function Convert-ColorToHexTriplet { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts a color object to a RGB hex triplet. .DESCRIPTION Converts a System.Drawing.Color object to a hexadecimal code representing that color. .INPUTS System.Drawing.Color .NOTES - Troy Lindsay - Twitter: @troylindsay42 - GitHub: tlindsay42 .EXAMPLE Convert-ColorToHexTriplet -Color ( [System.Drawing.Color]::Red ) Returns '#FF0000'. .EXAMPLE [System.Drawing.Color]::Azure | Convert-ColorToHexTriplet Specifies the color to convert via the pipeline and returns '#F0FFFF'. .EXAMPLE Convert-ColorToHexTriplet ( [System.Drawing.Color]::BlancheDalmond ) Specifies the color to convert via positional parameter and returns '#FFEBCD'. .LINK .LINK .LINK .FUNCTIONALITY PowerShell Language #> [CmdletBinding( HelpUri = '' )] [OutputType( [String] )] param ( # Specifies the color to convert. [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true )] [System.Drawing.Color] $Color ) begin { $function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name Write-Verbose -Message ( "Beginning: '${function}' with ParameterSetName '$( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName )' and Parameters: " + ( $PSBoundParameters | Remove-SensitiveData | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String ) ) } process { '#{0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}' -f $Color.R, $Color.G, $Color.B } end { Write-Verbose -Message "Ending: '${function}'." } } |