function ConvertTo-PSSVG { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts an SVG to PSSVG .DESCRIPTION Converts an SVG to a PowerShell Script that would generate that SVG .LINK Write-SVG .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-PSSVG -InputObject .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-PSSVG -InputObject .\a.svg .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-PSSVG -InputObject "<svg><circle cx='5' cy='5' r='3'></svg>" #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $InputObject ) begin { $indentDepth = 0 filter ToPSSVG { if ($_.LocalName -eq '#whitespace') { return } if ($_.LocalName -eq '#text') { "'$($_.Value -replace "'", "''")'" } elseif ($_.LocalName) { $xin = $_ $svgCmdName = if ($xin.LocalName -ne 'SVG') { "=<SVG.$($xin.LocalName)>" } else { "=<SVG>" } (' ' * (4 * $indentDepth)) + $svgCmdName $svgFunc = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($svgCmdName, 'Alias').ResolvedCommand foreach ($attr in $xin.Attributes) { $paramName = $attr.LocalName -replace '-' if (-not $svgFunc.Parameters.$paramName) { continue } " -$paramName " "'$($attr.'#text' -replace "'","''")'" } $xChildren = @($xin.ChildNodes) if ($xChildren) { $indentDepth++ " -Content @(" [Environment]::NewLine foreach ($childNode in $xin.ChildNodes) { $childNode | ToPSSVG } [Environment]::NewLine ")" $indentDepth-- } [Environment]::NewLine } else { $_ } } } process { # If the input looks like a URL if ($InputObject -match '^https{0,1}://') { # go get it $InputObject = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $InputObject } elseif ($InputObject -isnot [xml] -and $InputObject -isnot [Xml.XmlDocument] -and (-not $InputObject -as [xml]) ) { # If it's not XML and won't be XML, try loading it from a file. $resolvedPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($InputObject) if (-not $resolvedPath) { return } if ($resolvedPath) { $inputObject = [xml][IO.File]::ReadAllText($resolvedPath) } } elseif ($InputObject -as [xml]) { # If the input was castable to XML, cast it to XML. $InputObject = $InputObject -as [xml] } # If the input isn't XML at this point, error out. if ($InputObject -isnot [xml] -and $InputObject -isnot [Xml.XmlDocument]) { Write-Error "Could not convert input to XML" return } # If it was an xmldocument, instead of an element if ($InputObject -is [xml]) { $InputObject = # set the input to be the first non-whitespace non-declaration child. foreach ($xChild in $InputObject.ChildNodes) { if ($xChild.NodeType -in 'XmlDeclaration', 'Whitespace') { continue } $xChild break } } # Recursively convert this element to a PSSVG script $scriptText = @($InputObject | ToPSSVG) -join '' # and try to create a script block $ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($scriptText) if ($ScriptBlock) { $ScriptBlock } else { $scriptText } } } |