# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT License. # Synopsis: Default branch is protected. Rule 'GitHub.Repo.Protected' -Type '' -If { !$TargetObject.Fork } { $defaultBranch = @(GetRepositoryBranch -Name $TargetObject.DefaultBranch); $Assert.HasFieldValue($defaultBranch[0], 'Protection.Enabled', $True); } # Synopsis: Use file in default branch. Rule 'GitHub.Repo.CodeOfConduct' -Type '' -If { !$TargetObject.Private -and !$TargetObject.Fork } { $Assert. In($TargetObject, 'CommunityFiles', @('', '.github/', 'docs/')). Reason($LocalizedData.RepositoryFileNotExist, ''); } # Synopsis: Use file in default branch. Rule 'GitHub.Repo.Contributing' -Type '' -If { !$TargetObject.Private -and !$TargetObject.Fork } { $Assert. In($TargetObject, 'CommunityFiles', @('', '.github/', 'docs/')). Reason($LocalizedData.RepositoryFileNotExist, ''); } # Synopsis: Use file in default branch. Rule 'GitHub.Repo.Readme' -Type '' -If { !$TargetObject.Fork } { $Assert. In($TargetObject, 'CommunityFiles', @('')). Reason($LocalizedData.RepositoryFileNotExist, ''); } # Synopsis: Use CODEOWNERS file in default branch. Rule 'GitHub.Repo.CodeOwners' -Type '' -If { !$TargetObject.Fork } { $Assert. In($TargetObject, 'CommunityFiles', @('CODEOWNERS', '.github/CODEOWNERS', 'docs/CODEOWNERS')). Reason($LocalizedData.RepositoryFileNotExist, 'CODEOWNERS'); } # Synopsis: Use LICENSE file in default branch. Rule 'GitHub.Repo.License' -Type '' -If { !$TargetObject.Private -and !$TargetObject.Fork } { $Assert. In($TargetObject, 'CommunityFiles', @('LICENSE', 'LICENSE.txt', '', 'LICENSE.rst')). Reason($LocalizedData.RepositoryFileNotExist, 'LICENSE'); } # Synopsis: Define a description for the repository. Rule 'GitHub.Repo.Description' -Type '' -If { !$TargetObject.Fork } { $Assert.HasFieldValue($TargetObject, 'description'); } # Synopsis: Use one or more issue templates. Rule 'GitHub.Repo.IssueTempate' -Type '' -If { !$TargetObject.Fork } { $issueTemplates = @($TargetObject.CommunityFiles | Where-Object { $_ -like ".github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/*" }); $Assert. GreaterOrEqual($issueTemplates, '.', 1). Reason($LocalizedData.IssueTemplates); } # Synopsis: Use a .github/ file in default branch. Rule 'GitHub.Repo.PRTemplate' -Type '' -If { !$TargetObject.Fork } { $Assert. In($TargetObject, 'CommunityFiles', @( '', '.github/', '.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE/', 'docs/' )). Reason($LocalizedData.RepositoryFileNotExist, '.github/'); } |