
# PSRule rule definitions for Azure DevOps Variable Groups

# Synopsis: A Variable Group should not contain secrets when not linked to a Key Vault
Rule 'Azure.DevOps.Tasks.VariableGroup.NoKeyVaultNoSecrets' `
    -Ref 'ADO-VG-001' `
    -Type 'Azure.DevOps.Tasks.VariableGroup' `
    -If { $TargetObject.type -eq 'Vsts' } `
    -Tag @{ release = 'GA'} `
    -Level Error {
        # Description: Variable Groups should not contain secrets when not linked to a Key Vault
        # Reason: The Variable Group is not linked to a Key Vault and it contains secrets
        # Recommendation: Consider backing the Variable Group with a Key Vault
        # Links:
        $Assert.NotHasField($TargetObject, "variables.psobject.Properties.Value.isSecret", $false)

# Synopsis: Variable groups should have a description
Rule 'Azure.DevOps.Tasks.VariableGroup.Description' `
    -Ref 'ADO-VG-002' `
    -Type 'Azure.DevOps.Tasks.VariableGroup' `
    -Tag @{ release = 'GA'} `
    -Level Information {
        # Description: Variable groups should have a description
        # Reason: No description is configured for the variable group
        # Recommendation: Add a description to the variable group to make it easier to understand its purpose
        $Assert.HasField($TargetObject, "description", $true)
        $Assert.NotNull($TargetObject, "description")