# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT License. @{ MinTLSVersion = "Minimum TLS version is set to {0}." ResourceNotTagged = "The resource is not tagged." AllowedRegionsNotConfigured = "The azureAllowedRegions option is not configured." TcpHealthProbe = "The health probe ({0}) is using TCP." RootHttpProbePath = "The health probe ({0}) is using '{1}'." AKSVersion = "The Kubernetes version is v{0}." AKSNodePoolType = "The agent pool ({0}) is not using scale sets." AKSNodePoolVersion = "The agent pool ({0}) is running v{1}." SubnetNSGNotConfigured = "The subnet ({0}) has no NSG associated." ServiceUrlNotHttps = "The service URL for '{0}' is not a HTTPS endpoint." BackendUrlNotHttps = "The backend URL for '{0}' is not a HTTPS endpoint." ResourceNotAssociated = "The resource is not associated." EnabledEndpoints = "The number of enabled endpoints is {0}." AccessPolicyLeastPrivilege = "One or more access policies grant all or purge permission." DiagnosticSettingsNotConfigured = "Diagnostic settings are not configured." SecurityCenterNotConfigured = "Security Center are not configured." LateralTraversalNotRestricted = "A rule to limit lateral traversal was not found." AllInboundRestricted = "The first inbound rule denies traffic from all sources." } |