# # Validation rules for Azure App Services # # Synopsis: Use an App Service Plan with at least two (2) instances Rule 'Azure.AppService.PlanInstanceCount' -Type 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms' -Tag @{ release = 'GA'; severity = 'Single point of failure'; category = 'Reliability' } { $TargetObject.Sku.capacity -ge 2 } # Synopsis: Use at least a Standard App Service Plan Rule 'Azure.AppService.MinPlan' -Type 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms' -Tag @{ release = 'GA'; severity = 'Important'; category = 'Performance' } { Recommend 'Use a Standard or high plans for production services' ($TargetObject.Sku.tier -eq 'PremiumV2') -or ($TargetObject.Sku.tier -eq 'Premium') -or ($TargetObject.Sku.tier -eq 'Standard') } # Synopsis: Disable client affinity for stateless services Rule 'Azure.AppService.ARRAffinity' -Type 'Microsoft.Web/sites', 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots' -Tag @{ release = 'GA'; severity = 'Awareness'; category = 'Performance' } { Recommend 'Disable ARR affinity when not required' $TargetObject.Properties.clientAffinityEnabled -eq $False } # Synopsis: Use HTTPS only Rule 'Azure.AppService.UseHTTPS' -Type 'Microsoft.Web/sites', 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots' -Tag @{ release = 'GA'; severity = 'Important'; category = 'Security configuration' } { Recommend 'Disable HTTP when not required' $TargetObject.Properties.httpsOnly -eq $True } # Synopsis: Use at least TLS 1.2 Rule 'Azure.AppService.MinTLS' -Type 'Microsoft.Web/sites', 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots' -Tag @{ release = 'GA' } { $siteConfig = @($TargetObject.resources | Where-Object -FilterScript { ($_.Type -eq 'Microsoft.Web/sites/config') -or ($_.Type -eq 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/config') }) $siteConfig.Properties | Within 'minTlsVersion' '1.2' -Reason ($LocalizedData.MinTLSVersion -f $siteConfig.Properties.minTlsVersion) } |