Function ConvertTo-Markdown { [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "text")] [OutputType([string[]])] [alias('ctm')] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)] [object]$InputObject, [Parameter()] [string]$Title, [string[]]$PreContent, [string[]]$PostContent, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "text")] [ValidateScript({ $_ -ge 10 })] [int]$Width = 80, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "table", HelpMessage = "Display results as a markdown table")] [alias("table")] [switch]$AsTable, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "list", HelpMessage = "Display results as a 2 column markdown table.")] [alias("list")] [switch]$AsList ) Begin { Write-Verbose "[BEGIN ] Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" #initialize a collection to hold incoming data $data = [System.Collections.Generic.list[object]]::new() #initialize a list for markdown text $text = [System.Collections.Generic.list[string]]::New() If ($title) { Write-Verbose "[BEGIN ] Adding Title: $Title" $text.Add("# $Title`r`n") } If ($PreContent) { Write-Verbose "[BEGIN ] Adding PreContent" $text.Add("$PreContent`r`n") #$text.Add("`n`n") } #set a flag for the Process block so that the Write-Verbose #statement only runs once $flag = $True } #begin Process { if ($flag) { Write-Verbose "[PROCESS] Adding processed object[s]" #turn off the flag so the verbose message only appears once $flag = $False } #add incoming objects to data array $data.Add($InputObject) } #process End { #add the data to the text if ($data.count -gt 0) { Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "Table" { Write-Verbose "[END ] Formatting as a table" $names = $data[0] $head = "| $($names -join " | ") |" $text.Add($head) $bars = "| $(($names -replace '.','-') -join " | ") |" $text.Add($bars) foreach ($item in $data) { $line = "| " $values = @() for ($i = 0; $i -lt $names.count; $i++) { #if an item value contains return and new line replace them with <br> Issue #97 if ($item.($names[$i]) -match "`n") { Write-Verbose "[END ] Replacing line returns for property $($names[$i])" [string]$val = $($item.($names[$i])).replace("`r`n", "<br>") -join "" } else { [string]$val = $item.($names[$i]) } $values += $val } $line += $values -join " | " $line += " |" $text.Add($line) Write-Verbose "[END ] Appended: $line" } #foreach item $text.Add("") Write-Verbose "[END ] Finished building table" } #asTable "List" { Write-Verbose "[END ] Formatting as a list table" $text.Add("| | |") $text.Add("|----|----|") foreach ($item in $data) { $ | ForEach-Object { if ($_.value) { $v = $_.value.ToString() } else { $v = $null } $line = "|$($|$v|" Write-Verbose "[END ] Appended: $line" $text.Add($line) } } $text.Add("") } #asList "Text" { Write-Verbose "[END ] Formatting as a text" #convert data to strings and trim each line Write-Verbose "[END ] Converting data to strings" [string]$trimmed = (($data | Out-String -Width $width).split("`n")).ForEach({ "$($_.trim())`n" }) Write-Verbose "[END ] Adding to markdown" $clean = $($trimmed.TrimEnd()) $text.Add("``````text") $text.Add($clean) $text.Add("```````r`n") } #text } #switch } #if $data If ($PostContent) { Write-Verbose "[END ] Adding PostContent" $text.Add("$PostContent`r`n") } #write the markdown to the pipeline Write-Verbose "[END ] Writing final markdown to the pipeline" $text Write-Verbose "[END ] Ending $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" } #end } #close ConvertTo-Markdown |