
    Describes the language keywords that can be used within PSRule document
    PSRule lets you define rules using PowerShell blocks. To create a rule use
    the `Rule` keyword. Within a rule several assertions can be used.
    - Assertion - A specific test that always evaluates to true or false.
    The following are the built-in keywords that can be used within PSRule:
    - A rule definition -
    - Assert that a field or property must exist -
    - Assert that the field must match any of the regular expressions -
    - Assert that any of the child expressions must be true -
    - Assert that all of the child expressions must be true -
    - Assert that the field must match any of the values -
    - Assert that the object must be of a specific type
    A `Rule` definition describes an individual business rule that will be
    applied to pipeline objects.
    To define a Rule use the `Rule` keyword followed by a name and a pair of
    squiggly brackets `{`. Within the `{ }` one or more expressions can be used.
    Rule [-Name] <string> [-Tag <hashtable>] [-If <scriptBlock>] [-DependsOn <string[]>] [-Configure <hashtable>] [-Body] {
    - `Name` - The name of the rule definition. This must be unique with in the
    same script file.
    - `Tag` - A hashtable of key/ value metadata that can be used to filter and
    identify rules and rule results.
    - `If` - A precondition that must evaluate to `$True` before the rule is executed.
    - `DependsOn` - A list of rules this rule depends on. Rule dependencies must
    execute successfully before this rule is executed.
    - `Configure` - A set of default configuration values. These values are only
    used when the baseline configuration does not contain the key.
    - `Body` - A script block definition of the rule containing one or more
    PSRule keywords and PowerShell expressions.
    # This rule checks for the presence of a name field
    Rule 'NameMustExist' {
        Exists 'Name'
    # This rule checks that the title field is valid, when the rule NameMustExist is successful
    Rule 'TitleIsValid' -DependsOn 'NameMustExist' {
        Within 'Title' 'Mr', 'Miss', 'Mrs', 'Ms'
    # This rule uses a threshold stored as $Configuration.minInstanceCount
    Rule 'HasMinInstances' {
        $TargetObject.Sku.capacity -ge $Configuration.minInstanceCount
    } -Configure @{ minInstanceCount = 2 }
    The `Exists` assertion is used within a `Rule` definition to assert that a
    or property must exist on the pipeline object.
    Exists [-Field] <string[]> [-CaseSensitive] [-Not]
    - `Field` - One or more fields/ properties that must exist on the pipeline object.
    - `CaseSensitive` - The field name must match exact case.
    - `Not` - Instead of checking if the field names exists they should not exist.
    # This rule checks for the presence of a name property
    Rule 'nameMustExist' {
        Exists 'Name'
    the specified field exists then Exists will return `$True`, otherwise `$False`.
    If `-Not` is used, then if
    of the specified fields exist then Exists will return `$False` otherwise
    The `Match` assertion is used within a `Rule` definition to assert that the
    value of a
    or property from pipeline data must match one or more regular expressions.
    To optionally perform a case sensitive match use the `-CaseSensitive`
    switch, otherwise a case insensitive match will be used.
    Match [-Field] <string> [-Expression] <string[]> [-CaseSensitive]
    - `Field` - The name of the field that will be evaluated on the pipeline object.
    - `Expression` - One or more regular expressions that will be used to match
    the value of the field.
    - `CaseSensitive` - The field
    must match exact case.
    Rule 'validatePhoneNumber' {
        Match 'PhoneNumber' '^(\+61|0)([0-9] {0,1}){8}[0-9]$'
    of the specified regular expressions match the field value then Match
    returns `$True`, otherwise `$False`.
    The `Within` assertion is used within a `Rule` definition to assert that the
    value of a field or property from pipeline data must equal an item from a
    supplied list of allowed values. To optionally perform a case sensitive
    match use the `-CaseSensitive` switch, otherwise a case insensitive match
    will be used.
    Within [-Field] <string> [-AllowedValue] <PSObject[]]> [-CaseSensitive]
    - `Field` - The name of the field that will be evaluated on the pipeline object.
    - `AllowedValue` - A list of allowed values that the field value must match.
    - `CaseSensitive` - The field
    must match exact case. Only applies when the field value and allowed values
    are strings.
    # Ensure that the title field has one of the allowed values
    Rule 'validateTitle' {
        Within 'Title' 'Mr', 'Miss', 'Mrs', 'Ms'
    of the allow values match the field value then Within returns `$True`,
    otherwise `$False`.
    The `AllOf` assertion is used within a `Rule` definition to aggregate the
    result of assertions within a pair of squiggly brackets `{ }`. `AllOf` is
    functionally equivalent to a binary
    , where when all of the contained assertions return `$True`, `AllOf` will
    return `$True`.
    AllOf [-Body] {
    - `Body` - A script block definition of the containing one or more PSRule
    keywords and PowerShell expressions.
    # The Name field must exist and have a value of either John or Jane
    AllOf {
        Exists 'Name'
        Within 'Name' 'John', 'Jane'
    of the assertions return `$True` AllOf will return `$True`, otherwise
    The `AnyOf` assertion is used within a `Rule` definition to aggregate the
    result of assertions within a pair of squiggly brackets `{ }`. `AnyOf` is
    functionally equivalent to a binary
    , where if any of the contained assertions returns `$True`, `AnyOf` will
    return `$True`.
    AnyOf [-Body] {
    - `Body` - A script block definition of the containing one or more PSRule
    keywords and PowerShell expressions.
    # The Last or Surname field must exist
    AnyOf {
        Exists 'Last'
        Exists 'Surname'
    of the assertions return `$True` AnyOf will return `$True`, otherwise
    The `TypeOf` assertion is used within a `Rule` definition to evaluate if the
    pipeline object matches one or more of the supplied type names.
    TypeOf [-TypeName] <string[]>
    - `TypeName` - One or more type names which will be evaluated against the
    pipeline object. `TypeName` is case insensitive.
    TypeOf 'System.Collections.Hashtable'
    the specified type names match the pipeline object then TypeOf will return
    `$True`, otherwise `$False`.
    # Description: App Service Plan has multiple instances
    Rule 'appServicePlan.MinInstanceCount' -If { $TargetObject.ResourceType -eq 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms' } {
        Hint 'Use at least two (2) instances' -TargetName $TargetObject.ResourceName
        $TargetObject.Sku.capacity -ge 2
    An online version of this document is available at
    - [Invoke-PSRule]
    - Rule
    - Exists
    - Match
    - AnyOf
    - AllOf
    - Within
    - TypeOf