
        PSScriptAnalyzer is a static code checker for PowerShell script.

        PSScriptAnalyzer checks the quality of Windows PowerShell script by evaluating
        that script against a set of rules. The script can be in the form of a
        stand-alone script (.ps1 files), a module (.psm1, .psd1 and .ps1 files) or
        a DSC Resource (.psm1, .psd1 and .ps1 files).
        The rules are based on PowerShell best practices identified by the
        PowerShell Team and the community. These rules can help you create more
        readable, maintainable and reliable scripts. PSScriptAnalyzer generates
        DiagnosticResults (errors and warnings) to inform you about potential script
        issues, including the reason why there might be an issue, and provide you
        with guidance on how to fix the issue.

        PSScriptAnalyzer is shipped with a collection of built-in rules that check
        various aspects of PowerShell code such as presence of uninitialized
        variables, usage of the PSCredential Type, usage of Invoke-Expression, etc.
        The following additional functionality is also supported:
        * Including and/or excluding specific rules globally
        * Suppression of rules within script
        * Creation of custom rules
        * Creation of loggers

        There are two commands provided by the PSScriptAnalyzer module, those are:
        Get-ScriptAnalyzerRule [-CustomizedRulePath <string[]>] [-Name <string[]>]
                               [-Severity <string[]>]

        Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer [-Path] <string> [-CustomizedRulePath <string[]>]
                               [-ExcludeRule <string[]>] [-IncludeRule<string[]>]
                               [-Severity <string[]>] [-Recurse] [-SuppressedOnly]

        To run the script analyzer against a single script file execute:
        PS C:\> Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path myscript.ps1
        This will analyze your script against every built-in rule. As you may find
        if your script is sufficiently large, that could result in a lot of warnings
        and/or errors. See the next section on recommendations for running against
        an existing script, module or DSC resource.
        To run the script analyzer against a whole directory, specify the folder
        containing the script, module and DSC files you want analyzed. Specify
        the Recurse parameter if you also want sub-directories searched for files
        to analyze.
        PS C:\> Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path . -Recurse
        To see all the built-in rules execute:
        PS C:\> Get-ScriptAnalyzerRule

        If you have the luxury of starting a new script, module or DSC resource, it
        is in your best interest to run the script analyzer with all the rules
        enabled. Be sure to evaluate your script often to address rule violations as
        soon as they occur.
        Over time, you may find rules that you don't find value in or have a need to
        explicitly violate. Suppress those rules as necessary but try to avoid
        "knee jerk" suppression of rules. Analyze the diagnostic output and the part
        of your script that violates the rule to be sure you understand the reason for
        the warning and that it is indeed OK to suppress the rule. For information on
        how to suppress rules see the RULE SUPPRESSION section below.

        If you have existing scripts, they are not likely following all of these best
        practices, practices that have just found their way into books, web sites,
        blog posts and now the PSScriptAnalyer in the past few years.
        For these existing scripts, if you just run the script analyzer without
        limiting the set of rules executed, you may get deluged with diagnostics
        output in the form of information, warning and error messages. You should
        try running the script analyzer with all the rules enabled (the default) and
        see if the output is "manageable". If it isn't, then you will want to "ease
        into" things by starting with the most serious violations first - errors.
        You may be temtped to use the Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer command's Severity
        parameter with the argument Error to do this - don't. This will run every
        built-in rule and then filter the results during output. The more rules the
        script analyzer runs, the longer it will take to analyze a file. You can
        easily get Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer to run just the rules that are of severity
        Error like so:
        PS C:\> $errorRules = Get-ScriptAnalyzer -Severity Error
        PS C:\> Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path . -IncludeRule $errorRules
        The output should be much shorter (hopefully) and more importantly, these rules
        typically indicate serious issues in your script that should be addressed.
        Once you have addressed the errors in the script, you are ready to tackle
        warnings. This is likely what generated the most output when you ran the
        first time with all the rules enabled. Now not all of the warnings generated
        by the script analyzer are of equal importance. For the existing script
        scenario, try running error and warning rules included but with a few rules
        PS C:\> $rules = Get-ScriptAnalyzerRule -Severity Error,Warning
        PS C:\> Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path . -IncludeRule $rules -ExcludeRule `
                    PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases, PSAvoidUsingPositionalParameters

        The PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases and PSAvoidUsingPositionalParameters warnings
        are likely to generate prodigious amounts of output. While these rules have
        their reason for being many existing scripts violate these rules over and
        over again. It would be a shame if you let a flood of warnings from these two
        rules, keep you from addressing more potentially serious warnings.
        There may be other rules that generate a lot of output that you don't care
        about - at least not yet. As you examine the remaining diagnostics output,
        it is often helpful to group output by rule. You may decide that the one or
        two rules generating 80% of the output are rules you don't care about. You
        can get this view of your output easily:
        PS C:\> $rules = Get-ScriptAnalyzerRule -Severity Error,Warning
        PS C:\> $res = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path . -IncludeRule $rules -ExcludeRule `
                          PSAvoidUsingPositionalParameters, PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases
        PS C:\> $res | Group RuleName | Sort Count -Desc | Format-Table Count, Name
        This renders output like the following:
        Count Name
        ----- ----
           23 PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression
            8 PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssigments
            8 PSProvideDefaultParameterValue
            6 PSAvoidUninitializedVariable
            3 PSPossibleIncorrectComparisonWithNull
            1 PSAvoidUsingComputerNameHardcoded
        You may decide to exclude the PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression rule for the moment
        and focus on the rest, especially the PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssigments,
        PSAvoidUninitializedVariable and PSPossibleIncorrectComparisonWithNull rules.
        As you fix rules, go back and enable more rules as you have time to address
        the associated issues. In some cases, you may want to suppress a rule at
        the function, script or class scope instead of globally excluding the rule.
        See the RULE SUPPRESSION section below.
        While getting a completely clean run through every rule is a noble goal, it
        may not always be feasible. You have to weigh the gain of passing the rule
        and eliminating a "potential" issue with changing script and possibly
        introducing a new problem. In the end, for existing scripts, it is usually
        best to have evaluated the rule violations that you deem the most valuable to


        Rule suppression allows you to turn off rule verification on a function,
        scripts or class definition. This allows you to exclude only specified
        scripts or functions from verification of a rule instead of globally
        excluding the rule.

        There are several ways to suppress rules. You can suppress a rule globally
        by using the ExcludeRule parameter when invoking the script analyzer e.g.:
        PS C:\> Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path . -ExcludeRule `
                    PSProvideDefaultParameterValue, PSAvoidUsingWMICmdlet
        Note that the ExcludeRule parameter takes an array of strings i.e. rule names.
        Sometimes you will want to suppress a rule for part of your script but not for
        the entire script. PSScriptAnalyzer allows you to suppress rules at the
        script, function and class scope. You can use the .NET Framework
        System.Diagnoctics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMesssageAttribute in your script
        like so:
        function Commit-Change() {
                                                               "", Scope="Function",

        PSScriptAnalyzer has been designed to allow you to create your own rules via
        a custom .NET assembly or PowerShell module. PSScriptAnalyzer also allows
        you to plug in a custom logger (implemented as a .NET assembly).

        PSScriptAnalyzer is open source on GitHub:
        As you run the script analyzer and find what you believe to be are bugs,
        please submit them to:
        Better yet, fix the bug and submit a pull request.