Function Copy-HelpExample { [cmdletbinding()] [alias("che")] Param( [Parameter( Position = 0, Mandatory, HelpMessage = "Enter the name of the PowerShell command" )] [ValidateScript({ If (Get-Command $_) { $True } else { Throw "Can't find a command called $_" } })] [string]$Name, [Parameter( HelpMessage = "Gets help that explains how the cmdlet works in the specified provider path. Enter a PowerShell provider path." )] [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})] [string]$Path ) DynamicParam { if ($IsWindows -OR ($PSEdition -eq "Desktop")) { #The dynamic parameter name $paramName = "UseGridView" #define a parameter attribute object $attributes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $attributes.HelpMessage = "Select help examples using Out-Gridview." #define a collection for attributes $attributeCollection = New-Object -Type System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $attributeCollection.Add($attributes) #define an alias $alias = [System.Management.Automation.AliasAttribute]::new("ogv") $attributeCollection.Add($alias) #define the dynamic param $dynParam1 = New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($paramName, [Switch], $attributeCollection) #create array of dynamic parameters $paramDictionary = New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary $paramDictionary.Add($paramName, $dynParam1) #use the array return $paramDictionary } #if } #dynamic param Begin { Write-Verbose "Starting $($myinvocation.mycommand)" #A regex pattern to strip off prompts, comments and empty lines from the code sample $rx = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::new("(PS.*>)|(#.*)|(^\s$)", "Multiline") #adjust PSBoundParameters $PSBoundParameters.Add("Examples", $True) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("UseGridView")) { #remove this parameter from PSBoundParameters because it doesn't belong to Get-Help [void]($PSBoundParameters.Remove("UseGridView")) #set a flag $ogv = $True } } #begin Process { Write-Verbose "Getting help examples for $Name" $help = Get-Help @PSBoundParameters if ($help.examples.example.count -gt 0) { $choices = $help.examples.example | Select-Object -Property Title, @{Name = "CodeSample"; Expression = {($rx.replace($_.code, "")).trim()}} #force the ISE to use Out-Gridview if ($ogv -OR ($ -match "PowerShell ISE")) { Write-Verbose "Launching Out-Gridview" $choices | Out-GridView -Title "Select one or more code samples to copy" -PassThru | ForEach-Object {$_.codeSample} | Set-Clipboard } #if gridview else { #Use console menu $hash = @{} $head = @" $([char]0x1b)[1;4mCode Samples$([char]0x1b)[0m Each help example is numbered to the left. At the prompt below, select the code samples you want to copy to the clipboard. Separate multiple values with a comma. Some example code includes the output. "@ $head for ($i= 0;$i -lt $choices.count;$i++) { "`r" "$([char]0x1b)[96m[$($i+1)]$([char]0x1b)[0m $($choices[$i].title.trim())" "`r" " $($choices[$i].codesample)" #add the sample to the temporary hashtable $hash.add(($i+1).tostring(),$choices[$i].codesample) } #prompt the user for a choice $r = Read-Host "`n$([char]0x1b)[38;5;46mPlease select items to copy to the clipboard by number. Separate multiple entries with a comma. Press Enter alone to cancel$([char]0x1b)[0m" if ($r -match ",") { $items = $r.split(",") } elseif ($r -match "\d") { $items = $r } else { Write-Verbose "You must have cancelled." } #initialize a list to hold the choices $select = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new() if ($items) { foreach ($item in $items) { Write-Verbose "getting item $item" $select.add($hash.item($item)) } } #copy all the selections to the clipboard $select | Set-Clipboard } #use console } #if help examples found else { Write-Warning "No help or examples found for $Name" } } #process End { Write-Verbose "Ending $($myinvocation.mycommand)" } #end } #end function |