function PSSIM.UserInteraction.WriteLogo { <# .SYNOPSIS Writes the logo .DESCRIPTION The steps are: - Get version from PSSIMContext and write logo - Wait 2 seconds .EXAMPLE none .INPUTS none .OUTPUTS none .NOTES #> process { if ( $PSSIM.Context.Settings.NoLogo ) { #no logo } else { $line1 = " " $line2a = " " $line2b = "PSSIM" $line2c = " " $line2d = " PSSIM version {0}" -f $PSSIM.Info.Version $line3a = " " $currentYear = (Get-Date).Year if ( $currentYear -gt $PSSIM.Info.Created) { $line3b = " Copyright (c) 2022-{0}, Erwin Rijss" -f $currentYear } else { $line3b = " Copyright (c) 2022, Erwin Rijss" } Write-Host $line1 -BackgroundColor Yellow Write-Host $line2a -BackgroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host $line2b -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Black -NoNewline Write-Host $line2c -BackgroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host $line2d Write-Host $line3a -BackgroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host $line3b Write-Host " " Start-Sleep $PSSIM.Info.ShowLogo } } } |