# # Validation rules for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) # # Synopsis: AKS clusters should have minimum number of nodes for failover and updates Rule 'Azure.AKS.MinNodeCount' -If { ResourceType 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters' } -Tag @{ severity = 'Important'; category = 'Reliability' } { Hint 'Use at least three (3) agent nodes' $TargetObject.Properties.agentPoolProfiles[0].count -ge 3 } # Synopsis: AKS cluster should meet the minimum version Rule 'Azure.AKS.Version' -If { ResourceType 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters' } -Tag @{ severity = 'Important'; category = 'Operations management' } { $minVersion = [Version]$Configuration.minAKSVersion Hint "Upgrade Kubernetes to at least $minVersion" ([Version]$TargetObject.Properties.kubernetesVersion) -ge $minVersion } -Configure @{ minAKSVersion = '1.13.5' } # Synopsis: AKS cluster should use role-based access control Rule 'Azure.AKS.UseRBAC' -If { ResourceType 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters' } -Tag @{ severity = 'Important'; category = 'Security configuration' } { $TargetObject.Properties.enableRBAC } |