# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT License. # # Validation rules for Azure resources # if ($Null -ne $Configuration.azureAllowedRegions) { Write-Warning -Message ($LocalizedData.ConfigurationOptionReplaced -f 'azureAllowedRegions', 'Azure_AllowedRegions'); } # Synopsis: Resources should be tagged Rule 'Azure.Resource.UseTags' -If { SupportsTags } -Tag @{ release = 'GA' } { Reason $LocalizedData.ResourceNotTagged # List of resource that support tags can be found here: (Exists 'Tags') -and (($TargetObject.Tags.PSObject.Members | Where-Object { $_.MemberType -eq 'NoteProperty' }) -ne $Null) } # Synopsis: Resources should be deployed to allowed regions Rule 'Azure.Resource.AllowedRegions' -If { ($Null -ne $Configuration.Azure_AllowedRegions) -and ($Configuration.Azure_AllowedRegions.Length -gt 0) -and (SupportsRegions) } -Tag @{ release = 'GA' } { IsAllowedRegion } # Synopsis: Use Resource Group naming requirements Rule 'Azure.ResourceGroup.Name' -Type 'Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups' -Tag @{ release = 'GA' } { # # Between 1 and 90 characters long $Assert.GreaterOrEqual($TargetObject, 'Name', 1) $Assert.LessOrEqual($TargetObject, 'Name', 90) # Alphanumerics, underscores, parentheses, hyphens, periods # Can't end with period. Match 'Name' '^[-\w\._\(\)]*[-\w_\(\)]$' } |