about_psrule_azure_configuration SHORT DESCRIPTION Describes PSRule configuration options specific to PSRule for Azure. LONG DESCRIPTION PSRule exposes configuration options that can be used to customize execution of `PSRule.Rules.Azure`. This topic describes what configuration options are available. PSRule configuration options can be specified by setting the configuration option in `ps-rule.yaml`. Additionally, configuration options can be configured in a baseline or set at runtime. For details of setting configuration options see [PSRule options][1]. The following configurations options are available for use: - AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER_MINIMUM_VERSION - AZURE_AKS_POOL_MINIMUM_MAXPODS - AZURE_RESOURCE_ALLOWED_LOCATIONS - AZURE_APIM_MINIMUM_CERTIFICATE_LIFETIME - AZURE_PARAMETER_FILE_EXPANSION - AZURE_POLICY_WAIVER_MAX_EXPIRY - AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP - AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION - AZURE_POLICY_IGNORE_LIST - AZURE_POLICY_RULE_PREFIX - AZURE_APIM_MIN_API_VERSION - AZURE_COSMOS_DEFENDER_PER_ACCOUNT - AZURE_STORAGE_DEFENDER_PER_ACCOUNT [1]: https://aka.ms/ps-rule/options AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER_MINIMUM_VERSION This configuration option determines the minimum version of Kubernetes for AKS clusters and node pools. Rules that check the Kubernetes version fail when the version is older than the version specified. Syntax: configuration: AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER_MINIMUM_VERSION: string # A version string Default: # YAML: The default AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER_MINIMUM_VERSION configuration option configuration: AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER_MINIMUM_VERSION: 1.30.6 Example: # YAML: Set the AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER_MINIMUM_VERSION configuration option to 1.19.7 configuration: AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER_MINIMUM_VERSION: 1.19.7 AZURE_AKS_POOL_MINIMUM_MAXPODS This configuration option determines the minimum allowed max pods setting per node pool. When an AKS cluster node pool is created, a `maxPods` option is used to determine the maximum number of pods for each node in the node pool. Syntax: configuration: AZURE_AKS_POOL_MINIMUM_MAXPODS: integer Default: # YAML: The default AZURE_AKS_POOL_MINIMUM_MAXPODS configuration option configuration: AZURE_AKS_POOL_MINIMUM_MAXPODS: 50 Example: # YAML: Set the AZURE_AKS_POOL_MINIMUM_MAXPODS configuration option to 30 configuration: AZURE_AKS_POOL_MINIMUM_MAXPODS: 30 AZURE_RESOURCE_ALLOWED_LOCATIONS This configuration option specifies a list of allowed locations that resources can be deployed to. Rules that check the location of Azure resources fail when a resource or resource group is created in a different region. By default, `AZURE_RESOURCE_ALLOWED_LOCATIONS` is not configured. The rule `Azure.Resource.AllowedRegions` is skipped when no allowed locations are configured. Syntax: configuration: AZURE_RESOURCE_ALLOWED_LOCATIONS: array # An array of regions Default: # YAML: The default AZURE_RESOURCE_ALLOWED_LOCATIONS configuration option configuration: AZURE_RESOURCE_ALLOWED_LOCATIONS: [] Example: # YAML: Set the AZURE_RESOURCE_ALLOWED_LOCATIONS configuration option to Australia East, Australia South East configuration: AZURE_RESOURCE_ALLOWED_LOCATIONS: - 'australiaeast' - 'australiasoutheast' AZURE_APIM_MINIMUM_CERTIFICATE_LIFETIME This configuration option determines the minimum number of days allowed before certificate expiry. Rules that check certificate lifetime fail when the days remaining before expiry drop below this number. Syntax: configuration: AZURE_APIM_MINIMUM_CERTIFICATE_LIFETIME: integer Default: # YAML: The default AZURE_APIM_MINIMUM_CERTIFICATE_LIFETIME configuration option configuration: AZURE_APIM_MINIMUM_CERTIFICATE_LIFETIME: 30 Example: # YAML: Set the AZURE_APIM_MINIMUM_CERTIFICATE_LIFETIME configuration option to 90 configuration: AZURE_APIM_MINIMUM_CERTIFICATE_LIFETIME: 90 AZURE_PARAMETER_FILE_EXPANSION This configuration option determines if Azure template parameter files will automatically be expanded. By default, parameter files will not be automatically expanded. Parameter files are expanded when PSRule cmdlets with the `-Format File` parameter are used. Syntax: configuration: AZURE_PARAMETER_FILE_EXPANSION: bool Default: # YAML: The default AZURE_PARAMETER_FILE_EXPANSION configuration option configuration: AZURE_PARAMETER_FILE_EXPANSION: false Example: # YAML: Set the AZURE_PARAMETER_FILE_EXPANSION configuration option to enable expansion configuration: AZURE_PARAMETER_FILE_EXPANSION: true AZURE_POLICY_WAIVER_MAX_EXPIRY This configuration option determines the maximum number of days in the future for a waiver policy exemption. Syntax: configuration: AZURE_POLICY_WAIVER_MAX_EXPIRY: integer Default: # YAML: The default AZURE_POLICY_WAIVER_MAX_EXPIRY configuration option configuration: AZURE_POLICY_WAIVER_MAX_EXPIRY: 366 Example: # YAML: Set the AZURE_POLICY_WAIVER_MAX_EXPIRY configuration option to 90 configuration: AZURE_POLICY_WAIVER_MAX_EXPIRY: 90 AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP This configuration option sets the resource group object used by the `resourceGroup()` function. Configure this option to change the resource group object when using exporting templates for analysis. Provided properties will override the default. Any properties that are not provided with use the defaults as specified below. This configuration option will be ignored when `-ResourceGroup` is used with `Export-AzRuleTemplateData`. Syntax: configuration: AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP: name: string location: string tags: object properties: provisioningState: string Default: # YAML: The default AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP configuration option configuration: AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP: name: 'ps-rule-test-rg' location: 'eastus' tags: { } properties: provisioningState: 'Succeeded' Example: # YAML: Override the location of the resource group object. configuration: AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP: location: 'australiasoutheast' AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION This configuration option sets the subscription object used by the `subscription()` function. Configure this option to change the subscription object when using exporting templates for analysis. Provided properties will override the default. Any properties that are not provided with use the defaults as specified below. This configuration option will be ignored when `-Subscription` is used with `Export-AzRuleTemplateData`. Syntax: configuration: AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION: subscriptionId: string tenantId: string displayName: string state: string Default: # YAML: The default AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION configuration option configuration: AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION: subscriptionId: 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff' tenantId: 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff' displayName: 'PSRule Test Subscription' state: 'NotDefined' Example: # YAML: Override the display name of the subscription object AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION: displayName: 'My test subscription' AZURE_POLICY_IGNORE_LIST This configuration option configures a custom list policy definitions to ignore when exporting policy to rules. In addition to the custom list, a built-in list of policies are ignored. The built-in list can be found here . Configure this option to ignore policy definitions that: - Already have a rule defined. - Are not relevant to testing Infrastructure as Code. Syntax: configuration: AZURE_POLICY_IGNORE_LIST: array Default: # YAML: The default AZURE_POLICY_IGNORE_LIST configuration option configuration: AZURE_POLICY_IGNORE_LIST: [] Example: # YAML: Add a custom policy definition to ignore configuration: AZURE_POLICY_IGNORE_LIST: - '/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/1f314764-cb73-4fc9-b863-8eca98ac36e9' - '/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/b54ed75b-3e1a-44ac-a333-05ba39b99ff0' AZURE_POLICY_RULE_PREFIX This configuration option sets the prefix for names of exported rules. Configure this option to change the prefix, which defaults to `Azure`. This configuration option will be ignored when `-Prefix` is used with `Export-AzPolicyAssignmentRuleData`. Syntax: configuration: AZURE_POLICY_RULE_PREFIX: string Default: # YAML: The default AZURE_POLICY_RULE_PREFIX configuration option configuration: AZURE_POLICY_RULE_PREFIX: 'Azure' Example: # YAML: Override the prefix of exported policy rules AZURE_POLICY_RULE_PREFIX: 'AzureCustomPrefix' AZURE_APIM_MIN_API_VERSION This configuration option sets the minimum API version used for control plane API calls to API Management instances. Configure this option to change the minimum API version, which defaults to `'2021-08-01'`. Syntax: configuration: AZURE_APIM_MIN_API_VERSION: string Default: # YAML: The default AZURE_APIM_MIN_API_VERSION configuration option configuration: AZURE_APIM_MIN_API_VERSION: '2021-08-01' Example: # YAML: Set the AZURE_APIM_MIN_API_VERSION configuration option to '2021-12-01-preview' configuration: AZURE_APIM_MIN_API_VERSION: '2021-12-01-preview' AZURE_COSMOS_DEFENDER_PER_ACCOUNT This configuration option enables validation for that each Cosmos DB account is associated with a Microsoft Defender for Cosmos DB resource level plan. Configure this option to enable the per account validation, which defaults to `false`. Syntax: configuration: AZURE_COSMOS_DEFENDER_PER_ACCOUNT: boolean Default: # YAML: The default AZURE_COSMOS_DEFENDER_PER_ACCOUNT configuration option configuration: AZURE_COSMOS_DEFENDER_PER_ACCOUNT: false Example: # YAML: Set the AZURE_COSMOS_DEFENDER_PER_ACCOUNT configuration option to true configuration: AZURE_COSMOS_DEFENDER_PER_ACCOUNT: true AZURE_STORAGE_DEFENDER_PER_ACCOUNT This configuration option enables validation for that each storage account is associated with a Microsoft Defender for Storage resource level plan. Configure this option to enable the per account validation, which defaults to `false`. Syntax: configuration: AZURE_STORAGE_DEFENDER_PER_ACCOUNT: boolean Default: # YAML: The default AZURE_STORAGE_DEFENDER_PER_ACCOUNT configuration option configuration: AZURE_STORAGE_DEFENDER_PER_ACCOUNT: false Example: # YAML: Set the AZURE_STORAGE_DEFENDER_PER_ACCOUNT configuration option to true configuration: AZURE_STORAGE_DEFENDER_PER_ACCOUNT: true NOTE An online version of this document is available at <https://github.com/Azure/PSRule.Rules.Azure/blob/main/docs/concepts/about_PSRule_Azure_Configuration.md>. KEYWORDS - Configuration - Rule |