
# Module: PSRule.Rules.AzureDevOps

    Get all Azure Pipelines definitions from Azure DevOps project

    Get all Azure Pipelines definitions from Azure DevOps project using Azure DevOps Rest API

    Personal Access Token (PAT) for Azure DevOps

    .PARAMETER Organization
    Organization name for Azure DevOps

    .PARAMETER Project
    Project name for Azure DevOps

    Get-AzDevOpsPipelines -PAT $PAT -Organization $Organization -Project $Project

function Get-AzDevOpsPipelines {
    param (
    $header = Get-AzDevOpsHeader -PAT $PAT

    $uri = "$Organization/$Project/_apis/pipelines?api-version=6.0-preview.1"
    Write-Verbose "Getting pipelines from $uri"
    try {
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -Headers $header
        # if the response is not an object but a string, the authentication failed
        if ($response -is [string]) {
            throw "Authentication failed or project not found"
    catch {
        throw $_.Exception.Message
    # walk through all pipelines and get the pipeline details
    $pipelines = @()
    foreach ($pipeline in $response.value) {
        Write-Verbose "Getting pipeline details for $($"
        Write-Verbose "Getting pipeline details from $uri"
        $uri = "$Organization/$Project/_apis/pipelines/$($"
        Write-Verbose "URI: $uri"
        try {
            $pipelineDetails = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -Headers $header
        catch {
            throw $_.Exception.Message
        $pipelines += $pipelineDetails
    return $pipelines
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-AzDevOpsPipelines
# End of Function Get-AzDevOpsPipelines

    Get Azure DevOps pipeline ACLs

    Get Azure DevOps pipeline ACLs using Azure DevOps Rest API

    Personal Access Token (PAT) for Azure DevOps

    .PARAMETER Organization
    Organization name for Azure DevOps

    .PARAMETER ProjectId
    Project ID for Azure DevOps

    .PARAMETER PipelineId
    Pipeline ID for Azure DevOps

    Get-AzDevOpsPipelineAcls -PAT $PAT -Organization $Organization -ProjectId $ProjectId -PipelineId $PipelineId

function Get-AzDevOpsPipelineAcls {
    param (
    $header = Get-AzDevOpsHeader -PAT $PAT
    $uri = "$Organization/_apis/accesscontrollists/33344d9c-fc72-4d6f-aba5-fa317101a7e9?api-version=6.0&token=$($ProjectId)/$($PipelineId)"
    Write-Verbose "Getting pipeline ACLs from $uri"
    Write-Verbose "PROJECTID: $ProjectId"
    try {
        $response = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -Headers $header -ContentType "application/json") #| Where-Object { $_.token -eq "$($ProjectId)/$($PipelineId)" }
        # if the response is not an object but a string, the authentication failed
        if ($response -is [string]) {
            throw "Authentication failed or project not found"
    catch {
        throw $_.Exception.Message
    return $response.value
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-AzDevOpsPipelineAcls
# End of Function Get-AzDevOpsPipelineAcls

# Begin of Function Get-AzDevOpsPipelineYaml
    Get YAML definition for Pipeline

    Get YAML definition for Pipeline using Azure DevOps Rest API

    Personal Access Token (PAT) for Azure DevOps

    .PARAMETER Organization
    Organization name for Azure DevOps

    .PARAMETER Project
    Project name for Azure DevOps

    .PARAMETER PipelineId
    Pipeline Id for Azure DevOps

    Get-AzDevOpsPipelineYaml -PAT $PAT -Organization $Organization -Project $Project -PipelineId $PipelineId

function Get-AzDevOpsPipelineYaml {
    param (
    $header = Get-AzDevOpsHeader -PAT $PAT
    $yaml = ""
    # try to get parsed pipeline YAML definition, if that fails, retrieve the raw YAML definition via git
    $uri = "$Organization/$Project/_apis/pipelines/$($PipelineId)/runs?api-version=5.1-preview"
    Write-Verbose "Getting parsed YAML definition from $uri"
    try {
        $postBody = @{
            "previewRun" = $true
            "yamlOverride" = $null

        } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10

        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method POST -Headers $header -Body $postBody -ContentType "application/json"
        $yaml = $response.finalYaml
    catch {
        Write-Verbose "Getting the parsed YAML definition failed, trying to get the raw YAML definition"
        $uri = "$Organization/$Project/_apis/pipelines/$($PipelineId)?api-version=7.1-preview.1"
        Write-Verbose "Getting pipeline details from $uri"
        try {
            $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -Headers $header
        catch {
            throw $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Verbose "YAML definition located in repository id: $($"
        $RepositoryId = $
        Write-Verbose "YAML definition path: $($response.configuration.path)"
        $YamlPath = $response.configuration.path
        $uri = "$Organization/$Project/_apis/git/repositories/$RepositoryId/items?path=$YamlPath&api-version=6.0"
        Write-Verbose "Getting raw YAML definition from $uri"
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -Headers $header
        $yaml = $response
    return $yaml
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-AzDevOpsPipelineYaml
# End of Function Get-AzDevOpsPipelineYaml

# Begin of Function Export-AzDevOpsPipelineYaml
    Export YAML definition for Pipeline

    Export YAML definition for Pipeline using Azure DevOps Rest API

    Personal Access Token (PAT) for Azure DevOps

    .PARAMETER Organization
    Organization name for Azure DevOps

    .PARAMETER Project
    Project name for Azure DevOps

    .PARAMETER PipelineId
    Pipeline Id for Azure DevOps

    .PARAMETER OutputPath
    Output path for YAML file

    Export-AzDevOpsPipelineYaml -PAT $PAT -Organization $Organization -Project $Project -PipelineId $PipelineId -OutputPath $OutputPath

function Export-AzDevOpsPipelineYaml {
    param (
    Write-Verbose "Getting YAML definition for pipeline $PipelineId"
    $yaml = "ObjectType: Azure.DevOps.Pipelines.PipelineYaml`n"
    $yaml += Get-AzDevOpsPipelineYaml -PAT $PAT -Organization $Organization -Project $Project -PipelineId $PipelineId
    Write-Verbose "Exporting YAML definition to $OutputPath\$PipelineName.yaml"
    $yaml | Out-File "$OutputPath\$PipelineName.yaml"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Export-AzDevOpsPipelineYaml
# End of Function Export-AzDevOpsPipelineYaml

# Begin of Function Export-AzDevOpsPipelines
    Export all the pipelines to a separate JSON file per pipeline

    Export all the pipelines to a separate JSON file per pipeline

    Personal Access Token (PAT) for Azure DevOps

    .PARAMETER Organization
    Organization name for Azure DevOps

    .PARAMETER Project
    Project name for Azure DevOps

    .PARAMETER OutputPath
    Output path for JSON files

    Export-AzDevOpsPipelines -PAT $PAT -Organization $Organization -Project $Project -OutputPath $OutputPath

function Export-AzDevOpsPipelines {
    param (
    Write-Verbose "Getting pipelines from Azure DevOps"
    $pipelines = Get-AzDevOpsPipelines -PAT $PAT -Organization $Organization -Project $Project
    foreach ($pipeline in $pipelines) {
        # Add ObjectType Azure.DevOps.Pipeline to the pipeline object
        $pipeline | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ObjectType -Value "Azure.DevOps.Pipeline"
        # Get the project ID from the pipeline object web.href property
        $ProjectId = $pipeline._links.web.href.Split('/')[4]
        # Add the pipeline ACLs to the pipeline object
        $pipeline | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Acls -Value (Get-AzDevOpsPipelineAcls -PAT $PAT -Organization $Organization -ProjectId $ProjectId -PipelineId $

        Write-Verbose "Exporting pipeline $($ to JSON file"
        Write-Verbose "Exporting pipeline as JSON file to $OutputPath\$($"
        $pipeline | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File "$OutputPath\$($"
        if ($pipeline.configuration.type -eq 'yaml' -and $pipeline.configuration.repository.type -eq 'azureReposGit') {
            Write-Verbose "Pipeline $($ is a YAML pipeline"
            Write-Verbose "Getting YAML definition for pipeline $($"
            $yaml = "ObjectType: Azure.DevOps.Pipelines.PipelineYaml`n"
            $yaml += "PipelineName: $($`n"
            $yaml += Get-AzDevOpsPipelineYaml -PAT $PAT -Organization $Organization -Project $Project -PipelineId $
            Write-Verbose "Exporting YAML definition to $OutputPath\$($"
            $yaml | Out-File "$OutputPath\$($"
            Write-Verbose "Exporting pipeline YAML definition to $OutputPath\$($"
            Export-AzDevOpsPipelineYaml -PAT $PAT -Organization $Organization -Project $Project -PipelineId $ -PipelineName $ -OutputPath $OutputPath
Export-ModuleMember -Function Export-AzDevOpsPipelines
# End of Function Export-AzDevOpsPipelines