
Function Move-PSReminder {
            Position = 0,

        [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'The path to the SQLite database')]
        [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ })]
        [string]$DatabasePath = $PSReminderDB

    Begin {
        $PSDefaultParameterValues['_verbose:Command'] = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
        $PSDefaultParameterValues['_verbose:block'] = 'Begin'
        _verbose $($strings.Starting -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand))
        _verbose $($strings.PSVersion -f $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion))

        $InvokeParams = @{
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Path        = $DatabasePath
            Query       = $null

    } #begin

    Process {
        $PSDefaultParameterValues['_verbose:block'] = 'Process'
        columnIndex ColumnName ColumnType
        ----------- ---------- ----------
        0 ArchivedEventID INTEGER
        1 EventID INTEGER
        2 EventDate TEXT
        3 EventName TEXT
        4 EventComment TEXT
        5 Tags TEXT
        6 ArchivedDate TEXT

        _verbose $($strings.Processing -f $ID)
        #always try to get the event
        $r = Invoke-MySQLiteQuery "Select * from $PSReminderTable where EventID='$ID'" -Path $PSReminderDB -WhatIf:$False
        $evt = '[{0}] {1}' -f $r.EventID, $r.EventName
        $ArchiveDate = (Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
        if ($r -AND $PScmdlet.ShouldProcess($evt, 'Archiving Event')) {
            #Move the event to the ArchivedEvent table
            Try {
                $InvokeParams.query = "Insert into $PSReminderArchiveTable (EventID, EventName, EventDate, EventComment,Tags,ArchivedDate) values ('$($r.EventID)', '$($r.EventName)', '$($r.EventDate)', '$($r.EventComment)','$($r.tags)','$ArchiveDate')"
                _verbose $($InvokeParams.query)
                Invoke-MySQLiteQuery @InvokeParams
                #delete the event from the EventData table
                $InvokeParams.Query = "Delete from $PSReminderTable where EventID='$ID'"
                _verbose $($InvokeParams.query)
                Invoke-MySQLiteQuery @InvokeParams
            Catch {
                Throw $_
    } #process

    End {
        $PSDefaultParameterValues['_verbose:Command'] = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
        $PSDefaultParameterValues['_verbose:block'] = 'End'
        _verbose $($strings.Ending -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand))
    } #end

} #close Move-PSReminder