
Function Get-SDPRequestTask
        Get note by id
    .PARAMETER RequestId
        Request id
        Task id
    .PARAMETER InputData
        Custom search object.
list_info :
    "row_count" : number of rows to be returned(maximum row_count = 100)
    "start_index" : starting row index
    "sort_field" : "fieldName"
    "sort_order" : “asc/desc”,
    "get_total_count" : boolean (by default it will be false)
    "has_more_rows" : boolean (will be returned with the response)
    "total_count" : count (will be returned with the response only)
    "search_criteria" : Refer search criteria object given in the attributes of List Info(For performing advanced search)
    "fields_required" : [ "list of fields required" ]
    .PARAMETER Limit
        Limit returned data. Default return last 100 items.
        $Task = Get-SDPRequestTask -RequestId 54321 -TaskId 12345
        Author: Michal Gajda

    param (
        [ValidateScript({($_ -is [int] -and $_ -gt 0) -or $_ -eq "All"})]
        $Limit = 100

        #Create headers
        if(!$MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("UriSDP")) { $UriSDP = $Global:UriSDP }
        if(!$MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("ApiKey")) { $ApiKey = $Global:ApiKey }

            #Get by ID
            $InvokeParams = @{
                UriSDP = $UriSDP
                ApiKey = $ApiKey
                Method = "GET"
                EntityUri = "/api/v3/requests/$RequestId/tasks/$TaskId"

            #Send request
            If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($RequestId,"Get task $TaskId from request id"))
                $Result = Invoke-SDPAPIEntity @InvokeParams
                $Results = $Result.task
        } else {
            #Get by Search
            $InvokeParams = @{
                UriSDP = $UriSDP
                ApiKey = $ApiKey
                Method = "GET"
                EntityUri = "/api/v3/requests/$RequestId/tasks"
                Limit = $Limit
                $InvokeParams['InputData'] = $InputData
            } else {
                $InvokeParams['InputData'] = @{
                    list_info = @{
                        start_index = 1
                        row_count = $Limit
                        sort_field = "id"
                        sort_order = "desc"

            #Send request
            If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($RequestId,"Get tasks from request id"))
                $Result = Invoke-SDPAPIEntity @InvokeParams
                $Results = $Result.tasks

        #Return result
            Return $Result
        } else {
            Write-Verbose ($Results | Measure-Object).Count
            Return $Results
