#requires -Module PSSVG <# .SYNOPSIS Generates Repeated Convex Polygons and Stars .DESCRIPTION Generates a Star or Convex Polygon -RepeatCount number of times #> param( # The number of repetitions [int]$RepeatCount = 80, # The Center X coordinate of the shape [float]$CenterX = 100, # The Center Y coordinate of the shape [float]$CenterY = 100, # The radius coordinate of the shape. This will decrease by 1/RepeatCount each time. [float]$Radius = 100, # The number of sides. A file will be generated for each unique value provided. [int[]]$SideCount = 3..6, # The total rotation of the innermost element, $TotalRotation = 180, # The total duration of any animations. [timespan]$duration = '00:00:03.75', # A palette of colors to alternate thru [string[]]$Color = @('#112244','#224488',"#4488ff"), # The type of the shape. (either Star or ConvexPolygon) [ValidateSet("Star", "ConvexPolygon")] [string] $ShapeType = 'ConvexPolygon', # If set, will animate opacity between a low and high point, depending on the radius. [switch] $AnimateOpacity ) $shapeCommand = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand("SVG.$ShapeType", "Function") foreach ($Sides in $SideCount) { $Splat = [Ordered]@{ SideCount = $Sides Fill = 'transparent' CenterX = $CenterX CenterY = $CenterY } SVG -ViewBox (($CenterX * 2), ($CenterY * 2)) @( 0..($RepeatCount -1) | & $shapeCommand @Splat -Rotate { $_ * ($totalRotation / $RepeatCount) } -Radius { $Radius - ( $_ * ($Radius / $RepeatCount) ) } -Stroke { $Color[$_ % $color.Length] } -Children { $toRotation = $(360 * ([Math]::Ceiling(($_ + 1)/10))) SVG.animateTransform -From "0 $centerX $centerY" -To "$toRotation $centerX $centerY" -Dur $duration -AttributeName transform -Type 'rotate' -RepeatCount 'indefinite' $lowOpacity = [double]($_)/$RepeatCount $highOpacity = 1.0 - [double]($_)/$RepeatCount if ($AnimateOpacity) { SVG.animate -AttributeName opacity -Values "$highOpacity;$lowOpacity;$highOpacity" -Dur $dur -RepeatCount 'indefinite' } } ) -OutputPath (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "RepeatedShapes$Sides.svg") } return |