function Invoke-RyverRestMethod { <# .SYNOPSIS Send a message to the Ryver API endpoint. .DESCRIPTION Send a message to the Ryver API endpoint. This function is used by other PSRyver functions. It's a simple wrapper you could use for calls to the Ryver API .INPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject .NOTES - Troy Lindsay - Twitter: @troylindsay42 - GitHub: tlindsay42 .EXAMPLE Invoke-RyverRestMethod -Path '/forums' -Credential ( Get-Credential ) Updates the $Script:PSRyver.Authorization value storing the basic authentication authorization header to use for all requests and then queries for all public forum channels. .EXAMPLE [PSCustomObject] @{ Path = '/workrooms'; Method = 'Get' } | Invoke-RyverRestMethod Queries for all private team channels via the pipeline by property name. .EXAMPLE Invoke-RyverRestMethod '/forums' 'Get' Queries for all public forum channels via positional parameters. .LINK .LINK .FUNCTIONALITY Ryver #> [OutputType( [String] )] [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Specifies the Ryver API path to call. [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidatePattern( '^/\S+' )] [String] $Path, <# Specifies the method used for the web request. The acceptable values for this parameter were gathered from the response header: 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods'. #> [Parameter( Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidateSet( 'Get', 'Put', 'Post', 'Delete', 'Options', 'Merge', 'Patch', 'Head', 'PropPatch', 'ACL', 'PropFind', 'Copy', 'Move', 'MkCol', 'Report', 'MkCalendar' )] [ValidateScript( { if ( $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6 -and $_ -in 'PropPatch', 'ACL', 'PropFind', 'Copy', 'Move', 'MkCol', 'Report', 'MkCalendar' ) { throw "Method: '${_}' is not supported prior to PowerShell version 6." } else { $true } } )] [String] $Method = 'Get', # Specifies the body of the request. [Parameter( Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [AllowEmptyString()] [String] $Body, <# Credentials to use for the Ryver API. Default value is the value set by Set-PSRyverConfig. #> [Parameter( Position = 3 )] [PSCredential] $Credential ) begin { $function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name Write-Verbose -Message ( "Beginning: '${function}' with ParameterSetName '$( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName )' and Parameters: " + ( $PSBoundParameters | Remove-SensitiveData | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap | Out-String ) ) if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey( 'Credential' ) ) { $Script:PSRyver.Authorization = ConvertTo-Authorization -Credential $Credential Remove-Variable -Name 'Credential' } if ( $Script:PSRyver.RestApiBaseUri -notmatch '^https://\$' ) { throw "Invalid REST API base URI: '$( $Script:PSRyver.RestApiBaseUri )'. Please configure this via 'Set-PSRyverConfig -RestApiBaseUri `$uri'." } } process { $splat = @{ Method = $Method Uri = "$( $Script:PSRyver.RestApiBaseUri )${Path}" Headers = @{ Accept = 'application/json' Authorization = $Script:PSRyver.Authorization } } if ( $Method -eq 'Post' ) { $splat.Headers.Add( 'Content-Type', 'application/json' ) if ( $Body.Length -gt 0 ) { $splat.Add( 'Body', $Body ) } } elseif ( $Method -in 'PropPatch', 'ACL', 'PropFind', 'Copy', 'Move', 'MkCol', 'Report', 'MkCalendar' ) { $splat.Remove( 'Method' ) $splat.Add( 'CustomMethod', $Method ) } if ( $Script:PSRyver.Proxy ) { $splat.Add( 'Proxy', $Script:PSRyver.Proxy ) } Write-Verbose -Message ( "Calling: 'Invoke-WebRequest' with Parameters: " + ( $splat | Remove-SensitiveData | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap | Out-String ) ) $response = Invoke-WebRequest @splat $response | Out-String | Write-Verbose if ( $response.StatusCode -match '^2\d\d$' ) { $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json } } end { Write-Verbose -Message "Ending: '${function}'." } } |