function Write-SVG { <# .SYNOPSIS Writes a SVG element .DESCRIPTION Writes a Scalable Vector Graphics element. .Notes While this function can be used directly, it is designed to be the core function that other SVG creation functions call. #> param( # The name of the SVG element. [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ElementName, # A dictionary of attributes. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Collections.IDictionary] $Attribute = [Ordered]@{}, # A dictionary of data. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Collections.IDictionary] $Data = [Ordered]@{}, # An object containing content. # If this content is XML, it will be added as a child element. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [PSObject] $Content, # One or more child elements. These will be treated as if they were content. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('Child')] $Children, # A comment that will appear before the element. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('Comments')] [string] $Comment, # A dictionary or object containing event handlers. # Each key or property name will be the name of the event # Each value will be the handler. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] $On, # An output path. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $OutputPath ) begin { $myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand ${?<CamelCaseSpace>} = [Regex]::new('(?<CamelCaseSpace>(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z]))') } process { # Determine what command we're using to create the elements. $elementCmd = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand("SVG.$elementName", 'Function') $myParams = [Ordered]@{} + $PSBoundParameters # If -Style was passed (and was not a string) if ($Attribute['Style'] -and $Attribute['Style'] -isnot [string]) { # Turn dictionaries into simple CSS, if ($Attribute['Style'] -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { $Attribute['Style'] = @(foreach ($kv in $Attribute['Style'].GetEnumerator()) { "$($kv.Key):$($kv.Value)" }) -join ';' } else { # and do the same for other PSObjects. $Attribute['Style'] = @(foreach ($prop in $Attribute['Style'] { "$($prop.Name):$($kv.Value)" }) -join ';' } } # Keep track of which attributes are bound. $boundAttributes = @() # Start creating a tag for our element. $elementText = "<$elementName " # Next, walk over the attributes of the command :nextParameter foreach ($kv in $Attribute.GetEnumerator()) { # skip any parameters from Write-SVG. if ($myCmd.Parameters[$kv.Key]) { continue } $paramValue = $kv.Value $paramName = $kv.Key # The only attribute we treat that specially is -Viewbox. if ($paramName -eq 'Viewbox') { # For that, we basically pad out whatever list was provided to make four coordinates. $viewBoxLeft, $viewBoxTop, $viewBoxRight, $viewBoxBottom = $paramValue -as [double[]] $paramValue = @(if ($null -eq $viewBoxTop) { 0,0,$viewBoxLeft,$viewBoxLeft } elseif ($null -eq $viewBoxRight) { 0,0,$viewBoxLeft,$viewBoxTop } elseif ($null -eq $viewBoxBottom) { $viewBoxLeft, $viewBoxTop, $viewBoxRight, $viewBoxTop } else { $viewBoxLeft, $viewBoxTop, $viewBoxRight, $viewBoxBottom }) } # For timespan values, we want to use the total number of seconds if ($paramValue -is [timespan]) { $paramValue = "$($paramValue.TotalSeconds)s" } # If the parameter value was a script block, run it. if ($paramValue -is [scriptblock]) { if ($null -ne $content) { # (if we had -Content, set $_ first) $this = $_ = $psItem = $content $scriptOut = . ([ScriptBlock]::Create($paramValue)) $paramValue = $scriptOut } else { $paramValue = . ([ScriptBlock]::Create($paramValue)) } } # Now we refer to the element command and find the actual name of the attribute. foreach ($attr in $elementCmd.Parameters[$kv.Key].Attributes) { if ($attr.Key -eq 'SVG.AttributeName') { if ($inputObject -and $[$attr.Key]) { $$attr.Key) } # and append it to the XML. $boundAttributes += $paramName $elementText += "$($attr.Value)='$([Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlAttributeEncode($paramValue))' " continue nextParameter } } $elementText += "$($kv.Key)='$([Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlAttributeEncode($kv.Value))' " } if ($data -and $data.Count) { if ($content.Data) { $boundAttributes += "data"} foreach ($kv in $data.GetEnumerator()) { $dataKey = ${?<CamelCaseSpace>}.Replace($kv.Key, '-').Replace('_','-') $dataKey = "data-$($dataKey.ToLower())" $dataValue = [Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlAttributeEncode($kv.Value) $elementText += "$dataKey='$dataValue' " } } if ($On) { if ($content.Data) { $boundAttributes += "on"} $eventNames = @( if ($on -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { $on.Keys } else { $ } ) foreach ($eventName in $eventNames) { $svgEventName = $eventName -replace '^On' -replace '^[_-]' $eventValue = if ($on -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { $on[$eventName] } else { $on.$eventName } $elementText += "on" + $svgEventName.ToLower() + "=`"" + $( [Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlAttributeEncode($eventValue) ) + '" ' } } if ($elementName -eq 'svg') { $elementText += 'xmlns:xlink="" xmlns=""' } $elementText = $elementText -replace '\s{0,1}$' if ( # If there is no content (-not $content) -or # or the content is an int ($content -is [int]) -or # or the content is a custom object (but not XML or string or array). ($content -is [PSCustomObject] -and -not ($content -as [xml]) -and -not ($content -is [string]) -and -not ($content -is [array]) -and -not ($content -is [Xml.XmlElement]) ) ) { # If there were children if ($children) { # close the opening tag. $elementText += ">" # and the animation $elementText += $(@(foreach ($child in $children) { if ($child.OuterXml) { $child.OuterXml } elseif ($child -is [scriptblock]) { $scriptOut = if ($null -ne $content) { # (if we had -Content, set $_ first) $this = $_ = $psItem = $content . ([ScriptBlock]::Create($child)) } else { . ([ScriptBlock]::Create($child)) } foreach ($scriptOutput in $scriptOut) { if ($scriptOutput.OuterXml) { $scriptOutput.OuterXml } else { [Security.SecurityElement]::Escape("$scriptOutput") } } } else { [Security.SecurityElement]::Escape("$child") } }) -join ([Environment]::NewLine)) # and close the tag. $elementText += "</$elementName>" } else { # ignore -Content and close the element. $elementText += " />" } } else { $isCData = $false foreach ($attr in $elementCmd.Parameters.Content.Attributes) { if ($attr.Key -eq 'SVG.IsCData' -and $attr.Value -eq 'true') { $isCData = $true } } $elementText += ">" # If there were children, if ($children) { # then children first. $elementText += $(@(foreach ($child in $children) { if ($child.Comment) { "<!-- $($child.Comment) -->" } if ($child.OuterXml) { $child.OuterXml } else { [Security.SecurityElement]::Escape("$child") } }) -join ([Environment]::NewLine)) } $elementText += foreach ($pieceOfContent in $Content) { if ($pieceOfContent.Comment) { "<!-- $($pieceOfContent.Comment) -->" } if ($isCData -and -not ($pieceOfContent -as [xml.xmlelement]) -and ($pieceOfContent -notmatch '^\s{0,}\<') ) { [Security.SecurityElement]::Escape("$pieceOfContent") } elseif ($pieceOfContent.Outerxml) { $pieceOfContent.Outerxml } else { "$pieceOfContent" } } $elementText += "</$elementName>" } $elementXml = $elementText -as [xml] # If we have not provided a comment and the element is SVG if ((-not $myParams.Comment) -and ($ElementName -eq 'svg')) { $Comment = "Generated with PSSVG $((Get-Module PSSVG).Version) <$((Get-Module PSSVG).ProjectUri)>" } if ($elementXml -and $Comment) { $elementXml = "<!-- $($comment -replace '^\<\!\-\-' -replace '\-\-\>$') -->$elementText" -as [xml] } $svgOutput = if ($elementXml -and ($null -ne $elementXml.$ElementName)) { $o = $elementXml.$ElementName if ($o -is [string]) { $o = $elementXml } if ($comment) { Add-Member -InputObject $o NoteProperty Comment $comment -Force } $o.pstypenames.clear() $o.pstypenames.add('SVG.Element') $o } else { $elementText } if ($myParams['OutputPath']) { $unresolvedOutput = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($OutputPath) if ($unresolvedOutput -and $svgOutput.ParentNode.Save) { $svgOutput.ParentNode.PreserveWhitespace = $true $memoryStream = [io.memorystream]::new() $streamWriter = [io.streamWriter]::new($memoryStream) $writerSettings = [Xml.XmlWriterSettings]::new() $writerSettings.Encoding = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8 $writerSettings.Indent = $true $writer = [Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($streamWriter, $writerSettings) $svgOutput.ParentNode.Save($writer) [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($memoryStream.ToArray()) | Set-Content -Path $OutputPath -Encoding UTF8 $writer.Dispose() $streamWriter.Dispose() $memoryStream.Dispose() Get-Item $OutputPath } elseif ($unresolvedOutput -and $svgOutput) { $svgOutput | Set-Content -Path $OutputPath Get-Item $OutputPath } } else { $svgOutput } } } |