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Type [b] to go back", "promptForAnykey": "Type any key to continue" }, "action": { "errorAction": "Continue", "postActionErrorSummary": true } }, "menus": [ { "id": "MainMenu", "name": "Installation Menu", "cls": true, "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "MACAW POWERSHELL SITECORE INSTALLTION MODULE", "", "Install Sitecore Platform and additonal modules", "", "=======================================================" ], "options": [ { "id": "1", "value": "PSSIM Parameters", "type": "menu", "action": "MenuPSSIMParameters" }, { "id": "2", "value": "Sitecore Platform", "type": "menu", "action": "MenuSitecorePlatform" }, { "id": "3", "value": "Sitecore Modules", "type": "menu", "action": "MenuSitecoreModules" }, { "id": "4", "value": "Miscellaneous", "type": "menu", "action": "MenuMiscellaneous" }, { "id": "5", "value": "Prerequisites", "type": "menu", "action": "MenuPrerequisites" }, { "id": "6", "value": "Resources", "type": "menu", "action": "MenuResources" }, { "id": "q", "value": "Exit PSSIM", "type": "exit" } ], "selection": { "prompt": "Make your choice. Type [q] to exit the menu" } }, { "cls": true, "id": "MenuSitecorePlatform", "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "SITECORE PLATFORM", "", "Install, Update or Uninstall the Sitecore Platform", "", "=======================================================" ], "options": [ { "id": "1", "value": "Install Sitecore Platform", "type": "action", "action": "ActionInstallSitecorePlatform" }, { "id": "2", "value": "Update Sitecore Platform", "type": "action", "action": "ActionUpdateSitecorePlatform" }, { "id": "3", "value": "Uninstall Sitecore Platform", "type": "action", "action": "ActionUninstallSitecorePlatform" }, { "id": "b", "value": "Go back to the previous menu", "type": "exit" } ], "selection": {} }, { "cls": true, "id": "MenuSitecoreModules", "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "SITECORE MODULES", "", "Install or Uninstall the Sitecore Moduules", "", "=======================================================" ], 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"=======================================================", "", "SITECORE HORIZON", "", "Install or Uninstall Sitecore Horizon", "", "=======================================================" ], "options": [ { "id": "1", "value": "Install Sitecore Horizon", "type": "action", "action": "ActionInstallSitecoreHorizon" }, { "id": "3", "value": "Uninstall Sitecore Horizon", "type": "action", "action": "ActionUninstallSitecoreHorizon" }, { "id": "b", "value": "Go back to the previous menu", "type": "exit" } ], "selection": {} }, { "cls": true, "id": "MenuSitecorePowerShellExtensions", "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "SITECORE POWERSHELL EXTENSIONS", "", "Install or Update Sitecore PowerShell Extensions", "", "=======================================================" ], "options": [ { "id": "1", "value": "Install Sitecore PowerShell Extensions", "type": "action", "action": "ActionInstallSitecorePowerShellExtensions" }, { "id": "2", "value": "Update 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ACCELERATOR", "", "Install or Update Sitecore Experience Accelerator", "", "=======================================================" ], "options": [ { "id": "1", "value": "Install Sitecore Experience Accelerator", "type": "action", "action": "ActionInstallSitecoreExperienceAccelerator" }, { "id": "2", "value": "Update Sitecore Experience Accelerator", "type": "action", "action": "ActionUpdateSitecoreExperienceAccelerator" }, { "id": "b", "value": "Go back to the previous menu", "type": "exit" } ], "selection": {} }, { "cls": true, "id": "MenuSitecoreDataExchangeFramework", "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "SITECORE DATA EXCHANGE FRAMEWORK", "", "Install or Update Sitecore Data Exchange Framework", "", "=======================================================" ], "options": [ { "id": "1", "value": "Install Sitecore Data Exchange Framework", "type": "action", "action": "ActionInstallSitecoreDataExchangeFramework" }, { "id": "2", "value": "Update 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"SITECORE PUBLISHING SERVICE", "", "Install or Update Sitecore Publishing Service", "", "=======================================================" ], "options": [ { "id": "1", "value": "Install Sitecore Publishing Service", "type": "action", "action": "ActionInstallSitecorePublishingService" }, { "id": "3", "value": "Uninstall Sitecore Publishing Service", "type": "action", "action": "ActionUninstallSitecorePublishingService" }, { "id": "b", "value": "Go back to the previous menu", "type": "exit" } ], "selection": {} }, { "cls": true, "id": "MenuMiscellaneous", "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS", "", "Update Bindings and Solr cores", "", "=======================================================" ], "options": [ { "id": "1", "value": "Add Custom Bindings and Certificates", "type": "action", "action": "ActionAddCustomBindingsAndCertificates" }, { "id": "2", "value": "Add custom Solr Cores", "type": "action", "action": "ActionAddCustomSolrCores" }, { "id": "b", "value": "Go back to the previous menu", "type": "exit" } ], "selection": {} }, { "cls": true, "id": "MenuPSSIMParameters", "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "PSSIM PARAMETERS", "", "Get a fresh copy of the PSSIM-Parameters.json or", "set the installation paramters from a file.", "", "=======================================================" ], "options": [ { "id": "1", "value": "Set PSSIM parameters from file", "type": "action", "action": "ActionSetPSSIMParameters" }, { "id": "2", "value": "Display loaded PSSIM parameters", "type": "action", "action": "ActionGetPSSIMParameters" }, { "id": "3", "value": "Get PSSIM-Parameters.json (Documented)", "type": "action", "action": "ActionGetDocumentedPSSIMParametersFile" }, { "id": "4", "value": "Get PSSIM-Parameters.json (Undocumented)", "type": "action", "action": "ActionGetUndocumentedPSSIMParametersFile" }, { "id": "b", "value": "Go back to the previous menu", "type": "exit" } ], "selection": {} }, { "cls": true, "id": "MenuPrerequisites", "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "PREREQUISITES", "", "Install Sitecore Install Framework, Solr and", "Microsoft modules required for running a Sitecore", "Platform.", "", "=======================================================" ], "options": [ { "id": "1", "value": "Install Sitecore Installation Framework (Latest Version)", "type": "action", "action": "ActionInstallSitecoreInstallationFramework" }, { "id": "2", "value": "Install Sitecore Prerequisites", "type": "action", "action": "ActionInstallSitecorePrerequisites" }, { "id": "3", "value": "Solr Search Engine", "type": "menu", "action": "MenuSolrSearchEngine" }, { "id": "b", "value": "Go back to the previous menu", "type": "exit" } ], "selection": {} }, { "cls": true, "id": "MenuSolrSearchEngine", "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "SOLR SEARCH ENGINE", "", "Install or Uninstall of Solr", "", "=======================================================" ], "options": [ { "id": "1", "value": "Install Solr Search Engine", "type": "action", "action": "ActionInstallSolrSearchEngine" }, { "id": "3", "value": "Uninstall Solr Search Engine", "type": "action", "action": "ActionUninstallSolrSearchEngine" }, { "id": "b", "value": "Go back to the previous menu", "type": "exit" } ], "selection": {} }, { "cls": true, "id": "MenuResources", "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "DOWNLOAD RESOURCES", "", "Download the Resources for the installation of", "Sitecore and it's various modules", "", "=======================================================" ], "options": [ { "id": "1", "value": "Download Resources", "type": "action", "action": "ActionDownloadResources" }, { "id": "b", "value": "Go back to the previous menu", "type": "exit" } ], "selection": {} } ], "actions": [ { "id": "ActionInstallSitecorePlatform", "name": "Install Sitecore Platform", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "INSTALL SITECORE PLATFORM", "", "This action installs the Sitecore Platform according", "to the topology and version defined in the parameters", "file.", "", "It is conditional that all prerequisites are installed", "before (Sitecore prerequisites, Solr and SIF", "", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SitecorePlatform" }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "=========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionUpdateSitecorePlatform", "name": "Update Sitecore Platform", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "UPDATE SITECORE PLATFORM", "", "This action updates the Sitecore Platform according", "to the topology and version defined in the parameters", "file.", "", "Note that this is not a version upgrade but a re-install", "without deletion. Passwords and certificatesstay intact.", "Will not work for version prior to 10.1.0", "", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SitecorePlatform" }, { "Update": true }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "=========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionUninstallSitecorePlatform", "name": "Uninstall Sitecore Platform", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "UNINSTALL SITECORE PLATFORM", "", "This action removes the Sitecore Platform according", "the topology and version defined in the parameters", "file.", "", "CAUTION: THIS IS IRREVERSIBLE", "", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SitecorePlatform" }, { "Uninstall": true }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "=========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionInstallSitecoreHorizon", "name": "Install Sitecore Horizon", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "INSTALL SITECORE HORIZON", "", "This action installs Sitecore Horizon according and ", "connects it to the Sitecore Platform based on the", "prefix,topology and version defined in the parameters", "file.", "", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SitecoreHorizon" }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "=========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionUninstallSitecoreHorizon", "name": "Uninstall Sitecore Horizon", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "UNINSTALL SITECORE HORIZON", "", "This action deletes the Sitecore Platform instance", "to the topology and version defined in the parameters", "file.", "", "CAUTION: THIS IS IRREVERSIBLE", "", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SitecoreHorizon" }, { "Uninstall": true }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "=========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionInstallSitecorePowerShellExtensions", "name": "Install Sitecore PowerShell Extensions", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "INSTALL SITECORE POWERSHELL EXTENSIONS", "", "This action installs the Sitecore PowerShell Extensions", "on the already installed Sitecore Platform", "", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SitecorePowerShellExtensions" }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "=========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionUpdateSitecorePowerShellExtensions", "name": "Update Sitecore PowerShell Extenstions", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "UPDATE SITECORE POWERSHELL EXTENSIONS", "", "This action updates the Sitecore PowerShell Extensions,", "which is more or less a re-install.", "", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SitecorePowerShellExtensions" }, { "Update": true }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "=========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionInstallSitecoreHeadlessServices", "name": "Install Sitecore Headless Services", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "INSTALL SITECORE Headless Services", "", "This action installs the Sitecore Headless Services", "on the already installed Sitecore Platform", "", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SitecoreHeadlessServices" }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "=========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionUpdateSitecoreHeadlessServices", "name": "Update Sitecore PowerShell Extenstions", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "UPDATE SITECORE Headless Services", "", "This action updates the Sitecore Headless Services,", "which is more or less a re-install.", "", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SitecoreHeadlessServices" }, { "Update": true }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "=========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionInstallSitecoreExperienceAccelerator", "name": "Install Sitecore Experience Accelerator", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "INSTALL SITECORE EXPERIENCE ACCELERATOR", "", "This action installs the Sitecore Experience Accelerator", "on the already installed Sitecore Platform", "", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SitecoreExperienceAccelerator" }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "=========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionUpdateSitecoreExperienceAccelerator", "name": "Update Sitecore PowerShell Extenstions", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "UPDATE SITECORE EXPERIENCE ACCELERATOR", "", "This action updates the Sitecore Experience Accelerator,", "which is more or less a re-install.", "", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SitecoreExperienceAccelerator" }, { "Update": true }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "=========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionInstallSitecoreDataExchangeFramework", "name": "Install Sitecore Data Exchange Framework", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "INSTALL SITECORE DATA EXCHANGE FRAMEWORK", "", "This action installs the Sitecore Data Exchange Framework", "on the already installed Sitecore Platform", "", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SitecoreDataExchangeFramework" }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "=========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionUpdateSitecoreDataExchangeFramework", "name": "Update Sitecore PowerShell Extenstions", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "UPDATE SITECORE DATA EXCHANGE FRAMEWORK", "", "This action updates the Sitecore Data Exchange Framework,", "which is more or less a re-install.", "", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SitecoreDataExchangeFramework" }, { "Update": true }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "=========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionInstallSitecoreContentHubConnector", "name": "Install Sitecore ContentHub Connector", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "INSTALL SITECORE CONTENTHUB CONNECTOr", "", "This action installs the Sitecore ContentHub Connector", "on the already installed Sitecore Platform. Conditional", "is that the Data Exchange Framework already is installed", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SitecoreContentHubConnector" }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "===========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "===========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionUpdateSitecoreContentHubConnector", "name": "Update Sitecore ContentHub Connector", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "UPDATE SITECORE CONTENTHUB CONNECTOR", "", "This action updates the Sitecore ContentHub Connector,", "which is more or less a re-install.", "", "===========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SitecoreContentHubConnector" }, { "Update": true }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "===========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "===========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionInstallSitecorePublishingService", "name": "Install Sitecore Publishing Service", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=======================================================", "", "INSTALL SITECORE PUBLISHING SERVICE", "", "This action installs the Sitecore Publishing Service", "module on the already installed Sitecore Platform as well.", "as the Publishing Service application", "", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SitecorePublishingService" }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "===========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "===========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionUninstallSitecorePublishingService", "name": "Update Sitecore PowerShell Extenstions", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "UNINSTALL SITECORE PUBLISHING SERVICE", "", "This action removes the Sitecore Publishing Service", "instance, but not the Publishing Service Module on the.", " installed Sitecore Platofrm", "===========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SitecorePublishingService" }, { "Uninstall": true }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "===========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "===========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionAddCustomBindingsAndCertificates", "name": "Add Custom Bindings and Certificates", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "ADD CUSTOM BINDINGS AND CERTIFICATES", "", "This action add custom bindings to the Content Delivery", "server, including the necessary certificates. Also the", "host file is updated.", "", "This action can be executed multiple times", "", "===========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "AddCustomBindings" }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "===========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "===========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionAddCustomSolrCores", "name": "Add Custom Solr Cores", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "ADD CUSTOM SOLR CORES", "", "This action adds custom Solr Cores for the project", "", "The action can be executed multiple times", "", "===========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "AddCustomSolrCores" }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "===========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "===========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionGetDocumentedPSSIMParametersFile", "name": "Get Documented PSSIM Parameters Example", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "GET DOCUMENTED PSSIM PARAMETERS FILE", "", "This action saves a file with can be used to set the instal- ", "lation parameters. The file has descriptions to explain the", "purpose of extra parameter.", "", "===========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Get-PSSIMParametersFile" } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionGetUndocumentedPSSIMParametersFile", "name": "Get Documented Installation Parameters Example", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "GET UNDOCUMENTED INSTALLATION PARAMETERS FILE", "", "This action saves a file with can be used to set the instal- ", "lation parameters. This file has no descriptions.", "", "===========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Get-PSSIMParametersFile", "parameters": [ { "Undocumented": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionSetPSSIMParameters", "name": "Set Installation Parameters", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "SET INSTALLATION PARAMETERS", "", "This action loads the configuration from a instal- ", "lation parameters file.", "", "Note: by default the module tries to find a ", "PSSIM-Parameters.json file in the current", "directory.", "", "===========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Set-PSSIMParameters" } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionGetPSSIMParameters", "name": "Get Documented Installation Parameters Example", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "SHOW INSTALLATION PARAMETERS", "", "This displays the currently loaded installation parameters.", "", "===========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Get-PSSIMParameters" } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionInstallSitecoreInstallationFramework", "name": "Install Sitecore Installation Framework", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "INSTALL SITECORE INSTALLATION FRAMEWORK (SIF)", "", "This action installs the latest version of the Sitcore", "Installation Framework (SIF)", "", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SitecoreInstallationFramework" }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "=========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionInstallSitecorePrerequisites", "name": "Install Sitecore Prerequisites", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "INSTALL SITECORE PREREQUISITES", "", "This action installs the requried modules like Micro-", "Microsoft Web Platform Installer, SQL CLR Types, SQL", "DAC Framework, SQL ODBC Drivers and .NET Core 3.1.x", " Hosting Bundle", "", "This action can be executed repeatedly, withouth harm.", "", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SitecorePrerequisites" }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "=========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionInstallSolrSearchEngine", "name": "Install Solr Search Engine", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "INSTALL SOLR SEARCH ENGINE", "", "This action installs the Solr Search Engine at the given", "location in the folder Solr-[versionnumber], e.g. ", "Solr-8.8.2. It also adds a service with the same naming", "covnention. The administartor interface of Solr can be ", "reached at https://localhost:[prefix][versionnumber] e.g.", "https://localhost:10882", "", "By grouping everything around the versionnumber, you can ", "add multiple Solr instances if required. The Sitecore", "installation uses the same pattern for the connection-", "string to the Solr instance", "", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SolrSearchEngine" }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "=========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionUninstallSolrSearchEngine", "name": "Uninstall Solr Search Engine", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "UNINSTALL SOLR SEARCH ENGINE", "", "This action installs the Solr Search Engine, given ", "the location and versionnumber. ", "", "CAUTION: YOU WILL LOOSE AL YOUR INDEXED DATA", "", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "SolrSearchEngine" }, { "Uninstall": true }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "=========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } }, { "id": "ActionDownloadResources", "name": "Download Resources", "begin": { "cls": true, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "DOWNLOAD RESOURCES", "", "Download all Sitecore Web Deployment Packages (SCWDP)", "from the given location", "", "=========================================================" ], "confirmation": {} }, "invoke": { "cls": true, "method": { "name": "Install-FromPSSIMParameters", "parameters": [ { "Action": "DownloadResources" }, { "NoLogo": true } ] } }, "end": { "cls": false, "header": [ "=========================================================", "", "{ if ( $ActionContext.Success ) { Write-Host 'The action is succesfully executed' } else { Write-Host 'The action failed' } }", "It took $([math]::Round($ActionContext.Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) seconds to execute ", "the action '$($ActionContext.Name)'", "", "=========================================================" ], "selection": { "anykey": true } } } ], "Texts": [] } |