#Requires -Module PipeScript #Requires -Module Irregular #requires -Module PSDevOps <# .SYNOPSIS Generates PS2D .DESCRIPTION Generates PS2D, a module for creating 2d images with PowerShell. PS2D allows you to create Scalable Vector Graphics using PowerShell commands. To make these commands, we will read the Markdown source for the Mozilla Developer Network's documentation on SVG. .NOTES This script should build several scripts, each of which correlate to a given element. Deprecated elements will be skipped. Most elements have a partial list of attributes followed by a series of common attribute groups. As such, we have to do a few fairly complex things here: 1. Get the list of all elements 2. Get the list of all attributes (and all of their metadata) 3. Get the defined attribute groups 4. Parse the documentation for each element 5. Expand out the grouped attributes defined for each element 6. Take the combined content and generate a function This script uses Irregular to assist in the first several steps. It then uses PipeScript to create the final function. .LINK #> # Initialize some collections for us to use: # * The SVGCommonAttributes if (-not $svgCommonAttributes) { $svgCommonAttributes = [Ordered]@{} } # * Any SavedMarkdown files (so we can save time and bandwidth) if (-not $savedMarkdown) { $savedMarkdown = [Ordered]@{} } # * If any markdown was not found (to avoid repeated failure) if (-not $markdownNotFound) { $markdownNotFound = [Ordered]@{} } # * The combined metadata about each element if (-not $svgElementData) { $svgElementData = [Ordered]@{} } # If we had a GITHUB_TOKEN, use it as $ghp if ($env:GITHUB_TOKEN) { $ghp = $env:GITHUB_TOKEN } if (-not $ghp) { Write-Error "Must have defined a GitHub Personal Access Token in `$ghp" return } # If we don't know the list of elements if (-not $svgElements) { # we can go to the repo and get the JSON. $svgData = Invoke-GitHubRestAPI '' -PersonalAccessToken $ghp $svgElements = [Text.Encoding]::utf8.getString([Convert]::FromBase64String($svgData.content)) | ConvertFrom-Json } $findSvgElement = [Regex]::new("\{\{SVGElement\(['`"](?<e>[^'`"]+)") $findSvgAttr = [Regex]::new("\{\{SVGAttr\(['`"](?<a>[^'`"]+)") function ConvertSVGMetadataToParameterAttribute { param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline,Position=0)][string]$EdiValue) $hadNumbers = $false $hadUri = $false $hadColor = $false $hadUnknown = $false if ($ediValue -notmatch '\|') { if ($ediValue -match '\<(?<t>[^\>])>') { if ($matches.t -as [type]) { "[$($matches.t)]" } } return } $validSet = @(foreach ($validValue in $ediValue -split '\|' -replace '^\s{0,}' -replace '\s{0,}$') { if ($validValue -as [int] -or $validValue -match 'number') { $hadNumbers = $true } elseif ($validValue -match 'uri') { $hadUri = $true } elseif ($ediValue -match 'length') { $hadNumbers = $true } elseif ($ediValue -match 'color') { $hadColor = $true } elseif ($ediValue -match '\<.+\>') { $hadUnknown = $true } else { $validValue } }) -join "','" if ($hadNumbers) { "[ValidatePattern('(?>$($validSet -split "','" -join '|')|\d+)')]" } elseif ($hadUri -and $validSet) { "[ValidateScript({`$_ -in '$validSet' -or `$_ -as [uri]})]" } elseif ($hadColor) { "[ValidateScript({`$_ -in '$validSet' -or `$_ -match '\#[0-9a-f]{3}' -or `$_ -match '\#[0-9a-f]{6}' -or `$_ -notmatch '\W'})]" } elseif ($validSet -and -not $hadUnknown) { "[ValidateSet('$validSet')]" } } function ImportSvgAttribute { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline,Position=0)] [uri] $SVGAttributeUri ) $elementOrSetName = $SVGAttributeUri.Segments[-2] -replace '^/' -replace '/$' if (-not $savedMarkdown["$SVGAttributeUri"]) { $savedMarkdown["$SVGAttributeUri"] = [Text.Encoding]::utf8.getString([Convert]::FromBase64String( $(try { Invoke-GitHubRestApi -Uri $SVGAttributeUri -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -PersonalAccessToken $ghp } catch { Write-Warning "$SVGAttributeUri : $_" }).Content )) } $elementMarkdown = $savedMarkdown["$SVGAttributeUri"] if (-not $elementMarkdown) { Write-Verbose "Did not get content for $elementOrSetName" return } $replaceMDNContent = "\{\{\s{0,}(?>$(@('Glossary', 'domxref', 'HTTPMethod', 'htmlelement','svgelement', 'svgattr','htmlattrxref','cssxref') -join '|'))\(" + '["''](?<s>[^"'']+)["'']\)\s{0,}\}\}' $start, $end = 0, 0 $globalAttrStart, $globalAttrEnd = 0, 0 $exampleStart, $exampleEnd = 0, 0 $svgRefIndex = $elementMarkdown.IndexOf("{{SVGRef}}") $animationAttributeStart, $animationAttributeEnd = 0, 0 $elementDescription = '' $groupedAttributes = @() foreach ($heading in $elementMarkdown | ?<Markdown_Heading>) { $headingName = $heading.Groups["HeadingName"].Value if ($svgRefIndex -ge 0 -and -not $elementDescription -and $heading.Index -ge $svgRefIndex) { $svgRefIndex += + "{{SVGRef}}".Length $elementDescription = $elementMarkdown.Substring($svgRefIndex, $heading.Index - $svgRefIndex) -replace $replaceMDNContent, '${s}' } if ($headingName -eq 'Example') { $exampleStart = $heading.Groups["HeadingName"].Index $exampleEnd = $heading.NextMatch().Index } if ($headingName -eq 'Attributes' -or $headingName -eq 'Specific attributes') { $start = $heading.Index $end = $heading.NextMatch().Index } if ($headingName -match $trailingAttributes -and $attributeGroups[$headingName -replace $trailingAttributes -replace '\s']) { $attributeGroupName = $headingName -replace $trailingAttributes -replace '\s' $groupedAttributes += [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $attributeGroupName Group = $attributeGroups[$attributeGroupName] } } else { if ($headingName -eq 'Animation Attributes') { $animationAttributeStart =$heading.Index $animationAttributeEnd = $heading.NextMatch().Index } if ($heading.Groups["HeadingName"].Value -eq 'Global attributes') { $globalAttrStart = $heading.Index $globalAttrEnd = $heading.NextMatch().Index } } } $elementAttributeContent = $elementMarkdown.Substring($start, $end - $start) -replace $replaceMDNContent, '${s}' $elementAttributes = $elementAttributeContent | ImportSvgElementAttribute $globalAttributes = @() if ($globalAttrStart) { $elementGlobalAttributeContent = $elementMarkdown.Substring($globalAttrStart, $globalAttrEnd - $globalAttrStart) -replace $replaceMDNContent, '${s}' $elementGlobalAttributeContent | ?<Markdown_Link> -extract | Where-Object Text -match $trailingAttributes | ForEach-Object { $attributeGroupName = $_.Text -replace $trailingAttributes -replace '\s' -replace 'Styling', 'Style' if ($attributeGroups[$attributeGroupName]) { $groupedAttributes += [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $attributeGroupName Group = $attributeGroups[$attributeGroupName] } } } } $allAttributeHelp = [Ordered]@{} + $elementAttributes.Help $allAttributeData = [Ordered]@{} + $elementAttributes.Data $allAttributeNames = @() + $elementAttributes.AttributeNames if ($groupedAttributes) { foreach ($attrInGroup in $groupedAttributes.Group) { if ($attrMetadata[$attrInGroup]) { if (-not $allAttributeData[$attrInGroup]) { $allAttributeData += @{ $attrInGroup = $attrMetadata[$attrInGroup].Properties } } if (-not $allAttributeHelp[$attrInGroup]) { $allAttributeHelp += @{ $attrInGroup = $attrMetadata[$attrInGroup].Description } } $allAttributeNames += $attrInGroup } } } $elementContentInfo = $svgElements.elements.$elementOrSetName.content [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{ Name = $elementOrSetName Description = $elementDescription AttributeNames = $allAttributeNames Help = $allAttributeHelp Data = $allAttributeData Content = $elementContentInfo SourceUri = $SVGAttributeUri } } function ImportSvgElementAttribute { param( [Parameter(Position=0,ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $elementAttributeContent ) process { $elementAttributeLines = $elementAttributeContent -split "(?>\r\n|\n)" $attributeName = '' $attributeLine = '^-\s' $attributeHelpLine = '^\s+-\s\:' $attributeDataLine = '^\s+_' $quotedString = [Regex]::new(@' (?<=["'])[^"']*?(?=["']) '@, 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace') $attributeHelp = [Ordered]@{} $attributeData = [Ordered]@{} $attributeNames = @() foreach ($elementAttributeLine in $elementAttributeLines) { if ($elementAttributeLine -match $attributeLine) { $attributeName = $quotedString.Matches($elementAttributeLine) | Select-Object -First 1 | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString()} if (-not $attributeName) { $attributeName = $elementAttributeLine -replace $attributeLine } if ($attributeName){ if ($attributeName -match ',' -and $elementAttributeLine -match ':') { $nameList, $description = $elementAttributeLine -replace $attributeLine -split ':', 2 $attributeName = @($nameList -split ',' -replace '^\s{0,}' -replace '\s{0,}$') $attributeNames += $attributeName $attributeHelp[$attributeName] = $description } else { $attributeName = @($attributeName -split ' ')[0] -replace '\*' -replace '\:$' $attributeNames += $attributeName } } if ($attrMetadata[$attributeName]) { $attributeData[$attributeName] = $attrMetadata[$attributeName].Properties } } elseif ($attributeName -and $elementAttributeLine -match $attributeHelpLine) { $attributeHelp[$attributeName] = $elementAttributeLine -replace $attributeHelpLine } } [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{ Help = $attributeHelp Data = $attributeData AttributeNames = $attributeNames } } } function InitializeSvgAttributeData { $attributeListUri = "" if (-not $savedMarkdown[$attributeListUri]) { $savedMarkdown[$attributeListUri] = [Text.Encoding]::utf8.getString([Convert]::FromBase64String( $(try { Invoke-GitHubRestApi -Uri $attributeListUri -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -PersonalAccessToken $ghp } catch { Write-Warning "$SVGAttributeUri : $_" }).Content )) } $attributeListMarkdown = $savedMarkdown[$attributeListUri] $headingList = @($attributeListMarkdown | ?<Markdown_Heading> -Split -IncludeMatch) $attributeGroups = [Ordered]@{} $attributeGroupsText = [Ordered]@{} $trailingAttributes = '\s{0,}attributes\s{0,}$' for ($hln = 0; $hln -lt $headingList.Count; $hln++) { if ($headingList[$hln] -match $trailingAttributes) { $attributeGroupName = ($headingList[$hln] -replace '^[\s\r\n]{0,}\#{0,}' -replace $trailingAttributes).Trim() $attributeGroupContent = $headingList[$hln + 1] $attributeGroups[$attributeGroupName] = @(foreach ($attrMatch in $findSvgAttr.Matches($attributeGroupContent)) { $attrMatch.Groups["a"].Value }) $attributeGroupsText[$attributeGroupName] = $attributeGroupContent } } foreach ($groupWithSubGroups in 'Generic', 'Animation') { $genericGroupsText = $attributeGroupsText.$groupWithSubGroups $genericGroupsList = @($genericGroupsText | ?<Markdown_List> -Split -IncludeMatch) for ($genericIndex = 0; $genericIndex -lt $genericGroupsList.Length; $genericIndex++) { if ($genericGroupsList[$genericIndex] -match $trailingAttributes) { $attributeGroupName = ($genericGroupsList[$genericIndex] -replace '^[\s-]+' -replace $trailingAttributes -replace '\s') for ($endGenericIndex = $genericIndex + 1; $endGenericIndex -lt $genericGroupsList.Length; $endGenericIndex++) { if ($genericGroupsList[$endGenericIndex] -match $trailingAttributes) { $endGenericIndex-- break } } $attributeGroups[$attributeGroupName] = @(foreach ($attrMatch in $findSvgAttr.Matches("$($genericGroupsList[$genericIndex..$endGenericIndex])")) { $attrMatch.Groups["a"].Value }) } } } $null = $null $attrsFound = [Ordered]@{} foreach ($match in $findSvgAttr.Matches($savedMarkdown[$attributeListUri])) { $attrName = $match.Groups["a"].Value if (-not $attrsFound[$attrName]) { $attrUriPart = $attrName.ToLower() -replace '\:', '_colon_' $attrsFound[$attrName] = "$attrUriPart/" } } $findSvgElement = [Regex]::new("\{\{SVGElement\(['`"](?<e>[^'`"]+)") $attrMetadata = [Ordered]@{} foreach ($attrKv in $attrsFound.GetEnumerator()) { $attrUri = $attrKv.Value if (-not $savedMarkdown[$attrUri] -and -not $markdownNotFound[$attrUri]) { $savedMarkdown[$attrUri] = [Text.Encoding]::utf8.getString([Convert]::FromBase64String( $(try { $err = $null Invoke-GitHubRestApi -Uri $attrUri -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -PersonalAccessToken $ghp -ErrorVariable err if ($err -and $err -like '*404*') { $markdownNotFound[$attrUri] = $true } } catch { Write-Warning "$SVGAttributeUri : $_" }).Content )) } elseif ($markdownNotFound[$attrUri]) { $null = $null } if (-not $savedMarkdown[$attrUri]) { continue } $attributeTables = @($savedMarkdown[$attrUri] | ?<HTML_StartOrEndTag> -Tag table) $attributeProperties = [Ordered]@{} for ($ati = 0; $ati -lt $attributeTables.Count; $ati++) { if ($attributeTables[$ati] -match 'properties') { $attrTable = $savedMarkdown[$attrUri].Substring( $attributeTables[$ati].Index, $attributeTables[$ati + 1].Index + $attributeTables[$ati + 1].Length - $attributeTables[$ati].Index ) $attrTableXml = $attrTable -as [xml] $tableRows = @($ $tableKeys = @($'#text') for ($tri = 0 ; $tri -lt $tableKeys.Length; $tri++) { $tableRowData = $tableRows[$tri].td if (-not $tableKeys[$tri]) { continue } $attributeProperties[$tableKeys[$tri]] = if ($tableRowData -is [string]) { if ($tableRowData -eq 'yes') { $true } elseif ($tableRowData -eq 'no') { $false } else { $tableRowData } } elseif ($tableRowData) { (@(foreach ($innerText in $tableRowData.InnerText) { "$innerText" -split '(?>\r\n|\n)' -replace '^\s{1,}', ' ' -replace '\s{1,}$' }) -join '').Trim() } } if ($attributeProperties['Default value'] -eq 'None') { $attributeProperties.Remove('Default Value') } break } } $headingList = $savedMarkdown[$attrUri] | ?<Markdown_Heading> -Split -IncludeMatch $replaceMDNContent = "\{\{\s{0,}(?>$(@('Glossary', 'domxref', 'HTTPMethod', 'htmlelement','svgelement', 'svgattr','htmlattrxref') -join '|'))\(" + '["''](?<s>[^"'']+)["'']\)\s{0,}\}\}' $attrMetadata[$attrKv.key] = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $attrKv.Key Elements = @( foreach ($elementMatch in $findSvgElement.Matches($savedMarkdown[$attrUri])) { $elementMatch.Groups["e"].Value } ) Description = $( foreach ($heading in $headingList) { if ($heading -match '\{\{SVGRef\}\}') { $heading -replace '\{\{SVGRef\}\}' -replace $replaceMDNContent, '${s}' break } } ) Properties = $attributeProperties } } } . InitializeSvgAttributeData $eventAttributeListUri = "" if (-not $savedMarkdown[$eventAttributeListUri]) { $savedMarkdown[$eventAttributeListUri] = [Text.Encoding]::utf8.getString([Convert]::FromBase64String( $(try { Invoke-GitHubRestApi -Uri $eventAttributeListUri -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -PersonalAccessToken $ghp } catch { Write-Warning "$_" }).Content )) } $c, $t, $id = 0, @($, (Get-Random) foreach ($svgElement in $ { $elementName = $svgElement.Name $elementData = $svgElement.Value $c++ Write-Progress "Getting Element Data" "$elementName " -Id $id -PercentComplete ($c * 100 / $t) if (-not $svgElementData[$elementName]) { $elementAttributes = "$($elementName.ToLower())/" | ImportSvgAttribute $svgElementData[$elementName] = $elementAttributes } } foreach ($elementKV in $svgElementData.GetEnumerator()) { if (-not $elementKV.Value) { continue } $newPipeScriptSplat = @{ Synopsis = "Creates SVG $($elementKV.Key) elements" Description = $elementKV.Value.Description.Trim() } if ($newPipeScriptSplat.Description -match 'The table below') { $newPipeScriptSplat.Description = @($newPipeScriptSplat.Description -split "The table below")[0] } if ($newPipeScriptSplat.Description -match '\{\{deprecated_header\}\}') { continue } $parameters = [Ordered]@{} if ($elementKV.Value.Content) { $content = $elementKV.Value.Content $parameters.Content = @( "# The Contents of the $($elementKv.Key) element" if ($content.Description -eq 'characterDataElementsInAnyOrder') { "[Reflection.AssemblyMetaData('SVG.IsCData', `$$true)]" "[string]" } "[Parameter(Position=0,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]" "[Alias('InputObject','Text', 'InnerText', 'Contents')]" '$Content' ) } foreach ($attrName in $elementKV.Value.AttributeNames) { $paramName = [regex]::Replace($attrName, '\W(?<w>\w+)', { param($match) $match.Groups['w'].Value.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() + $match.Groups['w'].Value.Substring(1) }) $paramName = $paramName.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() + $paramName.Substring(1) $paramMetadata = $attrMetadata[$attrName] $paramIsDeprecated = $false $parameters[$paramName ] = @( $attrHelp = $elementKv.Value.Help.$attrName $paramIsDeprecated = $attrHelp -match '\{\{Deprecated_Header\}\}' $attrHelp = $attrHelp -replace $replaceMDNContent, '${s}' -replace '\{\{Deprecated_Header\}\}' -replace '^[\s\r\n]{0,}' -replace '[\s\r\n]{0,}$' if ($attrHelp -match 'You can use this attribute with the following SVG elements') { $attrHelp = @($attrHelp -split "You can use this attribute with the following SVG elements:[\s\r\n]")[0] } foreach ($line in $attrHelp -split '(?>\r\n|\n)') { $line = $line.Trim() if ($line) { $line = $line | ?<Markdown_Link> -Replace '${Text}' } "# " + $line } "[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]" "[Reflection.AssemblyMetaData('SVG.AttributeName','$attrName')]" if ($paramIsDeprecated) { "[Reflection.AssemblyMetaData('SVG.Deprecated',`$true)]" } $elementData = $elementKV.Value.Data[$attrName] if ($elementData) { foreach ($dataKv in $elementData.GetEnumerator()) { "[Reflection.AssemblyMetaData('SVG.$($dataKv.Key)', '$($dataKv.Value.ToString().Replace("'", "''"))')]" if ($dataKv.Key -eq 'Value' -and $dataKv.Value) { $dataKv.Value | ConvertSVGMetadataToParameterAttribute } } } "`$$paramName" ) } $newPipeScriptSplat.parameter = $parameters $elementName = $elementKv.Key.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() + $elementKV.Key.Substring(1) $newPipeScriptSplat.functionName = "SVG.$($elementKV.Key)" $newPipeScriptSplat.attribute = @( "[Reflection.AssemblyMetadata('SVG.ElementName', '$($elementKV.Key)')]" '[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)]' ) if ($elementName -eq 'SVG') { $newPipeScriptSplat.parameter += @{ OutputPath = @( @' # The output path [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $OutputPath '@ ) } } $newPipeScriptSplat.Process = { $paramCopy = [Ordered]@{} + $PSBoundParameters $myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand $inputObject = $_ $elementName = foreach ($myAttr in $myCmd.ScriptBlock.Attributes) { if ($myAttr.Key -eq 'SVG.ElementName') { $myAttr.Value break } } if (-not $elementName) { return } # If we had an input object, create a copy if ($inputObject) { $inputObject = [PSObject]::new($inputObject) } # (this way, we can take off any properties that were provided by name) if ($paramCopy['Style'] -and $paramCopy['Style'] -isnot [string]) { if ($paramCopy['Style'] -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { $paramCopy['Style'] = @(foreach ($kv in $paramCopy['Style'].GetEnumerator()) { "$($kv.Key):$($kv.Value)" }) -join ';' } else { $paramCopy['Style'] = @(foreach ($prop in $paramCopy['Style'] { "$($prop.Name):$($kv.Value)" }) -join ';' } } $elementText = "<$elementName " :nextParameter foreach ($kv in $paramCopy.GetEnumerator()) { foreach ($attr in $myCmd.Parameters[$kv.Key].Attributes) { if ($attr.Key -eq 'SVG.AttributeName') { if ($inputObject -and $[$attr.Key]) { $$attr.Key) } $elementText += "$($attr.Value)='$([Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlAttributeEncode($kv.Value))' " } } } if ($elementName -eq 'svg') { $elementText += 'xmlns:xlink="" xmlns=""' } $elementText = $elementText -replace '\s{0,1}$' if (-not $content) { $elementText += " />" } else { $isCData = $false foreach ($attr in $myCmd.Parameters.Content.Attributes) { if ($attr.Key -eq 'SVG.IsCData' -and $attr.Value -eq 'true') { $isCData = $true } } if ($isCData) { $escapedContent = [Security.SecurityElement]::Escape("$content") $elementText += ">" + "$escapedContent" + "</$elementName>" } else { $elementText += ">" + "$Content" + "</$elementName>" } } if ($elementName -eq 'svg' -and $OutputPath) { $elementText | Set-Content -Path $OutputPath Get-Item $OutputPath } else { $elementText } } if (-not $parameters) { continue } $destination = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "$($newPipeScriptSplat.functionName).ps1" $newScript = New-PipeScript @newPipeScriptSplat if (-not $newScript) { $null = $null } $newScript| Set-Content -Path $destination Get-Item -Path $destination } Write-Progress "Getting Element Data" "$elementName " -Id $id -Completed |