
    Splits an array into smaller chunks of a specified size.
    Divides an array into smaller chunks of a specified size. If the array length isn't divisible by the chunk size, the last chunk will be smaller.
    The array to split.
    The desired size of each chunk. Defaults to 10.
    An array of arrays, each representing a chunk of the original array.
    Split an array into chunks of 3:
    $myArray = @(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
    Split-Array -Array $myArray -ChunkSize 3

Function Split-Array {
        [int]$ChunkSize = 10

    # Calculate how many chunks we need to return
    $ChunkCount = [Math]::Ceiling($Array.Length / $ChunkSize)

    $Chunks = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()

    Foreach ($ChunkIndex in 0..($ChunkCount -1)) {
        # For each chunk we slice a part of the array and skip the chunksize times the chunkindex
        [Array]$Slice = $Array | Select-Object -Skip ($ChunkIndex * $ChunkSize) -First $ChunkSize
        $Chunks.Add($Slice) | Out-Null

    Return $Chunks