
$BuildSettingsFileContent = @"
# Settings for build.
    `$Artifacts = './artifacts',
    `$ModuleName = '<module>',
    `$ModulePath = '.\<module>',
    `$BuildNumber = `$env:BUILD_NUMBER,
    `$PercentCompliance = '50'
# Static settings.
`$Settings = @{
    SMBRepositoryName = ''
    SMBRepositoryPath = ''
    Author = "<author>"
    Owners = ""
    LicenseUrl = ""
    ProjectUrl = ""
    PackageDescription = ""
    Repository = ""
    Tags = ""
    GitRepo = ""
    CIUrl = ""
# Before / Hooks
#Synopsis: Executues before the Clean Task.
task BeforeClean {}
#Synopsis: Executues after the Clean Task.
task AfterClean {}
#Synopsis: Executues before the Analyze Task.
task BeforeAnalyze {}
#Synopsis: Executues after the Analyze Task.
task AfterAnalyze {}
#Synopsis: Executes before Test Task.
task BeforeTest {}
#Synopsis: Executes after Test Task.
task AfterTest {}
#Synopsis: Executes before Publish Task.
task BeforePublish {}
#Synopsis: Executes after Publish Task.
task AfterPublish {}