 'Name') { try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Rename-ADObject -Identity $User.DistinguishedName -NewName $NewName } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = "Renamed account '$Field' to '$NewName'" } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } else { $Splat = @{Identity = $User.DistinguishedName "$Field" = $NewName } try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Set-ADUser @Splat } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = "Renamed field '$Field' to '$NewName'" } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } } } } } if ($TextToRemove) { foreach ($Field in $Fields) { if ($User.$Field -like "*$TextToRemove*") { $NewName = $($User.$Field).Replace($TextToRemove, '') if ($Field -eq 'Name') { try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Rename-ADObject -Identity $User.DistinguishedName -NewName $NewName } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = "Renamed account '$Field' to '$NewName'" } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = "Field: '$Field' Error: '$ErrorMessage'" } } } else { $Splat = @{Identity = $User.DistinguishedName "$Field" = $NewName } try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Set-ADUser @Splat } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = "Renamed field $Field to $NewName" } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = "Field: $Field Error: $ErrorMessage" } } } } } } return $Object } Function Set-WinADUserSettingGAL { [CmdletBinding()] [alias("Set-ADUserSettingGAL")] param ([parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Object] $User, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateSet("Hide", "Show")][String]$Option, [switch] $WhatIf) $Object = @() if ($User) { if ($Option -eq 'Hide') { if (-not $User.msExchHideFromAddressLists) { try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Set-ADObject -Identity $User.DistinguishedName -Replace @{msExchHideFromAddressLists = $true } } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = 'Hidden from GAL.' } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } } elseif ($Option -eq 'Show') { if ($User.msExchHideFromAddressLists) { try { if ($WhatIf) { Set-ADObject -Identity $User.DistinguishedName -Clear msExchHideFromAddressLists } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = 'Unhidden in GAL.' } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } } } return $Object } function Set-WinADUserStatus { [CmdletBinding()] [alias("Set-ADUserStatus")] param ([parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Object] $User, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateSet("Enable", "Disable")][String] $Option, [switch] $WhatIf) $Object = @() if ($Option -eq 'Enable' -and $User.Enabled -eq $false) { try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Set-ADUser -Identity $User.DistinguishedName -Enabled $true } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = 'Enabled user.' } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } elseif ($Option -eq 'Disable' -and $User.Enabled -eq $true) { try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Set-ADUser -Identity $User.DistinguishedName -Enabled $false } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = 'Disabled user.' } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } return $Object } function Add-PropertyToList { [CmdletBinding()] param($List, [ValidateSet("Password", "MailNickName")][string] $PropertyName) foreach ($Object in $List) { if ($PropertyName -eq 'Password') { $PropertyValue = Get-RandomPassword $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $PropertyName -Value $PropertyValue -Force } if ($PropertyName -eq 'MailNickName') { $PropertyValue = ($Object.UserPrincipalName).Split('@')[0] $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $PropertyName -Value $PropertyValue -Force } } return $List } function New-UserAdd { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param($Users) $Success = @() $Failed = @() $Output = @() foreach ($User in $Users) { $PasswordProfile = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile $PasswordProfile.Password = $User.Password $PasswordProfile.EnforceChangePasswordPolicy = $false $PasswordProfile.ForceChangePasswordNextLogin = $false try { if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($User.DisplayName)", "New-UserAdd")) { Write-Color "New-AzureADUser - Processing new user ", $User.DisplayName -Color White, Yellow if ($User.MailNickName) { if ($User.FirstName -eq $null -or $User.FirstName.Trim() -eq '') { $User.FirstName = 'Not set' } if ($User.LastName -eq $null -or $User.LastName.Trim() -eq '') { $User.LastName = 'Not set' } $Output += New-AzureADUser -UserPrincipalName $User.UserPrincipalName -GivenName ([string] $User.FirstName) -Surname ([string] $User.LastName) -DisplayName ([string] $User.DisplayName) -UsageLocation ([string] $User.CountryCode) -Country ([string] $User.Country) -City ([string] $User.City) -PasswordProfile $PasswordProfile -AccountEnabled $true -MailNickName ([string] $User.MailNickName) -ErrorAction Stop $Success += $User } else { $Failed += $User } } else { $Success += $User } } catch { $Failed += $User $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " Write-Warning "New-AzureADUser - Failed with error message: $ErrorMessage" } } $Data = @{ } $Data.Failed = $Failed $Data.Success = $Success return $Data } function Set-SpecUser { [CmdletBinding()] param($User, $UsersAzure) $UserAzure = $UsersAzure | where { $_.UserPrincipalName -eq $User.UserPrincipalName } if ($UserAzure) { Write-Color "Set-SpecUser - Processing user ", $User.DisplayName, ' - ObjectID: ', $($UserAzure.ObjectID), ' user password ', $User.Password -Color White, Yellow $Password = $User.Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force Set-AzureADUserPassword -ObjectId $UserAzure.ObjectID -Password $Password } else { Write-Color "Set-SpecUser - Skipping user ", $User.DisplayName, ' - ObjectID: ', $($UserAzure.ObjectID), ' user password ', $User.Password -Color White, Yellow } } function Set-WinAzureADUserField { [CmdletBinding()] param ([parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Object] $User, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][Object] $Value, [switch] $WhatIf) $Splat = @{ } $Splat.UserPrincipalName = $User.UserPrincipalName $Splat.ErrorAction = 'Stop' if ($Value) { $Field = "$($Value.Field)" if ($Field -eq 'UserPrincipalName') { $Field = 'NewUserPrincipalName' } $Data = $Value.Value $Splat.$Field = $Data } $Object = @() if ($User.$Field -ne $Data) { try { if (-not $WhatIf) { if ($Field -eq 'UserPrincipalName') { Set-MsolUserPrincipalName @Splat } else { Set-MsolUser @Splat } } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.UserPrincipalName; Extended = "Set $Field to $Data" } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " -Replace ' ', ' ' $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $User.UserPrincipalName; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } return $Object } function Set-WinAzureADUserLicense { [CmdletBinding()] param ([parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Object] $User, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateSet("Add", "Remove", "RemoveAll", "Replace")][String] $Option, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string] $License, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string] $LicenseToReplace, [switch] $WhatIf) $Object = @() if ($Option -eq 'Add') { try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $User.UserPrincipalName -AddLicenses $License -ErrorAction Stop } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.UserPrincipalName; Extended = "Added license $License to user." } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $User.UserPrincipalName; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } elseif ($Option -eq 'Remove') { try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $User.UserPrincipalName -RemoveLicenses $License -ErrorAction Stop } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.UserPrincipalName; Extended = "Removed license $License from user." } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $User.UserPrincipalName; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } elseif ($Option -eq 'RemoveAll') { try { foreach ($License in $User.Licenses.AccountSKUID) { if (-not $WhatIf) { Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $User.UserPrincipalName -RemoveLicenses $License -ErrorAction Stop } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.UserPrincipalName; Extended = "Removed license $License from user." } } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $User.UserPrincipalName; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } elseif ($Option -eq 'Replace') { [bool] $Success = $true try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $User.UserPrincipalName -AddLicenses $License } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.UserPrincipalName; Extended = "Added license $License to user before removing $LicenseToReplace." } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $User.UserPrincipalName; Extended = $ErrorMessage } $Success = $false } if ($Success) { try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $User.UserPrincipalName -RemoveLicenses $License -ErrorAction Stop } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.UserPrincipalName; Extended = "Removed license $LicenseToReplace from user." } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $User.UserPrincipalName; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } } return $Object } function Set-WinAzureADUserStatus { [CmdletBinding()] param ([parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Object] $User, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateSet("Enable", "Disable")][String] $Option, [switch] $WhatIf) $Object = @() if ($Option -eq 'Enable' -and $User.BlockCredential -eq $true) { try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $User.UserPrincipalName -BlockCredential $false } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.UserPrincipalName; Extended = 'Enabled user.' } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $User.UserPrincipalName; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } elseif ($Option -eq 'Disable' -and $User.BlockCredential -eq $false) { try { if (-not $WhatIf) { Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $User.UserPrincipalName -BlockCredential $true } $Object += @{Status = $true; Output = $User.UserPrincipalName; Extended = 'Disabled user.' } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " $Object += @{Status = $false; Output = $User.UserPrincipalName; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } } return $Object } function Get-CimData { <# .SYNOPSIS Short description .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER ComputerName Parameter description .PARAMETER Protocol Parameter description .PARAMETER Class Parameter description .PARAMETER Properties Parameter description .EXAMPLE Get-CimData -Class 'win32_bios' -ComputerName AD1,EVOWIN Get-CimData -Class 'win32_bios' # Get-CimClass to get all classes .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] param([string] $Class, [string] $NameSpace = 'root\cimv2', [string[]] $ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME, [ValidateSet('Default', 'Dcom', 'Wsman')][string] $Protocol = 'Default', [string[]] $Properties = '*') $ExcludeProperties = 'CimClass', 'CimInstanceProperties', 'CimSystemProperties', 'SystemCreationClassName', 'CreationClassName' try { $LocalComputerDNSName = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($Env:COMPUTERNAME).HostName } catch { $LocalComputerDNSName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME } $CimObject = @(# requires removal of this property for query [string[]] $PropertiesOnly = $Properties | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'PSComputerName' } $Computers = $ComputerName | Where-Object { $_ -ne $Env:COMPUTERNAME -and $_ -ne $LocalComputerDNSName } if ($Computers.Count -gt 0) { if ($Protocol = 'Default') { Get-CimInstance -ClassName $Class -ComputerName $Computers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Property $PropertiesOnly -Namespace $NameSpace | Select-Object -Property $Properties -ExcludeProperty $ExcludeProperties } else { $Option = New-CimSessionOption -Protocol $Session = New-CimSession -ComputerName $Computers -SessionOption $Option -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Info = Get-CimInstance -ClassName $Class -CimSession $Session -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Property $PropertiesOnly -Namespace $NameSpace | Select-Object -Property $Properties -ExcludeProperty $ExcludeProperties $null = Remove-CimSession -CimSession $Session -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Info } } $Computers = $ComputerName | Where-Object { $_ -eq $Env:COMPUTERNAME -or $_ -eq $LocalComputerDNSName } if ($Computers.Count -gt 0) { $Info = Get-CimInstance -ClassName $Class -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Property $PropertiesOnly -Namespace $NameSpace | Select-Object -Property $Properties -ExcludeProperty $ExcludeProperties $Info | Add-Member -Name 'PSComputerName' -Value $Computers -MemberType NoteProperty -Force $Info }) $CimComputers = $CimObject.PSComputerName | Sort-Object -Unique foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) { if ($CimComputers -notcontains $Computer) { Write-Warning "Get-CimData - No data for computer $Computer. Most likely an error on receiving side." } } return $CimObject } function Get-ComputerApplications { [CmdletBinding()] param([string] $ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME) try { $LocalComputerDNSName = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($Env:COMPUTERNAME).HostName } catch { $LocalComputerDNSName = $ComputerName } if ($ComputerName -eq $Env:COMPUTERNAME -or $ComputerName -eq $LocalComputerDNSName) { $Parameters = @{ } } else { $Parameters = @{ComputerName = $ComputerName } } $ScriptBlock = { $objapp1 = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* $objapp2 = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* $app1 = $objapp1 | Select-Object Displayname, Displayversion , Publisher, Installdate, @{Expression = { 'x64' }; Label = "WindowsType" } $app2 = $objapp2 | Select-Object Displayname, Displayversion , Publisher, Installdate, @{Expression = { 'x86' }; Label = "WindowsType" } | Where-Object { -NOT (([string]$_.displayname).contains("Security Update for Microsoft") -or ([string]$_.displayname).contains("Update for Microsoft")) } $app = $app1 + $app2 return $app | Where-Object { $null -ne $_.Displayname } | Sort-Object DisplayName } try { $Data = Invoke-Command @Parameters -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $ComputerName foreach ($_ in $Data) { Add-Member -InputObject $_ -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ComputerName' -Value $ComputerName -Force } return $Data | Select-Object -Property Displayname, DisplayVersion , Publisher, Installdate, WindowsType, 'ComputerName' } catch { Write-Warning "Get-ComputerApplications - No data for computer $ComputerName" return } } function Get-ComputerBios { [CmdletBinding()] param([string] $ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME) $Data1 = Get-WmiObject win32_bios -ComputerName $ComputerName | Select-Object Status, Version, PrimaryBIOS, Manufacturer, ReleaseDate, SerialNumber return $Data1 } function Get-ComputerCPU { [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]] $ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME, [ValidateSet('Default', 'Dcom', 'Wsman')][string] $Protocol = 'Default', [switch] $All) [string] $Class = 'win32_processor' if ($All) { [string] $Properties = '*' } else { [string[]] $Properties = 'PSComputerName', 'Name', 'DeviceID', 'Caption', 'SystemName', 'CurrentClockSpeed', 'MaxClockSpeed', 'ProcessorID', 'ThreadCount', 'Architecture', 'Status', 'LoadPercentage', 'L3CacheSize', 'Manufacturer', 'VirtualizationFirmwareEnabled', 'NumberOfCores', 'NumberOfEnabledCore', 'NumberOfLogicalProcessors' } $Information = Get-CimData -ComputerName $ComputerName -Protocol $Protocol -Class $Class -Properties $Properties if ($All) { $Information } else { foreach ($Info in $Information) { foreach ($Data in $Info) { [PSCustomObject] @{ComputerName = if ($Data.PSComputerName) { $Data.PSComputerName } else { $Env:COMPUTERNAME } Name = $Data.Name DeviceID = $Data.DeviceID Caption = $Data.Caption CurrentClockSpeed = $Data.CurrentClockSpeed MaxClockSpeed = $Data.MaxClockSpeed ProcessorID = $Data.ProcessorID ThreadCount = $Data.ThreadCount Architecture = $Data.Architecture Status = $Data.Status LoadPercentage = $Data.LoadPercentage Manufacturer = $Data.Manufacturer NumberOfCores = $Data.NumberOfCores NumberOfEnabledCore = $Data.NumberOfEnabledCore NumberOfLogicalProcessors = $Data.NumberOfLogicalProcessors } } } } } function Get-ComputerCulture { [CmdletBinding()] param([string] $ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME) $ScriptBlock = { Get-Culture | Select-Object KeyboardLayoutId, DisplayName, @{Expression = { $_.ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName }; Label = "Windows Language" } } if ($ComputerName -eq $Env:COMPUTERNAME) { $Data8 = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock } else { $Data8 = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock } return $Data8 } function Get-ComputerDisk { <# .SYNOPSIS Short description .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER ComputerName Parameter description .PARAMETER Protocol Parameter description .PARAMETER All Parameter description .EXAMPLE Get-ComputerDisk -ComputerName AD1, AD2, EVO1, AD2019 | Format-Table -AutoSize * Output: WARNING: Get-ComputerSystem - No data for computer AD2019. Most likely an error on receiving side. ComputerName Index Model Caption SerialNumber Description MediaType FirmwareRevision Partitions SizeGB PNPDeviceID ------------ ----- ----- ------- ------------ ----------- --------- ---------------- ---------- ------ ----------- AD1 0 Microsoft Virtual Disk Microsoft Virtual Disk Disk drive Fixed hard disk media 1.0 3 127 SCSI\DISK&VEN_MSFT&PROD_VIRTUAL_DISK\000000 AD2 0 Microsoft Virtual Disk Microsoft Virtual Disk Disk drive Fixed hard disk media 1.0 3 127 SCSI\DISK&VEN_MSFT&PROD_VIRTUAL_DISK\000000 EVO1 0 WDC WD30EFRX-68AX9N0 WDC WD30EFRX-68AX9N0 WD-WMC1T2351095 Disk drive Fixed hard disk media 80.00A80 1 2795 SCSI\DISK&VEN_WDC&PROD_WD30EFRX-68AX9N0\4&191557A4&0&000000 EVO1 2 Samsung SSD 950 PRO 512GB Samsung SSD 950 PRO 512GB 0025_3857_61B0_0EF2. Disk drive Fixed hard disk media 2B0Q 3 477 SCSI\DISK&VEN_NVME&PROD_SAMSUNG_SSD_950\5&35365596&0&000000 EVO1 1 Samsung SSD 860 EVO 500GB Samsung SSD 860 EVO 500GB S3Z2NB0K176976A Disk drive Fixed hard disk media RVT01B6Q 1 466 SCSI\DISK&VEN_SAMSUNG&PROD_SSD\4&191557A4&0&000100 .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]] $ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME, [ValidateSet('Default', 'Dcom', 'Wsman')][string] $Protocol = 'Default', [switch] $All) [string] $Class = 'win32_diskdrive' if ($All) { [string] $Properties = '*' } else { [string[]] $Properties = 'Index', 'Model', 'Caption', 'SerialNumber', 'Description', 'MediaType', 'FirmwareRevision', 'Partitions', 'Size', 'PNPDeviceID', 'PSComputerName' } $Information = Get-CimData -ComputerName $ComputerName -Protocol $Protocol -Class $Class -Properties $Properties if ($All) { $Information } else { foreach ($Info in $Information) { foreach ($Data in $Info) { [PSCustomObject] @{ComputerName = if ($Data.PSComputerName) { $Data.PSComputerName } else { $Env:COMPUTERNAME } Index = $Data.Index Model = $Data.Model Caption = $Data.Caption SerialNumber = if ($Data.SerialNumber) { $Data.SerialNumber.Trim() } else { '' } Description = $Data.Description MediaType = $Data.MediaType FirmwareRevision = $Data.FirmwareRevision Partitions = $Data.Partitions SizeGB = $Data.Size / 1Gb -as [int] PNPDeviceID = $Data.PNPDeviceID } } } } } function Get-ComputerDiskLogical { <# .SYNOPSIS Getting drive space .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER ComputerName Parameter description .PARAMETER Protocol Parameter description .PARAMETER RoundingPlaceRoundingPlace .PARAMETER RoundingPlace .PARAMETER OnlyLocalDisk Parameter description .PARAMETER All Parameter description .EXAMPLE Get-ComputerDiskLogical -ComputerName AD1, AD2, EVOWIN -OnlyLocalDisk | ft -AutoSize Output: ComputerName DeviceID DriveType ProviderName FreeSpace UsedSpace TotalSpace FreePercent UsedPercent VolumeName ------------ -------- --------- ------------ --------- --------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- AD2 C: Local Disk 96,96 29,49 126,45 76,68 23,32 AD1 C: Local Disk 103,17 23,28 126,45 81,59 18,41 EVOWIN C: Local Disk 133,31 343,03 476,34 27,99 72,01 EVOWIN D: Local Disk 2433 361,4 2794,39 87,07 12,93 Media EVOWIN E: Local Disk 66,05 399,7 465,75 14,18 85,82 Testing Environment .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]] $ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME, [ValidateSet('Default', 'Dcom', 'Wsman')][string] $Protocol = 'Default', [string][ValidateSet('GB', 'TB', 'MB')] $Size = 'GB', [int] $RoundingPlace = 2, [int] $RoundingPlacePercent = 2, [switch] $OnlyLocalDisk, [switch] $All) [string] $Class = 'win32_logicalDisk' if ($All) { [string] $Properties = '*' } else { [string[]] $Properties = 'DeviceID', 'DriveType', 'ProviderName', 'FreeSpace', 'Size', 'VolumeName', 'PSComputerName' } $DriveType = @{'0' = 'Unknown' '1' = 'No Root Directory' '2' = 'Removable Disk' '3' = 'Local Disk' '4' = 'Network Drive' '5' = 'Compact Disc' '6' = 'RAM Disk' } $Divider = "1$Size" $Information = Get-CimData -ComputerName $ComputerName -Protocol $Protocol -Class $Class -Properties $Properties if ($All) { $Information } else { $Output = foreach ($Info in $Information) { foreach ($Data in $Info) { [PSCustomObject] @{ComputerName = if ($Data.PSComputerName) { $Data.PSComputerName } else { $Env:COMPUTERNAME } DeviceID = $Data.DeviceID DriveType = $DriveType["$($Data.DriveType)"] ProviderName = $Data.ProviderName FreeSpace = [Math]::Round($Data.FreeSpace / $Divider, $RoundingPlace) UsedSpace = [Math]::Round(($Data.Size - $Data.FreeSpace) / $Divider, $RoundingPlace) TotalSpace = [Math]::Round($Data.Size / $Divider, $RoundingPlace) FreePercent = if ($Data.Size -gt 0) { [Math]::round(($Data.FreeSpace / $Data.Size) * 100, $RoundingPlacePercent) } else { '0' } UsedPercent = if ($Data.Size -gt 0) { [Math]::round((($Data.Size - $Data.FreeSpace) / $Data.Size) * 100, $RoundingPlacePercent) } else { '0' } VolumeName = $Data.VolumeName } } } if ($OnlyLocalDisk) { $Output | Where-Object { $_.DriveType -eq 'Local Disk' } } else { $Output } } } function Get-ComputerMissingDrivers { [CmdletBinding()] param([string] $ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME) $Data = Get-WmiObject Win32_PNPEntity -ComputerName $ComputerName | Where-Object { $_.Configmanagererrorcode -ne 0 } | Select-Object Caption, ConfigmanagererrorCode, Description, DeviceId, HardwareId, PNPDeviceID return $Data } function Get-ComputerNetwork { [alias('Get-ComputerNetworkCard')] <# .SYNOPSIS .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER ComputerName Parameter description .PARAMETER NetworkFirewallOnly Parameter description .PARAMETER NetworkFirewallSummaryOnly Parameter description .EXAMPLE Get-ComputerNetworkCard -ComputerName AD1, AD2, AD3 Output Name NetworkCardName NetworkCardIndex FirewallProfile FirewallStatus IPv4Connectivity IPv6Connectivity Caption Description ElementName DefaultInboundAction DefaultOutboundAction AllowInboundRules AllowLocalFirewallRules AllowLocalIPsecRules AllowUserApps AllowUserPorts AllowUnicastResponseToMulticast NotifyOnListen EnableStealthModeForIPsec LogFileName LogMaxSizeKilobytes LogAllowed LogBlo cked ---- --------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------- ----------- ----------- -------------------- --------------------- ----------------- ----------------------- -------------------- ------------- -------------- ------------------------------- -------------- ------------------------- ----------- ------------------- ---------- ------ vEthernet (External Switch) 13 DomainAuthenticated True Internet NoTraffic NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured True NotConfigured %systemroot%\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\pfirewall.log 4096 False False Network 2 Ethernet 2 2 Private True Internet NoTraffic Block Allow NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured False NotConfigured %systemroot%\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\pfirewall.log 4096 False False Network Ethernet 2 Private True LocalNetwork NoTraffic NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured False NotConfigured %systemroot%\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\pfirewall.log 4096 False False Ethernet 5 3 DomainAuthenticated False Internet NoTraffic NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured False NotConfigured %systemroot%\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\pfirewall.log 4096 False False Network 2 Ethernet 4 12 Private False LocalNetwork NoTraffic NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured False NotConfigured %systemroot%\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\pfirewall.log 4096 False False .EXAMPLE Get-ComputerNetworkCard -ComputerName EVOWIN -NetworkFirewallOnly PSComputerName Profile Enabled DefaultInboundAction DefaultOutboundAction AllowInboundRules AllowLocalFirewallRules AllowLocalIPsecRules AllowUserApps AllowUserPorts AllowUnicastResponseToMulticast NotifyOnListen EnableStealthModeForIPsec LogMaxSizeKilobytes LogAllowed LogBlocked LogIgnored Caption Description ElementName InstanceID DisabledInterfaceAliases LogFileName Name CimClass -------------- ------- ------- -------------------- --------------------- ----------------- ----------------------- -------------------- ------------- -------------- ------------------------------- -------------- ------------------------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ------------------------ ----------- ---- -------- EVOWIN Domain True NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured True NotConfigured 4096 False False NotConfigured MSFT|FW|FirewallProfile|Domain {NotConfigured} %systemroot%\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\pfirewall.log Domain root/stand... EVOWIN Private True NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured True NotConfigured 4096 False False NotConfigured MSFT|FW|FirewallProfile|Private {NotConfigured} %systemroot%\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\pfirewall.log Private root/stand... EVOWIN Public True NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured NotConfigured True NotConfigured 4096 False False NotConfigured MSFT|FW|FirewallProfile|Public {NotConfigured} %systemroot%\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\pfirewall.log Public root/stand... .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]] $ComputerName, [switch] $NetworkFirewallOnly, [switch] $NetworkFirewallSummaryOnly, [alias('Joiner')][string] $Splitter) [Array] $CollectionComputers = $ComputerName.Where( { $_ -eq $Env:COMPUTERNAME }, 'Split') $Firewall = @{ } $NetworkFirewall = @(if ($CollectionComputers[0].Count -gt 0) { $Firewall[$Env:COMPUTERNAME] = @{ } $Output = Get-NetFirewallProfile foreach ($_ in $Output) { Add-Member -InputObject $_ -Name 'PSComputerName' -Value $Env:COMPUTERNAME -Type NoteProperty -Force $_ if ($_.Name -eq 'Domain') { $Firewall[$Env:COMPUTERNAME]['DomainAuthenticated'] = $_ } else { $Firewall[$Env:COMPUTERNAME][$($_.Name)] = $_ } } } if ($CollectionComputers[1].Count -gt 0) { foreach ($_ in $CollectionComputers[1]) { $Firewall[$_] = @{ } } $Output = Get-NetFirewallProfile -CimSession $CollectionComputers[1] foreach ($_ in $Output) { if ($_.Name -eq 'Domain') { $Firewall[$_.PSComputerName]['DomainAuthenticated'] = $_ } else { $Firewall[$_.PSComputerName][$($_.Name)] = $_ } } }) if ($NetworkFirewallOnly) { return $NetworkFirewall } if ($NetworkFirewallSummaryOnly) { return $Firewall } $NetworkCards = @(if ($CollectionComputers[0].Count -gt 0) { $Output = Get-NetConnectionProfile foreach ($_ in $Output) { Add-Member -InputObject $_ -Name 'PSComputerName' -Value $Env:COMPUTERNAME -Type NoteProperty -Force $_ } } if ($CollectionComputers[1].Count -gt 0) { Get-NetConnectionProfile -CimSession $CollectionComputers[1] }) foreach ($_ in $NetworkCards) { $NetworkCardsConfiguration = Get-CimData -ComputerName $ComputerName -Class 'Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration' $CurrentCard = foreach ($Configuration in $NetworkCardsConfiguration) { if ($_.PSComputerName -eq $Configuration.PSComputerName) { if ($Configuration.InterfaceIndex -eq $_.InterfaceIndex) { $Configuration } } } $NetbiosTCPIP = @{'0' = 'Default' '1' = 'Enabled' '2' = 'Disabled' } [PSCustomObject] @{Name = $_.Name NetworkCardName = $_.InterfaceAlias NetworkCardIndex = $_.InterfaceIndex FirewallProfile = $_.NetworkCategory FirewallStatus = $Firewall[$_.PSComputerName]["$($_.NetworkCategory)"].'Enabled' IPv4Connectivity = $_.IPv4Connectivity IPv4Address = $CurrentCard.IPAddress IPV4Gateway = $CurrentCard.DefaultIPGateway IPv4Subnet = $CurrentCard.IPSubnet DNSServerSearchOrder = $CurrentCard.DNSServerSearchOrder DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder = $CurrentCard.DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder FullDNSRegistrationEnabled = $CurrentCard.FullDNSRegistrationEnabled DHCPEnabled = $CurrentCard.DHCPEnabled DHCPServer = $CurrentCard.DHCPServer DHCPLeaseObtained = $CurrentCard.DHCPLeaseObtained NetBIOSOverTCPIP = $NetBiosTCPIP["$($CurrentCard.TcpipNetbiosOptions)"] Caption = $_.Caption Description = $_.Description ElementName = $_.ElementName IPv6Connectivity = $_.IPv6Connectivity DefaultInboundAction = $Firewall[$_.PSComputerName]["$($_.NetworkCategory)"].DefaultInboundAction DefaultOutboundAction = $Firewall[$_.PSComputerName]["$($_.NetworkCategory)"].DefaultOutboundAction AllowInboundRules = $Firewall[$_.PSComputerName]["$($_.NetworkCategory)"].AllowInboundRules AllowLocalFirewallRules = $Firewall[$_.PSComputerName]["$($_.NetworkCategory)"].AllowLocalFirewallRules AllowLocalIPsecRules = $Firewall[$_.PSComputerName]["$($_.NetworkCategory)"].AllowLocalIPsecRules AllowUserApps = $Firewall[$_.PSComputerName]["$($_.NetworkCategory)"].AllowUserApps AllowUserPorts = $Firewall[$_.PSComputerName]["$($_.NetworkCategory)"].AllowUserPorts AllowUnicastResponseToMulticast = $Firewall[$_.PSComputerName]["$($_.NetworkCategory)"].AllowUnicastResponseToMulticast NotifyOnListen = $Firewall[$_.PSComputerName]["$($_.NetworkCategory)"].NotifyOnListen EnableStealthModeForIPsec = $Firewall[$_.PSComputerName]["$($_.NetworkCategory)"].EnableStealthModeForIPsec LogFileName = $Firewall[$_.PSComputerName]["$($_.NetworkCategory)"].LogFileName LogMaxSizeKilobytes = $Firewall[$_.PSComputerName]["$($_.NetworkCategory)"].LogMaxSizeKilobytes LogAllowed = $Firewall[$_.PSComputerName]["$($_.NetworkCategory)"].LogAllowed LogBlocked = $Firewall[$_.PSComputerName]["$($_.NetworkCategory)"].LogBlocked LogIgnored = $Firewall[$_.PSComputerName]["$($_.NetworkCategory)"].LogIgnored ComputerName = $_.PSComputerName } } } function Get-ComputerOemInformation { [CmdletBinding()] param([string] $ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME) $ScriptBlock = { Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OEMInformation | Select-Object Model, Manufacturer, Logo, SupportPhone, SupportURL, SupportHours } if ($ComputerName -eq $Env:COMPUTERNAME) { $Data = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock } else { $Data = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock } return $Data } function Get-ComputerOperatingSystem { [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]] $ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME, [ValidateSet('Default', 'Dcom', 'Wsman')][string] $Protocol = 'Default', [switch] $All) [string] $Class = 'win32_operatingsystem' if ($All) { [string] $Properties = '*' } else { [string[]] $Properties = 'Caption', 'Manufacturer', 'InstallDate', 'OSArchitecture', 'Version', 'SerialNumber', 'BootDevice', 'WindowsDirectory', 'CountryCode', 'OSLanguage', 'OSProductSuite', 'PSComputerName', 'LastBootUpTime', 'LocalDateTime' } $Information = Get-CimData -ComputerName $ComputerName -Protocol $Protocol -Class $Class -Properties $Properties if ($All) { $Information } else { foreach ($Info in $Information) { foreach ($Data in $Info) { [PSCustomObject] @{ComputerName = if ($Data.PSComputerName) { $Data.PSComputerName } else { $Env:COMPUTERNAME } OperatingSystem = $Data.Caption OperatingSystemVersion = ConvertTo-OperatingSystem -OperatingSystem $Data.Caption -OperatingSystemVersion $Data.Version OperatingSystemBuild = $Data.Version Manufacturer = $Data.Manufacturer OSArchitecture = $Data.OSArchitecture OSLanguage = $Data.OSLanguage OSProductSuite = $Data.OSProductSuite InstallDate = $Data.InstallDate LastBootUpTime = $Data.LastBootUpTime LocalDateTime = $Data.LocalDateTime SerialNumber = $Data.SerialNumber BootDevice = $Data.BootDevice WindowsDirectory = $Data.WindowsDirectory CountryCode = $Data.CountryCode } } } } } function Get-ComputerRDP { [alias('Get-RDPSecurity')] [cmdletbinding()] param([string[]] $ComputerName) $Output = Get-CimData -class 'Win32_TSGeneralSetting' -NameSpace 'root\cimv2\terminalservices' -ComputerName $ComputerName foreach ($_ in $Output) { $EncryptionLevels = @{'1' = 'Low' '2' = 'Medium / Client Compatible' '3' = 'High' '4' = 'FIPS Compliant' } $PolicyConfiguredBy = @{'0' = 'Server' '1' = 'Group policy' '2' = 'Default' } $SecurityLayers = @{'1' = 'RDP Security Layer' '2' = 'Negotiate' '3' = 'SSL' '4' = 'NEWTBD' } $HashType = @{'0' = 'Not valid' '1' = 'Self-signed' '2' = 'Custom' } $Connectivity = Test-ComputerPort -ComputerName $_.PSComputerName -PortTCP 3389 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue [PSCustomObject] @{ComputerName = $_.PSComputerName Name = $_.TerminalName Connectivity = $Connectivity.Status ConnectivitySummary = $Connectivity.Summary SecurityLayer = $SecurityLayers["$($_.SecurityLayer)"] MinimalEncryptionLevel = $EncryptionLevels["$($_.MinEncryptionLevel)"] MinimalEncryptionLevelValue = $_.MinEncryptionLevel PolicySourceUserAuthenticationRequired = $PolicyConfiguredBy["$($_.PolicySourceUserAuthenticationRequired)"] PolicySourceMinimalEncryptionLevel = $PolicyConfiguredBy["$($_.PolicySourceMinEncryptionLevel)"] PolicySourceSecurityLayer = $PolicyConfiguredBy["$($_.PolicySourceSecurityLayer)"] CertificateName = $_.CertificateName CertificateThumbprint = $_.SSLCertificateSHA1Hash CertificateType = $HashType["$($_.SSLCertificateSHA1HashType)"] Transport = $_.Transport Protocol = $_.TerminalProtocol UserAuthenticationRequired = [bool] $_.UserAuthenticationRequired WindowsAuthentication = [bool] $_.WindowsAuthentication } } } function Get-ComputerServices { [CmdletBinding()] param([stirng] $ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME) $Services = Get-PSService -ComputerName $ComputerName | Select-Object Name, Displayname, Status return $Services } function Get-ComputerSMB { <# .SYNOPSIS Short description .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER ComputerName Parameter description .EXAMPLE Get-ComputerSMB -ComputerName $ENV:COMPUTERNAME .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]] $ComputerName) [Array] $CollectionComputers = $ComputerName.Where( { $_ -eq $Env:COMPUTERNAME }, 'Split') $SMB = @(if ($CollectionComputers[0].Count -gt 0) { $Output = Get-SmbServerConfiguration foreach ($_ in $Output) { [PSCustomObject] @{ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME AnnounceComment = $_.AnnounceComment AnnounceServer = $_.AnnounceServer AsynchronousCredits = $_.AsynchronousCredits AuditSmb1Access = $_.AuditSmb1Access AutoDisconnectTimeout = $_.AutoDisconnectTimeout AutoShareServer = $_.AutoShareServer AutoShareWorkstation = $_.AutoShareWorkstation CachedOpenLimit = $_.CachedOpenLimit DurableHandleV2TimeoutInSeconds = $_.DurableHandleV2TimeoutInSeconds EnableAuthenticateUserSharing = $_.EnableAuthenticateUserSharing EnableDownlevelTimewarp = $_.EnableDownlevelTimewarp EnableForcedLogoff = $_.EnableForcedLogoff EnableLeasing = $_.EnableLeasing EnableMultiChannel = $_.EnableMultiChannel EnableOplocks = $_.EnableOplocks EnableSecuritySignature = $_.EnableSecuritySignature EnableSMB1Protocol = $_.EnableSMB1Protocol EnableSMB2Protocol = $_.EnableSMB2Protocol EnableStrictNameChecking = $_.EnableStrictNameChecking EncryptData = $_.EncryptData IrpStackSize = $_.IrpStackSize KeepAliveTime = $_.KeepAliveTime MaxChannelPerSession = $_.MaxChannelPerSession MaxMpxCount = $_.MaxMpxCount MaxSessionPerConnection = $_.MaxSessionPerConnection MaxThreadsPerQueue = $_.MaxThreadsPerQueue MaxWorkItems = $_.MaxWorkItems NullSessionPipes = $_.NullSessionPipes NullSessionShares = $_.NullSessionShares OplockBreakWait = $_.OplockBreakWait PendingClientTimeoutInSeconds = $_.PendingClientTimeoutInSeconds RejectUnencryptedAccess = $_.RejectUnencryptedAccess RequireSecuritySignature = $_.RequireSecuritySignature ServerHidden = $_.ServerHidden Smb2CreditsMax = $_.Smb2CreditsMax Smb2CreditsMin = $_.Smb2CreditsMin SmbServerNameHardeningLevel = $_.SmbServerNameHardeningLevel TreatHostAsStableStorage = $_.TreatHostAsStableStorage ValidateAliasNotCircular = $_.ValidateAliasNotCircular ValidateShareScope = $_.ValidateShareScope ValidateShareScopeNotAliased = $_.ValidateShareScopeNotAliased ValidateTargetName = $_.ValidateTargetName } } } if ($CollectionComputers[1].Count -gt 0) { $Output = Get-SmbServerConfiguration -CimSession $CollectionComputers[1] foreach ($_ in $Output) { [PSCustomObject] @{ComputerName = $_.PSComputerName AnnounceComment = $_.AnnounceComment AnnounceServer = $_.AnnounceServer AsynchronousCredits = $_.AsynchronousCredits AuditSmb1Access = $_.AuditSmb1Access AutoDisconnectTimeout = $_.AutoDisconnectTimeout AutoShareServer = $_.AutoShareServer AutoShareWorkstation = $_.AutoShareWorkstation CachedOpenLimit = $_.CachedOpenLimit DurableHandleV2TimeoutInSeconds = $_.DurableHandleV2TimeoutInSeconds EnableAuthenticateUserSharing = $_.EnableAuthenticateUserSharing EnableDownlevelTimewarp = $_.EnableDownlevelTimewarp EnableForcedLogoff = $_.EnableForcedLogoff EnableLeasing = $_.EnableLeasing EnableMultiChannel = $_.EnableMultiChannel EnableOplocks = $_.EnableOplocks EnableSecuritySignature = $_.EnableSecuritySignature EnableSMB1Protocol = $_.EnableSMB1Protocol EnableSMB2Protocol = $_.EnableSMB2Protocol EnableStrictNameChecking = $_.EnableStrictNameChecking EncryptData = $_.EncryptData IrpStackSize = $_.IrpStackSize KeepAliveTime = $_.KeepAliveTime MaxChannelPerSession = $_.MaxChannelPerSession MaxMpxCount = $_.MaxMpxCount MaxSessionPerConnection = $_.MaxSessionPerConnection MaxThreadsPerQueue = $_.MaxThreadsPerQueue MaxWorkItems = $_.MaxWorkItems NullSessionPipes = $_.NullSessionPipes NullSessionShares = $_.NullSessionShares OplockBreakWait = $_.OplockBreakWait PendingClientTimeoutInSeconds = $_.PendingClientTimeoutInSeconds RejectUnencryptedAccess = $_.RejectUnencryptedAccess RequireSecuritySignature = $_.RequireSecuritySignature ServerHidden = $_.ServerHidden Smb2CreditsMax = $_.Smb2CreditsMax Smb2CreditsMin = $_.Smb2CreditsMin SmbServerNameHardeningLevel = $_.SmbServerNameHardeningLevel TreatHostAsStableStorage = $_.TreatHostAsStableStorage ValidateAliasNotCircular = $_.ValidateAliasNotCircular ValidateShareScope = $_.ValidateShareScope ValidateShareScopeNotAliased = $_.ValidateShareScopeNotAliased ValidateTargetName = $_.ValidateTargetName } } }) $SMB } function Get-ComputerSMBShare { [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]] $ComputerName) [Array] $CollectionComputers = $ComputerName.Where( { $_ -eq $Env:COMPUTERNAME }, 'Split') $SMB = @(if ($CollectionComputers[0].Count -gt 0) { $Output = Get-SmbShare foreach ($_ in $Output) { Add-Member -InputObject $_ -Name 'PSComputerName' -Value $Env:COMPUTERNAME -MemberType NoteProperty -Force $_ } } if ($CollectionComputers[1].Count -gt 0) { $Output = Get-SmbShare -CimSession $CollectionComputers[1] foreach ($_ in $Output) { $_ } }) $SMB } function Get-ComputerStartup { [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]] $ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME, [ValidateSet('Default', 'Dcom', 'Wsman')][string] $Protocol = 'Default', [switch] $All) [string] $Class = 'win32_startupCommand' if ($All) { [string] $Properties = '*' } else { [string[]] $Properties = 'Caption', 'Description', 'Command', 'Location', 'Name', 'User', 'UserSID', 'PSComputerName' } $Information = Get-CimData -ComputerName $ComputerName -Protocol $Protocol -Class $Class -Properties $Properties if ($All) { $Information } else { foreach ($Info in $Information) { foreach ($Data in $Info) { [PSCustomObject] @{ComputerName = if ($Data.PSComputerName) { $Data.PSComputerName } else { $Env:COMPUTERNAME } Caption = $Data.Caption Description = $Data.Description Command = $Data.Command Location = $Data.Location Name = $Data.Name User = $Data.User UserSID = $Data.UserSID } } } } } function Get-ComputerSystem { <# .SYNOPSIS Short description .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER ComputerName Parameter description .PARAMETER Protocol Parameter description .PARAMETER All Parameter description .EXAMPLE Get-ComputerSystem -ComputerName AD1, AD2, EVO1, ADFFS | ft -a * Output: WARNING: Get-ComputerSystem - No data for computer ADFFS. Most likely an error on receiving side. ComputerName Name Manufacturer Domain Model Systemtype PrimaryOwnerName PCSystemType PartOfDomain CurrentTimeZone BootupState SystemFamily Roles ------------ ---- ------------ ------ ----- ---------- ---------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ----------- ------------ ----- AD1 AD1 Microsoft Corporation Virtual Machine x64-based PC Windows User 1 True 60 Normal boot Virtual Machine LM_Workstation, LM_Server, Primary_Domain_Controller, Timesource, NT, DFS AD2 AD2 Microsoft Corporation Virtual Machine x64-based PC Windows User 1 True 60 Normal boot Virtual Machine LM_Workstation, LM_Server, Backup_Domain_Controller, Timesource, NT, DFS EVO1 EVO1 MSI MS-7980 x64-based PC 1 True 60 Normal boot Default string LM_Workstation, LM_Server, SQLServer, NT, Potential_Browser, Master_Browser .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]] $ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME, [ValidateSet('Default', 'Dcom', 'Wsman')][string] $Protocol = 'Default', [switch] $All) [string] $Class = 'Win32_ComputerSystem' if ($All) { $Properties = '*' } else { $Properties = 'PSComputerName', 'Name', 'Manufacturer' , 'Domain', 'Model' , 'Systemtype', 'PrimaryOwnerName', 'PCSystemType', 'PartOfDomain', 'CurrentTimeZone', 'BootupState', 'Roles', 'SystemFamily' } $Information = Get-CimData -ComputerName $ComputerName -Protocol $Protocol -Class $Class -Properties $Properties if ($All) { $Information } else { foreach ($Info in $Information) { foreach ($Data in $Info) { [PSCustomObject] @{ComputerName = if ($Data.PSComputerName) { $Data.PSComputerName } else { $Env:COMPUTERNAME } Name = $Data.Name Manufacturer = $Data.Manufacturer Domain = $Data.Domain Model = $Data.Model Systemtype = $Data.Systemtype PrimaryOwnerName = $Data.PrimaryOwnerName PCSystemType = $Data.PCSystemType PartOfDomain = $Data.PartOfDomain CurrentTimeZone = $Data.CurrentTimeZone BootupState = $Data.BootupState SystemFamily = $Data.SystemFamily Roles = $Data.Roles -join ', ' } } } } } function Get-ComputerTasks { [cmdletbinding()] param([string] $ComputerName) try { $LocalComputerDNSName = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($Env:COMPUTERNAME).HostName } catch { $LocalComputerDNSName = $ComputerName } if ($ComputerName -eq $Env:COMPUTERNAME -or $ComputerName -eq $LocalComputerDNSName) { $TaskParameters = @{ } } else { $TaskParameters = @{CimSession = $ComputerName } } $Tasks = Get-ScheduledTask @TaskParameters $More = foreach ($Task in $Tasks) { $Info = $Task | Get-ScheduledTaskInfo @TaskParameters $Actions = foreach ($_ in $Info.Actions) { -join ($_.Execute, $_.Arguments) } [PSCustomObject] @{TaskName = $Task.TaskName State = $Task.State Actions = $Actions Author = $Task.Author Date = $Task.Date Description = $Task.Description Documentation = $Task.Documentation PrincipalDisplayName = $Task.Principal.DisplayName PrincipalGroupID = $Task.Principal.GroupID PrincipalLogonType = $Task.Principal.LogonType PrincipalRunLevel = $Task.Principal.RunLevel PrincipalProcessTokenSidType = $Task.Principal.ProcessTokenSidType PrincipalRequiredPrivilege = $Task.Principal.RequiredPrivilege SettingsAllowDemandStart = $Task.Settings.AllowDemandStart SettingsAllowHardTerminate = $Task.Settings.AllowHardTerminate SettingsCompatibility = $Task.Settings.Compatibility SettingsDeleteExpiredTaskAfter = $Task.Settings.DeleteExpiredTaskAfter SettingsDisallowStartIfOnBatteries = $Task.Settings.DisallowStartIfOnBatteries SettingsEnabled = $Task.Settings.Enabled SettingsExecutionTimeLimit = $Task.Settings.ExecutionTimeLimit SettingsHidden = $Task.Settings.Hidden SettingsIdleSettings = $Task.Settings.IdleSettings SettingsMultipleInstances = $Task.Settings.MultipleInstances SettingsNetworkSettings = $Task.Settings.NetworkSettings SettingsPriority = $Task.Settings.Priority SettingsRestartCount = $Task.Settings.RestartCount SettingsRestartInterval = $Task.Settings.RestartInterval SettingsRunOnlyIfIdle = $Task.Settings.RunOnlyIfIdle SettingsRunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable = $Task.Settings.RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable SettingsStartWhenAvailable = $Task.Settings.StartWhenAvailable SettingsStopIfGoingOnBatteries = $Task.Settings.StopIfGoingOnBatteries SettingsWakeToRun = $Task.Settings.WakeToRun SettingsDisallowStartOnRemoteAppSession = $Task.Settings.DisallowStartOnRemoteAppSession SettingsUseUnifiedSchedulingEngine = $Task.Settings.UseUnifiedSchedulingEngine SettingsMaintenanceSettings = $Task.Settings.MaintenanceSettings SettingsVolatile = $Task.Settings.volatile Source = $Task.Source TaskPath = $Task.TaskPath URI = $Task.URI Version = $Task.Version LastRunTime = $Info.LastRunTime LastTaskResult = $Info.LastTaskResult NextRunTime = $Info.NextRunTime NumberOfMissedRuns = $Info.NumberOfMissedRuns } } $More } function Get-ComputerTime { <# .SYNOPSIS # .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER TimeSource Parameter description .PARAMETER Domain Parameter description .PARAMETER TimeTarget Parameter description .PARAMETER ForceCIM .PARAMETER ToLocal .EXAMPLE Get-ComputerTime -TimeTarget AD2, AD3, EVOWin | Format-Table -AutoSize Get-ComputerTime -TimeSource AD1 -TimeTarget AD2, AD3, EVOWin | Format-Table -AutoSize Get-ComputerTime -TimeSource '' -TimeTarget AD2, AD3, EVOWin | Format-Table -AutoSize Output Name LocalDateTime RemoteDateTime InstallTime LastBootUpTime TimeDifferenceMinutes TimeDifferenceSeconds TimeDifferenceMilliseconds TimeSourceName ---- ------------- -------------- ----------- -------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------------- -------------- AD2 13.08.2019 23:40:26 13.08.2019 23:40:26 30.05.2018 18:30:48 09.08.2019 18:40:31 8,33333333333333E-05 0,005 5 AD3 13.08.2019 23:40:26 13.08.2019 17:40:26 26.05.2019 17:30:17 09.08.2019 18:40:30 0,000266666666666667 0,016 16 EVOWin 13.08.2019 23:40:26 13.08.2019 23:40:26 24.05.2019 22:46:45 09.08.2019 18:40:06 6,66666666666667E-05 0,004 4 .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] param([string] $TimeSource, [string] $Domain = $Env:USERDNSDOMAIN, [alias('ComputerName')][string[]] $TimeTarget = $ENV:COMPUTERNAME, [switch] $ForceCIM) if (-not $TimeSource) { $TimeSource = (Get-ADDomainController -Discover -Service PrimaryDC -DomainName $Domain).HostName } if ($ForceCIM) { $TimeSourceInformation = Get-CimData -ComputerName $TimeSource -Class 'win32_operatingsystem' if ($TimeSourceInformation.LocalDateTime) { $TimeSourceInformation = $TimeSourceInformation.LocalDateTime } else { $TimeSourceInformation = $null } } else { $TimeSourceInformation = Get-ComputerTimeNtp -Server $TimeSource -ToLocal } $TimeTargetInformationCache = @{ } $TimeTargetInformation = Get-CimData -ComputerName $TimeTarget -Class 'win32_operatingsystem' foreach ($_ in $TimeTargetInformation) { $TimeTargetInformationCache[$_.PSComputerName] = $_ } $TimeLocalCache = @{ } $TimeLocal = Get-CimData -ComputerName $TimeTarget -Class 'Win32_LocalTime' foreach ($_ in $TimeLocal) { $TimeLocalCache[$_.PSComputerName] = $_ } $AllResults = foreach ($Computer in $TimeTarget) { $WMIComputerTime = $TimeLocalCache[$Computer] $WMIComputerTarget = $TimeTargetInformationCache[$Computer] if ($WMIComputerTime -and $WMIComputerTime.Year -and $WMIComputerTime.Month) { $RemoteDateTime = Get-Date -Year $WMIComputerTime.Year -Month $WMIComputerTime.Month -Day $WMIComputerTime.Day -Hour $WMIComputerTime.Hour -Minute $WMIComputerTime.Minute -Second $WMIComputerTime.Second } else { $RemoteDateTIme = '' } if ($WMIComputerTarget.LocalDateTime -and $TimeSourceInformation) { $Result = New-TimeSpan -Start $TimeSourceInformation -End $WMIComputerTarget.LocalDateTime [PSCustomObject] @{Name = $Computer LocalDateTime = $WMIComputerTarget.LocalDateTime RemoteDateTime = $RemoteDateTime InstallTime = $WMIComputerTarget.InstallDate LastBootUpTime = $WMIComputerTarget.LastBootUpTime TimeDifferenceMinutes = if ($Result.TotalMinutes -lt 0) { ($Result.TotalMinutes * -1) } else { $Result.TotalMinutes } TimeDifferenceSeconds = if ($Result.TotalSeconds -lt 0) { ($Result.TotalSeconds * -1) } else { $Result.TotalSeconds } TimeDifferenceMilliseconds = if ($Result.TotalMilliseconds -lt 0) { ($Result.TotalMilliseconds * -1) } else { $Result.TotalMilliseconds } TimeSourceName = $TimeSource Status = '' } } else { [PSCustomObject] @{Name = $Computer LocalDateTime = $WMIComputerTarget.LocalDateTime RemoteDateTime = $RemoteDateTime InstallTime = $WMIComputerTarget.InstallDate LastBootUpTime = $WMIComputerTarget.LastBootUpTime TimeDifferenceMinutes = $null TimeDifferenceSeconds = $null TimeDifferenceMilliseconds = $null TimeSourceName = $TimeSource Status = 'Unable to get time difference.' } } } $AllResults } function Get-ComputerTimeNtp { <# .Synopsis Gets (Simple) Network Time Protocol time (SNTP/NTP, rfc-1305, rfc-2030) from a specified server .DESCRIPTION This function connects to an NTP server on UDP port 123 and retrieves the current NTP time. Selected components of the returned time information are decoded and returned in a PSObject. .PARAMETER Server The NTP Server to contact. Uses by default. .EXAMPLE Get-NtpTime Gets time from the specified server. .EXAMPLE Get-NtpTime | fl * Get time from default server ( and displays all output object attributes. .FUNCTIONALITY Gets NTP time from a specified server. .NOTES Author Slightly simplified for different usage scenarios #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ([String]$Server = '', [switch]$ToLocal) $StartOfEpoch = New-Object DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, [DateTimeKind]::Utc) [Byte[]]$NtpData = , 0 * 48 $NtpData[0] = 0x1B $Socket = [Net.Sockets.Socket]::new([Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork, [Net.Sockets.SocketType]::Dgram, [Net.Sockets.ProtocolType]::Udp) $Socket.SendTimeOut = 2000 $Socket.ReceiveTimeOut = 2000 Try { $Socket.Connect($Server, 123) } Catch { $_.Error Write-Warning "Get-ComputerTimeNtp - Failed to connect to server $Server" return } $t1 = Get-Date Try { [Void]$Socket.Send($NtpData) [Void]$Socket.Receive($NtpData) } Catch { Write-Warning "Get-ComputerTimeNtp - Failed to communicate with server $Server" return } $t4 = Get-Date $Socket.Shutdown("Both") $Socket.Close() $LI = ($NtpData[0] -band 0xC0) -shr 6 If ($LI -eq 3) { Write-Warning 'Get-ComputerTimeNtp - Alarm condition from server (clock not synchronized)' return } $IntPart = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($NtpData[43..40], 0) $FracPart = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($NtpData[47..44], 0) $t3ms = $IntPart * 1000 + ($FracPart * 1000 / 0x100000000) $IntPart = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($NtpData[35..32], 0) $FracPart = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($NtpData[39..36], 0) $t2ms = $IntPart * 1000 + ($FracPart * 1000 / 0x100000000) $t1ms = ([TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeToUtc($t1) - $StartOfEpoch).TotalMilliseconds $t4ms = ([TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeToUtc($t4) - $StartOfEpoch).TotalMilliseconds $Offset = (($t2ms - $t1ms) + ($t3ms - $t4ms)) / 2 [DateTime] $NTPDateTime = $StartOfEpoch.AddMilliseconds($t4ms + $Offset) if ($ToLocal) { $NTPDateTime.ToLocalTime() } else { $NTPDateTime } } function Get-ComputerWindowsFeatures { [CmdletBinding()] param([string] $ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME) $Data = Get-WmiObject Win32_OptionalFeature -ComputerName $ComputerName | Select-Object Caption , Installstate return $Data } function Get-ComputerWindowsUpdates { [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]] $ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME) $Data = Get-HotFix -ComputerName $ComputerName | Select-Object Description , HotFixId , InstallDate, InstalledBy, InstalledOn, Caption, PSComputerName, Status, FixComments, ServicePackInEffect, Name, Site, Containerr return $Data } function Get-ServerRoles { [CmdletBinding()] param ($ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME) $List = @(foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) { $Output = Get-WindowsFeature -ComputerName $Computer | Where-Object { $_.installed -eq $true -and $_.featuretype -eq 'Role' } | Select-Object name, installed -ExcludeProperty subfeatures $Output | Select-Object Name, Installed , @{name = 'Server Name'; expression = { $Computer } } }) return $List } function Get-IPAddressInformation { <# .SYNOPSIS Short description .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER IP Parameter description .EXAMPLE Get-IpAddressInformation -IP .NOTES General notes #> [cmdletbinding()] param([string] $IP) try { $Information = Invoke-RestMethod -Method get -Uri "$ip" } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " Write-Warning "Get-IPAddressInformation - Error occured on IP $IP`: $ErrorMessage" } return $Information } function Get-MyIpAddress { [alias('Get-MyIP')] [CmdletBinding()] param() $DNSParam = @{Name = '' Server = '' DnsOnly = $true } return Resolve-DnsName @DNSParam | ForEach-Object IPAddress } function Set-PasswordRemotely { [CmdletBinding()] param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $UserName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $OldPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $NewPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][alias('DC', 'Server', 'ComputerName')][string] $DomainController) $DllImport = @' [DllImport("netapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern bool NetUserChangePassword(string domain, string username, string oldpassword, string newpassword); '@ $NetApi32 = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $DllImport -Name 'NetApi32' -Namespace 'Win32' -PassThru if ($result = $NetApi32::NetUserChangePassword($DomainController, $UserName, $OldPassword, $NewPassword)) { Write-Output -InputObject 'Password change failed. Please try again.' } else { Write-Output -InputObject 'Password change succeeded.' } } function Convert-BinaryToHex { param([alias('Bin')] [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Byte[]]$Binary) if ($null -eq $Binary) { return } if ($Binary.Length -eq 1) { $Binary = @($input) } $Return = -join ($Binary | ForEach-Object { "{0:X2}" -f $_ }) Write-Output $Return } function Convert-BinaryToString { param([alias('Bin')] [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Byte[]]$Binary) if ($null -ne $Binary) { return [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($Binary) } } function Convert-Color { <# .Synopsis This color converter gives you the hexadecimal values of your RGB colors and vice versa (RGB to HEX) .Description This color converter gives you the hexadecimal values of your RGB colors and vice versa (RGB to HEX). Use it to convert your colors and prepare your graphics and HTML web pages. .Parameter RBG Enter the Red Green Blue value comma separated. Red: 51 Green: 51 Blue: 204 for example needs to be entered as 51,51,204 .Parameter HEX Enter the Hex value to be converted. Do not use the '#' symbol. (Ex: 3333CC converts to Red: 51 Green: 51 Blue: 204) .Example .\convert-color -hex FFFFFF Converts hex value FFFFFF to RGB .Example .\convert-color -RGB 123,200,255 Converts Red = 123 Green = 200 Blue = 255 to Hex value #> param([Parameter(ParameterSetName = "RGB", Position = 0)] [ValidateScript( { $_ -match '^([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$' })] $RGB, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "HEX", Position = 0)] [ValidateScript( { $_ -match '[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}' })] [string] $HEX) switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "RGB" { if ($null -eq $RGB[2]) { Write-Error "Value missing. Please enter all three values seperated by comma." } $red = [convert]::Tostring($RGB[0], 16) $green = [convert]::Tostring($RGB[1], 16) $blue = [convert]::Tostring($RGB[2], 16) if ($red.Length -eq 1) { $red = '0' + $red } if ($green.Length -eq 1) { $green = '0' + $green } if ($blue.Length -eq 1) { $blue = '0' + $blue } Write-Output $red$green$blue } "HEX" { $red = $HEX.Remove(2, 4) $Green = $HEX.Remove(4, 2) $Green = $Green.remove(0, 2) $Blue = $hex.Remove(0, 4) $Red = [convert]::ToInt32($red, 16) $Green = [convert]::ToInt32($green, 16) $Blue = [convert]::ToInt32($blue, 16) Write-Output $red, $Green, $blue } } } function Convert-ExchangeEmail { <# .SYNOPSIS Function that helps converting Exchange email address list into readable, exportable format. .DESCRIPTION Function that helps converting Exchange email address list into readable, exportable format. .PARAMETER Emails List of emails as available in Exchange or Exchange Online, otherwise known as proxy addresses list .PARAMETER Separator .PARAMETER RemoveDuplicates .PARAMETER RemovePrefix .PARAMETER AddSeparator .EXAMPLE $Emails = @() $Emails += '' $Emails += '' $Emails += '' $Emails += '' $Emails += '' Convert-ExchangeEmail -Emails $Emails -RemovePrefix -RemoveDuplicates -AddSeparator .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]] $Emails, [string] $Separator = ', ', [switch] $RemoveDuplicates, [switch] $RemovePrefix, [switch] $AddSeparator) if ($RemovePrefix) { $Emails = $Emails -replace 'smtp:', '' -replace 'sip:', '' -replace 'spo:', '' } if ($RemoveDuplicates) { $Emails = $Emails | Sort-Object -Unique } if ($AddSeparator) { $Emails = $Emails -join $Separator } return $Emails } function Convert-ExchangeItems { [cmdletbinding()] param($Count, [string] $Default = 'N/A') if ($null -eq $Count) { return $Default } else { return $Count } } function Convert-ExchangeRecipientDetails { [cmdletbinding()] param([string] $RecipientType, [switch] $FromKey) $RecipientTypeDetails = @{UserMailbox = 1 LinkedMailbox = 2 SharedMailbox = 4 RoomMailbox = 16 EquipmentMailbox = 32 MailUser = 128 RemoteUserMailbox = 2147483648 RemoteRoomMailbox = 8589934592 RemoteEquipmentMailbox = 17179869184 RemoteSharedMailbox = 34359738368 } $RecipientTypeDetails.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $_.Value -eq $RecipientType } } function Convert-ExchangeSize { [cmdletbinding()] param([validateset("Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB")][string]$To = 'MB', [string]$Size, [int]$Precision = 4, [switch]$Display, [string]$Default = 'N/A') if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Size)) { return $Default } $Pattern = [Regex]::new('(?<=\()([0-9]*[,.].*[0-9])') $Value = ($Size | Select-String $Pattern -AllMatches).Matches.Value if ($null -ne $Value) { $Value = $Value.Replace(',', '').Replace('.', '') } switch ($To) { "Bytes" { return $value } "KB" { $Value = $Value / 1KB } "MB" { $Value = $Value / 1MB } "GB" { $Value = $Value / 1GB } "TB" { $Value = $Value / 1TB } } if ($Display) { return "$([Math]::Round($value,$Precision,[MidPointRounding]::AwayFromZero)) $To" } else { return [Math]::Round($value, $Precision, [MidPointRounding]::AwayFromZero) } } function ConvertFrom-Color { [alias('Convert-FromColor')] [CmdletBinding()] param ([ValidateScript( { if ($($_ -in $Script:RGBColors.Keys -or $_ -match "^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6})$" -or $_ -eq "") -eq $false) { throw "The Input value is not a valid colorname nor an valid color hex code." } else { $true } })] [alias('Colors')][string[]] $Color, [switch] $AsDecimal) $Colors = foreach ($C in $Color) { $Value = $Script:RGBColors."$C" if ($C -match "^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6})$") { return $C } if ($null -eq $Value) { return } $HexValue = Convert-Color -RGB $Value Write-Verbose "Convert-FromColor - Color Name: $C Value: $Value HexValue: $HexValue" if ($AsDecimal) { [Convert]::ToInt64($HexValue, 16) } else { "#$($HexValue)" } } $Colors } Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName ConvertFrom-Color -ParameterName Color -ScriptBlock { $Script:RGBColors.Keys } function Convert-HexToBinary { [CmdletBinding()] param([Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string] $Hex) $return = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Hex.Length; $i += 2) { [Byte]::Parse($Hex.Substring($i, 2), [System.Globalization.NumberStyles]::HexNumber) } Write-Output $return -NoEnumerate } function Convert-KeyToKeyValue { [CmdletBinding()] param ([object] $Object) $NewHash = [ordered] @{ } foreach ($O in $Object.Keys) { $KeyName = "$O ($($Object.$O))" $KeyValue = $Object.$O $NewHash.$KeyName = $KeyValue } return $NewHash } function Convert-Office365License { <# .SYNOPSIS This function helps converting Office 365 licenses from/to their SKU equivalent .DESCRIPTION This function helps converting Office 365 licenses from/to their SKU equivalent .PARAMETER License License SKU or License Name. Takes multiple values. .PARAMETER ToSku Converts license name to SKU .PARAMETER Separator .PARAMETER ReturnArray .EXAMPLE Convert-Office365License -License 'VISIOCLIENT','PROJECTONLINE_PLAN_1','test','tenant:VISIOCLIENT' .EXAMPLE Convert-Office365License -License "Office 365 (Plan A3) for Faculty","Office 365 (Enterprise Preview)", 'test' -ToSku #> [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]] $License, [alias('SKU')][switch] $ToSku, [string] $Separator = ', ', [switch] $ReturnArray) $O365SKU = @{"O365_BUSINESS_ESSENTIALS" = "Office 365 Business Essentials" "O365_BUSINESS_PREMIUM" = "Office 365 Business Premium" "DESKLESSPACK" = "Office 365 (Plan F1)" "DESKLESSWOFFPACK" = "Office 365 (Plan F2)" "LITEPACK" = "Office 365 (Plan P1)" "EXCHANGESTANDARD" = "Office 365 Exchange Online Only" "STANDARDPACK" = "Office 365 Enterprise E1" "STANDARDWOFFPACK" = "Office 365 (Plan E2)" "ENTERPRISEPACK" = "Office 365 Enterprise E3" "ENTERPRISEPACKLRG" = "Office 365 Enterprise E3" "ENTERPRISEWITHSCAL" = "Office 365 Enterprise E4" "STANDARDPACK_STUDENT" = "Office 365 (Plan A1) for Students" "STANDARDWOFFPACKPACK_STUDENT" = "Office 365 (Plan A2) for Students" "ENTERPRISEPACK_STUDENT" = "Office 365 (Plan A3) for Students" "ENTERPRISEWITHSCAL_STUDENT" = "Office 365 (Plan A4) for Students" "STANDARDPACK_FACULTY" = "Office 365 (Plan A1) for Faculty" "STANDARDWOFFPACKPACK_FACULTY" = "Office 365 (Plan A2) for Faculty" "ENTERPRISEPACK_FACULTY" = "Office 365 (Plan A3) for Faculty" "ENTERPRISEWITHSCAL_FACULTY" = "Office 365 (Plan A4) for Faculty" "ENTERPRISEPACK_B_PILOT" = "Office 365 (Enterprise Preview)" "STANDARD_B_PILOT" = "Office 365 (Small Business Preview)" "VISIOCLIENT" = "Visio Online Plan 2" "POWER_BI_ADDON" = "Office 365 Power BI Addon" "POWER_BI_INDIVIDUAL_USE" = "Power BI Individual User" "POWER_BI_STANDALONE" = "Power BI Stand Alone" "POWER_BI_STANDARD" = "Power BI (free)" "PROJECTESSENTIALS" = "Project Online Essentials" "PROJECTCLIENT" = "Project Professional" "PROJECTONLINE_PLAN_1" = "Project Online" "PROJECTONLINE_PLAN_2" = "Project Online and PRO" "ProjectPremium" = "Project Online Premium" "ECAL_SERVICES" = "ECAL" "EMS" = "Enterprise Mobility + Security E3" "RIGHTSMANAGEMENT_ADHOC" = "Windows Azure Rights Management" "MCOMEETADV" = "Audio Conferencing" "SHAREPOINTSTORAGE" = "SharePoint Storage" "PLANNERSTANDALONE" = "Planner Standalone" "CRMIUR" = "CMRIUR" "BI_AZURE_P1" = "Power BI Reporting and Analytics" "INTUNE_A" = "Windows Intune Plan A" "PROJECTWORKMANAGEMENT" = "Office 365 Planner Preview" "ATP_ENTERPRISE" = "Exchange Online Advanced Threat Protection" "EQUIVIO_ANALYTICS" = "Office 365 Advanced eDiscovery" "AAD_BASIC" = "Azure Active Directory Basic" "RMS_S_ENTERPRISE" = "Azure Active Directory Rights Management" "AAD_PREMIUM" = "Azure Active Directory Premium" "MFA_PREMIUM" = "Azure Multi-Factor Authentication" "STANDARDPACK_GOV" = "Microsoft Office 365 (Plan G1) for Government" "STANDARDWOFFPACK_GOV" = "Microsoft Office 365 (Plan G2) for Government" "ENTERPRISEPACK_GOV" = "Microsoft Office 365 (Plan G3) for Government" "ENTERPRISEWITHSCAL_GOV" = "Microsoft Office 365 (Plan G4) for Government" "DESKLESSPACK_GOV" = "Microsoft Office 365 (Plan F1) for Government" "ESKLESSWOFFPACK_GOV" = "Microsoft Office 365 (Plan F2) for Government" "EXCHANGESTANDARD_GOV" = "Microsoft Office 365 Exchange Online (Plan 1) only for Government" "EXCHANGEENTERPRISE_GOV" = "Microsoft Office 365 Exchange Online (Plan 2) only for Government" "SHAREPOINTDESKLESS_GOV" = "SharePoint Online Kiosk" "EXCHANGE_S_DESKLESS_GOV" = "Exchange Kiosk" "RMS_S_ENTERPRISE_GOV" = "Windows Azure Active Directory Rights Management" "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION_GOV" = "Office ProPlus" "MCOSTANDARD_GOV" = "Lync Plan 2G" "SHAREPOINTWAC_GOV" = "Office Online for Government" "SHAREPOINTENTERPRISE_GOV" = "SharePoint Plan 2G" "EXCHANGE_S_ENTERPRISE_GOV" = "Exchange Plan 2G" "EXCHANGE_S_ARCHIVE_ADDON_GOV" = "Exchange Online Archiving" "EXCHANGE_S_DESKLESS" = "Exchange Online Kiosk" "SHAREPOINTDESKLESS" = "SharePoint Online Kiosk" "SHAREPOINTWAC" = "Office Online" "YAMMER_ENTERPRISE" = "Yammer for the Starship Enterprise" "EXCHANGE_L_STANDARD" = "Exchange Online (Plan 1)" "MCOLITE" = "Lync Online (Plan 1)" "SHAREPOINTLITE" = "SharePoint Online (Plan 1)" "OFFICE_PRO_PLUS_SUBSCRIPTION_SMBIZ" = "Office ProPlus" "EXCHANGE_S_STANDARD_MIDMARKET" = "Exchange Online (Plan 1)" "MCOSTANDARD_MIDMARKET" = "Lync Online (Plan 1)" "SHAREPOINTENTERPRISE_MIDMARKET" = "SharePoint Online (Plan 1)" "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION" = "Office ProPlus" "YAMMER_MIDSIZE" = "Yammer" "DYN365_ENTERPRISE_PLAN1" = "Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Plan Enterprise Edition" "ENTERPRISEPREMIUM_NOPSTNCONF" = "Enterprise E5 (without Audio Conferencing)" "ENTERPRISEPREMIUM" = "Enterprise E5 (with Audio Conferencing)" "MCOSTANDARD" = "Skype for Business Online Standalone Plan 2" "PROJECT_MADEIRA_PREVIEW_IW_SKU" = "Dynamics 365 for Financials for IWs" "STANDARDWOFFPACK_IW_STUDENT" = "Office 365 Education for Students" "STANDARDWOFFPACK_IW_FACULTY" = "Office 365 Education for Faculty" "EOP_ENTERPRISE_FACULTY" = "Exchange Online Protection for Faculty" "EXCHANGESTANDARD_STUDENT" = "Exchange Online (Plan 1) for Students" "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION_STUDENT" = "Office ProPlus Student Benefit" "STANDARDWOFFPACK_FACULTY" = "Office 365 Education E1 for Faculty" "STANDARDWOFFPACK_STUDENT" = "Microsoft Office 365 (Plan A2) for Students" "DYN365_FINANCIALS_BUSINESS_SKU" = "Dynamics 365 for Financials Business Edition" "DYN365_FINANCIALS_TEAM_MEMBERS_SKU" = "Dynamics 365 for Team Members Business Edition" "FLOW_FREE" = "Microsoft Flow Free" "POWER_BI_PRO" = "Power BI Pro" "O365_BUSINESS" = "Office 365 Business" "DYN365_ENTERPRISE_SALES" = "Dynamics Office 365 Enterprise Sales" "RIGHTSMANAGEMENT" = "Rights Management" "PROJECTPROFESSIONAL" = "Project Online Professional" "VISIOONLINE_PLAN1" = "Visio Online Plan 1" "EXCHANGEENTERPRISE" = "Exchange Online Plan 2" "DYN365_ENTERPRISE_P1_IW" = "Dynamics 365 P1 Trial for Information Workers" "DYN365_ENTERPRISE_TEAM_MEMBERS" = "Dynamics 365 For Team Members Enterprise Edition" "CRMSTANDARD" = "Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional" "EXCHANGEARCHIVE_ADDON" = "Exchange Online Archiving For Exchange Online" "EXCHANGEDESKLESS" = "Exchange Online Kiosk" "SPZA_IW" = "App Connect" "WINDOWS_STORE" = "Windows Store for Business" "MCOEV" = "Phone System" "VIDEO_INTEROP" = "Polycom Skype Meeting Video Interop for Skype for Business" "SPE_E5" = "Microsoft 365 E5" "SPE_E3" = "Microsoft 365 E3" "ATA" = "Advanced Threat Analytics" "MCOPSTN2" = "Domestic and International Calling Plan" "FLOW_P1" = "Microsoft Flow Plan 1" "FLOW_P2" = "Microsoft Flow Plan 2" "POWERAPPS_VIRAL" = "Microsoft PowerApps Plan 2" "MIDSIZEPACK" = "Office 365 Midsize Business" "AAD_PREMIUM_P2" = "Azure Active Directory Premium P2" "RIGHTSMANAGEMENT_STANDARD_FACULTY" = "Information Rights Management for Faculty" "PROJECTONLINE_PLAN_1_FACULTY" = "Project Online for Faculty Plan 1" "PROJECTONLINE_PLAN_2_FACULTY" = "Project Online for Faculty Plan 2" "PROJECTONLINE_PLAN_1_STUDENT" = "Project Online for Students Plan 1" "PROJECTONLINE_PLAN_2_STUDENT" = "Project Online for Students Plan 2" "TEAMS1" = "Microsoft Teams" "RIGHTSMANAGEMENT_STANDARD_STUDENT" = "Information Rights Management for Students" "EXCHANGEENTERPRISE_FACULTY" = "Exchange Online Plan 2 for Faculty" "SHAREPOINTSTANDARD" = "SharePoint Online Plan 1" "CRMPLAN2" = "Dynamics CRM Online Plan 2" "CRMSTORAGE" = "Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Additional Storage" "EMSPREMIUM" = "Enterprise Mobility + Security E5" "POWER_BI_INDIVIDUAL_USER" = "Power BI for Office 365 Individual" "DESKLESSPACK_YAMMER" = "Office 365 Enterprise F1 with Yammer" "MICROSOFT_BUSINESS_CENTER" = "Microsoft Business Center" "STREAM" = "Microsoft Stream" "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION_FACULTY" = "Office 365 ProPlus for Faculty" "WACSHAREPOINTSTD" = "Office Online STD" "POWERAPPS_INDIVIDUAL_USER" = "Microsoft PowerApps and Logic flows" "IT_ACADEMY_AD" = "Microsoft Imagine Academy" "SHAREPOINTENTERPRISE" = "SharePoint Online (Plan 2)" "MCOPSTN1" = "Skype for Business PSTN Domestic Calling" "MEE_FACULTY" = "Minecraft Education Edition Faculty" "LITEPACK_P2" = "Office 365 Small Business Premium" "EXCHANGE_S_ENTERPRISE" = "Exchange Online Plan 2 S" "INTUNE_A_VL" = "Intune (Volume License)" "ENTERPRISEPACKWITHOUTPROPLUS" = "Office 365 Enterprise E3 without ProPlus Add-on" "ATP_ENTERPRISE_FACULTY" = "Exchange Online Advanced Threat Protection" "EXCHANGE_S_STANDARD" = "Exchange Online (Plan 2)" "MEE_STUDENT" = "Minecraft Education Edition Student" "EQUIVIO_ANALYTICS_FACULTY" = "Office 365 Advanced Compliance for faculty" "MFA_STANDALONE" = "Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication" "MS_TEAMS_IW" = "Microsoft Teams" } if (-not $ToSku) { $ConvertedLicenses = foreach ($L in $License) { $L = $L -replace '.*(:)' $Conversion = $O365SKU[$L] if ($null -eq $Conversion) { $L } else { $Conversion } } } else { $ConvertedLicenses = foreach ($L in $License) { $Conversion = foreach ($_ in $O365SKU.GetEnumerator()) { if ($_.Value -eq $L) { $_ continue } } if ($null -eq $Conversion) { $L } else { $Conversion.Name } } } if ($ReturnArray) { return $ConvertedLicenses } else { return $ConvertedLicenses -join $Separator } } function Convert-Size { [cmdletbinding()] param([validateset("Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB")] [string]$From, [validateset("Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB")] [string]$To, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [double]$Value, [int]$Precision = 4, [switch]$Display) switch ($From) { "Bytes" { $value = $Value } "KB" { $value = $Value * 1024 } "MB" { $value = $Value * 1024 * 1024 } "GB" { $value = $Value * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 } "TB" { $value = $Value * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 } } switch ($To) { "Bytes" { return $value } "KB" { $Value = $Value / 1KB } "MB" { $Value = $Value / 1MB } "GB" { $Value = $Value / 1GB } "TB" { $Value = $Value / 1TB } } if ($Display) { return "$([Math]::Round($value,$Precision,[MidPointRounding]::AwayFromZero)) $To" } else { return [Math]::Round($value, $Precision, [MidPointRounding]::AwayFromZero) } } function Convert-TimeToDays { [CmdletBinding()] param ($StartTime, $EndTime, [string] $Ignore = '*1601*') if ($null -ne $StartTime -and $null -ne $EndTime) { try { if ($StartTime -notlike $Ignore -and $EndTime -notlike $Ignore) { $Days = (New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $EndTime).Days } } catch { } } elseif ($null -ne $EndTime) { if ($StartTime -notlike $Ignore -and $EndTime -notlike $Ignore) { $Days = (New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date) -End ($EndTime)).Days } } elseif ($null -ne $StartTime) { if ($StartTime -notlike $Ignore -and $EndTime -notlike $Ignore) { $Days = (New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End (Get-Date)).Days } } return $Days } function Convert-ToDateTime { [CmdletBinding()] param ([string] $Timestring, [string] $Ignore = '*1601*') Try { $DateTime = ([datetime]::FromFileTime($Timestring)) } catch { $DateTime = $null } if ($null -eq $DateTime -or $DateTime -like $Ignore) { return $null } else { return $DateTime } } function Convert-ToTimeSpan { [CmdletBinding()] param ([DateTime] $StartTime = (Get-Date), [DateTime] $EndTime) if ($StartTime -and $EndTime) { try { $TimeSpan = (New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $EndTime) } catch { $TimeSpan = $null } } if ($null -ne $TimeSpan) { return $TimeSpan } else { return $null } } function Convert-TwoArraysIntoOne { [CmdletBinding()] param ($Object, $ObjectToAdd) $Value = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Object.Count; $i++) { "$($Object[$i]) ($($ObjectToAdd[$i]))" } return $Value } Function Convert-UAC { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts values from Events into proper format .DESCRIPTION Converts values from Events into proper format .PARAMETER UAC Parameter description .EXAMPLE Convert-UAC -UAC '%%1793' Convert-UAC -UAC '1793' Output: TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT, NORMAL_ACCOUNT, RESERVED Convert-UAC -UAC '1793', '1794' Convert-UAC -UAC '121793' Output: PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE, ENCRYPTED_TEXT_PWD_ALLOWED, TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT, NORMAL_ACCOUNT, INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT, WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT, RESERVED, RESERVED, DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWORD Convert-UAC -UAC 'C:\Onet33' Output: Same input as output Convert-UAC -UAC '121793' -OutputPerLine Output: One entry per line PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE ENCRYPTED_TEXT_PWD_ALLOWED TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT NORMAL_ACCOUNT INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT RESERVED RESERVED DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWORD .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]] $UAC, [string] $Separator) $Output = foreach ($String in $UAC) { $NumberAsString = $String.Replace('%', '') -as [int] if ($null -eq $NumberAsString) { return $UAC } $PropertyFlags = @("SCRIPT", "ACCOUNTDISABLE", "RESERVED", "HOMEDIR_REQUIRED", "LOCKOUT", "PASSWD_NOTREQD", "PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE", "ENCRYPTED_TEXT_PWD_ALLOWED", "TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT", "NORMAL_ACCOUNT", "RESERVED", "INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT", "WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT", "SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT", "RESERVED", "RESERVED", "DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWORD", "MNS_LOGON_ACCOUNT", "SMARTCARD_REQUIRED", "TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION", "NOT_DELEGATED", "USE_DES_KEY_ONLY", "DONT_REQ_PREAUTH", "PASSWORD_EXPIRED", "TRUSTED_TO_AUTH_FOR_DELEGATION", "RESERVED", "PARTIAL_SECRETS_ACCOUNT" "RESERVED" "RESERVED" "RESERVED" "RESERVED" "RESERVED") 1..($PropertyFlags.Length) | Where-Object { $NumberAsString -bAnd [math]::Pow(2, $_) } | ForEach-Object { $PropertyFlags[$_] } } if ($Separator -eq '') { $Output } else { $Output -join $Separator } } function ConvertFrom-DistinguishedName { [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]] $DistinguishedName) $Regex = '^CN=(?<cn>.+?)(?<!\\),(?<ou>(?:(?:OU|CN).+?(?<!\\),)+(?<dc>DC.+?))$' $Output = foreach ($_ in $DistinguishedName) { $_ -match $Regex $Matches } $ } function ConvertFrom-ErrorRecord { param ([Management.Automation.ErrorRecord[]] [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'ErrorRecord')] $ErrorRecord, [Management.Automation.ActionPreferenceStopException[]] [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'StopException')] $Exception) process { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'StopException') { $ErrorRecord = $Exception.ErrorRecord } $ErrorRecord | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{Exception = $_.Exception.Message Reason = $_.CategoryInfo.Reason Target = $_.CategoryInfo.TargetName Script = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName Line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber Column = $_.InvocationInfo.OffsetInLine } } } } function ConvertFrom-HTML { [alias('Convert-HTMLToString')] [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]] $HTML, [switch] $RemoveTags) foreach ($H in $HTML) { if ($RemoveTags) { $H = $H -replace '<[^>]+>', '' } $H -replace '“', '"' -replace '’', "'" -replace '”', '"' -replace '…', '...' -replace '—', '-' -replace '–', '-' } } Function ConvertFrom-OperationType { param ([string] $OperationType) $Known = @{'%%14674' = 'Value Added' '%%14675' = 'Value Deleted' '%%14676' = 'Unknown' } foreach ($id in $OperationType) { if ($name = $Known[$id]) { return $name } } return $OperationType } function ConvertFrom-ScriptBlock { [CmdletBinding()] param([ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock) [Array] $Output = foreach ($Line in $ScriptBlock.Ast.EndBlock.Statements.Extent) { [string] $Line + [System.Environment]::NewLine } return $Output } function ConvertFrom-SID { [cmdletbinding()] param([string[]] $SID) $wellKnownSIDs = @{'S-1-0' = 'Null Authority' 'S-1-0-0' = 'Nobody' 'S-1-1' = 'World Authority' 'S-1-1-0' = 'Everyone' 'S-1-2' = 'Local Authority' 'S-1-2-0' = 'Local' 'S-1-2-1' = 'Console Logon' 'S-1-3' = 'Creator Authority' 'S-1-3-0' = 'Creator Owner' 'S-1-3-1' = 'Creator Group' 'S-1-3-2' = 'Creator Owner Server' 'S-1-3-3' = 'Creator Group Server' 'S-1-3-4' = 'Owner Rights' 'S-1-5-80-0' = 'All Services' 'S-1-4' = 'Non-unique Authority' 'S-1-5' = 'NT Authority' 'S-1-5-1' = 'Dialup' 'S-1-5-2' = 'Network' 'S-1-5-3' = 'Batch' 'S-1-5-4' = 'Interactive' 'S-1-5-6' = 'Service' 'S-1-5-7' = 'Anonymous' 'S-1-5-8' = 'Proxy' 'S-1-5-9' = 'Enterprise Domain Controllers' 'S-1-5-10' = 'Principal Self' 'S-1-5-11' = 'Authenticated Users' 'S-1-5-12' = 'Restricted Code' 'S-1-5-13' = 'Terminal Server Users' 'S-1-5-14' = 'Remote Interactive Logon' 'S-1-5-15' = 'This Organization' 'S-1-5-17' = 'This Organization' 'S-1-5-18' = 'Local System' 'S-1-5-19' = 'NT Authority' 'S-1-5-20' = 'NT Authority' 'S-1-5-32-544' = 'Administrators' 'S-1-5-32-545' = 'Users' 'S-1-5-32-546' = 'Guests' 'S-1-5-32-547' = 'Power Users' 'S-1-5-32-548' = 'Account Operators' 'S-1-5-32-549' = 'Server Operators' 'S-1-5-32-550' = 'Print Operators' 'S-1-5-32-551' = 'Backup Operators' 'S-1-5-32-552' = 'Replicators' 'S-1-5-64-10' = 'NTLM Authentication' 'S-1-5-64-14' = 'SChannel Authentication' 'S-1-5-64-21' = 'Digest Authority' 'S-1-5-80' = 'NT Service' 'S-1-5-83-0' = 'NT VIRTUAL MACHINE\Virtual Machines' 'S-1-16-0' = 'Untrusted Mandatory Level' 'S-1-16-4096' = 'Low Mandatory Level' 'S-1-16-8192' = 'Medium Mandatory Level' 'S-1-16-8448' = 'Medium Plus Mandatory Level' 'S-1-16-12288' = 'High Mandatory Level' 'S-1-16-16384' = 'System Mandatory Level' 'S-1-16-20480' = 'Protected Process Mandatory Level' 'S-1-16-28672' = 'Secure Process Mandatory Level' 'S-1-5-32-554' = 'BUILTIN\Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access' 'S-1-5-32-555' = 'BUILTIN\Remote Desktop Users' 'S-1-5-32-556' = 'BUILTIN\Network Configuration Operators' 'S-1-5-32-557' = 'BUILTIN\Incoming Forest Trust Builders' 'S-1-5-32-558' = 'BUILTIN\Performance Monitor Users' 'S-1-5-32-559' = 'BUILTIN\Performance Log Users' 'S-1-5-32-560' = 'BUILTIN\Windows Authorization Access Group' 'S-1-5-32-561' = 'BUILTIN\Terminal Server License Servers' 'S-1-5-32-562' = 'BUILTIN\Distributed COM Users' 'S-1-5-32-569' = 'BUILTIN\Cryptographic Operators' 'S-1-5-32-573' = 'BUILTIN\Event Log Readers' 'S-1-5-32-574' = 'BUILTIN\Certificate Service DCOM Access' 'S-1-5-32-575' = 'BUILTIN\RDS Remote Access Servers' 'S-1-5-32-576' = 'BUILTIN\RDS Endpoint Servers' 'S-1-5-32-577' = 'BUILTIN\RDS Management Servers' 'S-1-5-32-578' = 'BUILTIN\Hyper-V Administrators' 'S-1-5-32-579' = 'BUILTIN\Access Control Assistance Operators' 'S-1-5-32-580' = 'BUILTIN\Remote Management Users' } foreach ($_ in $SID) { if ($wellKnownSIDs[$_]) { [PSCustomObject] @{Name = $wellKnownSIDs[$_] SID = $_ } } else { try { [PSCustomObject] @{Name = (([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new($_)).Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])).Value SID = $_ } } catch { [PSCustomObject] @{Name = $_ SID = $_ } } } } } function ConvertFrom-X500Address { <# .EXAMPLE By default returns string without in the end. This is because the string from NDR needs domain name removed to be able to add it back to Exchange ConvertFrom-X500Address -IMCEAEXString '' ConvertFrom-X500Address -IMCEAEXString '' ConvertFrom-X500Address -IMCEAEXString '' ConvertFrom-X500Address -IMCEAEXString '' .EXAMPLE ConvertFrom-X500Address -IMCEAEXString '' -Full ConvertFrom-X500Address -IMCEAEXString '' -Full ConvertFrom-X500Address -IMCEAEXString '' -Full ConvertFrom-X500Address -IMCEAEXString '' -Full #> param([string] $IMCEAEXString, [switch] $Full) $Final = $IMCEAEXString.Replace("IMCEAEX-", "").Replace("_", "/").Replace("+20", " ").Replace("+28", "(").Replace("+29", ")").Replace("+2E", ".").Replace("+2C", ",").Replace("+5F", "_") if ($Full) { return $Final } else { return ($Final -split '@')[0] } } function ConvertTo-ImmutableID { [CmdletBinding()] param([Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'User')] [alias('ADuser')] [Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADAccount] $User, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Guid')] [alias('GUID')] [string] $ObjectGUID) if ($User) { if ($User.ObjectGUID) { $ObjectGUID = $User.ObjectGuid } } if ($ObjectGUID) { $ImmutableID = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String(($User.ObjectGUID).ToByteArray()) return $ImmutableID } return } function ConvertTo-OperatingSystem { [CmdletBinding()] param([string] $OperatingSystem, [string] $OperatingSystemVersion) if ($OperatingSystem -like '*Windows 10*') { $Systems = @{'10.0 (18362)' = "Windows 10 1903" '10.0 (17763)' = "Windows 10 1809" '10.0 (17134)' = "Windows 10 1803" '10.0 (16299)' = "Windows 10 1709" '10.0 (15063)' = "Windows 10 1703" '10.0 (14393)' = "Windows 10 1607" '10.0 (10586)' = "Windows 10 1511" '10.0 (10240)' = "Windows 10 1507" '10.0 (18898)' = 'Windows 10 Insider Preview' '10.0.18362' = "Windows 10 1903" '10.0.17763' = "Windows 10 1809" '10.0.17134' = "Windows 10 1803" '10.0.16299' = "Windows 10 1709" '10.0.15063' = "Windows 10 1703" '10.0.14393' = "Windows 10 1607" '10.0.10586' = "Windows 10 1511" '10.0.10240' = "Windows 10 1507" '10.0.18898' = 'Windows 10 Insider Preview' } $System = $Systems[$OperatingSystemVersion] } elseif ($OperatingSystem -like '*Windows Server*') { $Systems = @{'10.0 (18362)' = "Windows Server, version 1903 (Semi-Annual Channel) 1903" '10.0 (17763)' = "Windows Server 2019 (Long-Term Servicing Channel) 1809" '10.0 (17134)' = "Windows Server, version 1803 (Semi-Annual Channel) 1803" '10.0 (14393)' = "Windows Server 2016 (Long-Term Servicing Channel) 1607" '10.0.18362' = "Windows Server, version 1903 (Semi-Annual Channel) 1903" '10.0.17763' = "Windows Server 2019 (Long-Term Servicing Channel) 1809" '10.0.17134' = "Windows Server, version 1803 (Semi-Annual Channel) 1803" '10.0.14393' = "Windows Server 2016 (Long-Term Servicing Channel) 1607" } $System = $Systems[$OperatingSystemVersion] } elseif ($OperatingSystem -notlike 'Windows 10*') { $System = $OperatingSystem } if ($System) { $System } else { 'Unknown' } } function ConvertTo-OrderedDictionary { [CmdletBinding()] Param ([parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $HashTable) $OrderedDictionary = [ordered]@{ } if ($HashTable -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) { $Keys = $HashTable.Keys | Sort-Object foreach ($_ in $Keys) { $OrderedDictionary.Add($_, $HashTable[$_]) } } elseif ($HashTable -is [System.Collections.ICollection]) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $HashTable.count; $i++) { $OrderedDictionary.Add($i, $HashTable[$i]) } } else { Write-Error "ConvertTo-OrderedDictionary - Wrong input type." } return $OrderedDictionary } function ConvertTo-ScriptBlock { [CmdletBinding()] param([Array] $Code, [string[]] $Include, [string[]] $Exclude) if ($Include) { $Output = foreach ($Line in $Code) { foreach ($I in $Include) { if ($Line.StartsWith($I)) { $Line } } } } if ($Exclude) { $Output = foreach ($Line in $Code) { $Tests = foreach ($E in $Exclude) { if ($Line.StartsWith($E)) { $true } } if ($Tests -notcontains $true) { $Line } } } if ($Output) { [ScriptBlock]::Create($Output) } } function Find-DatesCurrentDayMinusDayX ($days) { $DateTodayStart = (Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0).AddDays(- $Days) $DateTodayEnd = (Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0).AddDays(1).AddDays(- $Days).AddMilliseconds(-1) $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $DateTodayStart DateTo = $DateTodayEnd } return $DateParameters } function Find-DatesCurrentDayMinuxDaysX ($days) { $DateTodayStart = (Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0).AddDays(- $Days) $DateTodayEnd = (Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0).AddDays(1).AddMilliseconds(-1) $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $DateTodayStart DateTo = $DateTodayEnd } return $DateParameters } function Find-DatesCurrentHour () { $DateTodayStart = (Get-Date -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0) $DateTodayEnd = $DateTodayStart.AddHours(1) $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $DateTodayStart DateTo = $DateTodayEnd } return $DateParameters } function Find-DatesDayPrevious () { $DateToday = (Get-Date).Date $DateYesterday = $DateToday.AddDays(-1) $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $DateYesterday DateTo = $dateToday } return $DateParameters } function Find-DatesDayToday () { $DateToday = (Get-Date).Date $DateTodayEnd = $DateToday.AddDays(1).AddSeconds(-1) $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $DateToday DateTo = $DateTodayEnd } return $DateParameters } function Find-DatesMonthCurrent () { $DateMonthFirstDay = (Get-Date -Day 1).Date $DateMonthLastDay = Get-Date $DateMonthFirstDay.AddMonths(1).AddSeconds(-1) $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $DateMonthFirstDay DateTo = $DateMonthLastDay } return $DateParameters } function Find-DatesMonthPast ([bool] $Force) { $DateToday = (Get-Date).Date $DateMonthFirstDay = (Get-Date -Day 1).Date $DateMonthPreviousFirstDay = $DateMonthFirstDay.AddMonths(-1) if ($Force -eq $true -or $DateToday -eq $DateMonthFirstDay) { $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $DateMonthPreviousFirstDay DateTo = $DateMonthFirstDay } return $DateParameters } else { return $null } } function Find-DatesPastHour () { $DateTodayEnd = Get-Date -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0 $DateTodayStart = $DateTodayEnd.AddHours(-1) $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $DateTodayStart DateTo = $DateTodayEnd } return $DateParameters } function Find-DatesPastWeek($DayName) { $DateTodayStart = Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0 if ($DateTodayStart.DayOfWeek -ne $DayName) { return $null } $DateTodayEnd = (Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0).AddDays(-7) $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $DateTodayEnd DateTo = $DateTodayStart } return $DateParameters } function Find-DatesQuarterCurrent ([bool] $Force) { $Today = (Get-Date) $Quarter = [Math]::Ceiling($Today.Month / 3) $LastDay = [DateTime]::DaysInMonth([Int]$Today.Year.ToString(), [Int]($Quarter * 3)) $StartDate = (Get-Date -Year $Today.Year -Month ($Quarter * 3 - 2) -Day 1).Date $EndDate = (Get-Date -Year $Today.Year -Month ($Quarter * 3) -Day $LastDay).Date.AddDays(1).AddTicks(-1) $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $StartDate DateTo = $EndDate } return $DateParameters } function Find-DatesQuarterLast ([bool] $Force) { $Today = (Get-Date).AddDays(-90) $Yesterday = ((Get-Date).AddDays(-1)) $Quarter = [Math]::Ceiling($Today.Month / 3) $LastDay = [DateTime]::DaysInMonth([Int]$Today.Year.ToString(), [Int]($Quarter * 3)) $StartDate = (Get-Date -Year $Today.Year -Month ($Quarter * 3 - 2) -Day 1).Date $EndDate = (Get-Date -Year $Today.Year -Month ($Quarter * 3) -Day $LastDay).Date.AddDays(1).AddTicks(-1) if ($Force -eq $true -or $Yesterday.Date -eq $EndDate.Date) { $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $StartDate DateTo = $EndDate } return $DateParameters } else { return $null } } function Set-DnsServerIpAddress { [CmdletBinding()] param([string] $ComputerName, [string] $NicName, [string] $IpAddresses) if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $ComputerName -Count 2 -Quiet) { Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock { param ($ComputerName, $NicName, $IpAddresses) Write-Host "Setting on $ComputerName on interface $NicName a new set of DNS Servers $IpAddresses" Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias $NicName -ServerAddresses $IpAddresses } -ArgumentList $ComputerName, $NicName, $IpAddresses } else { Write-Host "Can't access $ComputerName. Computer is not online." } } function Get-HTML { [CmdletBinding()] param ($text) $text = $text.Split("`r") foreach ($t in $text) { Write-Host $t } } function Send-Email { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param ([alias('EmailParameters')][System.Collections.IDictionary] $Email, [string] $Body, [string[]] $Attachment, [System.Collections.IDictionary] $InlineAttachments, [string] $Subject, [string[]] $To, [PSCustomObject] $Logger) try { if ($Email.EmailTo) { $EmailParameters = $Email.Clone() } else { $EmailParameters = @{EmailFrom = $Email.From EmailTo = $Email.To EmailCC = $Email.CC EmailBCC = $Email.BCC EmailReplyTo = $Email.ReplyTo EmailServer = $Email.Server EmailServerPassword = $Email.Password EmailServerPasswordAsSecure = $Email.PasswordAsSecure EmailServerPasswordFromFile = $Email.PasswordFromFile EmailServerPort = $Email.Port EmailServerLogin = $Email.Login EmailServerEnableSSL = $Email.EnableSsl EmailEncoding = $Email.Encoding EmailEncodingSubject = $Email.EncodingSubject EmailEncodingBody = $Email.EncodingBody EmailSubject = $Email.Subject EmailPriority = $Email.Priority EmailDeliveryNotifications = $Email.DeliveryNotifications EmailUseDefaultCredentials = $Email.UseDefaultCredentials } } } catch { return @{Status = $False Error = $($_.Exception.Message) SentTo = '' } } $SmtpClient = [System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient]::new() if ($EmailParameters.EmailServer) { $SmtpClient.Host = $EmailParameters.EmailServer } else { return @{Status = $False Error = "Email Server Host is not set." SentTo = '' } } if ($EmailParameters.EmailServerPort) { $SmtpClient.Port = $EmailParameters.EmailServerPort } else { return @{Status = $False Error = "Email Server Port is not set." SentTo = '' } } if ($EmailParameters.EmailServerLogin) { $Credentials = Request-Credentials -UserName $EmailParameters.EmailServerLogin -Password $EmailParameters.EmailServerPassword -AsSecure:$EmailParameters.EmailServerPasswordAsSecure -FromFile:$EmailParameters.EmailServerPasswordFromFile -NetworkCredentials $SmtpClient.Credentials = $Credentials } if ($EmailParameters.EmailServerEnableSSL) { $SmtpClient.EnableSsl = $EmailParameters.EmailServerEnableSSL } $MailMessage = [System.Net.Mail.MailMessage]::new() $MailMessage.From = $EmailParameters.EmailFrom if ($To) { foreach ($T in $To) { $MailMessage.To.add($($T)) } } else { if ($EmailParameters.Emailto) { foreach ($To in $EmailParameters.Emailto) { $MailMessage.To.add($($To)) } } } if ($EmailParameters.EmailCC) { foreach ($CC in $EmailParameters.EmailCC) { $MailMessage.CC.add($($CC)) } } if ($EmailParameters.EmailBCC) { foreach ($BCC in $EmailParameters.EmailBCC) { $MailMessage.BCC.add($($BCC)) } } if ($EmailParameters.EmailReplyTo) { $MailMessage.ReplyTo = $EmailParameters.EmailReplyTo } $MailMessage.IsBodyHtml = $true if ($Subject -eq '') { $MailMessage.Subject = $EmailParameters.EmailSubject } else { $MailMessage.Subject = $Subject } $MailMessage.Priority = [System.Net.Mail.MailPriority]::$($EmailParameters.EmailPriority) if ($EmailParameters.EmailEncodingSubject) { $MailMessage.SubjectEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::$($EmailParameters.EmailEncodingSubject) } else { $MailMessage.SubjectEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::$($EmailParameters.EmailEncoding) } if ($EmailParameters.EmailEncodingBody) { $MailMessage.BodyEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::$($EmailParameters.EmailEncodingBody) } else { $MailMessage.BodyEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::$($EmailParameters.EmailEncoding) } if ($EmailParameters.EmailUseDefaultCredentials) { $SmtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = $EmailParameters.EmailUseDefaultCredentials } if ($EmailParameters.EmailDeliveryNotifications) { $MailMessage.DeliveryNotificationOptions = $EmailParameters.EmailDeliveryNotifications } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('InlineAttachments')) { $BodyPart = [Net.Mail.AlternateView]::CreateAlternateViewFromString($Body, 'text/html') $MailMessage.AlternateViews.Add($BodyPart) foreach ($Entry in $InlineAttachments.GetEnumerator()) { try { $FilePath = $Entry.Value Write-Verbose $FilePath if ($Entry.Value.StartsWith('http')) { $FileName = $Entry.Value.Substring($Entry.Value.LastIndexOf("/") + 1) $FilePath = Join-Path $env:temp $FileName Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Entry.Value -OutFile $FilePath } $ContentType = Get-MimeType -FileName $FilePath $InAttachment = [Net.Mail.LinkedResource]::new($FilePath, $ContentType) $InAttachment.ContentId = $Entry.Key $BodyPart.LinkedResources.Add($InAttachment) } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " Write-Error "Error inlining attachments: $ErrorMessage" } } } else { $MailMessage.Body = $Body } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Attachment')) { foreach ($Attach in $Attachment) { if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $Attach) { try { $File = [Net.Mail.Attachment]::new($Attach) $MailMessage.Attachments.Add($File) } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " if ($Logger) { $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Error attaching file $Attach`: $ErrorMessage") } else { Write-Error "Error attaching file $Attach`: $ErrorMessage" } } } } } try { $MailSentTo = "$($MailMessage.To) $($MailMessage.CC) $($MailMessage.BCC)".Trim() if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("$MailSentTo", "Send-Email")) { $SmtpClient.Send($MailMessage) $MailMessage.Dispose() return @{Status = $True Error = "" SentTo = $MailSentTo } } } catch { $MailMessage.Dispose() return @{Status = $False Error = $($_.Exception.Message) SentTo = "" } } } function Set-EmailBody { [CmdletBinding()] param([Object] $TableData, [alias('TableWelcomeMessage')][string] $TableMessageWelcome, [string] $TableMessageNoData = 'No changes happened during that period.') $Body = "<p><i><u>$TableMessageWelcome</u></i></p>" if ($($TableData | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $Body += $TableData | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | Out-String } else { $Body += "<p><i>$TableMessageNoData</i></p>" } return $body } function Set-EmailBodyPreparedTable ($TableData, $TableWelcomeMessage) { $body = "<p><i><u>$TableWelcomeMessage</u></i></p>" $body += $TableData return $body } function Set-EmailBodyReplacement { [CmdletBinding()] param([string] $Body, [hashtable] $ReplacementTable, [ValidateSet('Colors', 'Bold')][string] $Type) switch ($Type) { 'Colors' { foreach ($Field in $ReplacementTable.Keys) { $Value = $ReplacementTable.$Field $Body = $Body -replace $Field, "<font color=`"$Value`">$Field</font>" } } 'Bold' { foreach ($Field in $ReplacementTable.Keys) { $Value = $ReplacementTable.$Field if ($Value -eq $true) { $Body = $Body -replace $Field, "<b>$Field</b>" } } } } return $Body } function Set-EmailBodyReplacementTable { [CmdletBinding()] [alias('Set-EmailBodyTableReplacement')] param ([string] $Body, [string] $TableName, [Array] $TableData) $TableData = $TableData | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | Out-String $Body = $Body -replace "<<$TableName>>", $TableData return $Body } function Set-EmailFormatting { [CmdletBinding()] param ($Template, [System.Collections.IDictionary] $FormattingParameters, [System.Collections.IDictionary] $ConfigurationParameters, [PSCustomObject] $Logger, [switch] $SkipNewLines, [string[]] $AddAfterOpening, [string[]] $AddBeforeClosing, [string] $Image) if ($ConfigurationParameters) { $WriteParameters = $ConfigurationParameters.DisplayConsole } else { $WriteParameters = @{ShowTime = $true; LogFile = ""; TimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" } } if ($Image) { $Template = $Template -replace '<<Image>>', $Image } $Body = "<body>" if ($AddAfterOpening) { $Body += $AddAfterOpening } if (-not $SkipNewLines) { $Template = $Template.Split("`n") if ($Logger) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Preparing template - adding HTML <BR> tags...") } else { Write-Color @WriteParameters -Text "[i] Preparing template ", "adding", " HTML ", "<BR>", " tags." -Color White, Yellow, White, Yellow } $StyleFlag = $false foreach ($t in $Template) { $Body += "$t<br>" } } else { $Body += $Template } foreach ($style in $FormattingParameters.Styles.GetEnumerator()) { foreach ($value in $style.Value) { if ($value -eq "") { continue } if ($Logger) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Preparing template - adding HTML $($style.Name) tag for $value.") } else { Write-Color @WriteParameters -Text "[i] Preparing template ", "adding", " HTML ", "$($style.Name)", " tag for ", "$value", ' tags...' -Color White, Yellow, White, Yellow, White, Yellow } $Body = $Body.Replace($value, "<$($style.Name)>$value</$($style.Name)>") } } foreach ($color in $FormattingParameters.Colors.GetEnumerator()) { foreach ($value in $color.Value) { if ($value -eq "") { continue } if ($Logger) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Preparing template - adding HTML $($color.Name) tag for $value.") } else { Write-Color @WriteParameters -Text "[i] Preparing template ", "adding", " HTML ", "$($color.Name)", " tag for ", "$value", ' tags...' -Color White, Yellow, White, Yellow, White, Yellow } $Body = $Body.Replace($value, "<span style=color:$($color.Name)>$value</span>") } } foreach ($links in $FormattingParameters.Links.GetEnumerator()) { foreach ($link in $links.Value) { if ($link.Link -like "*@*") { if ($Logger) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Preparing template - adding EMAIL Links for $($links.Key).") } else { Write-Color @WriteParameters -Text "[i] Preparing template ", "adding", " EMAIL ", "Links for", " $($links.Key)..." -Color White, Yellow, White, White, Yellow, White } $Body = $Body -replace "<<$($links.Key)>>", "<span style=color:$($link.Color)><a href='mailto:$($link.Link)?subject=$($Link.Subject)'>$($Link.Text)</a></span>" } else { if ($Logger) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("[i] Preparing template - adding HTML Links for $($links.Key)") } else { Write-Color @WriteParameters -Text "[i] Preparing template ", "adding", " HTML ", "Links for", " $($links.Key)..." -Color White, Yellow, White, White, Yellow, White } $Body = $Body -replace "<<$($links.Key)>>", "<span style=color:$($link.Color)><a href='$($link.Link)'>$($Link.Text)</a></span>" } } } if ($AddAfterOpening) { $Body += $AddBeforeClosing } $Body += '</body>' if ($ConfigurationParameters) { if ($ConfigurationParameters.DisplayTemplateHTML -eq $true) { Get-HTML($Body) } } return $Body } function Set-EmailHead { param([System.Collections.IDictionary] $FormattingOptions) $head = @" <head> <style> BODY { background-color: white; font-family: $($FormattingOptions.FontFamily); font-size: $($FormattingOptions.FontSize); } TABLE { border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; border-collapse: collapse; font-family: $($FormattingOptions.FontTableDataFamily); font-size: $($FormattingOptions.FontTableDataSize); } TH { border-width: 1px; padding: 3px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; background-color: #00297A; color: white; font-family: $($FormattingOptions.FontTableHeadingFamily); font-size: $($FormattingOptions.FontTableHeadingSize); } TR { font-family: $($FormattingOptions.FontTableDataFamily); font-size: $($FormattingOptions.FontTableDataSize); } UL { font-family: $($FormattingOptions.FontFamily); font-size: $($FormattingOptions.FontSize); } LI { font-family: $($FormattingOptions.FontFamily); font-size: $($FormattingOptions.FontSize); } TD { border-width: 1px; padding-right: 2px; padding-left: 2px; padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; background-color: white; font-family: $($FormattingOptions.FontTableDataFamily); font-size: $($FormattingOptions.FontTableDataSize); } H2 { font-family: $($FormattingOptions.FontHeadingFamily); font-size: $($FormattingOptions.FontHeadingSize); } P { font-family: $($FormattingOptions.FontFamily); font-size: $($FormattingOptions.FontSize); } </style> </head> "@ return $Head } function Set-EmailReportBranding { param([alias('FormattingOptions')] $FormattingParameters) if ($FormattingParameters.CompanyBranding.Link) { $Report = "<a style=`"text-decoration:none`" href=`"$($FormattingParameters.CompanyBranding.Link)`" class=`"clink logo-container`">" } else { $Report = '' } if ($FormattingParameters.CompanyBranding.Inline) { $Report += "<img width=<fix> height=<fix> src=`"cid:logo`" border=`"0`" class=`"company-logo`" alt=`"company-logo`"></a>" } else { $Report += "<img width=<fix> height=<fix> src=`"$($FormattingParameters.CompanyBranding.Logo)`" border=`"0`" class=`"company-logo`" alt=`"company-logo`"></a>" } if ($FormattingParameters.CompanyBranding.Width -ne "") { $Report = $Report -replace "width=<fix>", "width=$($FormattingParameters.CompanyBranding.Width)" } else { $Report = $Report -replace "width=<fix>", "" } if ($FormattingParameters.CompanyBranding.Height -ne "") { $Report = $Report -replace "height=<fix>", "height=$($FormattingParameters.CompanyBranding.Height)" } else { $Report = $Report -replace "height=<fix>", "" } return $Report } function Set-EmailWordReplacements($Body, $Replace, $ReplaceWith, [switch] $RegEx) { if ($RegEx) { $Body = $Body -Replace $Replace, $ReplaceWith } else { $Body = $Body.Replace($Replace, $ReplaceWith) } return $Body } function Set-EmailWordReplacementsHash { [CmdletBinding()] param ($Body, $Substitute) foreach ($Key in $Substitute.Keys) { Write-Verbose "Set-EmailWordReplacementsHash - Key: $Key Value: $($Substitute.$Key)" $Body = Set-EmailWordReplacements -Body $Body -Replace $Key -ReplaceWith $Substitute.$Key } return $Body } function Get-FileInformation { [CmdletBinding()] param([string] $File) if (Test-Path $File) { return Get-Item $File | Select-Object Name, FullName, @{N = 'Size'; E = { Get-FileSize -Bytes $_.Length } }, IsReadOnly, LastWriteTime } return } function Get-FileName { <# .SYNOPSIS Short description .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER Extension Parameter description .PARAMETER Temporary Parameter description .PARAMETER TemporaryFileOnly Parameter description .EXAMPLE Get-FileName -Temporary Output: 3ymsxvav.tmp .EXAMPLE Get-FileName -Temporary Output: C:\Users\pklys\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD74C.tmp .EXAMPLE Get-FileName -Temporary -Extension 'xlsx' Output: C:\Users\pklys\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp45B6.xlsx .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] param([string] $Extension = 'tmp', [switch] $Temporary, [switch] $TemporaryFileOnly) if ($Temporary) { return "$($([System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()).Replace('.tmp','')).$Extension" } if ($TemporaryFileOnly) { return "$($([System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()).Split('.')[0]).$Extension" } } function Get-FilesInFolder { [CmdletBinding()] param([string] $Folder, [string] $Extension = '*.evtx') $Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Folder -Filter $Extension -Recurse $ReturnFiles = foreach ($File in $Files) { $File.FullName } return $ReturnFiles } function Get-FileSize { [CmdletBinding()] param($Bytes) $sizes = 'Bytes,KB,MB,GB,TB,PB,EB,ZB' -split ',' for ($i = 0; ($Bytes -ge 1kb) -and ($i -lt $sizes.Count); $i++) { $Bytes /= 1kb } $N = 2 if ($i -eq 0) { $N = 0 } return "{0:N$($N)} {1}" -f $Bytes, $sizes[$i] } function Get-PathSeparator { param() return [IO.Path]::PathSeparator } function Get-PathTemporary { param() return [IO.path]::GetTempPath() } function Get-TemporaryDirectory { param() $TemporaryFolder = Get-RandomStringName -Size 13 -LettersOnly -ToLower $TemporaryPath = []::GetTempPath() $Output = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $TemporaryPath -Name $TemporaryFolder -Force if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $Output.FullName) { $Output } } function Remove-FilePermission { [alias('Remove-Permission')] param([string] $StartingDir, [string] $UserOrGroup = "", [switch] $All) $acl = Get-Acl -Path $StartingDir if ($UserOrGroup -ne "") { foreach ($access in $acl.Access) { if ($access.IdentityReference.Value -eq $UserOrGroup) { $acl.RemoveAccessRule($access) | Out-Null } } } if ($All -eq $true) { foreach ($access in $acl.Access) { $acl.RemoveAccessRule($access) | Out-Null } } Set-Acl -Path $folder.FullName -AclObject $acl } function Set-FileInheritance { [alias('Set-Inheritance')] param([string] $StartingDir, [switch] $DisableInheritance, [switch] $KeepInheritedAcl) $acl = Get-Acl -Path $StartingDir $acl.SetAccessRuleProtection($DisableInheritance, $KeepInheritedAcl) $acl | Set-Acl -Path $StartingDir } function Set-FilePermission { [alias('Set-Permission')] param ([string] $StartingDir, [string] $UserOrGroup = "", $InheritedFolderPermissions = "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", [string] $AccessControlType = "Allow", [string] $PropagationFlags = "None", $AclRightsToAssign) $acl = Get-Acl -Path $StartingDir $perm = $UserOrGroup, $AclRightsToAssign, $InheritedFolderPermissions, $PropagationFlags, $AccessControlType $rule = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule -ArgumentList $perm $acl.SetAccessRule($rule) Set-Acl -Path $StartingDir $acl } #requires -Module PSWriteColor <# .SYNOPSIS Returns an instance of the logger object. .EXAMPLE with full log name $Logger = Get-Logger -ShowTime -LogPath 'C:\temp\test.log' $Logger.AddErrorRecord("test error") $Logger.AddInfoRecord("test info") $Logger.AddSuccessRecord("test success") $Logger.AddRecord("test record") .EXAMPLE with directory name and auto-generated log name $Logger = Get-Logger -ShowTime -LogsDir 'C:\temp' $Logger.AddErrorRecord("test error") .EXAMPLE with directory name and logo name defined separately $Logger = Get-Logger -ShowTime -Directory 'C:\temp' -Filename 'test.log' $Logger.AddErrorRecord("test error") .EXAMPLE without logfile, only console output $Logger = Get-Logger -ShowTime $Logger.AddErrorRecord("test error") #> function Get-Logger { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "All")] param ([Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Logpath')][string] $LogPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Complexpath')][string] $LogsDir, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Complexpath')][string] $Filename, [switch] $ShowTime, [string] $TimeFormat = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Complexpath') { if (-not $Filename) { $CallerName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension((Split-Path $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath -Leaf)) $Filename = "$([DateTime]::Now.ToString($TimeFormat) -replace('[^.\-\w]', '_'))_$CallerName.log" } $LogPath = Join-Path $LogsDir $Filename } if ($LogPath) { $LogsDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($LogPath) New-Item $LogsDir -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null New-Item $LogPath -ItemType File -Force | Out-Null } $Logger = [PSCustomObject]@{LogPath = $LogPath ShowTime = $ShowTime TimeFormat = $TimeFormat } Add-Member -InputObject $Logger -MemberType ScriptMethod AddErrorRecord -Value { param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$String) if (-not $this.LogPath) { Write-Color -Text "[Error] ", $String -Color Red, White -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } else { Write-Color -Text "[Error] ", $String -Color Red, White -LogFile:$this.LogPath -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } } Add-Member -InputObject $Logger -MemberType ScriptMethod AddInfoRecord -Value { param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$String) if (-not $this.LogPath) { Write-Color -Text "[Info] ", $String -Color Yellow, White -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } else { Write-Color -Text "[Info] ", $String -Color Yellow, White -LogFile:$this.LogPath -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } } Add-Member -InputObject $Logger -MemberType ScriptMethod AddWarningRecord -Value { param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$String) if (-not $this.LogPath) { Write-Color -Text "[Warning] ", $String -Color Magenta, White -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } else { Write-Color -Text "[Warning] ", $String -Color Magenta, White -LogFile:$this.LogPath -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } } Add-Member -InputObject $Logger -MemberType ScriptMethod AddRecord -Value { param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$String) if (-not $this.LogPath) { Write-Color -Text " $String" -Color White -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } else { Write-Color -Text " $String" -Color White -LogFile:$this.LogPath -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } } Add-Member -InputObject $Logger -MemberType ScriptMethod AddSuccessRecord -Value { param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$String) if (-not $this.LogPath) { Write-Color -Text "[Success] ", $String -Color Green, White -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } else { Write-Color -Text "[Success] ", $String -Color Green, White -LogFile:$this.LogPath -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } } return $Logger } function Add-ToArray { [CmdletBinding()] param([System.Collections.ArrayList] $List, [Object] $Element) [void] $List.Add($Element) } function Add-ToArrayAdvanced { [CmdletBinding()] param([System.Collections.ArrayList] $List, [Object] $Element, [switch] $SkipNull, [switch] $RequireUnique, [switch] $FullComparison, [switch] $Merge) if ($SkipNull -and $null -eq $Element) { return } if ($RequireUnique) { if ($FullComparison) { foreach ($ListElement in $List) { if ($ListElement -eq $Element) { $TypeLeft = Get-ObjectType -Object $ListElement $TypeRight = Get-ObjectType -Object $Element if ($TypeLeft.ObjectTypeName -eq $TypeRight.ObjectTypeName) { return } } } } else { if ($List -contains $Element) { return } } } if ($Merge) { [void] $List.AddRange($Element) } else { [void] $List.Add($Element) } } function Add-ToHashTable($Hashtable, $Key, $Value) { if ($null -ne $Value -and $Value -ne '') { $Hashtable.Add($Key, $Value) } } function Clear-DataInformation { [CmdletBinding()] param([System.Collections.IDictionary] $Data, [Array] $TypesRequired, [switch] $DontRemoveSupportData, [switch] $DontRemoveEmpty) foreach ($Domain in $Data.FoundDomains.Keys) { $RemoveDomainKeys = foreach ($Key in $Data.FoundDomains.$Domain.Keys) { if ($null -eq $Data.FoundDomains.$Domain.$Key) { if (-not $DontRemoveEmpty) { $Key } continue } if ($Key -notin $TypesRequired -and $DontRemoveSupportData -eq $false) { $Key } } foreach ($Key in $RemoveDomainKeys) { $Data.FoundDomains.$Domain.Remove($Key) } } $RemoveDomains = foreach ($Domain in $Data.FoundDomains.Keys) { if ($Data.FoundDomains.$Domain.Count -eq 0) { $Domain } } foreach ($Domain in $RemoveDomains) { $Data.FoundDomains.Remove($Domain) } if ($Data.FoundDomains.Count -eq 0) { $Data.Remove('FoundDomains') } $RemoveKeys = foreach ($Key in $Data.Keys) { if ($Key -eq 'FoundDomains') { continue } if ($null -eq $Data.$Key) { if (-not $DontRemoveEmpty) { $Key } continue } if ($Key -notin $TypesRequired -and $DontRemoveSupportData -eq $false) { $Key } } foreach ($Key in $RemoveKeys) { $Data.Remove($Key) } } function Compare-MultipleObjects { [CmdLetBinding()] param([System.Collections.IList] $Objects, [switch] $CompareSorted, [switch] $FormatOutput, [switch] $FormatDifferences, [switch] $Summary, [string] $Splitter = ', ', [string[]] $Property, [string[]] $ExcludeProperty, [switch] $AllProperties, [switch] $SkipProperties, [int] $First, [int] $Last, [Array] $Replace) if ($null -eq $Objects -or $Objects.Count -eq 1) { Write-Warning "Compare-MultipleObjects - Unable to compare objects. Not enough objects to compare ($($Objects.Count))." return } function Compare-TwoArrays { [CmdLetBinding()] param([string] $FieldName, [Array] $Object1, [Array] $Object2, [Array] $Replace) $Result = [ordered] @{Status = $false Same = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new() Add = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new() Remove = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new() } if ($Replace) { foreach ($R in $Replace) { if (($($R.Keys[0]) -eq '') -or ($($R.Keys[0]) -eq $FieldName)) { if ($null -ne $Object1) { $Object1 = $Object1 -replace $($R.Values)[0], $($R.Values)[1] } if ($null -ne $Object2) { $Object2 = $Object2 -replace $($R.Values)[0], $($R.Values)[1] } } } } if ($null -eq $Object1 -and $null -eq $Object2) { $Result['Status'] = $true } elseif (($null -eq $Object1) -or ($null -eq $Object2)) { $Result['Status'] = $false foreach ($O in $Object1) { $Result['Add'].Add($O) } foreach ($O in $Object2) { $Result['Remove'].Add($O) } } else { $ComparedObject = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Object1 -DifferenceObject $Object2 -IncludeEqual foreach ($_ in $ComparedObject) { if ($_.SideIndicator -eq '==') { $Result['Same'].Add($_.InputObject) } elseif (($_.SideIndicator -eq '<=')) { $Result['Add'].Add($_.InputObject) } elseif (($_.SideIndicator -eq '=>')) { $Result['Remove'].Add($_.InputObject) } } IF ($Result['Add'].Count -eq 0 -and $Result['Remove'].Count -eq 0) { $Result['Status'] = $true } else { $Result['Status'] = $false } } $Result } if ($First -or $Last) { [int] $TotalCount = $First + $Last if ($TotalCount -gt 1) { $Objects = $Objects | Select-Object -First $First -Last $Last } else { Write-Warning "Compare-MultipleObjects - Unable to compare objects. Not enough objects to compare ($TotalCount)." return } } $ReturnValues = @($FirstElement = [ordered] @{ } $FirstElement['Name'] = 'Properties' if ($Summary) { $FirstElement['Same'] = $null $FirstElement['Different'] = $null } $FirstElement['Status'] = $false $FirstObjectProperties = Select-Properties -Objects $Objects -Property $Property -ExcludeProperty $ExcludeProperty -AllProperties:$AllProperties if (-not $SkipProperties) { if ($FormatOutput) { $FirstElement["Source"] = $FirstObjectProperties -join $Splitter } else { $FirstElement["Source"] = $FirstObjectProperties } [Array] $IsSame = for ($i = 1; $i -lt $Objects.Count; $i++) { if ($Objects[0] -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) { [string[]] $CompareObjectProperties = $Objects[$i].Keys } else { [string[]] $CompareObjectProperties = $Objects[$i].PSObject.Properties.Name [string[]] $CompareObjectProperties = Select-Properties -Objects $Objects[$i] -Property $Property -ExcludeProperty $ExcludeProperty -AllProperties:$AllProperties } if ($FormatOutput) { $FirstElement["$i"] = $CompareObjectProperties -join $Splitter } else { $FirstElement["$i"] = $CompareObjectProperties } if ($CompareSorted) { $Value1 = $FirstObjectProperties | Sort-Object $Value2 = $CompareObjectProperties | Sort-Object } else { $Value1 = $FirstObjectProperties $Value2 = $CompareObjectProperties } $Status = Compare-TwoArrays -FieldName 'Properties' -Object1 $Value1 -Object2 $Value2 -Replace $Replace if ($FormatDifferences) { $FirstElement["$i-Add"] = $Status['Add'] -join $Splitter $FirstElement["$i-Remove"] = $Status['Remove'] -join $Splitter $FirstElement["$i-Same"] = $Status['Same'] -join $Splitter } else { $FirstElement["$i-Add"] = $Status['Add'] $FirstElement["$i-Remove"] = $Status['Remove'] $FirstElement["$i-Same"] = $Status['Same'] } $Status } if ($IsSame.Status -notcontains $false) { $FirstElement['Status'] = $true } else { $FirstElement['Status'] = $false } if ($Summary) { [Array] $Collection = (0..($IsSame.Count - 1)).Where( { $IsSame[$_].Status -eq $true }, 'Split') if ($FormatDifferences) { $FirstElement['Same'] = ($Collection[0] | ForEach-Object { $_ + 1 }) -join $Splitter $FirstElement['Different'] = ($Collection[1] | ForEach-Object { $_ + 1 }) -join $Splitter } else { $FirstElement['Same'] = $Collection[0] | ForEach-Object { $_ + 1 } $FirstElement['Different'] = $Collection[1] | ForEach-Object { $_ + 1 } } } [PSCustomObject] $FirstElement } foreach ($_ in $FirstObjectProperties) { $EveryOtherElement = [ordered] @{ } $EveryOtherElement['Name'] = $_ if ($Summary) { $EveryOtherElement['Same'] = $null $EveryOtherElement['Different'] = $null } $EveryOtherElement.Status = $false if ($FormatOutput) { $EveryOtherElement['Source'] = $Objects[0].$_ -join $Splitter } else { $EveryOtherElement['Source'] = $Objects[0].$_ } [Array] $IsSame = for ($i = 1; $i -lt $Objects.Count; $i++) { if ($FormatOutput) { $EveryOtherElement["$i"] = $Objects[$i].$_ -join $Splitter } else { $EveryOtherElement["$i"] = $Objects[$i].$_ } if ($CompareSorted) { $Value1 = $Objects[0].$_ | Sort-Object $Value2 = $Objects[$i].$_ | Sort-Object } else { $Value1 = $Objects[0].$_ $Value2 = $Objects[$i].$_ } $Status = Compare-TwoArrays -FieldName $_ -Object1 $Value1 -Object2 $Value2 -Replace $Replace if ($FormatDifferences) { $EveryOtherElement["$i-Add"] = $Status['Add'] -join $Splitter $EveryOtherElement["$i-Remove"] = $Status['Remove'] -join $Splitter $EveryOtherElement["$i-Same"] = $Status['Same'] -join $Splitter } else { $EveryOtherElement["$i-Add"] = $Status['Add'] $EveryOtherElement["$i-Remove"] = $Status['Remove'] $EveryOtherElement["$i-Same"] = $Status['Same'] } $Status } if ($IsSame.Status -notcontains $false) { $EveryOtherElement['Status'] = $true } else { $EveryOtherElement['Status'] = $false } if ($Summary) { [Array] $Collection = (0..($IsSame.Count - 1)).Where( { $IsSame[$_].Status -eq $true }, 'Split') if ($FormatDifferences) { $EveryOtherElement['Same'] = ($Collection[0] | ForEach-Object { $_ + 1 }) -join $Splitter $EveryOtherElement['Different'] = ($Collection[1] | ForEach-Object { $_ + 1 }) -join $Splitter } else { $EveryOtherElement['Same'] = $Collection[0] | ForEach-Object { $_ + 1 } $EveryOtherElement['Different'] = $Collection[1] | ForEach-Object { $_ + 1 } } } [PSCuStomObject] $EveryOtherElement }) if ($ReturnValues.Count -eq 1) { return , $ReturnValues } else { return $ReturnValues } } function Compare-ObjectsAdvanced { param([object] $Object1, [object] $Object2, [alias('Property')][string] $CommonProperty = 'DistinguishedName', [string[]] $AddObjectArrayName, [object[]] $AddObjectArray, [string] $Object1Property, [string] $Object2Property, [string] $ObjectPropertySubstitute = 'SpecialValueToCompare', [switch] $RemoveSideIndicator, [switch] $KeepTemporaryProperty, [ValidateSet('Left', 'Right')][string] $Side = 'Left') $Objects = New-GenericList if ($null -eq $Object1 -and $null -eq $Object2) { } elseif ($null -eq $Object1) { } elseif ($null -eq $Object2) { foreach ($G in $Object1) { for ($a = 0; $a -lt $AddObjectArrayName.Count; $a++) { $G | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $AddObjectArrayName[$a] -Value $AddObjectArray[$a] -Force } $Objects.Add($G) } } else { $Terminate = New-GenericList -Type [bool] if ($Object1Property -and $Object2Property) { if ($Object1[0].PSObject.Properties.Name -notcontains $Object1Property) { Write-Warning -Message "Compare-InfrastructureObjects - Object1 property doesn't exists $Object1Property" $Terminate.Add($true) } if ($Object2[0].PSObject.Properties.Name -notcontains $Object2Property) { Write-Warning -Message "Compare-InfrastructureObjects - Object2 property doesn't exists $Object2Property" $Terminate.Add($true) } if ($Terminate -contains $true) { return } $Object1 | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name $ObjectPropertySubstitute -Value $Object1Property -Force $Object2 | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name $ObjectPropertySubstitute -Value $Object2Property -Force $Compare = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Object1 -DifferenceObject $Object2 -Property $ObjectPropertySubstitute -PassThru } else { if ($Object1[0].PSObject.Properties.Name -notcontains $CommonProperty) { Write-Warning -Message "Compare-InfrastructureObjects - Object1 property doesn't exists $CommonProperty" $Terminate.Add($true) } if ($Object2[0].PSObject.Properties.Name -notcontains $CommonProperty) { Write-Warning -Message "Compare-InfrastructureObjects - Object2 property doesn't exists $CommonProperty" $Terminate.Add($true) } if ($Terminate -contains $true) { return } $Compare = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Object1 -DifferenceObject $Object2 -Property $CommonProperty -PassThru } if ($Side -eq 'Left') { $Compare = $Compare | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' } } elseif ($Side -eq 'Right') { $Compare = $Compare | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq '=>' } } else { $Compare = $Compare | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq '==' } } foreach ($G in $Compare) { if ($RemoveSideIndicator) { $G.PSObject.Members.Remove('SideIndicator') } if (-not $KeepTemporaryProperty) { $G.PSObject.Members.Remove($ObjectPropertySubstitute) } for ($a = 0; $a -lt $AddObjectArrayName.Count; $a++) { $G | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $AddObjectArrayName[$a] -Value $AddObjectArray[$a] -Force } $Objects.Add($G) } } return $Objects } Function Compare-ObjectProperties { Param([PSObject]$ReferenceObject, [PSObject]$DifferenceObject, [switch]$CaseSensitive = $false) $objprops = @($($ReferenceObject | Get-Member -MemberType Property, NoteProperty | ForEach-Object Name), $($DifferenceObject | Get-Member -MemberType Property, NoteProperty | ForEach-Object Name)) $objprops = $objprops | Sort-Object -Unique $diffs = foreach ($objprop in $objprops) { $diff = Compare-Object $ReferenceObject $DifferenceObject -Property $objprop -CaseSensitive:$CaseSensitive if ($diff) { $diffprops = [PsCustomObject] @{PropertyName = $objprop RefValue = ($diff | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' } | ForEach-Object $($objprop)) DiffValue = ($diff | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq '=>' } | ForEach-Object $($objprop)) } $diffprops } } if ($diffs) { return ($diffs | Select-Object PropertyName, RefValue, DiffValue) } } function Copy-OrderedHashtable { [CmdletBinding()] param([System.Collections.IDictionary] $OrderedHashtableSource, [System.Collections.IDictionary] $OrderedHashtableTarget) if ($null -eq $OrderedHashtableTarget) { $OrderedHashtableTarget = [ordered] @{ } } foreach ($pair in $OrderedHashtableSource.GetEnumerator()) { $OrderedHashtableTarget[$pair.Key] = $pair.Value } return $OrderedHashtableTarget } function Format-AddSpaceToSentence { <# .SYNOPSIS Short description .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER Text Parameter description .EXAMPLE $test = @( 'OnceUponATime', 'OnceUponATime1', 'Money@Risk', 'OnceUponATime123', 'AHappyMan2014' 'OnceUponATime_123' ) Format-AddSpaceToSentence -Text $Test $Test | Format-AddSpaceToSentence -ToLowerCase .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)][string[]] $Text, [switch] $ToLowerCase) Begin { } Process { $Value = foreach ($T in $Text) { ($T -creplace '([A-Z\W_]|\d+)(?<![a-z])', ' $&').trim() } if ($ToLowerCase) { $Value.ToLower() } else { $Value } } End { } } function Format-FirstXChars { <# .SYNOPSIS Short description .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER Text Parameter description .PARAMETER NumberChars Parameter description .EXAMPLE Format-FirstChars -Text "VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\Users\pklys\.vscode\extensions\ms-vs" -NumberChars 15 .NOTES General notes #> param([string] $Text, [int] $NumberChars) return ($Text.ToCharArray() | Select-Object -First $NumberChars) -join '' } function Format-PSTable { [CmdletBinding()] param ([parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][System.Collections.ICollection] $Object, [switch] $SkipTitle, [string[]] $Property, [string[]] $ExcludeProperty, [Object] $OverwriteHeaders, [switch] $PreScanHeaders, [string] $Splitter = ';') if ($Object[0] -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) { $Array = @(if (-not $SkipTitle) { , @('Name', 'Value') } foreach ($O in $Object) { foreach ($Name in $O.Keys) { $Value = $O[$Name] if ($O[$Name].Count -gt 1) { $Value = $O[$Name] -join $Splitter } else { $Value = $O[$Name] } , @($Name, $Value) } }) if ($Array.Count -eq 1) { , $Array } else { $Array } } elseif ($Object[0].GetType().Name -match 'bool|byte|char|datetime|decimal|double|ExcelHyperLink|float|int|long|sbyte|short|string|timespan|uint|ulong|URI|ushort') { return $Object } else { if ($Property) { $Object = $Object | Select-Object -Property $Property } $Array = @(if ($PreScanHeaders) { $Titles = Get-ObjectProperties -Object $Object } elseif ($OverwriteHeaders) { $Titles = $OverwriteHeaders } else { $Titles = $Object[0].PSObject.Properties.Name } if (-not $SkipTitle) { , $Titles } foreach ($O in $Object) { $ArrayValues = foreach ($Name in $Titles) { $Value = $O."$Name" if ($Value.Count -gt 1) { $Value -join $Splitter } elseif ($Value.Count -eq 1) { if ($Value.Value) { $Value.Value } else { $Value } } else { '' } } , $ArrayValues }) if ($Array.Count -eq 1) { , $Array } else { $Array } } } function Format-Stream { [alias('FS', 'Format-TableStream', 'Format-ListStream')] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All')] param([Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 1)] [Array] $InputObject, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Property')] [string[]] $Property, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false, Position = 2, ParameterSetName = 'ExcludeProperty')] [string[]] $ExcludeProperty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false, Position = 3)] [switch] $HideTableHeaders, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false, Position = 4)] [int] $ColumnHeaderSize, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false, Position = 5)] [switch] $AlignRight, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false, Position = 6)] [validateset('Output', 'Host', 'Warning', 'Verbose', 'Debug', 'Information')] [string] $Stream = 'Verbose', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false, Position = 7)] [alias('AsList')][switch] $List, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false, Position = 8)] [alias('Rotate', 'RotateData', 'TransposeColumnsRows', 'TransposeData')] [switch] $Transpose, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false, Position = 9)] [ValidateSet("ASC", "DESC", "NONE")] [string] $TransposeSort = 'NONE', [alias('Color')] [System.ConsoleColor[]] $ForegroundColor, [alias('ColorRow')] [int[]] $ForegroundColorRow) Begin { $IsVerbosePresent = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent if ($Stream -eq 'Output') { } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Host') { } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Warning') { [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference] $WarningCurrent = $WarningPreference $WarningPreference = 'continue' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Verbose') { [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference] $VerboseCurrent = $VerbosePreference $VerbosePreference = 'continue' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Debug') { [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference] $DebugCurrent = $DebugPreference $DebugPreference = 'continue' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Information') { [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference] $InformationCurrent = $InformationPreference $InformationPreference = 'continue' } [bool] $FirstRun = $True [bool] $FirstLoop = $True [bool] $FirstList = $True [int] $ScreenWidth = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width - 12 $ArrayList = @() } Process { if ($InputObject.Count -eq 0) { break } if ($FirstRun) { $FirstRun = $false if ($Transpose) { $InputObject = Format-TransposeTable -Object $InputObject -Sort $TransposeSort } $Data = Format-PSTable -Object $InputObject -Property $Property -ExcludeProperty $ExcludeProperty -NoAliasOrScriptProperties:$NoAliasOrScriptProperties -DisplayPropertySet:$DisplayPropertySet -PreScanHeaders:$PreScanHeaders $Headers = $Data[0] if ($HideTableHeaders) { $Data.RemoveAt(0) } $ArrayList += $Data } else { if ($Transpose) { $InputObject = Format-TransposeTable -Object $InputObject -Sort $TransposeSort } $Data = Format-PSTable -Object $InputObject -Property $Property -ExcludeProperty $ExcludeProperty -NoAliasOrScriptProperties:$NoAliasOrScriptProperties -DisplayPropertySet:$DisplayPropertySet -PreScanHeaders:$PreScanHeaders -OverwriteHeaders $Headers -SkipTitle $ArrayList += $Data } } End { if (-not $ColumnHeaderSize) { $ColumnLength = [int[]]::new($Headers.Count) foreach ($Row in $ArrayList) { $i = 0 foreach ($Column in $Row) { $Length = "$Column".Length if ($Length -gt $ColumnLength[$i]) { $ColumnLength[$i] = $Length } $i++ } } if ($IsVerbosePresent) { Write-Verbose "Format-TableVerbose - ScreenWidth $ScreenWidth" Write-Verbose "Format-TableVerbose - Column Lengths $($ColumnLength -join ',')" } } if ($Stream -eq 'Output') { Write-Output -InputObject '' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Host') { Write-Host -Object '' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Warning') { Write-Warning -Message '' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Verbose') { Write-Verbose -Message '' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Debug') { Write-Debug -Message '' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Information') { Write-Information -MessageData '' } if ($List) { [int] $RowCount = 1 foreach ($Row in $ArrayList) { [string] $Output = '' [int] $ColumnNumber = 0 [int] $CurrentColumnLength = 0 if ($ColumnHeaderSize) { $PadLength = $ColumnHeaderSize } else { $PadLength = (($Headers.Length | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum) + 1 } if (-not $FirstList) { $i = 0 foreach ($ColumnValue in $Row) { if (-not $HideTableHeaders) { if ($AlignRight) { $Head = $($Headers[$i]).PadLeft($PadLength) } else { $Head = $($Headers[$i]).PadRight($PadLength) } $Output = "$Head`: $ColumnValue" } else { $Output = "$ColumnValue" } if ($Stream -eq 'Output') { Write-Output -InputObject $Output } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Host') { Write-Host -Object $Output } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Warning') { Write-Warning -Message $Output } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Verbose') { Write-Verbose -Message $Output } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Debug') { Write-Debug -Message $Output } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Information') { Write-Information -MessageData $Output } $i++ } $RowCount++ if ($RowCount -ne $ArrayList.Count) { if ($Stream -eq 'Output') { Write-Output -InputObject '' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Host') { Write-Host -Object '' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Warning') { Write-Warning -Message '' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Verbose') { Write-Verbose -Message '' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Debug') { Write-Debug -Message '' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Information') { Write-Information -MessageData '' } } } $FirstList = $false } } else { [int] $RowCountColors = 1 foreach ($Row in $ArrayList) { [string] $Output = '' [int] $ColumnNumber = 0 [int] $CurrentColumnLength = 0 foreach ($ColumnValue in $Row) { if ($ColumnHeaderSize) { $PadLength = $ColumnHeaderSize } else { $PadLength = $ColumnLength[$ColumnNumber] + 1 } $CurrentColumnLength += $PadLength if ($CurrentColumnLength -ge $ScreenWidth) { break } if ($ColumnHeaderSize) { $ColumnValue = ("$ColumnValue".ToCharArray() | Select-Object -First ($PadLength - 1)) -join "" } else { $ColumnValue = ("$ColumnValue".ToCharArray() | Select-Object -First ($PadLength)) -join "" } if ($Output -eq '') { if ($AlignRight) { $Output = "$ColumnValue".PadLeft($PadLength) } else { $Output = "$ColumnValue".PadRight($PadLength) } } else { if ($AlignRight) { $Output = $Output + "$ColumnValue".PadLeft($PadLength) } else { $Output = $Output + "$ColumnValue".PadRight($PadLength) } } $ColumnNumber++ } if ($Stream -eq 'Output') { Write-Output -InputObject $Output } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Host') { if ($ForegroundColorRow -contains $RowCountColors) { [int] $Index = $ForegroundColorRow.IndexOf($RowCountColors) Write-Host -Object $Output -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor[$Index] } else { Write-Host -Object $Output } } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Warning') { Write-Warning -Message $Output } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Verbose') { Write-Verbose -Message $Output } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Debug') { Write-Debug -Message $Output } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Information') { Write-Information -MessageData $Output } if (-not $HideTableHeaders) { if ($FirstLoop) { $HeaderUnderline = $Output -Replace '\w', '-' if ($Stream -eq 'Output') { Write-Output -InputObject $HeaderUnderline } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Host') { if ($ForegroundColorRow -contains $RowCountColors) { [int] $Index = $ForegroundColorRow.IndexOf($RowCountColors) Write-Host -Object $HeaderUnderline -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor[$Index] } else { Write-Host -Object $HeaderUnderline } } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Warning') { Write-Warning -Message $HeaderUnderline } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Verbose') { Write-Verbose -Message $HeaderUnderline } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Debug') { Write-Debug -Message $HeaderUnderline } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Information') { Write-Information -MessageData $HeaderUnderline } } } $FirstLoop = $false $RowCountColors++ } } if ($Stream -eq 'Output') { Write-Output -InputObject '' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Host') { Write-Host -Object '' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Warning') { Write-Warning -Message '' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Verbose') { Write-Verbose -Message '' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Debug') { Write-Debug -Message '' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Information') { Write-Information -MessageData '' } if ($Stream -eq 'Output') { } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Host') { } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Warning') { $WarningPreference = $WarningCurrent } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Verbose') { $VerbosePreference = $VerboseCurrent } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Debug') { $DebugPreference = $DebugCurrent } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Information') { $InformationPreference = $InformationCurrent } } } function Format-ToTitleCase { [CmdletBinding()] param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)][string[]] $Text) Begin { } Process { $Conversion = foreach ($T in $Text) { (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($T) } } End { return $Conversion } } function Format-TransposeTable { [CmdletBinding()] param ([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)][System.Collections.ICollection] $Object, [ValidateSet("ASC", "DESC", "NONE")][String] $Sort = 'NONE') begin { $i = 0 } process { foreach ($myObject in $Object) { if ($myObject -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) { $output = New-Object -TypeName PsObject Add-Member -InputObject $output -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name AddNote -Value { Add-Member -InputObject $this -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $args[0] -Value $args[1] } if ($Sort -eq 'ASC') { $myObject.Keys | Sort-Object -Descending:$false | ForEach-Object { $output.AddNote($_, $myObject.$_) } } elseif ($Sort -eq 'DESC') { $myObject.Keys | Sort-Object -Descending:$true | ForEach-Object { $output.AddNote($_, $myObject.$_) } } else { $myObject.Keys | ForEach-Object { $output.AddNote($_, $myObject.$_) } } $output } else { $output = [ordered] @{ } $myObject | Get-Member -MemberType *Property | ForEach-Object { $output.($ = $myObject.($ } $output } $i += 1 } } } function Format-View { [alias('FV', 'Format-Verbose', 'Format-Debug', 'Format-Warning')] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All')] param([Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [object] $InputObject, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'Property')] [Object[]] $Property, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false, Position = 2, ParameterSetName = 'ExcludeProperty')] [Object[]] $ExcludeProperty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false, Position = 3)] [switch] $HideTableHeaders, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false, Position = 6)] [validateset('Output', 'Host', 'Warning', 'Verbose', 'Debug', 'Information')] [string] $Stream = 'Verbose', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false, Position = 7)] [alias('AsList')][switch] $List, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false, Position = 8)] [switch] $Autosize) Begin { $IsVerbosePresent = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent if ($Stream -eq 'Output') { } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Host') { } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Warning') { [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference] $WarningCurrent = $WarningPreference $WarningPreference = 'continue' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Verbose') { [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference] $VerboseCurrent = $VerbosePreference $VerbosePreference = 'continue' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Debug') { [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference] $DebugCurrent = $DebugPreference $DebugPreference = 'continue' } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Information') { [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference] $InformationCurrent = $InformationPreference $InformationPreference = 'continue' } [bool] $FirstRun = $True [bool] $FirstLoop = $True [bool] $FirstList = $True [int] $ScreenWidth = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width - 12 $MyList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new() } Process { $MyList.Add($InputObject) } End { $Parameters = @{ } if ($Property) { $Parameters.Property = $Property } if ($ExcludeProperty) { $Parameters.ExcludeProperty = $ExcludeProperty } if ($HideTableHeaders) { $Parameters.HideTableHeaders = $HideTableHeaders } if ($List) { if ($Stream -eq 'Output') { $MyList | Format-List @Parameters | Out-String | Write-Output } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Host') { $MyList | Format-List @Parameters | Out-String | Write-Host } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Warning') { $MyList | Format-List @Parameters | Out-String | Write-Warning $WarningPreference = $WarningCurrent } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Verbose') { $MyList | Format-List @Parameters | Out-String | Write-Verbose $VerbosePreference = $VerboseCurrent } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Debug') { $MyList | Format-List @Parameters | Out-String | Write-Debug $DebugPreference = $DebugCurrent } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Information') { $MyList | Format-List @Parameters | Out-String | Write-Information $InformationPreference = $InformationCurrent } } else { if ($Stream -eq 'Output') { $MyList | Format-Table @Parameters | Out-String | Write-Output } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Host') { $MyList | Format-Table @Parameters | Out-String | Write-Host } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Warning') { $MyList | Format-Table @Parameters | Out-String | Write-Warning $WarningPreference = $WarningCurrent } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Verbose') { $MyList | Format-Table @Parameters | Out-String | Write-Verbose $VerbosePreference = $VerboseCurrent } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Debug') { $MyList | Format-Table @Parameters | Out-String | Write-Debug $DebugPreference = $DebugCurrent } elseif ($Stream -eq 'Information') { $MyList | Format-Table @Parameters | Out-String | Write-Information $InformationPreference = $InformationCurrent } } } } function Get-Colors { [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]] $Color) if ($Color) { foreach ($_ in $Color) { $Script:RGBColors.$_ } } else { return $Script:RGBColors } } Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Get-Colors -ParameterName Color -ScriptBlock { $Script:RGBColors.Keys } function Get-DataInformation { [CmdletBinding()] param([ScriptBlock] $Content, [string] $Text, [Array] $TypesRequired, [Array] $TypesNeeded) if (Find-TypesNeeded -TypesRequired $TypesRequired -TypesNeeded $TypesNeeded) { Write-Verbose -Message $Text $Time = Start-TimeLog if ($null -ne $Content) { & $Content } $EndTime = Stop-TimeLog -Time $Time -Option OneLiner Write-Verbose "$Text - Time: $EndTime" } } function Get-HashMaxValue { [CmdletBinding()] param ([Object] $hashTable, [switch] $Lowest) if ($Lowest) { return ($hashTable.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object value -Descending | Select-Object -Last 1).Value } else { return ($hashTable.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object value -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).Value } } function Get-MimeType { [CmdletBinding()] param ([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $FileName) $MimeMappings = @{'.jpeg' = 'image/jpeg' '.jpg' = 'image/jpeg' '.png' = 'image/png' } $Extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($FileName) $ContentType = $MimeMappings[ $Extension ] if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ContentType)) { return New-Object System.Net.Mime.ContentType } else { return New-Object System.Net.Mime.ContentType($ContentType) } } function Get-ObjectCount { [CmdletBinding()] param([parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Object]$Object) return $($Object | Measure-Object).Count } function Get-ObjectData { [CmdletBinding()] param($Object, $Title, [switch] $DoNotAddTitles) [Array] $Values = $Object.$Title [Array] $ArrayList = @(if ($Values.Count -eq 1 -and $DoNotAddTitles -eq $false) { "$Title - $($Values[0])" } else { if ($DoNotAddTitles -eq $false) { $Title } foreach ($Value in $Values) { "$Value" } }) return $ArrayList } Function Get-ObjectEnumValues { param([string]$enum) $enumValues = @{ } [enum]::getvalues([type]$enum) | ForEach-Object { $enumValues.add($_, $_.value__) } $enumValues } function Get-ObjectKeys { param([object] $Object, [string] $Ignore) $Data = $Object.Keys | where { $_ -notcontains $Ignore } return $Data } function Get-ObjectProperties { [CmdletBinding()] param ([System.Collections.ICollection] $Object, [string[]] $AddProperties, [switch] $Sort, [bool] $RequireUnique = $true) $Properties = @(foreach ($O in $Object) { $ObjectProperties = $O.PSObject.Properties.Name $ObjectProperties } foreach ($Property in $AddProperties) { $Property }) if ($Sort) { return $Properties | Sort-Object -Unique:$RequireUnique } else { return $Properties | Select-Object -Unique:$RequireUnique } } function Get-ObjectPropertiesAdvanced { [CmdletBinding()] param ([object] $Object, [string[]] $AddProperties, [switch] $Sort) $Data = @{ } $Properties = New-ArrayList $HighestCount = 0 foreach ($O in $Object) { $ObjectProperties = $O.PSObject.Properties.Name $Count = $ObjectProperties.Count if ($Count -gt $HighestCount) { $Data.HighestCount = $Count $Data.HighestObject = $O $HighestCount = $Count } foreach ($Property in $ObjectProperties) { Add-ToArrayAdvanced -List $Properties -Element $Property -SkipNull -RequireUnique } } foreach ($Property in $AddProperties) { Add-ToArrayAdvanced -List $Properties -Element $Property -SkipNull -RequireUnique } $Data.Properties = if ($Sort) { $Properties | Sort-Object } else { $Properties } return $Data } function Get-ObjectTitles { [CmdletBinding()] param($Object) $ArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList Write-Verbose "Get-ObjectTitles - ObjectType $($Object.GetType())" foreach ($Title in $Object.PSObject.Properties) { Write-Verbose "Get-ObjectTitles - Value added to array: $($Title.Name)" $ArrayList.Add($Title.Name) | Out-Null } Write-Verbose "Get-ObjectTitles - Array size: $($ArrayList.Count)" return $ArrayList } function Get-ObjectType { [CmdletBinding()] param([Object] $Object, [string] $ObjectName = 'Random Object Name', [switch] $VerboseOnly) $ReturnData = [ordered] @{ } $ReturnData.ObjectName = $ObjectName if ($Object -ne $null) { try { $TypeInformation = $Object.GetType() $ReturnData.ObjectTypeName = $TypeInformation.Name $ReturnData.ObjectTypeBaseName = $TypeInformation.BaseType $ReturnData.SystemType = $TypeInformation.UnderlyingSystemType } catch { $ReturnData.ObjectTypeName = '' $ReturnData.ObjectTypeBaseName = '' $ReturnData.SystemType = '' } try { $TypeInformationInsider = $Object[0].GetType() $ReturnData.ObjectTypeInsiderName = $TypeInformationInsider.Name $ReturnData.ObjectTypeInsiderBaseName = $TypeInformationInsider.BaseType $ReturnData.SystemTypeInsider = $TypeInformationInsider.UnderlyingSystemType } catch { $ReturnData.ObjectTypeInsiderName = '' $ReturnData.ObjectTypeInsiderBaseName = '' $ReturnData.SystemTypeInsider = '' } } else { $ReturnData.ObjectTypeName = '' $ReturnData.ObjectTypeBaseName = '' $ReturnData.SystemType = '' $ReturnData.ObjectTypeInsiderName = '' $ReturnData.ObjectTypeInsiderBaseName = '' $ReturnData.SystemTypeInsider = '' } Write-Verbose "Get-ObjectType - ObjectTypeName: $($ReturnData.ObjectTypeName)" Write-Verbose "Get-ObjectType - ObjectTypeBaseName: $($ReturnData.ObjectTypeBaseName)" Write-Verbose "Get-ObjectType - SystemType: $($ReturnData.SystemType)" Write-Verbose "Get-ObjectType - ObjectTypeInsiderName: $($ReturnData.ObjectTypeInsiderName)" Write-Verbose "Get-ObjectType - ObjectTypeInsiderBaseName: $($ReturnData.ObjectTypeInsiderBaseName)" Write-Verbose "Get-ObjectType - SystemTypeInsider: $($ReturnData.SystemTypeInsider)" if ($VerboseOnly) { return } else { return Format-TransposeTable -Object $ReturnData } } Function Get-Types { [CmdletBinding()] param ([Object] $Types) $TypesRequired = foreach ($Type in $Types) { $Type.GetEnumValues() } return $TypesRequired } function Merge-Array { <# .SYNOPSIS Merge-Array allows to merge two or more arrays together. .DESCRIPTION Merge-Array allows to merge two or more arrays together. It copies headers from each Array and merges them together allowing for fulll output. When used with Prescan parameter it actually is able to show headers from all arrays .PARAMETER Array List of Arrays to process .PARAMETER Prescan Scans each element of each array for headers. .EXAMPLE $Array1 = @( [PSCustomObject] @{ Name = 'Company1'; Count = 259 } [PSCustomObject] @{ Name = 'Company2'; Count = 300 } ) $Array2 = @( [PSCustomObject] @{ Name = 'Company1'; Count = 25 } [PSCustomObject] @{ Name = 'Company2'; Count = 100 } ) $Array3 = @( [PSCustomObject] @{ Name1 = 'Company1'; Count3 = 25 } [PSCustomObject] @{ Name1 = 'Company2'; Count3 = 100 } [PSCustomObject] @{ Name2 = 'Company2'; Count3 = 100 } ) $Array1 | Format-Table -AutoSize $Array2 | Format-Table -AutoSize $Array3 | Format-Table -AutoSize Merge-Array -Array $Array1, $Array2, $Array3 | Format-Table -AutoSize Merge-Array -Array $Array1, $Array2, $Array3 -Prescan | Format-Table -AutoSize .NOTES General notes #> param([Array[]] $Array, [switch] $Prescan) $PropertyNames = foreach ($A in $Array) { if ($Prescan) { foreach ($O in $A) { $O.PSObject.Properties.Name } } else { $A[0].PSObject.Properties.Name } } $PropertyNames = $PropertyNames | Sort-Object -Unique foreach ($A in $Array) { $A | Select-Object -Property $PropertyNames } } function Merge-Objects { [CmdletBinding()] param ([Object] $Object1, [Object] $Object2) $Object = [ordered] @{ } foreach ($Property in $Object1.PSObject.Properties) { $Object.($Property.Name) = $Property.Value } foreach ($Property in $Object2.PSObject.Properties) { $Object.($Property.Name) = $Property.Value } return [pscustomobject] $Object } function New-ArrayList { [CmdletBinding()] param() $List = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() return , $List } function New-GenericList { [CmdletBinding()] param([Object] $Type = [System.Object]) return New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[$Type]" } function Remove-DuplicateObjects { <# .SYNOPSIS Short description .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER Object Parameter description .PARAMETER Property Parameter description .EXAMPLE $Array = @() $Array += [PSCustomObject] @{ 'Name' = 'Test'; 'Val1' = 'Testor2'; 'Val2' = 'Testor2'} $Array += [PSCustomObject] @{ 'Name' = 'Test'; 'Val1' = 'Testor2'; 'Val2' = 'Testor2'} $Array += [PSCustomObject] @{ 'Name' = 'Test1'; 'Val1' = 'Testor2'; 'Val2' = 'Testor2'} $Array += [PSCustomObject] @{ 'Name' = 'Test1'; 'Val1' = 'Testor2'; 'Val2' = 'Testor2'} Write-Color 'Before' -Color Red $Array | Format-Table -A Write-Color 'After' -Color Green $Array = $Array | Sort-Object -Unique -Property 'Name', 'Val1','Val2' $Array | Format-Table -AutoSize .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] param([System.Collections.IList] $Object, [string[]] $Property) if ($Object.Count -eq 0) { return $Object } else { return $Object | Sort-Object -Property $Property -Unique } } function Remove-EmptyValues { [CmdletBinding()] param([System.Collections.IDictionary] $Hashtable, [switch] $Recursive, [int] $Rerun) foreach ($_ in [string[]] $Hashtable.Keys) { if ($Recursive) { if ($Hashtable[$_] -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) { if ($Hashtable[$_].Count -eq 0) { $Hashtable.Remove($_) } else { Remove-EmptyValues -Hashtable $Hashtable[$_] -Recursive:$Recursive } } else { if ($null -eq $Hashtable[$_]) { $Hashtable.Remove($_) } elseif ($Hashtable[$_] -is [string] -and $Hashtable[$_] -eq '') { $Hashtable.Remove($_) } } } else { if ($null -eq $Hashtable[$_]) { $Hashtable.Remove($_) } elseif ($Hashtable[$_] -is [string] -and $Hashtable[$_] -eq '') { $Hashtable.Remove($_) } } } if ($Rerun) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Rerun; $i++) { Remove-EmptyValues -Hashtable $Hashtable -Recursive:$Recursive } } } function Remove-FromArray { [CmdletBinding()] param([System.Collections.ArrayList] $List, [Object] $Element, [switch] $LastElement) if ($LastElement) { $LastID = $List.Count - 1 $List.RemoveAt($LastID) > $null } else { $List.Remove($Element) > $null } } function Remove-ObjectsExistingInTarget { param($ObjectSource, $ObjectTarget, [string] $ComparePropertySource, [string] $ComparePropertyTarget, [switch] $Reverse) $ObjectsExistingInTarget = @() $ObjectsNotExistingInTarget = @() foreach ($Object in $ObjectSource) { if ($ObjectTarget.$ComparePropertySource -contains $Object.$ComparePropertyTarget) { $ObjectsExistingInTarget += $Object } else { $ObjectsNotExistingInTarget += $Object } } if ($Reverse) { return $ObjectsExistingInTarget } else { return $ObjectsNotExistingInTarget } } function Remove-WhiteSpace { param([string] $Text) $Text = $Text -replace '(^\s+|\s+$)', '' -replace '\s+', ' ' return $Text } Function Rename-LatinCharacters { [alias('Remove-StringLatinCharacters')] param ([string]$String) [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("Cyrillic").GetBytes($String)) } function Rename-UserValuesFromHash { [CmdletBinding()] param($Users, $MatchData, $FieldTypes) Write-Verbose "FieldTypes: $($FieldTypes -join ',')" foreach ($User in $Users) { foreach ($Match in $MatchData.Keys) { $Key = $Match $Value = $MatchData.$Match Write-Verbose "User: $($User.UserPrincipalName) Key: $Key Value: $Value" foreach ($Field in $FieldTypes) { if ($User.$Field) { $User.$Field = $($User.$Field).ToLower().Replace($Key, $Value) } } } } return $Users } function Select-Properties { [CmdLetBinding()] param([Array] $Objects, [string[]] $Property, [string[]] $ExcludeProperty, [switch] $AllProperties) function Select-Unique { [CmdLetBinding()] param([System.Collections.IList] $Object) $New = $Object.ToLower() | Select-Object -Unique $Selected = foreach ($_ in $New) { $Index = $Object.ToLower().IndexOf($_) if ($Index -ne -1) { $Object[$Index] } } $Selected } if ($Objects.Count -eq 0) { Write-Warning 'Select-Properties - Unable to process. Objects count equals 0.' return } if ($Objects[0] -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) { if ($AllProperties) { [Array] $All = foreach ($_ in $Objects) { $_.Keys } $FirstObjectProperties = Select-Unique -Object $All } else { $FirstObjectProperties = $Objects[0].Keys } if ($Property.Count -gt 0 -and $ExcludeProperty.Count -gt 0) { $FirstObjectProperties = foreach ($_ in $FirstObjectProperties) { if ($Property -contains $_ -and $ExcludeProperty -notcontains $_) { $_ continue } } } elseif ($Property.Count -gt 0) { $FirstObjectProperties = foreach ($_ in $FirstObjectProperties) { if ($Property -contains $_) { $_ continue } } } elseif ($ExcludeProperty.Count -gt 0) { $FirstObjectProperties = foreach ($_ in $FirstObjectProperties) { if ($ExcludeProperty -notcontains $_) { $_ continue } } } } else { if ($Property.Count -gt 0 -and $ExcludeProperty.Count -gt 0) { $Objects = $Objects | Select-Object -Property $Property -ExcludeProperty $ExcludeProperty } elseif ($Property.Count -gt 0) { $Objects = $Objects | Select-Object -Property $Property } elseif ($ExcludeProperty.Count -gt 0) { $Objects = $Objects | Select-Object -Property '*' -ExcludeProperty $ExcludeProperty } if ($AllProperties) { [Array] $All = foreach ($_ in $Objects) { $_.PSObject.Properties.Name } $FirstObjectProperties = Select-Unique -Object $All } else { $FirstObjectProperties = $Objects[0].PSObject.Properties.Name } } return $FirstObjectProperties } function Split-Array { [CmdletBinding()] <# .SYNOPSIS Split an array .NOTES Version : July 2, 2017 - implemented suggestions from ShadowSHarmon for performance .PARAMETER inArray A one dimensional array you want to split .EXAMPLE This splits array into multiple arrays of 3 Example below wil return 1,2,3 + 4,5,6 + 7,8,9 Split-array -inArray @(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -parts 3 .EXAMPLE This splits array into 3 parts regardless of amount of elements Split-array -inArray @(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -size 3 # Link: #> param([Object] $inArray, [int]$parts, [int]$size) if ($inArray.Count -eq 1) { return $inArray } if ($parts) { $PartSize = [Math]::Ceiling($inArray.count / $parts) } if ($size) { $PartSize = $size $parts = [Math]::Ceiling($inArray.count / $size) } $outArray = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]' for ($i = 1; $i -le $parts; $i++) { $start = (($i - 1) * $PartSize) $end = (($i) * $PartSize) - 1 if ($end -ge $inArray.count) { $end = $inArray.count - 1 } $outArray.Add(@($inArray[$start..$end])) } return , $outArray } Function Split-ArrayEvery { [CmdletBinding()] param($list, [int] $count = 4) $aggregateList = @() $blocks = [Math]::Floor($list.Count / $count) $leftOver = $list.Count % $count $start = $end = 0 for ($i = 0; $i -lt $blocks; $i++) { $end = $count * ($i + 1) - 1 $aggregateList += @(, $list[$start..$end]) $start = $end + 1 } if ($leftOver -gt 0) { $aggregateList += @(, $list[$start..($end + $leftOver)]) } $aggregateList } function Find-MyProgramData { [CmdletBinding()] param ($Data, $FindText) foreach ($Sub in $Data) { if ($Sub -like $FindText) { $Split = $Sub.Split(' ') return $Split[1] } } return '' } function Initialize-ModulePortable { [CmdletBinding()] param([alias('ModuleName')][string] $Name, [string] $Path = $PSScriptRoot, [switch] $Download, [switch] $Import) function Get-RequiredModule { param([string] $Path, [string] $Name) $PrimaryModule = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath "$Path\$Name" -Filter '*.psd1' -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Depth 1 if ($PrimaryModule) { $Module = Get-Module -ListAvailable $PrimaryModule.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$false if ($Module) { [Array] $RequiredModules = $Module.RequiredModules.Name if ($null -ne $RequiredModules) { $null } $RequiredModules foreach ($_ in $RequiredModules) { Get-RequiredModule -Path $Path -Name $_ } } } else { Write-Warning "Initialize-ModulePortable - Modules to load not found in $Path" } } if (-not $Name) { Write-Warning "Initialize-ModulePortable - Module name not given. Terminating." return } if (-not $Download -and -not $Import) { Write-Warning "Initialize-ModulePortable - Please choose Download/Import switch. Terminating." return } if ($Download) { try { if (-not $Path -or -not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $Path)) { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $Path -Force } Save-Module -Name $Name -LiteralPath $Path -WarningVariable WarningData -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message if ($WarningData) { Write-Warning "Initialize-ModulePortable - $WarningData" } Write-Warning "Initialize-ModulePortable - Error $ErrorMessage" return } } if ($Download -or $Import) { [Array] $Modules = Get-RequiredModule -Path $Path -Name $Name | Where-Object { $null -ne $_ } if ($null -ne $Modules) { [array]::Reverse($Modules) } $CleanedModules = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new() foreach ($_ in $Modules) { if ($CleanedModules -notcontains $_) { $CleanedModules.Add($_) } } $CleanedModules.Add($Name) $Items = foreach ($_ in $CleanedModules) { Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath "$Path\$_" -Filter '*.psd1' -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Depth 1 } [Array] $PSD1Files = $Items.FullName } if ($Download) { $ListFiles = foreach ($PSD1 in $PSD1Files) { $PSD1.Replace("$Path", '$PSScriptRoot') } $Content = @('$Modules = @(' foreach ($_ in $ListFiles) { " `"$_`"" } ')' "foreach (`$_ in `$Modules) {" " Import-Module `$_ -Verbose:`$false -Force" "}") $Content | Set-Content -Path $Path\$Name.ps1 -Force } if ($Import) { $ListFiles = foreach ($PSD1 in $PSD1Files) { $PSD1 } foreach ($_ in $ListFiles) { Import-Module $_ -Verbose:$false -Force } } } function Start-InternalFunction { [CmdletBinding()] param([ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [string] $Module) $InternalModule = Import-Module -Name $Module -PassThru & $InternalModule $ScriptBlock } function Start-MyProgram { [CmdletBinding()] param ([string] $Program, [string[]] $CmdArgList, [System.Collections.IDictionary] $LoggerParameters) $Output = (cmd /c $Program $CmdArgList '2>&1') if (-not $LoggerParameters) { return $Output } else { $Logger = Get-Logger @LoggerParameters $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Running program $Program - $Output") } } function Get-RandomCharacters { [cmdletbinding()] param([int] $length, [string] $characters) if ($length -ne 0 -and $characters -ne '') { $random = 1..$length | ForEach-Object { Get-Random -Maximum $characters.length } $private:ofs = "" return [String]$characters[$random] } else { return } } function Get-RandomFileName { [cmdletbinding()] param($Length = 16, $Extension) $File = Get-RandomStringName -Size $Length -LettersOnly -ToLower return "$File.$Extension" } function Get-RandomPassword { [cmdletbinding()] param([int] $LettersLowerCase = 4, [int] $LettersHigherCase = 2, [int] $Numbers = 1, [int] $SpecialChars = 0, [int] $SpecialCharsLimited = 1) $Password = @(Get-RandomCharacters -length $LettersLowerCase -characters 'abcdefghiklmnoprstuvwxyz' Get-RandomCharacters -length $LettersHigherCase -characters 'ABCDEFGHKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZ' Get-RandomCharacters -length $Numbers -characters '1234567890' Get-RandomCharacters -length $SpecialChars -characters '!$%()=?{@#' Get-RandomCharacters -length $SpecialCharsLimited -characters '!$#') $StringPassword = $Password -join '' $StringPassword = ($StringPassword.ToCharArray() | Get-Random -Count $StringPassword.Length) -join '' return $StringPassword } function Get-RandomStringName { [cmdletbinding()] param([int] $Size = 31, [switch] $ToLower, [switch] $ToUpper, [switch] $LettersOnly) [string] $MyValue = @(if ($LettersOnly) { ( -join ((1..$Size) | ForEach-Object { (65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random } | ForEach-Object { [char]$_ })) } else { ( -join ((48..57) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count $Size | ForEach-Object { [char]$_ })) }) if ($ToLower) { return $MyValue.ToLower() } if ($ToUpper) { return $MyValue.ToUpper() } return $MyValue } Function Get-CommandInfo { $Command = @{ } $Command.Type = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.CommandType)".ToLower() $Command.Name = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)" return $Command } function New-Runspace { [cmdletbinding()] param ([int] $minRunspaces = 1, [int] $maxRunspaces = [int]$env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS + 1) $RunspacePool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool($minRunspaces, $maxRunspaces) $RunspacePool.Open() return $RunspacePool } function Start-Runspace { [cmdletbinding()] param ([ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Parameters, [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspacePool] $RunspacePool) if ($ScriptBlock -ne '') { $runspace = [PowerShell]::Create() $null = $runspace.AddScript($ScriptBlock) if ($null -ne $Parameters) { $null = $runspace.AddParameters($Parameters) } $runspace.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool [PSCustomObject]@{Pipe = $runspace Status = $runspace.BeginInvoke() } } } function Stop-Runspace { [cmdletbinding()] param([Array] $Runspaces, [string] $FunctionName, [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspacePool] $RunspacePool, [switch] $ExtendedOutput) [Array] $List = While (@($Runspaces | Where-Object -FilterScript { $null -ne $_.Status }).count -gt 0) { foreach ($Runspace in $Runspaces | Where-Object { $_.Status.IsCompleted -eq $true }) { $Errors = foreach ($e in $($Runspace.Pipe.Streams.Error)) { Write-Error -ErrorRecord $e $e } foreach ($w in $($Runspace.Pipe.Streams.Warning)) { Write-Warning -Message $w } foreach ($v in $($Runspace.Pipe.Streams.Verbose)) { Write-Verbose -Message $v } if ($ExtendedOutput) { @{Output = $Runspace.Pipe.EndInvoke($Runspace.Status) Errors = $Errors } } else { $Runspace.Pipe.EndInvoke($Runspace.Status) } $Runspace.Status = $null } } $RunspacePool.Close() $RunspacePool.Dispose() if ($List.Count -eq 1) { return , $List } else { return $List } } function Get-PSRegistry { [cmdletbinding()] param([string[]] $ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME, [string[]] $RegistryPath, [string] $Value) $RootKeyDictionary = @{HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = 2147483648 HKCR = 2147483648 HKEY_CURRENT_USER = 2147483649 HKCU = 2147483649 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 2147483650 HKLM = 2147483650 HKEY_USERS = 2147483651 HKU = 2147483651 HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG = 2147483653 HKCC = 2147483653 HKEY_DYN_DATA = 2147483654 HKDD = 2147483654 } $TypesDictionary = @{'1' = 'GetStringValue' '2' = 'GetExpandedStringValue' '3' = 'GetBinaryValue' '4' = 'GetDWORDValue' '7' = 'GetExpandedStringValue' '11' = 'GetQWORDValue' } [uint32] $RootKey = $null [Array] $Computers = $ComputerName.Where( { $_ -ne $Env:COMPUTERNAME }, 'Split') foreach ($Registry in $RegistryPath) { for ($ComputerSplit = 0; $ComputerSplit -lt $Computers.Count; $ComputerSplit++) { if ($Computers[$ComputerSplit].Count -gt 0) { $Arguments = foreach ($_ in $RootKeyDictionary.Keys) { if ($Registry.StartsWith($_)) { $RootKey = [uint32] $RootKeyDictionary[$_] @{hDefKey = [uint32] $RootKeyDictionary[$_] sSubKeyName = $Registry.substring($_.Length + 1) } break } } if ($ComputerSplit -eq 0) { $Output2 = Invoke-CimMethod -Namespace root\cimv2 -ClassName StdRegProv -MethodName EnumValues -ComputerName $Computers[$ComputerSplit] -Arguments $Arguments } else { $Output2 = Invoke-CimMethod -Namespace root\cimv2 -ClassName StdRegProv -MethodName EnumValues -Arguments $Arguments } foreach ($Entry in $Output2) { $RegistryOutput = [ordered] @{ } $Types = $Entry.Types $Names = $Entry.sNames for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Names.Count; $i++) { $Arguments['sValueName'] = $Names[$i] $MethodName = $TypesDictionary["$($Types[$i])"] if ($ComputerSplit -eq 0) { $Values = Invoke-CimMethod -Namespace root\cimv2 -ClassName StdRegProv -MethodName $MethodName -Arguments $Arguments -ComputerName $Entry.PSComputerName } else { $Values = Invoke-CimMethod -Namespace root\cimv2 -ClassName StdRegProv -MethodName $MethodName -Arguments $Arguments } if ($null -ne $Values.sValue) { $RegistryOutput[$Names[$i]] = $Values.sValue } elseif ($null -ne $Values.uValue) { $RegistryOutput[$Names[$i]] = $Values.uValue } } if ($ComputerSplit -eq 0) { $RegistryOutput['ComputerName'] = $Entry.PSComputerName } else { $RegistryOutput['ComputerName'] = $ENV:COMPUTERNAME } [PSCustomObject] $RegistryOutput } } } } } function Get-PSService { <# .SYNOPSIS Short description .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER Computers Parameter description .PARAMETER Services Parameter description .PARAMETER MaxRunspaces Parameter description .EXAMPLE Get-PSService -Services 'Dnscache', 'DNS', 'PeerDistSvc', 'WebClient','Netlogon' -Computers 'AD1.AD.EVOTEC.XYZ', 'AD2' .NOTES General notes #> [cmdletbinding()] param ([alias('Computer', 'Computers')][string[]] $ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME, [alias('Service')][string[]] $Services, [int] $MaxRunspaces = [int]$env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS + 1) $sbGetService = { Param ([string]$Computer, [string]$ServiceName, [bool] $Verbose) $Measure = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() $ServiceList = @(if ($Verbose) { $verbosepreference = 'continue' } try { if ($ServiceName -eq '') { Write-Verbose "Get-Service - [i] Processing $Computer for all services" $GetServices = Get-Service -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction Stop } else { Write-Verbose "Get-Service - [i] Processing $Computer with $ServiceName" $GetServices = Get-Service -ComputerName $Computer -ServiceName $ServiceName -ErrorAction Stop } } catch { [PsCustomObject][ordered] @{Computer = $Computer Status = 'N/A' Name = $ServiceName ServiceType = 'N/A' StartType = 'N/A' DisplayName = 'N/A' TimeProcessing = $Measure.Elapsed Comment = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " } } foreach ($GetService in $GetServices) { if ($GetService) { [PsCustomObject][ordered] @{Computer = $Computer Status = $GetService.Status Name = $GetService.Name ServiceType = $GetService.ServiceType StartType = $GetService.StartType DisplayName = $GetService.DisplayName TimeProcessing = $Measure.Elapsed Comment = '' } } else { [PsCustomObject][ordered] @{Computer = $Computer Status = 'N/A' Name = $ServiceName ServiceType = 'N/A' StartType = 'N/A' DisplayName = 'N/A' TimeProcessing = $Measure.Elapsed Comment = '' } } }) Write-Verbose "Get-Service - [i] Processed $Computer with $ServiceName - Time elapsed: $($Measure.Elapsed)" $Measure.Stop() return $ServiceList } if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent) { $Verbose = $true } else { $Verbose = $false } Write-Verbose 'Get-Service - Starting parallel processing....' $ComputersToProcess = ($ComputerName | Measure-Object).Count $ServicesToProcess = ($Services | Measure-Object).Count Write-Verbose -Message "Get-Service - Computers to process: $ComputersToProcess" Write-Verbose -Message "Get-Service - Computers List: $($ComputerName -join ', ')" Write-Verbose -Message "Get-Service - Services to process: $ServicesToProcess" $MeasureTotal = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() $Pool = New-Runspace -MaxRunspaces $maxRunspaces $runspaces = @(foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) { if ($null -ne $Services) { foreach ($ServiceName in $Services) { Write-Verbose "Get-Service - Getting service $ServiceName on $Computer" $Parameters = @{Computer = $Computer ServiceName = $ServiceName Verbose = $Verbose } Start-Runspace -ScriptBlock $sbGetService -Parameters $Parameters -RunspacePool $Pool } } else { Write-Verbose "Get-Service - Getting all services on $Computer" $Parameters = @{Computer = $Computer ServiceName = '' Verbose = $Verbose } Start-Runspace -ScriptBlock $sbGetService -Parameters $Parameters -RunspacePool $Pool } }) $List = Stop-Runspace -Runspaces $runspaces -FunctionName 'Get-Service' -RunspacePool $Pool $MeasureTotal.Stop() Write-Verbose "Get-Service - Ending....$($measureTotal.Elapsed)" return $List } function Set-ServiceRecovery { <# .SYNOPSIS # .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER ServiceDisplayName Parameter description .PARAMETER Server Parameter description .PARAMETER action1 Parameter description .PARAMETER time1 Parameter description .PARAMETER action2 Parameter description .PARAMETER time2 Parameter description .PARAMETER actionLast Parameter description .PARAMETER timeLast Parameter description .PARAMETER resetCounter Parameter description .EXAMPLE Set-ServiceRecovery -ServiceDisplayName "Pulseway" -Server "MAIL1" .NOTES General notes #> [alias('Set-Recovery')] param ([string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $ServiceDisplayName, [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Server, [string] $action1 = "restart", [int] $time1 = 30000, [string] $action2 = "restart", [int] $time2 = 30000, [string] $actionLast = "restart", [int] $timeLast = 30000, [int] $resetCounter = 4000) $serverPath = "\\" + $server $services = Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'Win32_Service' -ComputerName $Server | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -imatch $ServiceDisplayName } $action = $action1 + "/" + $time1 + "/" + $action2 + "/" + $time2 + "/" + $actionLast + "/" + $timeLast foreach ($service in $services) { $output = sc.exe $serverPath failure $($service.Name) actions= $action reset= $resetCounter } } function Get-SqlQueryColumnInformation { [CmdletBinding()] param ([string] $SqlServer, [string] $SqlDatabase, [string] $Table) $Table = $Table.Replace("dbo.", '').Replace('[', '').Replace(']', '') $SqlDatabase = $SqlDatabase.Replace('[', '').Replace(']', '') $SqlDatabase = "[$SqlDatabase]" $Query = "SELECT * FROM $SqlDatabase.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = '$Table'" $SqlReturn = @(try { Invoke-DbaQuery -ErrorAction Stop -ServerInstance $SqlServer -Query $Query } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " "Error occured (Get-SqlQueryColumnInformation): $ErrorMessage" }) return $SQLReturn } function New-SqlQuery { [CmdletBinding()] param ([Object] $SqlSettings, [Object] $Object, [Object] $TableMapping) $ArraySQLQueries = New-ArrayList if ($null -ne $Object) { foreach ($O in $Object) { $ArrayMain = New-ArrayList $ArrayKeys = New-ArrayList $ArrayValues = New-ArrayList if (-not $O.AddedWhen) { Add-Member -InputObject $O -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AddedWhen" -Value (Get-Date) -Force } if (-not $O.AddedWho) { Add-Member -InputObject $O -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AddedWho" -Value ($Env:USERNAME) -Force } $DuplicateString = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() foreach ($E in $O.PSObject.Properties) { $FieldName = $E.Name $FieldValue = $E.Value foreach ($MapKey in $TableMapping.Keys) { if ($FieldName -eq $MapKey) { $MapValue = $TableMapping.$MapKey $MapValueSplit = $MapValue -Split ',' if ($FieldValue -is [DateTime]) { $FieldValue = Get-Date $FieldValue -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" } if ($FieldValue -like "*'*") { $FieldValue = $FieldValue -Replace "'", "''" } Add-ToArray -List $ArrayKeys -Element "[$($MapValueSplit[0])]" if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($FieldValue)) { Add-ToArray -List $ArrayValues -Element "NULL" } else { foreach ($ColumnName in $SqlSettings.SqlCheckBeforeInsert) { $DuplicateColumn = $ColumnName.Replace("[", '').Replace("]", '') if ($MapValueSplit[0] -eq $DuplicateColumn) { if ($DuplicateString.Length -ne 0) { $null = $DuplicateString.Append(" AND ") } $null = $DuplicateString.Append("[$DuplicateColumn] = '$FieldValue'") } } Add-ToArray -List $ArrayValues -Element "'$FieldValue'" } } } } if ($ArrayKeys) { if ($null -ne $SqlSettings.SqlCheckBeforeInsert -and $DuplicateString.Length -gt 0) { Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "IF NOT EXISTS (" Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "SELECT 1 FROM " Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "$($SqlSettings.SqlTable) " Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "WHERE $($DuplicateString.ToString())" Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element ")" } Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "BEGIN" Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "INSERT INTO $($SqlSettings.SqlTable) (" Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element ($ArrayKeys -join ',') Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element ') VALUES (' Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element ($ArrayValues -join ',') Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element ')' Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "END" Add-ToArray -List $ArraySQLQueries -Element ([string] ($ArrayMain) -replace "`n", "" -replace "`r", "") } } } return $ArraySQLQueries } function New-SqlQueryAlterTable { [CmdletBinding()] param ([Object]$SqlSettings, [Object]$TableMapping, [string[]] $ExistingColumns) $ArraySQLQueries = New-ArrayList $ArrayMain = New-ArrayList $ArrayKeys = New-ArrayList foreach ($MapKey in $TableMapping.Keys) { $MapValue = $TableMapping.$MapKey $Field = $MapValue -Split ',' if ($ExistingColumns -notcontains $MapKey -and $ExistingColumns -notcontains $Field[0]) { if ($Field.Count -eq 1) { Add-ToArray -List $ArrayKeys -Element "[$($Field[0])] [nvarchar](max) NULL" } elseif ($Field.Count -eq 2) { Add-ToArray -List $ArrayKeys -Element "[$($Field[0])] $($Field[1]) NULL" } elseif ($Field.Count -eq 3) { Add-ToArray -List $ArrayKeys -Element "[$($Field[0])] $($Field[1]) $($Field[2])" } } } if ($ArrayKeys) { Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "ALTER TABLE $($SqlSettings.SqlTable) ADD" Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element ($ArrayKeys -join ',') Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element ';' Add-ToArray -List $ArraySQLQueries -Element ([string] ($ArrayMain) -replace "`n", "" -replace "`r", "") } return $ArraySQLQueries } function New-SqlQueryCreateTable { [CmdletBinding()] param ([Object]$SqlSettings, [Object]$TableMapping) $ArraySQLQueries = New-ArrayList $ArrayMain = New-ArrayList $ArrayKeys = New-ArrayList foreach ($MapKey in $TableMapping.Keys) { $MapValue = $TableMapping.$MapKey $Field = $MapValue -Split ',' if ($Field.Count -eq 1) { Add-ToArray -List $ArrayKeys -Element "[$($Field[0])] [nvarchar](max) NULL" } elseif ($Field.Count -eq 2) { Add-ToArray -List $ArrayKeys -Element "[$($Field[0])] $($Field[1]) NULL" } elseif ($Field.Count -eq 3) { Add-ToArray -List $ArrayKeys -Element "[$($Field[0])] $($Field[1]) $($Field[2])" } } if ($ArrayKeys) { Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "CREATE TABLE $($SqlSettings.SqlTable) (" Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "ID int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY," Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element ($ArrayKeys -join ',') Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element ')' Add-ToArray -List $ArraySQLQueries -Element ([string] ($ArrayMain) -replace "`n", "" -replace "`r", "") } return $ArraySQLQueries } function New-SqlTableMapping { [CmdletBinding()] param([Object] $SqlTableMapping, [Object] $Object, $Properties, [switch] $BasedOnSqlTable) if ($SqlTableMapping) { $TableMapping = $SqlTableMapping } else { $TableMapping = @{ } if ($BasedOnSqlTable) { foreach ($Property in $Properties) { $FieldName = $Property $FieldNameSql = $Property $TableMapping.$FieldName = $FieldNameSQL } } else { foreach ($O in $Properties.HighestObject) { foreach ($Property in $Properties.Properties) { $FieldName = $Property $FieldValue = $O.$Property $FieldNameSQL = $FieldName.Replace(' ', '') if ($FieldValue -is [DateTime]) { $TableMapping.$FieldName = "$FieldNameSQL,[datetime],null" } elseif ($FieldValue -is [int] -or $FieldValue -is [Int64]) { $TableMapping.$FieldName = "$FieldNameSQL,[bigint]" } elseif ($FieldValue -is [bool]) { $TableMapping.$FieldName = "$FieldNameSQL,[bit]" } else { $TableMapping.$FieldName = "$FieldNameSQL" } } } } } return $TableMapping } function Send-SqlInsert { [CmdletBinding()] param([Array] $Object, [System.Collections.IDictionary] $SqlSettings) if ($SqlSettings.SqlTableTranspose) { $Object = Format-TransposeTable -Object $Object } $SqlTable = Get-SqlQueryColumnInformation -SqlServer $SqlSettings.SqlServer -SqlDatabase $SqlSettings.SqlDatabase -Table $SqlSettings.SqlTable $PropertiesFromAllObject = Get-ObjectPropertiesAdvanced -Object $Object -AddProperties 'AddedWhen', 'AddedWho' $PropertiesFromTable = $SqlTable.Column_name if ($SqlTable -eq $null) { if ($SqlSettings.SqlTableCreate) { Write-Verbose "Send-SqlInsert - SqlTable doesn't exists, table creation is allowed, mapping will be done either on properties from object or from TableMapping defined in config" $TableMapping = New-SqlTableMapping -SqlTableMapping $SqlSettings.SqlTableMapping -Object $Object -Properties $PropertiesFromAllObject $CreateTableSQL = New-SqlQueryCreateTable -SqlSettings $SqlSettings -TableMapping $TableMapping } else { Write-Verbose "Send-SqlInsert - SqlTable doesn't exists, no table creation is allowed. Terminating" return "Error occured: SQL Table doesn't exists. SqlTableCreate option is disabled" } } else { if ($SqlSettings.SqlTableAlterIfNeeded) { if ($SqlSettings.SqlTableMapping) { Write-Verbose "Send-SqlInsert - Sql Table exists, Alter is allowed, but SqlTableMapping is already defined" $TableMapping = New-SqlTableMapping -SqlTableMapping $SqlSettings.SqlTableMapping -Object $Object -Properties $PropertiesFromAllObject } else { Write-Verbose "Send-SqlInsert - Sql Table exists, Alter is allowed, and SqlTableMapping is not defined" $TableMapping = New-SqlTableMapping -SqlTableMapping $SqlSettings.SqlTableMapping -Object $Object -Properties $PropertiesFromAllObject $AlterTableSQL = New-SqlQueryAlterTable -SqlSettings $SqlSettings -TableMapping $TableMapping -ExistingColumns $SqlTable.Column_name } } else { if ($SqlSettings.SqlTableMapping) { Write-Verbose "Send-SqlInsert - Sql Table exists, Alter is not allowed, SqlTableMaping is already defined" $TableMapping = New-SqlTableMapping -SqlTableMapping $SqlSettings.SqlTableMapping -Object $Object -Properties $PropertiesFromAllObject } else { Write-Verbose "Send-SqlInsert - Sql Table exists, Alter is not allowed, SqlTableMaping is not defined, using SqlTable Columns" $TableMapping = New-SqlTableMapping -SqlTableMapping $SqlSettings.SqlTableMapping -Object $Object -Properties $PropertiesFromTable -BasedOnSqlTable } } } $Queries = @(if ($CreateTableSQL) { foreach ($Sql in $CreateTableSQL) { $Sql } } if ($AlterTableSQL) { foreach ($Sql in $AlterTableSQL) { $Sql } } $SqlQueries = New-SqlQuery -Object $Object -SqlSettings $SqlSettings -TableMapping $TableMapping foreach ($Sql in $SqlQueries) { $Sql }) $ReturnData = foreach ($Query in $Queries) { try { if ($Query) { $Query Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance "$($SqlSettings.SqlServer)" -Database "$($SqlSettings.SqlDatabase)" -Query $Query -ErrorAction Stop } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " "Error occured (Send-SqlInsert): $ErrorMessage" } } return $ReturnData } function Find-TypesNeeded { [CmdletBinding()] param ($TypesRequired, $TypesNeeded) [bool] $Found = $False foreach ($Type in $TypesNeeded) { if ($TypesRequired -contains $Type) { $Found = $true break } } return $Found } Function Get-ModulesAvailability { param([string]$Name) if (-not(Get-Module -Name $Name)) { if (Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Name }) { try { Import-Module -Name $Name return $true } catch { return $false } } else { return $false } } else { return $true } } function Search-Command { [cmdletbinding()] param ([string] $CommandName) return [bool](Get-Command -Name $CommandName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) } function Test-AvailabilityCommands { param ([string[]] $Commands) $CommandsStatus = foreach ($Command in $Commands) { $Exists = Search-Command -Command $Command if ($Exists) { Write-Verbose "Test-AvailabilityCommands - Command $Command is available." } else { Write-Verbose "Test-AvailabilityCommands - Command $Command is not available." } $Exists } return $CommandsStatus } function Test-ComputerAvailability { [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]] $Servers, [ValidateSet('All', 'Ping', 'WinRM', 'PortOpen', 'Ping+WinRM', 'Ping+PortOpen', 'WinRM+PortOpen')] $Test = 'All', [int[]] $Ports = 135, [int] $PortsTimeout = 100, [int] $PingCount = 1) $OutputList = @(foreach ($Server in $Servers) { $Output = [ordered] @{ } $Output.ServerName = $Server if ($Test -eq 'All' -or $Test -like 'Ping*') { $Output.Pingable = Test-Connection -ComputerName $Server -Quiet -Count $PingCount } if ($Test -eq 'All' -or $Test -like '*WinRM*') { $Output.WinRM = (Test-WinRM -ComputerName $Server).Status } if ($Test -eq 'All' -or '*PortOpen*') { $Output.PortOpen = (Test-ComputerPort -Server $Server -PortTCP $Ports -Timeout $PortsTimeout).Status } [PSCustomObject] $Output }) return $OutputList } function Test-ComputerPort { [CmdletBinding()] param ([alias('Server')][string[]] $ComputerName, [int[]] $PortTCP, [int[]] $PortUDP, [int]$Timeout = 5000) process { foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) { foreach ($P in $PortTCP) { $Output = [ordered] @{'ComputerName' = $Computer 'Port' = $P 'Protocol' = 'TCP' 'Status' = $null 'Summary' = $null 'Response' = $null } $TcpClient = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $Computer -Port $P -InformationLevel Detailed -WarningAction SilentlyContinue if ($TcpClient.TcpTestSucceeded) { $Output['Status'] = $TcpClient.TcpTestSucceeded $Output['Summary'] = "TCP $P Successful" } else { $Output['Status'] = $false $Output['Summary'] = "TCP $P Failed" $Output['Response'] = $Warnings } [PSCustomObject]$Output } foreach ($P in $PortUDP) { $Output = [ordered] @{'ComputerName' = $Computer 'Port' = $P 'Protocol' = 'UDP' 'Status' = $null 'Summary' = $null } $UdpClient = [System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient]::new($Computer, $P) $UdpClient.Client.ReceiveTimeout = $Timeout $Encoding = [System.Text.ASCIIEncoding]::new() $byte = $Encoding.GetBytes("Evotec") [void]$UdpClient.Send($byte, $byte.length) $RemoteEndpoint = [System.Net.IPEndPoint]::new([System.Net.IPAddress]::Any, 0) try { $Bytes = $UdpClient.Receive([ref]$RemoteEndpoint) [string]$Data = $Encoding.GetString($Bytes) If ($Data) { $Output['Status'] = $true $Output['Summary'] = "UDP $P Successful" $Output['Response'] = $Data } } catch { $Output['Status'] = $false $Output['Summary'] = "UDP $P Failed" $Output['Response'] = $_.Exception.Message } $UdpClient.Close() $UdpClient.Dispose() [PSCustomObject]$Output } } } } function Test-ConfigurationCredentials { [CmdletBinding()] param ([Object] $Configuration, $AllowEmptyKeys) $Object = foreach ($Key in $Configuration.Keys) { if ($AllowEmptyKeys -notcontains $Key -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Configuration.$Key)) { Write-Verbose "Test-ConfigurationCredentials - Configuration $Key is Null or Empty! Terminating" @{Status = $false; Output = $User.SamAccountName; Extended = "Credentials configuration $Key is Null or Empty!" } } } return $Object } function Test-ForestConnectivity { [CmdletBinding()] param() Try { $null = Get-ADForest return $true } catch { return $False } } function Test-Key { [CmdletBinding()] param($ConfigurationTable, $ConfigurationSection = "", $ConfigurationKey, $DisplayProgress = $false) if ($null -eq $ConfigurationTable) { return $false } try { $value = $ConfigurationTable.ContainsKey($ConfigurationKey) } catch { $value = $false } if ($value -eq $true) { if ($DisplayProgress -eq $true) { Write-Color @script:WriteParameters -Text "[i] ", "Parameter in configuration of ", "$ConfigurationSection.$ConfigurationKey", " exists." -Color White, White, Green, White } return $true } else { if ($DisplayProgress -eq $true) { Write-Color @script:WriteParameters -Text "[i] ", "Parameter in configuration of ", "$ConfigurationSection.$ConfigurationKey", " doesn't exist." -Color White, White, Red, White } return $false } } function Test-ModuleAvailability { [CmdletBinding()] param() if (Search-Command -CommandName 'Get-AdForest') { } else { Write-Warning 'Modules required to run not found.' Exit } } function Test-WinRM { [CmdletBinding()] param ([alias('Server')][string[]] $ComputerName) $Output = foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) { $Test = [PSCustomObject] @{Output = $null Status = $null ComputerName = $Computer } try { $Test.Output = Test-WSMan -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction Stop $Test.Status = $true } catch { $Test.Status = $false } $Test } $Output } function Get-TimeSetttings { [alias('Get-TimeSynchronization')] param([string[]] $ComputerName, [switch] $Formatted, [string] $Splitter) $Types = @{NT5DS = 'The time service synchronizes from the domain hierarchy.' NTP = 'The time service synchronizes from the servers specified in the NtpServer registry entry.' ALLSync = 'The time service uses all the available synchronization mechanisms.' NoSync = 'The time service does not synchronize with other sources.' } $NtpServerIntervals = @{'0x1' = 'SpecialInterval' '0x2' = 'UseAsFallbackOnly' '0x4' = 'SymmetricActive' '0x8' = 'Client' '0x9' = 'SpecialInterval+Client' } $CrossSiteSyncFlags = @{'0' = 'None' '1' = 'PdcOnly' '2' = 'All' } $AnnounceFlags = @{'0' = 'Not a time server' '1' = 'Always time server' '2' = 'Automatic time server' '4' = 'Always reliable time server' '8' = 'Automatic reliable time server' '10' = 'The default value for domain members is 10. The default value for stand-alone clients and servers is 10.' } foreach ($_ in $ComputerName) { [bool] $AppliedGPO = $false $TimeParameters = Get-PSRegistry -ComputerName $_ -RegistryPath "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\W32time\Parameters" if ($null -eq $TimeParameters.NtpServer) { $TimeParameters = Get-PSRegistry -ComputerName $_ -RegistryPath "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters" $AppliedGPO = $true } $TimeConfig = Get-PSRegistry -ComputerName $_ -RegistryPath "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config" $TimeNTPClient = Get-PSRegistry -ComputerName $_ -RegistryPath "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\W32time\TimeProviders\NtpClient" if ($null -eq $TimeNTPClient.CrossSiteSyncFlags) { $TimeNTPClient = Get-PSRegistry -ComputerName $_ -RegistryPath "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\TimeProviders\NTPClient" } $TimeNTPServer = Get-PSRegistry -ComputerName $_ -RegistryPath "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\TimeProviders\NTPServer" $TimeVMProvider = Get-PSRegistry -ComputerName $ComputerName -RegistryPath "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\TimeProviders\VMICTimeProvider" $NtpServers = $TimeParameters.NtpServer -split ' ' $Ntp = foreach ($NtpServer in $NtpServers) { $SplitNTP = $NtpServer -split ',' if ($SplitNTP.Count -eq 2) { $Intervals = $NtpServerIntervals[$SplitNTP[1]] if ($null -eq $Intervals) { $Intervals = 'Incorrect' } } else { $Intervals = 'Missing' } [PSCustomObject] @{NtpServer = $SplitNTP[0] Intervals = $Intervals } } [PSCustomObject] @{ComputerName = $_ NtpServer = if ($Splitter) { $Ntp.NtpServer -join $Splitter } else { $Ntp.NtpServer } NtpServerIntervals = if ($Splitter) { $Ntp.Intervals -join $Splitter } else { $Ntp.Intervals } NtpType = $TimeParameters.Type NtpTypeComment = $Types["$($TimeParameters.Type)"] AppliedGPO = $AppliedGPO VMTimeProvider = [bool] $TimeVMProvider.Enabled AnnounceFlags = $TimeConfig.AnnounceFlags AnnounceFlagsComment = $AnnounceFlags["$($TimeConfig.AnnounceFlags)"] NtpServerEnabled = [bool]$TimeNTPServer.Enabled NtpServerInputProvider = [bool]$TimeNTPServer.InputProvider MaxPosPhaseCorrection = $TimeConfig.MaxPosPhaseCorrection MaxnegPhaseCorrection = $TimeConfig.MaxnegPhaseCorrection MaxAllowedPhaseOffset = $TimeConfig.MaxAllowedPhaseOffset MaxPollInterval = $TimeConfig.MaxPollInterval MinPollInterval = $TimeConfig.MinPollInterval UpdateInterval = $TimeConfig.UpdateInterval ResolvePeerBackoffMinutes = $TimeNTPClient.ResolvePeerBackoffMinutes ResolvePeerBackoffMaxTimes = $TimeNTPClient.ResolvePeerBackoffMaxTimes SpecialPollInterval = $TimeNTPClient.SpecialPollInterval EventLogFlags = $TimeConfig.EventLogFlags NtpClientEnabled = [bool] $TimeNTPClient.Enabled NtpClientCrossSiteSyncFlags = $CrossSiteSyncFlags["$($TimeNTPClient.CrossSiteSyncFlags)"] NtpClientInputProvider = [bool] $TimeNTPClient.InputProvider TimeNTPClient = $TimeNTPClient.SpecialPollInterval } } } function Get-TimeZoneAdvanced { param([string[]]$ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty) foreach ($computer in $computerName) { $TimeZone = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_timezone -ComputerName $computer -Credential $Credential $LocalTime = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_localtime -ComputerName $computer -Credential $Credential $Output = @{'ComputerName' = $localTime.__SERVER 'TimeZone' = $timeZone.Caption 'CurrentTime' = (Get-Date -Day $localTime.Day -Month $localTime.Month) } $Object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Output Write-Output $Object } } function Get-TimeZoneLegacy () { return ([System.TimeZone]::CurrentTimeZone).StandardName } function Measure-Collection { param([string] $Name, [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock) $Time = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock $Time.Stop() "Name: $Name, $($Time.Elapsed.Days) days, $($Time.Elapsed.Hours) hours, $($Time.Elapsed.Minutes) minutes, $($Time.Elapsed.Seconds) seconds, $($Time.Elapsed.Milliseconds) milliseconds, ticks $($Time.Elapsed.Ticks)" } function Set-TimeSynchronization { param([string[]] $TimeSource = '', [int] $MaxPosPhaseCorrection = 86400, [int] $MaxnegPhaseCorrection = 86400, [int] $PollInterval = 1800) Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters -Name Type -Value 'NTP' Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config -Name AnnounceFlags -Value 5 Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\TimeProviders\NtpServer -Name Enabled -Value 1 Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters -Name NtpServer -Value "$TimeSource,0x1" Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\TimeProviders\NtpClient -Name SpecialPollInterval -Value $PollInterval Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config -Name MaxPosPhaseCorrection -Value $MaxPosPhaseCorrection Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config -Name MaxnegPhaseCorrection -Value $MaxnegPhaseCorrection Stop-Service -Name W32Time Start-Service -Name W32Time } function Start-TimeLog { [CmdletBinding()] param() [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() } function Stop-TimeLog { [CmdletBinding()] param ([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)][System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch] $Time, [ValidateSet('OneLiner', 'Array')][string] $Option = 'OneLiner', [switch] $Continue) Begin { } Process { if ($Option -eq 'Array') { $TimeToExecute = "$($Time.Elapsed.Days) days", "$($Time.Elapsed.Hours) hours", "$($Time.Elapsed.Minutes) minutes", "$($Time.Elapsed.Seconds) seconds", "$($Time.Elapsed.Milliseconds) milliseconds" } else { $TimeToExecute = "$($Time.Elapsed.Days) days, $($Time.Elapsed.Hours) hours, $($Time.Elapsed.Minutes) minutes, $($Time.Elapsed.Seconds) seconds, $($Time.Elapsed.Milliseconds) milliseconds" } } End { if (-not $Continue) { $Time.Stop() } return $TimeToExecute } } function Show-Array { [CmdletBinding()] param([System.Collections.ArrayList] $List, [switch] $WithType) foreach ($Element in $List) { $Type = Get-ObjectType -Object $Element if ($WithType) { Write-Output "$Element (Type: $($Type.ObjectTypeName))" } else { Write-Output $Element } } } function Show-DataInVerbose { [CmdletBinding()] param([Object] $Object) foreach ($O in $Object) { foreach ($E in $O.PSObject.Properties) { $FieldName = $E.Name $FieldValue = $E.Value Write-Verbose "Display-DataInVerbose - FieldName: $FieldName FieldValue: $FieldValue" } } } function Show-TableVisualization { [CmdletBinding()] param ([parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)] $Object) if ($Color) { Write-Color "[i] This is how table looks like in Format-Table" -Color Yellow } Write-Verbose '[i] This is how table looks like in Format-Table' $Object | Format-Table -AutoSize $Data = Format-PSTable $Object Write-Verbose "[i] Rows Count $($Data.Count) Column Count $($Data[0].Count)" $RowNr = 0 if ($Color) { Write-Color "[i] Presenting table after conversion" -Color Yellow } foreach ($Row in $Data) { $ColumnNr = 0 foreach ($Column in $Row) { Write-Verbose "Row: $RowNr Column: $ColumnNr Data: $Column" $ColumnNr++ } $RowNr++ } } function Save-XML { param ([string] $FilePath, [System.Xml.XmlNode] $xml) $utf8WithoutBom = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($false) $writer = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($FilePath, $false, $utf8WithoutBom) $xml.Save($writer) $writer.Close() } function Set-XML { param ([string] $FilePath, [string[]]$Paths, [string] $Node, [string] $Value) [xml]$xmlDocument = Get-Content -Path $FilePath -Encoding UTF8 $XmlElement = $xmlDocument foreach ($Path in $Paths) { $XmlElement = $XmlElement.$Path } $XmlElement.$Node = $Value $xmlDocument.Save($FilePath) } Export-ModuleMember -Function @('Add-PropertyToList', 'Add-ToArray', 'Add-ToArrayAdvanced', 'Add-ToHashTable', 'Add-WinADUserGroups', 'Clear-DataInformation', 'Compare-MultipleObjects', 'Compare-ObjectProperties', 'Compare-ObjectsAdvanced', 'Convert-BinaryToHex', 'Convert-BinaryToString', 'Convert-Color', 'Convert-ExchangeEmail', 'Convert-ExchangeItems', 'Convert-ExchangeRecipientDetails', 'Convert-ExchangeSize', 'ConvertFrom-Color', 'ConvertFrom-DistinguishedName', 'ConvertFrom-ErrorRecord', 'ConvertFrom-HTML', 'ConvertFrom-OperationType', 'ConvertFrom-ScriptBlock', 'ConvertFrom-SID', 'ConvertFrom-X500Address', 'Convert-HexToBinary', 'Convert-KeyToKeyValue', 'Convert-Office365License', 'Convert-Size', 'Convert-TimeToDays', 'Convert-ToDateTime', 'ConvertTo-ImmutableID', 'ConvertTo-OperatingSystem', 'ConvertTo-OrderedDictionary', 'ConvertTo-ScriptBlock', 'Convert-ToTimeSpan', 'Convert-TwoArraysIntoOne', 'Convert-UAC', 'Copy-OrderedHashtable', 'Find-ADConnectServer', 'Find-DatesCurrentDayMinusDayX', 'Find-DatesCurrentDayMinuxDaysX', 'Find-DatesCurrentHour', 'Find-DatesDayPrevious', 'Find-DatesDayToday', 'Find-DatesMonthCurrent', 'Find-DatesMonthPast', 'Find-DatesPastHour', 'Find-DatesPastWeek', 'Find-DatesQuarterCurrent', 'Find-DatesQuarterLast', 'Find-ExchangeServer', 'Find-HyperVServer', 'Find-MyProgramData', 'Find-ServerTypes', 'Find-TypesNeeded', 'Find-UsersProxyAddressesStatus', 'Format-AddSpaceToSentence', 'Format-FirstXChars', 'Format-PSTable', 'Format-Stream', 'Format-ToTitleCase', 'Format-TransposeTable', 'Format-View', 'Get-CimData', 'Get-Colors', 'Get-CommandInfo', 'Get-ComputerApplications', 'Get-ComputerBios', 'Get-ComputerCPU', 'Get-ComputerCulture', 'Get-ComputerDisk', 'Get-ComputerDiskLogical', 'Get-ComputerMissingDrivers', 'Get-ComputerNetwork', 'Get-ComputerOemInformation', 'Get-ComputerOperatingSystem', 'Get-ComputerRDP', 'Get-ComputerServices', 'Get-ComputerSMB', 'Get-ComputerSMBShare', 'Get-ComputerStartup', 'Get-ComputerSystem', 'Get-ComputerTasks', 'Get-ComputerTime', 'Get-ComputerTimeNtp', 'Get-ComputerWindowsFeatures', 'Get-ComputerWindowsUpdates', 'Get-DataInformation', 'Get-FileInformation', 'Get-FileName', 'Get-FilesInFolder', 'Get-FileSize', 'Get-HashMaxValue', 'Get-HTML', 'Get-IPAddressInformation', 'Get-Logger', 'Get-MimeType', 'Get-ModulesAvailability', 'Get-MyIpAddress', 'Get-ObjectCount', 'Get-ObjectData', 'Get-ObjectEnumValues', 'Get-ObjectKeys', 'Get-ObjectProperties', 'Get-ObjectPropertiesAdvanced', 'Get-ObjectTitles', 'Get-ObjectType', 'Get-PathSeparator', 'Get-PathTemporary', 'Get-PSRegistry', 'Get-PSService', 'Get-RandomCharacters', 'Get-RandomFileName', 'Get-RandomPassword', 'Get-RandomStringName', 'Get-ServerRoles', 'Get-SqlQueryColumnInformation', 'Get-TemporaryDirectory', 'Get-TimeSetttings', 'Get-TimeZoneAdvanced', 'Get-TimeZoneLegacy', 'Get-Types', 'Get-WinADForestControllers', 'Get-WinADForestOptions', 'Get-WinADOrganizationalUnitData', 'Get-WinADOrganizationalUnitFromDN', 'Get-WinADUsersByDN', 'Get-WinADUsersByOU', 'Get-WinADUserSnapshot', 'Initialize-ModulePortable', 'Measure-Collection', 'Merge-Array', 'Merge-Objects', 'New-ArrayList', 'New-GenericList', 'New-Runspace', 'New-SqlQuery', 'New-SqlQueryAlterTable', 'New-SqlQueryCreateTable', 'New-SqlTableMapping', 'New-UserAdd', 'Remove-DuplicateObjects', 'Remove-EmptyValues', 'Remove-FilePermission', 'Remove-FromArray', 'Remove-ObjectsExistingInTarget', 'Remove-WhiteSpace', 'Remove-WinADUserGroups', 'Rename-LatinCharacters', 'Rename-UserValuesFromHash', 'Save-XML', 'Search-Command', 'Select-Properties', 'Send-Email', 'Send-SqlInsert', 'Set-DnsServerIpAddress', 'Set-EmailBody', 'Set-EmailBodyPreparedTable', 'Set-EmailBodyReplacement', 'Set-EmailBodyReplacementTable', 'Set-EmailFormatting', 'Set-EmailHead', 'Set-EmailReportBranding', 'Set-EmailWordReplacements', 'Set-EmailWordReplacementsHash', 'Set-FileInheritance', 'Set-FilePermission', 'Set-PasswordRemotely', 'Set-ServiceRecovery', 'Set-SpecUser', 'Set-TimeSynchronization', 'Set-WinADGroupSynchronization', 'Set-WinADUserFields', 'Set-WinADUserSettingGAL', 'Set-WinADUserStatus', 'Set-WinAzureADUserField', 'Set-WinAzureADUserLicense', 'Set-WinAzureADUserStatus', 'Set-XML', 'Show-Array', 'Show-DataInVerbose', 'Show-TableVisualization', 'Split-Array', 'Split-ArrayEvery', 'Start-InternalFunction', 'Start-MyProgram', 'Start-Runspace', 'Start-TimeLog', 'Stop-Runspace', 'Stop-TimeLog', 'Test-AvailabilityCommands', 'Test-ComputerAvailability', 'Test-ComputerPort', 'Test-ConfigurationCredentials', 'Test-ForestConnectivity', 'Test-Key', 'Test-ModuleAvailability', 'Test-WinRM') -Alias @('Add-ADUserGroups', 'Convert-FromColor', 'Convert-HTMLToString', 'Find-ADSyncServer', 'Format-Debug', 'Format-ListStream', 'Format-TableStream', 'Format-Verbose', 'Format-Warning', 'FS', 'FV', 'Get-ADUserSnapshot', 'Get-ComputerNetworkCard', 'Get-MyIP', 'Get-RDPSecurity', 'Get-TimeSynchronization', 'Get-WinADDomainControllers', 'Remove-ADUserGroups', 'Remove-Permission', 'Remove-StringLatinCharacters', 'Set-ADUserName', 'Set-ADUserSettingGAL', 'Set-ADUserStatus', 'Set-EmailBodyTableReplacement', 'Set-Inheritance', 'Set-Permission', 'Set-Recovery') |