{ "Name": "GetV2Account", "Path": "/v2/account", "Method": "get", "Description": "List current account metadata and settings" }, { "Name": "GetV2AccountClassifications", "Path": "/v2/account/classifications", "Method": "get", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Retrieve items with the specified classification", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Type", "Name": "classification", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Enum": [ "malicious", "suspicious", "non_malicious", "unknown" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Classification type" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2AccountHistory", "Path": "/v2/account/history", "Method": "get", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "List API usage history of the account", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Source", "Name": "source", "Type": "str", "Enum": [ "api", "ui" ], "In": [ "body" ], "Required": false, "Description": "History source [api, ui]" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2AccountMonitors", "Path": "/v2/account/monitors", "Method": "get", "Description": "Get active monitor" }, { "Name": "GetV2AccountOrganization", "Path": "/v2/account/organization", "Method": "get", "Description": "List current organization metadata" }, { "Name": "GetV2AccountOrganizationTeamstream", "Path": "/v2/account/organization/teamstream", "Method": "get", "Description": "List team activity", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Source", "Name": "source", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Source filter" }, { "Dynamic": "DateTime", "Name": "dt", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Datetime filter" }, { "Dynamic": "Type", "Name": "type", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Type filter" }, { "Dynamic": "Focus", "Name": "focus", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Focus filter (domain, ip, etc)" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2AccountQuotas", "Path": "/v2/account/quotas", "Method": "get", "Description": "List current account and organization quotas" }, { "Name": "GetV2AccountSources", "Path": "/v2/account/sources", "Method": "get", "Description": "Check sources being used for queries", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Source", "Name": "source", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Source filter" } ] }, { "Name": "DeleteV2ActionsTags", "Path": "/v2/actions/tags", "Method": "delete", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Removes tags from an artifact", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Artifact", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Description": "Artifact" }, { "Dynamic": "Tags", "Name": "tags", "Type": "array", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Description": "One or more tags to remove" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2ActionsBulkClassification", "Path": "/v2/actions/bulk/classification", "Method": "get", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Retrieve classification statuses for given domains", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Domains", "Name": "query", "Type": "array", "In": [ "body" ], "Pattern": "(?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)", "Required": true, "Description": "One or more domains" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2ActionsClassification", "Path": "/v2/actions/classification", "Method": "get", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Retrieve classification status for a given domain", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Domain", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Pattern": "(?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)", "Required": true, "Description": "Domain" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2ActionsClassificationBulk", "Path": "/v2/actions/bulk/classification", "Method": "get", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Retrieve classification status for multiple domains", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Domains", "Name": "query", "Type": "array", "In": [ "body" ], "Pattern": "(?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)", "Required": true, "Description": "Domains" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2ActionsDynamicDns", "Path": "/v2/actions/dynamic-dns", "Method": "get", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Indicates whether or not a domain's DNS records are updated via dynamic DNS", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Domain", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Pattern": "(?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)", "Required": true, "Description": "Domain" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2ActionsEverCompromised", "Path": "/v2/actions/ever-compromised", "Method": "get", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Indicates whether or not a given domain has ever been compromised", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Domain", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Pattern": "(?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)", "Description": "Domain" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2ActionsMonitor", "Path": "/v2/actions/monitor", "Method": "get", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Indicates whether or not a domain is monitored", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Domain", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Pattern": "(?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)", "Description": "Domain" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2ActionsSinkhole", "Path": "/v2/actions/sinkhole", "Method": "get", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Indicates whether or not an IPv4 address is a sinkhole", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "IPv4", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Pattern": "^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$", "Required": true, "Description": "IPv4 address to check for sinkhole status" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2ActionsTags", "Path": "/v2/actions/tags", "Method": "get", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "List tags associated with an artifact", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Artifact", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Description": "Artifact" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2ActionsTagsSearch", "Path": "/v2/actions/tags/search", "Method": "get", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "List artifacts associated with a tag", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Tag", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Description": "Tag" } ] }, { "Name": "PostV2ActionsBulkClassification", "Path": "/v2/actions/bulk/classification", "Method": "post", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Set classification statuses for given domains", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Domains", "Name": "query", "Type": "array", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Pattern": "(?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)", "Description": "One or more domains" } ] }, { "Name": "PostV2ActionsClassification", "Path": "/v2/actions/classification", "Method": "post", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Sets the classification status for a given domain", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Domain", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Pattern": "(?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)", "Description": "Domain" }, { "Dynamic": "Classification", "Name": "classification", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Enum": [ "malicious", "suspicious", "non_malicious", "unknown" ], "Description": "Classification status" } ] }, { "Name": "PostV2ActionsDynamicDns", "Path": "/v2/actions/dynamic-dns", "Method": "post", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Sets a domain's status to indicate whether or not its DNS records are updated via dynamic DNS", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Domain", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Pattern": "(?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)", "Description": "domain for which to set dynamic DNS status" }, { "Dynamic": "Status", "Name": "status", "Type": "Bool", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Description": "Dynamic DNS status" } ] }, { "Name": "PostV2ActionsEverCompromised", "Path": "/v2/actions/ever-compromised", "Method": "post", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Sets status for a domain to indicate if it has ever been compromised", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Domain", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Pattern": "(?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)", "Description": "Domain" }, { "Dynamic": "Status", "Name": "status", "Type": "Bool", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Description": "Compromise status" } ] }, { "Name": "PostV2ActionsSinkhole", "Path": "/v2/actions/sinkhole", "Method": "post", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Sets status for an IPv4 address to indicate whether or not it is a sinkhole", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "IPv4", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Pattern": "^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$", "Required": true, "Description": "IPv4 address for which to set sinkhole status" }, { "Dynamic": "Status", "Name": "status", "Type": "Bool", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Description": "Sinkhole status" } ] }, { "Name": "PostV2ActionsTags", "Path": "/v2/actions/tags", "Method": "post", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Adds tags to an artifact", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Artifact", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Description": "Artifact" }, { "Dynamic": "Tags", "Name": "tags", "Type": "array", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Description": "One or more tags to add" } ] }, { "Name": "PutV2ActionsTags", "Path": "/v2/actions/tags", "Method": "put", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Sets the tags for a given artifact", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Artifact", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Description": "Artifact" }, { "Dynamic": "Tags", "Name": "tags", "Type": "array", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Description": "One or more tags to set" } ] }, { "Name": "DeleteV2Artifact", "Path": "/v2/artifact", "Method": "delete", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Delete an artifact", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "ArtifactId", "Name": "artifact", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Pattern": "\\w{8}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{12}", "Required": true, "Description": "Artifact identifier" } ] }, { "Name": "DeleteV2ArtifactBulk", "Path": "/v2/artifact/bulk", "Method": "delete", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Delete artifacts in bulk", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "ArtifactIds", "Name": "artifacts", "Type": "array", "In": [ "body" ], "Pattern": "\\w{8}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{12}", "Required": true, "Description": "One or more artifact identifiers" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2Artifact", "Path": "/v2/artifact", "Method": "get", "Description": "Find existing artifacts", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "ArtifactId", "Name": "artifact", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Pattern": "\\w{8}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{12}", "Required": false, "Description": "Artifact identifier" }, { "Dynamic": "ProjectId", "Name": "project", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Pattern": "\\w{8}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{12}", "Required": false, "Description": "Project identifier" }, { "Dynamic": "Owner", "Name": "owner", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Filter by owner (email address or organization)" }, { "Dynamic": "Creator", "Name": "creator", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Filter by creator" }, { "Dynamic": "Organization", "Name": "organization", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Filter by organization" }, { "Dynamic": "Query", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Filter by query (, etc)" }, { "Dynamic": "Type", "Name": "type", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Filter by artifact type (domain, ip, etc)" } ] }, { "Name": "PostV2Artifact", "Path": "/v2/artifact", "Method": "post", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Update artifact or toggle monitoring status", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "ArtifactId", "Name": "artifact", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Pattern": "\\w{8}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{12}", "Required": true, "Description": "Artifact identifier" }, { "Dynamic": "Monitor", "Name": "monitor", "Type": "Bool", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Monitor status" }, { "Dynamic": "Tags", "Name": "tags", "Type": "array", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": false, "Description": "One or more tags to set" } ] }, { "Name": "PostV2ArtifactBulk", "Path": "/v2/artifact/bulk", "Method": "post", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Update artifacts in bulk", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Array", "Name": "artifacts", "Type": "array", "In": [ "body" ], "Parent": "artifacts", "Required": true, "Description": "An array of hashtables matching artifact fields (artifact id, monitor, tags)" } ] }, { "Name": "PutV2Artifact", "Path": "/v2/artifact", "Method": "put", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Create an artifact", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "ProjectId", "Name": "project", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Description": "Project identifier" }, { "Dynamic": "Query", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Description": "Artifact value" }, { "Dynamic": "Type", "Name": "type", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Enum": [ "ip", "wildcard", "email", "domain", "component", "hash_md5", "hash_sha1", "hash_sha256", "cookies_name", "cookies_domain", "url", "certificate_serialnumber", "certificate_sha1", "certificate_issuercommonname", "certificate_issueralternativename", "certificate_subjectcommonname", "certificate_subjectalternativename", "certificate_issuerorganizationname", "certificate_subjectorganizationname", "certificate_issuerorganizationunit", "certificate_subjectorganizationunit", "certificate_issuerstreetaddress", "certificate_subjectstreetaddress", "certificate_issuerlocalityname", "certificate_subjectlocalityname", "certificate_issuerstateorprovincename", "certificate_subjectstateorprovincename", "certificate_issuercountry", "certificate_subjectcountry", "certificate_issuerserialnumber", "certificate_subjectserialnumber" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Artifact type" }, { "Dynamic": "Tags", "Name": "tags", "Type": "array", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": false, "Description": "One or more tags to assign to the artifact" } ] }, { "Name": "PutV2ArtifactBulk", "Path": "/v2/artifact/bulk", "Method": "put", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Create artifacts in bulk", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Array", "Name": "artifacts", "Type": "array", "In": [ "body" ], "Parent": "artifacts", "Required": true, "Description": "An array of hashtables matching artifact fields (project id, query, type, tags)" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2EnrichmentBulk", "Path": "/v2/enrichment/bulk", "Method": "get", "Description": "Get bulk enrichment data", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Query", "Name": "query", "Type": "array", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": true, "Pattern": "((?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)|^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$)", "Description": "One or more domains or IPv4 addresses" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2EnrichmentBulkMalware", "Path": "/v2/enrichment/bulk/malware", "Method": "get", "Description": "Get bulk malware data", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Query", "Name": "query", "Type": "array", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": true, "Pattern": "((?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)|^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$)", "Description": "One or more domains or IPv4 addresses" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2EnrichmentBulkOsint", "Path": "/v2/enrichment/bulk/osint", "Method": "get", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Get bulk OSINT 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"Query", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": true, "Pattern": "((?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)|^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$)", "Description": "Domain or IPv4 address" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2EnrichmentOsint", "Path": "/v2/enrichment/osint", "Method": "get", "Description": "Get OSINT data", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Query", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": true, "Pattern": "((?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)|^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$)", "Description": "Domain or IPv4 address" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2EnrichmentSubdomains", "Path": "/v2/enrichment/subdomains", "Method": "get", "Description": "Get subdomains", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Domain", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Pattern": "(?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)", "Required": true, "Description": "Domain" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2HostAttributesComponents", "Path": "/v2/host-attributes/components", "Method": "get", "Description": "Retrieves the host attribute components of a query", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Query", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Pattern": "(?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)", "Required": true, "Description": "Domain or IPv4 address" }, { "Dynamic": "StartDate", "Name": "start", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Pattern": "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}", "Description": "Start date and time" }, { "Dynamic": "EndDate", "Name": "end", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Pattern": "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}", "Description": "End date and time" }, { "Dynamic": "Page", "Name": "page", "Type": "Int", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Position when paging through results" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2HostAttributesPairs", "Path": "/v2/host-attributes/pairs", "Method": "get", "Description": "Retrieves host attribute pairs for a Domain or IPv4 address", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Query", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Pattern": "((?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)|^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$)", "Required": true, "Description": "Domain or IPv4 address" }, { "Dynamic": "Direction", "Name": "direction", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": true, "Enum": [ "children", "parents" ], "Description": "Direction of target results" }, { "Dynamic": "StartDate", "Name": "start", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Pattern": "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}", "Required": false, "Description": "Start date and 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\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}", "Required": false, "Description": "Start date and time" }, { "Dynamic": "EndDate", "Name": "end", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Pattern": "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}", "Required": false, "Description": "End date and time" }, { "Dynamic": "Page", "Name": "page", "Type": "Int", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Position when paging through results" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2Monitor", "Path": "/v2/monitor", "Method": "get", "Description": "Retrieve all alerts associated with an artifact or project", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "ProjectId", "Name": "project", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Pattern": "\\w{8}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{12}", "Required": false, "Description": "Project identifier" }, { "Dynamic": "ArtifactId", "Name": "artifact", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Artifact identifier" }, { "Dynamic": "StartDate", "Name": "start", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Restrict results to after a certain date and time" }, { "Dynamic": "EndDate", "Name": "end", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Restrict results to before a certain date and time" }, { "Dynamic": "Size", "Name": "size", "Type": "Int", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Maximum number of results to return [default: 25]" }, { "Dynamic": "Page", "Name": "page", "Type": "Int", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Position when paging through results" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2DnsPassive", "Path": "/v2/dns/passive", "Method": "get", "Description": "Retrieves the passive DNS results from active account sources", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Query", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": true, "Pattern": "((?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)|^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$)", "Description": "Domain or IPv4 address" }, { "Dynamic": "StartDate", "Name": "start", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Pattern": "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}", "Required": false, "Description": "Restrict results to after a certain date and time" }, { "Dynamic": "EndDate", "Name": "end", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Pattern": "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}", "Required": false, "Description": "Restrict results to before a certain date and time" }, { "Dynamic": "Timeout", "Name": "timeout", "Type": "int", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Timeout for external resources" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2DnsPassiveUnique", "Path": "/v2/dns/passive/unique", "Method": "get", "Description": "Retrieves the unique passive DNS results from active account sources", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Query", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": true, "Pattern": "((?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)|^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$)", "Description": "Domain or IPv4 address" }, { "Dynamic": "StartDate", "Name": "start", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Pattern": "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}", "Description": "Restrict results to after a certain date and time" }, { "Dynamic": "EndDate", "Name": "end", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Pattern": "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}", "Description": "Restrict results to before a certain date and time" }, { "Dynamic": "Timeout", "Name": "timeout", "Type": "int", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Timeout for external resources" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2DnsSearchKeyword", "Path": "/v2/dns/search/keyword", "Method": "get", "Description": "Searches the Passive DNS data for a keyword query", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Keyword", "Name": "keyword", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": true, "Description": "query" } ] }, { "Name": "DeleteV2Project", "Path": "/v2/project", "Method": "delete", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Delete a project", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "ProjectId", "Name": "project", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Pattern": "\\w{8}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{12}", "Required": true, "Description": "Project identifier" } ] }, { "Name": "DeleteV2ProjectTag", "Path": "/v2/project/tag", "Method": "delete", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Remove project tags", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "ProjectId", "Name": "project", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Pattern": "\\w{8}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{12}", "Required": true, "Description": "Project identifier" }, { 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"string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Enum": [ "public", "private", "analyst" ], "Description": "Filter by visibility" }, { "Dynamic": "Featured", "Name": "featured", "Type": "Bool", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Filter by featured status" } ] }, { "Name": "PostV2Project", "Path": "/v2/project", "Method": "post", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Update a project", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "ProjectId", "Name": "project", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Pattern": "\\w{8}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{12}", "Required": true, "Description": "Project identifier" }, { "Dynamic": "Name", "Name": "name", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Project name" }, { "Dynamic": "Description", "Name": "description", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Project description" }, { "Dynamic": "Visibility", "Name": "visibility", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], 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"ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Create a new project", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Name", "Name": "name", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Description": "Project name" }, { "Dynamic": "Visibility", "Name": "visibility", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Enum": [ "public", "private", "analyst" ], "Description": "Project visibility [public, private, analyst]" }, { "Dynamic": "Description", "Name": "description", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Project description" }, { "Dynamic": "Featured", "Name": "featured", "Type": "Bool", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Whether to feature the project" }, { "Dynamic": "Tags", "Name": "tags", "Type": "array", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": false, "Description": "One or more tags" } ] }, { "Name": "PutV2ProjectTag", "Path": "/v2/project/tag", "Method": "put", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Set 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address", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Query", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Pattern": "(\\w{40}|^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$)", "Description": "SHA-1 hash or associated IPv4 address for which to retrieve certificate history" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2SslCertificateSearch", "Path": "/v2/ssl-certificate/search", "Method": "get", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Retrieves SSL certificates for a given field value", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "FieldName", "Name": "field", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Enum": [ "issuerSurname", "subjectOrganizationName", "issuerCountry", "issuerOrganizationUnitName", "fingerprint", "subjectOrganizationUnitName", "serialNumber", "subjectEmailAddress", "subjectCountry", "issuerGivenName", "subjectCommonName", "issuerCommonName", "issuerStateOrProvinceName", "issuerProvince", "subjectStateOrProvinceName", "sha1", "subjectStreetAddress", "subjectSerialNumber", "issuerOrganizationName", "subjectSurname", "subjectLocalityName", "issuerStreetAddress", "issuerLocalityName", "subjectGivenName", "subjectProvince", "issuerSerialNumber", "issuerEmailAddress" ], "Description": "Search field" }, { "Dynamic": "FieldValue", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Description": "Search value" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2SslCertificateSearchKeyword", "Path": "/v2/ssl-certificate/search/keyword", "Method": "get", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Retrieves SSL certificates for a given keyword", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Keyword", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Description": "Search keyword" } ] }, { "Name": "DeleteV2ArtifactTag", "Path": "/v2/artifact/tag", "Method": "delete", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Remove a set of tags from an artifact or artifacts", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "ArtifactIds", "Name": "artifact", "Type": "array", "In": [ "body" ], "Pattern": "\\w{8}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{12}", "Required": true, "Description": "One or more artifact identifiers to update" }, { "Dynamic": "Tags", "Name": "tags", "Type": "array", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Description": "One or more tags to remove" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2ArtifactTag", "Path": "/v2/artifact/tag", "Method": "get", "Description": "Retrieve the tags of an artifact or artifacts", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "ArtifactIds", "Name": "artifact", "Type": "array", "In": [ "query" ], "Pattern": "\\w{8}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{12}", "Required": true, "Description": "One or more artifact identifiers" } ] }, { "Name": "PostV2ArtifactTag", "Path": "/v2/artifact/tag", "Method": "post", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Add tags to an artifact or artifacts", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "ArtifactIds", "Name": "artifact", "Type": "array", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Pattern": "\\w{8}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{12}", "Description": "One or more artifact identifiers" }, { "Dynamic": "Tags", "Name": "tags", "Type": "array", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Description": "One or more tags to add" } ] }, { "Name": "PutV2ArtifactTag", "Path": "/v2/artifact/tag", "Method": "put", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Set the tags of an artifact or artifacts", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "ArtifactIds", "Name": "artifact", "Type": "array", "In": [ "body" ], "Pattern": "\\w{8}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{4}-\\w{12}", "Required": true, "Description": "One or more artifact identifiers" }, { "Dynamic": "Tags", "Name": "tags", "Type": "array", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Description": "One or more tag values" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2TrackersSearch", "Path": "/v2/trackers/search", "Method": "get", "Headers": { "ContentType": "application/json" }, "Description": "Retrieves hosts that employ user tracking mechanisms served from another given host", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Domain", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Pattern": "(?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)", "Required": true, "Description": "Domain" }, { "Dynamic": "Type", "Name": "type", "Type": "string", "In": [ "body" ], "Required": true, "Enum": [ "51laId", "AboutmeId", "AddThisPubId", "AddThisUsername", "AuthorstreamId", "BitbucketcomId", "BitlyId", "CheezburgerId", "ClickyId", "ColourloversId", "DiigoId", "DispusId", "EngadgetId", "EtsyId", "FacebookId", "FavstarId", "FfffoundId", "FlavorsId", "FlickrId", "FoodspottingId", "FreesoundId", "GitHubId", "GithubId", "GoogleAnalyticsTrackingId", "GooglePlusId", "GoogleTagManagerId", "HubpagesId", "ImgurId", "InstagramId", "KloutId", "LanyrdId", "LastfmId", "LibrarythingId", "LinkedInId", "LinkedinId", "MarketinglandcomId", "MixpanelId", "MuckrackId", "MyanimelistId", "MyfitnesspalId", "NewRelicId", "OptimizelyId", "PandoraId", "PicasaId", "PinkbikeId", "PinterestId", "PlancastId", "PlurkId", "PornhubId", "RaptorId", "ReadabilityId", "RedditId", "RedtubeId", "SlideshareId", "SmugmugId", "SmuleId", "SoundcloudId", "SoupId", "SpeakerdeckId", "SporcleId", "StackoverflowId", "SteamcommunityId", "StumbleuponId", "ThesixtyoneId", "TribeId", "TripitId", "TumblrId", "TwitpicId", "TwitterId", "UntappdId", "UstreamId", "WattpadId", "WefollowId", "WhosAmungUsId", "WordPressId", "Wordpress", "SupportId", "XangaId", "Xfire", "SocialId", "XhamsterId", "XvideosId", "YandexMetricaCounterId", "YouTubeChannel", "YouTubeId", "YoutubeId" ], "Description": "Type of tracker to retrieve" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2Whois", "Path": "/v2/whois", "Method": "get", "Description": "Retrieve WHOIS data for a domain", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Domain", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": true, "Pattern": "(?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\\d+\\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)", "Description": "Domain" }, { "Dynamic": "CompactRecord", "Name": "compact_record", "Type": "Bool", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Compress the results" }, { "Dynamic": "History", "Name": "history", "Type": "Bool", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": false, "Description": "Return historical results" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2WhoisSearch", "Path": "/v2/whois/search", "Method": "get", "Description": "Search WHOIS data by field and value", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "FieldValue", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": true, "Description": "The value to query" }, { "Dynamic": "FieldName", "Name": "field", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": true, "Enum": [ "email", "domain", "name", "organization", "address", "phone", "nameserver" ], "Description": "The type of field to query" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2WhoisSearchKeyword", "Path": "/v2/whois/search/keyword", "Method": "get", "Description": "Search WHOIS data by keyword", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "Keyword", "Name": "keyword", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Required": true, "Description": "The keyword to query" } ] }, { "Name": "GetV2Services", "Path": "/v2/services", "Method": "get", "Description": "List exposed services for an IPv4 address", "Parameters": [ { "Dynamic": "IP", "Name": "query", "Type": "string", "In": [ "query" ], "Pattern": "'^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$'", "Required": true, "Description": "IPv4 address" } ] } ] |