
function New-RyverAction {
        Creates an action to use in a Ryver message attachment.
        Creates an action to use in a Ryver message attachment.
        Used to create actions for Ryver message attachments.
        - Troy Lindsay
        - Twitter: @troylindsay42
        - GitHub: tlindsay42
        # This is a simple example illustrating some common options
        # when constructing an action
        $acknowledge = @{
            Name = 'Acknowledge'
            Text = 'Acknowledge'
            Type = 'button'
        $dismiss = @{
            Name = 'Dismiss'
            Text = 'Dismiss'
            Type = 'button'
        $actions = New-RyverAction @acknowledge |
            New-RyverAction @dismiss
        $splat = @{
            Color = $Script:PSRyverColorMap.Orange
            Title = 'Failed to process account'
            Actions = $actions
            Fallback = 'Your client is bad'
        New-RyverMessageAttachment @splat |
            New-RyverMessage |
            Send-RyverMessage -Uri ''
        # We create an action object with an 'Acknowledge' button and a
        # Dismiss button.
        # Creates an attachment with the button created in the action object
        # Creates a message from that attachment and sents it with a URI

        HelpUri = ''
    [OutputType( [PSCustomObject[]] )]
    [OutputType( [PSCustomObject] )]
    param (
        Provide a string to give this specific action a name.
        The name will be returned to your Action URL along with the message's
        callback_id when this action is invoked.
        Use it to identify this particular response path.
        If multiple actions share the same name, only one of them can be in a
        triggered state.

            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0

        The user-facing label for the message button or menu representing this action.
        Cannot contain markup. Best to keep these short and decisive.
        Use a maximum of 30 characters or so for best results across form factors.

            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 1
        [ValidateLength( 1, 30 )]

        Provide button when this action is a message button or provide select when the
        action is a message menu.

            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 2
        [ValidateSet( 'button', 'select' )]

        Provide a string identifying this specific action. It will be sent to your
        Action URL along with the name and attachment's callback_id.
        If providing multiple actions with the same name, value can be strategically
        used to differentiate intent.
        Your value may contain up to 3000 characters.

        [Parameter( Position = 3 )]
        [ValidateLength( 0, 3000 )]

        If you provide a JSON hash of confirmation fields, your button or menu will pop
        up a dialog with your indicated text and choices, giving them one last chance
        to avoid a destructive action or other undesired outcome.

        [Parameter( Position = 4 )]
        [PSTypeName( 'PSRyver.ActionConfirmation' )]

        Used only with message buttons, this decorates buttons with extra visual
        importance, which is especially useful when providing logical default action or
        highlighting a destructive activity.
        - default: Yes, it's the default. Buttons will look simple.
        - primary: Use this sparingly, when the button represents a key action to
          accomplish. You should probably only ever have one primary button within a
        - danger: Use this when the consequence of the button click will result in
          the destruction of something, like a piece of data stored on your servers.
          Use even more sparingly than primary.

        [Parameter( Position = 5 )]
        [ValidateSet( 'default', 'primary', 'danger' )]

        Used only with message menus. The individual options to appear in this menu,
        provided as an array of option fields.
        Required when data_source is static or otherwise unspecified. A maximum of 100
        options can be provided in each menu.
        Options can be created using the New-RyverActionOption command.

        [Parameter( Position = 6 )]
        [PSTypeName( 'PSRyver.ActionOption' )]

        One or more actions to add this action to.
        Allows you to chain calls to this function:
            New-RyverAction ... | New-RyverAction ...

            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 7,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true
        [PSTypeName( 'PSRyver.Action' )]

    begin {
        $function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        Write-Verbose -Message (
            "Beginning: '${function}' with ParameterSetName '$( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName )' and Parameters: " +
            ( $PSBoundParameters | Remove-SensitiveData | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String )

    process {
        $action = @{}

        switch ( $PSBoundParameters.Keys ) {
            'Name' {
                $action.Name = $Name

            'Text' {
                $action.Text = $Text

            'Type' {
                $action.Type = $Type

            'Value' {
                $action.Value = $Value

            'Confirmation' {
                $action.Confirm = $Confirmation

            'Style' {
                $action.Style = $Style

            'Options' {
                $action.Options = $Options

        Add-ObjectDetail -InputObject $action -TypeName 'PSRyver.Action' -Passthru $false

        if ( $ExistingAction -eq $true ) {
            @( $ExistingAction ) + $action
        else {

    end {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Ending: '${function}'."