#an internal function for the actual testing Function _TestMe { [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Interval")] Param( [scriptblock]$Expression, [object[]]$ArgumentList, [ValidateScript( { $_ -ge 1 })] [int]$Count = 1, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Interval")] [ValidateRange(0, 60)] [double]$Interval = .5, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Random", Mandatory)] [Alias("min")] [double]$RandomMinimum, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Random", Mandatory)] [Alias("max")] [double]$RandomMaximum, [switch]$IncludeExpression ) $TestData = 1..$count | ForEach-Object -begin { <# PowerShell doesn't seem to like passing a scriptblock as an argument when using Invoke-Command. It appears to pass it as a string so I'm recreating it as a scriptblock here. #> $script:testblock = [scriptblock]::Create($Expression) } -process { #invoke the scriptblock with any arguments and measure Measure-Command -Expression { $($script:testblock).Invoke(@($argumentlist)) } -OutVariable +out #} -outvariable +out #pause to mitigate any caching effects if ($RandomMinimum -AND $RandomMaximum) { $sleep = Get-Random -Minimum ($RandomMinimum * 1000) -Maximum ($RandomMaximum * 1000) $TestInterval = "Random" } else { $Sleep = ($Interval * 1000) $TestInterval = $Sleep } Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $sleep } $TestResults = $TestData | Measure-Object -Property TotalMilliseconds -Average -Maximum -Minimum | Select-Object -Property @{Name = "Tests"; Expression = { $_.Count } }, @{Name = "TestInterval"; Expression = { $TestInterval } }, @{Name = "AverageMS"; Expression = { $_.Average } }, @{Name = "MinimumMS"; Expression = { $_.Minimum } }, @{Name = "MaximumMS"; Expression = { $_.Maximum } }, @{Name = "MedianMS"; Expression = { #sort the values to calculate the median and trimmed values $sort = $out.totalmilliseconds | Sort-Object #test if there are an even or odd number of elements if ( ($sort.count) % 2) { #odd number #subtract 1 because arrays start counting at 0 $sort[(($sort.count - 1) / 2) -as [int]] } else { #even number #get middle two numbers and their average ($sort[($sort.count / 2)] + $sort[$sort.count / 2 + 1]) / 2 } } }, @{Name = "TrimmedMS"; Expression = { #values must be sorted in ascending order $data = $out.totalmilliseconds | Sort-Object #select elements from the second to next to last ($data[1..($data.count - 2)] | Measure-Object -Average).Average } } #add metadata $OS = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_operatingsystem $TestResults | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name PSVersion -Value $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString() $TestResults | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name OS -Value $OS.caption if ($IncludeExpression) { Write-Verbose "Adding expression to output" $TestResults | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name Expression -Value $Expression $TestResults | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name Arguments -Value $ArgumentList } Write-Verbose "Inserting a new type name" $TestResults.psobject.typenames.insert(0, "my.TestResult") #write the result to the pipeline $testResults } #_TestMe function #exposed functions Function Test-Expression { [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Interval")] [alias("tex")] Param( [Parameter( Position = 0, Mandatory, HelpMessage = "Enter a scriptblock to test", ValueFromPipeline )] [Alias("sb")] [scriptblock]$Expression, [object[]]$ArgumentList, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateScript( { $_ -ge 1 })] [int]$Count = 1, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = "Interval", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateRange(0, 60)] [Alias("sleep")] [double]$Interval = .5, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = "Random", Mandatory )] [Alias("min")] [double]$RandomMinimum, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = "Random", Mandatory )] [Alias("max")] [double]$RandomMaximum, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias("ie")] [switch]$IncludeExpression, [switch]$AsJob ) Write-Verbose "Starting: $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)" Write-Verbose ($PSBoundParameters | Out-String) Write-Verbose "Measuring expression:" Write-Verbose ($Expression | Out-String) if ($ArgumentList) { Write-Verbose "Arguments: $($ArgumentList -join ",")" } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Interval') { Write-Verbose "$Count time(s) with a sleep interval of $interval seconds." } else { Write-Verbose "$Count time(s) with a random sleep interval between $RandomMinimum seconds and $RandomMaximum seconds." } If ($AsJob) { Write-Verbose "Running as a background job" [void]$PSBoundParameters.remove("AsJob") Start-Job -ScriptBlock { Param([hashtable]$Testparams) <# PowerShell doesn't seem to like passing a scriptblock as an argument when using Invoke-Command. It appears to pass it as a string so I'm recreating it as a scriptblock here. #> $expression = [scriptblock]::Create($Testparams.Expression) $TestParams.Expression = $Expression Test-Expression @testparams } -ArgumentList @($PSBoundParameters) -InitializationScript { Import-Module Test-Expression } } else { [void]$PSBoundParameters.remove("AsJob") _TestMe @PSBoundParameters } Write-Verbose "Ending: $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)" } #end function Function Test-ExpressionForm { [cmdletbinding()] [alias("texf")] Param() if ($isWindows) { Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework [xml]$xaml = Get-Content $psscriptroot\form.xaml $reader = New-Object system.xml.xmlnodereader $xaml $form = [windows.markup.xamlreader]::Load($reader) $sb = $form.FindName("txtScriptBlock") $count = $form.FindName("txtCount") $results = $form.FindName("tbResults") $slider = $form.Findname("sliderStatic") $radioStatic = $form.FindName("radioStatic") $radioRandom = $form.FindName("radioRandom") $min = $form.FindName("txtMin") $Max = $form.FindName("txtMax") $argumentList = $form.FindName("txtArguments") $run = $form.FindName("btnRun") $quit = $form.Findname("btnQuit") #defaults $min.Text = 1 $max.text = 5 $min.IsEnabled = $False $max.IsEnabled = $false $slider.IsEnabled = $True $radioStatic.add_Checked( { $min.IsEnabled = $False $max.IsEnabled = $false $slider.IsEnabled = $True }) $radioRandom.Add_checked( { $min.IsEnabled = $True $max.IsEnabled = $True $slider.IsEnabled = $False }) $quit.add_click( { $form.close() }) $run.add_click( { #uncomment for troubleshooting #write-host "running" -ForegroundColor green if ($sb.Text -notmatch "\w") { Write-Warning "You must enter something to test!" Return } $params = @{ Expression = [scriptblock]::Create($sb.text) Count = $count.text -as [int] IncludeExpression = $True } If ($argumentList.text) { $params.Add("ArgumentList", ($argumentList.Text -split ",")) } if ($radioStatic.IsChecked) { $interval = [math]::round($slider.value, 1) $params.Add("interval", $interval) } else { [double]$minimum = [math]::Round($min.Text, 1) [double]$maximum = [math]::Round($max.text, 1) $params.Add("RandomMinimum", $minimum) $params.Add("RandomMaximum", $maximum) } $form.Cursor = [System.Windows.Input.Cursors]::Wait #uncomment for troubleshooting #$params | out-string | write-host -ForegroundColor cyan $script:out = Test-Expression @params $results.text = ($script:out | Select-Object -property * -exclude OS, Expression, Arguments | Out-String).Trim() $form.Cursor = [System.Windows.Input.Cursors]::Default }) [void]$sb.Focus() [void]$form.ShowDialog() #write the current results to the pipeline after the form is closed. $script:out } else { Write-Warning "This command requires a Windows platform that supports WPF." } } |