
    PSRyver allows you to work with the Ryver API through PowerShell functions
    PSRyver allows you to work with the Ryver API through PowerShell functions
    You can find the API documentation here: https://api.ryver.com.
    Using PSRyver requires that you have credentials or an incoming webhook URI from
    Details on basic authentication in Ryver:
    Set up an Incoming Webhook for your team:
    Once you have credentials or an incoming webhook URI, you are ready to roll!
    If you want to save time, you can configure your incoming webhook URI, and other
    configuation settings using 'Set-PSRyverConfig', and save them to file via
    These will be used for default values in several commands.
    We don't get fancy with parametersets. Here's a breakdown of how we pick URI or token:
        Parameters are used before Set-PSRyverConfig settings
        Tokens are used before URI
            URI parameter specified, token exists in Set-PSRyverConfig: URI is used
            URI and token exist in Set-PSRyverConfig: token is used
            Token and URI parameters are specified: Token is used
    The Ryver API and Incoming Webhook alter the output Send-RyverMessage will provide.
    If you use a URI for an Incoming Webhook, Ryver will return a string:
       "OK" if the call succeeded
       An error string if something went wrong
    If you use a token, we get a bit more detail back:
        OK : True
        channel : D0ST7FE6Q
        ts : 1463254594.000027
        message : @{text=; username=Ryver API Tester; icons=; attachments=System.Object[]; type=message;...
        link : ArchiveUri.From.Set-PSRyverConfig/D0ST7FE6Q/p1463254594000027
    If you use a token and things don't go so well, the OK field will not be true:
        OK error
        -- -----
        False channel_not_found