# PSRule rule definitions for Azure DevOps Pipelines Service Connections # Synopsis: Production service connection should be protected by one or more checks Rule 'Azure.DevOps.ServiceConnections.ProductionCheckProtection' ` -Ref 'ADO-SC-001' ` -Type 'Azure.DevOps.ServiceConnection' ` -With 'IsProduction' ` -Tag @{ release = 'GA'} ` -Level Warning { # Description 'Production service connection should be protected by one or more checks.' Reason 'No checks are configured for the service connection.' Recommend 'Add one or more check gates to the production service connection.' $Assert.HasField($TargetObject, "Checks", $true) $Assert.NotNull($TargetObject, "Checks") } # Synopsis: Production service connection should be protected by a human approval Rule 'Azure.DevOps.ServiceConnections.ProductionHumanApproval' ` -Ref 'ADO-SC-002' ` -Type 'Azure.DevOps.ServiceConnection' ` -With 'IsProduction' ` -Tag @{ release = 'GA'} ` -Level Warning { # Description 'Production service connection should be protected by a human approval.' Reason 'No approval check is configured for the service connection.' Recommend 'Add one or more check gates to the production service connection.' $approvalCount = @($TargetObject.Checks | Where-Object { $ -eq 'Approval' }) $Assert.Greater($approvalCount, "Count", 0) } # Synopsis: service connections should have a description Rule 'Azure.DevOps.ServiceConnections.Description' ` -Ref 'ADO-SC-003' ` -Type 'Azure.DevOps.ServiceConnection' ` -Tag @{ release = 'GA'} ` -Level Information { # Description 'Production service connection have a description.' Reason 'No description is configured for the service connection.' Recommend 'Add a description to the service connection to make it easier to understand its purpose.' $Assert.HasField($TargetObject, "description", $true) $Assert.HasFieldValue($TargetObject, "description") } # Synopsis: service connections should have a scope that is not a subscription Rule 'Azure.DevOps.ServiceConnections.Scope' ` -Ref 'ADO-SC-004' ` -Type 'Azure.DevOps.ServiceConnection' ` -Tag @{ release = 'GA'} ` -If { $ -eq 'Subscription' } ` -Level Information { # Description 'Service connection should have a scope that is not an entire subscription.' Reason 'The service connection is scoped to a subscription.' Recommend 'Confine the scope of the service connection to a resource group or resource.' # Links '' AllOf { $Assert.HasField($TargetObject, "data.scopeLevel", $true) $Assert.HasField($TargetObject, "authorization.parameters.scope", $true) $Assert.Contains($TargetObject, "authorization.parameters.scope", "resourcegroups") } } # Synopsis: service connections should should use Workload Idenity Federation Rule 'Azure.DevOps.ServiceConnections.WorkloadIdentityFederation' ` -Ref 'ADO-SC-005' ` -Type 'Azure.DevOps.ServiceConnection' ` -Tag @{ release = 'GA'} ` -If { $ -eq 'Subscription' } ` -Level Warning { # Description 'Service connection should should use Workload Idenity Federation.' Reason 'The service connection does not use Workload Idenity Federation.' Recommend 'Use Workload Idenity Federation to authenticate the service connection.' # Links '' AllOf { $Assert.HasField($TargetObject, "data.scopeLevel", $true) $Assert.HasField($TargetObject, "authorization.parameters.workloadIdentityFederationSubject", $true) } } |