# Action that is performed on registration of the provider using Register-PSFLoggingProvider $registrationEvent = { } #region Logging Execution # Action that is performed when starting the logging script (or the very first time if enabled after launching the logging script) $begin_event = { function Get-PSServicePrincipalPath { [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) $path = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'PSServicePrincipal.Logging.PSServicePrincipal.FilePath' $logname = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'PSServicePrincipal.Logging.PSServicePrincipal.LogName' $scriptBlock = { param ( [string] $Match ) $hash = @{ '%date%' = (Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd') '%dayofweek%' = (Get-Date).DayOfWeek '%day%' = (Get-Date).Day '%hour%' = (Get-Date).Hour '%minute%' = (Get-Date).Minute '%username%' = $env:USERNAME '%userdomain%' = $env:USERDOMAIN '%computername%' = $env:COMPUTERNAME '%processid%' = $PID '%logname%' = $logname } $hash.$Match } [regex]::Replace($path, '%day%|%computername%|%hour%|%processid%|%date%|%username%|%dayofweek%|%minute%|%userdomain%|%logname%', $scriptBlock) } function Write-PSServicePrincipalMessage { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Message, [bool] $IncludeHeader, [string] $FileType, [string] $Path, [string] $CsvDelimiter, [string[]] $Headers ) $parent = Split-Path $Path if (-not (Test-Path $parent)) { $null = New-Item $parent -ItemType Directory -Force } $fileExists = Test-Path $Path #region Type-Based Output switch ($FileType) { #region Csv "Csv" { if ((-not $fileExists) -and $IncludeHeader) { $Message | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter $CsvDelimiter | Set-Content -Path $Path -Encoding UTF8 } else { $Message | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter $CsvDelimiter | Select-Object -Skip 1 | Add-Content -Path $Path -Encoding UTF8 } } #endregion Csv #region Json "Json" { if ($fileExists) { Add-Content -Path $Path -Value "," -Encoding UTF8 } $Message | ConvertTo-Json | Add-Content -Path $Path -NoNewline -Encoding UTF8 } #endregion Json #region XML "XML" { [xml]$xml = $message | ConvertTo-Xml -NoTypeInformation $xml.Objects.InnerXml | Add-Content -Path $Path -Encoding UTF8 } #endregion XML #region Html "Html" { [xml]$xml = $message | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment if ((-not $fileExists) -and $IncludeHeader) { $[0].OuterXml | Add-Content -Path $Path -Encoding UTF8 } $[1].OuterXml | Add-Content -Path $Path -Encoding UTF8 } #endregion Html } #endregion Type-Based Output } $PSServicePrincipal_includeheader = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'PSServicePrincipal.Logging.PSServicePrincipal.IncludeHeader' $PSServicePrincipal_headers = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'PSServicePrincipal.Logging.PSServicePrincipal.Headers' $PSServicePrincipal_filetype = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'PSServicePrincipal.Logging.PSServicePrincipal.FileType' $PSServicePrincipal_CsvDelimiter = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'PSServicePrincipal.Logging.PSServicePrincipal.CsvDelimiter' if ($PSServicePrincipal_headers -contains 'Tags') { $PSServicePrincipal_headers = $PSServicePrincipal_headers | ForEach-Object { switch ($_) { 'Tags' { @{ Name = 'Tags' Expression = { $_.Tags -join "," } } } 'Message' { @{ Name = 'Message' Expression = { $_.LogMessage } } } default { $_ } } } } $PSServicePrincipal_paramWriteLogFileMessage = @{ IncludeHeader = $PSServicePrincipal_includeheader FileType = $PSServicePrincipal_filetype CsvDelimiter = $PSServicePrincipal_CsvDelimiter Headers = $PSServicePrincipal_headers } } # Action that is performed at the beginning of each logging cycle $start_event = { $PSServicePrincipal_paramWriteLogFileMessage["Path"] = Get-PSServicePrincipalPath } # Action that is performed for each message item that is being logged $message_Event = { Param ( $Message ) $Message | Select-Object $PSServicePrincipal_headers | Write-PSServicePrincipalMessage @PSServicePrincipal_paramWriteLogFileMessage } # Action that is performed for each error item that is being logged $error_Event = { Param ( $ErrorItem ) } # Action that is performed at the end of each logging cycle $end_event = { } # Action that is performed when stopping the logging script $final_event = { } #endregion Logging Execution #region Function Extension / Integration # Script that generates the necessary dynamic parameter for Set-PSFLoggingProvider $configurationParameters = { $configroot = "PSServicePrincipal.Logging.PSServicePrincipal" $configurations = Get-PSFConfig -FullName "$configroot.*" $RuntimeParamDic = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary foreach ($config in $configurations) { $ParamAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $ParamAttrib.ParameterSetName = '__AllParameterSets' $AttribColl = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $AttribColl.Add($ParamAttrib) $RuntimeParam = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter(($config.FullName.Replace($configroot, "").Trim(".")), $config.Value.GetType(), $AttribColl) $RuntimeParamDic.Add(($config.FullName.Replace($configroot, "").Trim(".")), $RuntimeParam) } return $RuntimeParamDic } # Script that is executes when configuring the provider using Set-PSFLoggingProvider $configurationScript = { $configroot = "PSServicePrincipal.Logging.PSServicePrincipal" $configurations = Get-PSFConfig -FullName "$configroot.*" foreach ($config in $configurations) { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey(($config.FullName.Replace($configroot, "").Trim(".")))) { Set-PSFConfig -Module $config.Module -Name $config.Name -Value $PSBoundParameters[($config.FullName.Replace($configroot, "").Trim("."))] } } } # Script that returns a Boolean value. "True" if all prerequisites are installed, "False" if installation is required $isInstalledScript = { return $true } # Script that provides dynamic parameter for Install-PSFLoggingProvider $installationParameters = { # None needed } # Script that performs the actual installation, based on the parameters (if any) specified in the $installationParameters script $installationScript = { # Nothing to be done - if you need to install your filesystem, you probably have other issues you need to deal with first ;) } #endregion Function Extension / Integration # Configuration settings to initialize if($IsMacOS) { $loggingFolder = Join-Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")) "/Documents/PSServiecPrincipal Logging" Set-PSFConfig -Module PSServicePrincipal -Name 'Logging.PSServicePrincipal.FilePath' -Value "$($loggingFolder)/%logname%-%date%.csv" -Initialize -Validation string -Handler { } -Description "The path to where the logfile is written. Supports some placeholders such as %Date% to allow for timestamp in the name. For full documentation on the supported wildcards, see the documentation on" Set-PSFConfig -Module PSServicePrincipal -Name 'Logging.PSServicePrincipal.LoggingFolderPath' -Value "$($loggingFolder)" -Initialize -Validation string -Handler { } -Description "The path to where the logfile is written. Supports some placeholders such as %Date% to allow for timestamp in the name. For full documentation on the supported wildcards, see the documentation on" } else { $loggingFolder = Join-Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")) "\PSServiecPrincipal Logging" if(-NOT (Test-Path -Path $loggingFolder)) { New-Item -Path $loggingFolder -ItemType Directory} Set-PSFConfig -Module PSServicePrincipal -Name 'Logging.PSServicePrincipal.LoggingFolderPath' -Value "$($loggingFolder)" -Initialize -Validation string -Handler { } -Description "The path to where the logfile is written. Supports some placeholders such as %Date% to allow for timestamp in the name. For full documentation on the supported wildcards, see the documentation on" Set-PSFConfig -Module PSServicePrincipal -Name 'Logging.PSServicePrincipal.FilePath' -Value "$($loggingFolder)\%logname%-%date%.csv" -Initialize -Validation string -Handler { } -Description "The path to where the logfile is written. Supports some placeholders such as %Date% to allow for timestamp in the name. For full documentation on the supported wildcards, see the documentation on" } $configuration_Settings = { Set-PSFConfig -Module PSServicePrincipal -Name 'Logging.PSServicePrincipal.FilePath' -Value "$($script:loggingFolder)\%logname%-%date%.csv" -Initialize -Validation string -Handler { } -Description "The path to where the logfile is written. Supports some placeholders such as %Date% to allow for timestamp in the name. For full documentation on the supported wildcards, see the documentation on" Set-PSFConfig -Module PSServicePrincipal -Name 'Logging.PSServicePrincipal.Logname' -Value "New-ServicePrincipalObject" -Initialize -Validation string -Handler { } -Description "A special string you can use as a placeholder in the logfile path (by using '%logname%' as placeholder)" Set-PSFConfig -Module PSServicePrincipal -Name 'Logging.PSServicePrincipal.IncludeHeader' -Value $true -Initialize -Validation bool -Handler { } -Description "Whether a written csv file will include headers" Set-PSFConfig -Module PSServicePrincipal -Name 'Logging.PSServicePrincipal.Headers' -Value @('Timestamp', 'Level', 'FunctionName', 'Message') -Initialize -Validation stringarray -Handler { } -Description "The properties to export, in the order to select them." Set-PSFConfig -Module PSServicePrincipal -Name 'Logging.PSServicePrincipal.FileType' -Value "CSV" -Initialize -Validation psframework.logfilefiletype -Handler { } -Description "In what format to write the logfile. Supported styles: CSV, XML, Html or Json. Html, XML and Json will be written as fragments." Set-PSFConfig -Module PSServicePrincipal -Name 'Logging.PSServicePrincipal.CsvDelimiter' -Value "," -Initialize -Validation string -Handler { } -Description "The delimiter to use when writing to csv." Set-PSFConfig -Module LoggingProvider -Name 'PSServicePrincipal.Enabled' -Value $true -Initialize -Validation "bool" -Handler { if ([PSFramework.Logging.ProviderHost]::Providers['PSServicePrincipal']) { [PSFramework.Logging.ProviderHost]::Providers['PSServicePrincipal'].Enabled = $args[0] } } -Description "Whether the logging provider should be enabled on registration" Set-PSFConfig -Module LoggingProvider -Name 'PSServicePrincipal.AutoInstall' -Value $false -Initialize -Validation "bool" -Handler { } -Description "Whether the logging provider should be installed on registration" Set-PSFConfig -Module LoggingProvider -Name 'PSServicePrincipal.InstallOptional' -Value $true -Initialize -Validation "bool" -Handler { } -Description "Whether installing the logging provider is mandatory, in order for it to be enabled" Set-PSFConfig -Module LoggingProvider -Name 'PSServicePrincipal.IncludeModules' -Value @('PSServicePrincipal') -Initialize -Validation "stringarray" -Handler { if ([PSFramework.Logging.ProviderHost]::Providers['PSServicePrincipal']) { [PSFramework.Logging.ProviderHost]::Providers['PSServicePrincipal'].IncludeModules = ($args[0] | Write-Output) } } -Description "Module whitelist. Only messages from listed modules will be logged" Set-PSFConfig -Module LoggingProvider -Name 'PSServicePrincipal.ExcludeModules' -Value @() -Initialize -Validation "stringarray" -Handler { if ([PSFramework.Logging.ProviderHost]::Providers['PSServicePrincipal']) { [PSFramework.Logging.ProviderHost]::Providers['PSServicePrincipal'].ExcludeModules = ($args[0] | Write-Output) } } -Description "Module blacklist. Messages from listed modules will not be logged" Set-PSFConfig -Module LoggingProvider -Name 'PSServicePrincipal.IncludeTags' -Value @() -Initialize -Validation "stringarray" -Handler { if ([PSFramework.Logging.ProviderHost]::Providers['PSServicePrincipal']) { [PSFramework.Logging.ProviderHost]::Providers['PSServicePrincipal'].IncludeTags = ($args[0] | Write-Output) } } -Description "Tag whitelist. Only messages with these tags will be logged" Set-PSFConfig -Module LoggingProvider -Name 'PSServicePrincipal.ExcludeTags' -Value @() -Initialize -Validation "stringarray" -Handler { if ([PSFramework.Logging.ProviderHost]::Providers['PSServicePrincipal']) { [PSFramework.Logging.ProviderHost]::Providers['PSServicePrincipal'].ExcludeTags = ($args[0] | Write-Output) } } -Description "Tag blacklist. Messages with these tags will not be logged" } # This is needed to register the PSServicePrincipal logging provider Register-PSFLoggingProvider -Name "PSServicePrincipal" -RegistrationEvent $registrationEvent -BeginEvent $begin_event -StartEvent $start_event -MessageEvent $message_Event -ErrorEvent $error_Event -EndEvent $end_event -FinalEvent $final_event -ConfigurationParameters $configurationParameters -ConfigurationScript $configurationScript -IsInstalledScript $isInstalledScript -InstallationScript $installationScript -InstallationParameters $installationParameters -ConfigurationSettings $configuration_Settings |