
Validates and/or resolves the provided path.
If a relative/provided path is valid, it is cleaned and returned. If the current
path (.) is provided it is resolved and returned. Is there no path
provided, the current location is returned.
Path to the module project directory.
Resolves the current directory's full path
Get-ModulePath -Path "."

function Get-ModulePath {

    begin {
        $ModulePath = $null
        $Separator = [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar

    process {
        if ($Path.Contains($Separator)) {
            if (!(Test-Path $Path)) {
                throw "A module with that path does not exist."

            $ModulePath = $Path.TrimEnd($sep)
        } else {
            if ($Path -eq ".") {
                $ResolvedPath = (Resolve-Path $Path).Path
            } else {
                $ResolvedPath = (Get-Location).Path

            $ModulePath = $ResolvedPath 
