
    This module is a port of the MyTickle module. The original module used an
    instance of SQLServer Express to provide a database of event reminders. This
    version uses SQLite to provide the same functionality. When you install the
    module from the PowerShell Gallery, it will also install the MySqlite module
    if it isn't already installed.
    Once the module is installed, you can run Get-AboutPSReminder to see the
    module information.
    PS C:\> Get-AboutPSReminder
    ModuleName : PSReminderLite
    Version : 0.5.0
    MySQLite : 0.14.0
    SQLiteVersion : 3.42.0
    PSVersion : 7.4.3
    Platform : Win32NT
    Host : ConsoleHost
    This may be helpful when filing an issue or asking for help.
Setup the Database
    This module uses SQLite to store event reminders. The first time you use the
    module, you will need to initialize the database. This will create a new
    SQLite database file in your user profile folder. You can specify a
    different location and name if you prefer but remember to update the
    $PSReminderDB preference variable.
    PS C:\> Initialize-PSReminderDatabase
    The default database is $HOME\PSReminder.db.
    PS C:\> Get-Item $home\psreminder.db
        Directory: C:\Users\Jeff
    Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
    ---- ------------- ------ ----
    -a--- 7/22/2024 1:38 PM 81920 psreminder.db
    If you uninstall the PSReminderLite module you will need to manually delete
    this file.
Module Preferences
    The module exports several variables that are used to control the behavior
    of the module.
    PS C:\> Get-Variable PSReminder*
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    PSReminderArchiveTable ArchivedEvent
    PSReminderDB C:\Users\Jeff\PSReminder.db
    PSReminderDefaultDays 14
    PSReminderTable EventData
    PSReminderTag {[Personal, ], [Testing, ], [travel, ], [Priority]…
    You should not modify the table and PSReminderDB variables after you
    initialize a database. If you want your database to use different table
    names or a different location, modify these variables *before* you
    initialize the database.
    The PSReminderDefaultDays is used to determine how many days in the future
    to display reminders. The module default is 7 days. You can change this
    value to whatever you prefer.
    This module allows you to tag reminders. The module exports a hashtable
    variable called PSReminderTag. This variable is used to define the tags
    you can use and an ANSI escape sequence which is used in the default
    reminder display.
    The module will define and use this variable by default.
    $PSReminderTag = @{
        'Work' = "`e[38;5;192m"
        'Personal' = "`e[96m"
        'Priority' = "`e[1;3;38;5;199m"
    You can use native ANSI sequences or $PSStyle references. You can add as
    many tags as you would like.
    Run Get-PSReminderTag to see the current tags.
    Commands that have a tag-related parameter should have tab completion for
    defined tags. If the reminder has a defined tag, it will be displayed in the
    reminder list.
    You can specify multiple tags, but when it comes to formatting the default
    display, only the first tag will be used assuming no other conditions have
    been met.
    If you modify any of the PSReminder preference variables, it is recommended
    that you export them.
    PS C>\> Export-PSReminderPreference
    When you import the module, if the $HOME\.psreminder.json file exists, it
    will be imported into your session, defining the preference variables.
    If you uninstall the PSReminderLite module you will need to manually delete
    this file.
Adding a Reminder
    To add a reminder, use the Add-PSReminder command. You must specify a date
    and time and a name for the event. You can optionally add a comment and/or
    PS C:\> Add-PSReminder -Date "9/1/2024 12:00PM" -EventName "Labor Day" -PassThru
    ID Event Comment Date Countdown
    -- ----- ------- ---- ---------
    1107 Labor Day 09/01/2024 12:00:00 40.22:21:55
Getting Reminders
    The Get-PSReminder function has several self-explanatory parameters for
    displaying reminders from the database.
    Get-PSReminder [-Next <int>] [-DatabasePath <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
    Get-PSReminder [-Id <int>] [-DatabasePath <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
    Get-PSReminder [-EventName <string>] [-DatabasePath <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
    Get-PSReminder [-All] [-DatabasePath <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
    Get-PSReminder [-Expired] [-DatabasePath <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
    Get-PSReminder [-Archived] [-DatabasePath <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
    Get-PSReminder [-Tag <string>] [-DatabasePath <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
    Get-PSReminder [-Year <int>] [-Month <int>] [-DatabasePath <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
    The default is to display reminders for the next X number day as defined by
    the $PSReminderDefaultDays variable.
Modifying a Reminder
    You can modify a reminder with the Set-PSReminder command. You must
    specify the ID of the reminder you want to modify. You can change the date,
    event name, comment, and tags.
    PS C:\> Set-PSReminder -ID 1107 -Tags Personal
    PS C:\> Set-PSReminder -id 1108 -Comment "online" -PassThru
    ID Event Comment Date Countdown
    -- ----- ------- ---- ---------
    1108 PSTweetChat online 08/02/2024 13:00:00 10.22:38:44
Archiving Reminders
    The PSReminder and ArchiveReminder objects are based on PowerShell class definitions,
    which have extended and hidden properties.
    Class PSReminder {
        [boolean]$Expired = $False
        #add a hidden property that captures the database path
        hidden [string]$Source
        #add a hidden property to capture the computer name'
        hidden [string]$ComputerName = [System.Environment]::MachineName
        PSReminder([int32]$ID, [String]$Event, [DateTime]$Date, [String]$Comment, [String[]]$Tags) {
            $this.ID = $ID
            $this.Event = $Event
            $this.Date = $Date
            $this.Comment = $Comment
            $this.Tags = $Tags
            if ($Date -lt (Get-Date)) {
                $this.Expired = $True
    } #close PSReminder class
    Class ArchivePSReminder {
    #add a hidden property that captures the database path
    hidden [string]$Source
    #add a hidden property to capture the computer name'
    hidden [string]$ComputerName = [System.Environment]::MachineName
    ArchivePSReminder([int32]$ID,[String]$Event,[DateTime]$Date,[String]$Comment,[String[]]$Tags, [DateTime]$ArchivedDate) {
        $this.ID = $ID
        $this.Event = $Event
        $this.Date = $Date
        $this.Comment = $Comment
        $this.ArchivedDate = $ArchivedDate
        $this.Tags = $Tags
} #close ArchivePSReminder class
    Update-TypeData -TypeName PSReminder -DefaultDisplayPropertySet ID, Date, Event, Comment -Force
    Update-TypeData -TypeName PSReminder -MemberType AliasProperty -MemberName Name -Value Event -Force
    Update-TypeData -Typename PSReminder -MemberType ScriptProperty -MemberName Countdown -value {
        $ts = $this.Date - (Get-Date)
        if ($ts.TotalMinutes -lt 0) {
            $ts = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 0
    By default, expired reminders are not displayed unless explicitly requested.
    PS C:\> Get-PSReminder -Expired
    These items remain in the primary event table. It is recommended that you
    periodically archive expired reminders. You can do this with the
    Move-PSReminder command. This command has an alias of 'Archive-PSReminder.
    PS C:\> Get-PSReminder -Expired | Move-PSReminder
    This is a manual process because you may want to review and adjust expired
    events before archiving them. If you want to automate the process, add the
    above command to your PowerShell profile script.
    There is no module command to move an archived reminder back to the event
    table. You can use Get-PSReminder to view archived events.
    PS C:\> Get-PSReminder -Archived | Select-Object -last 3
    ID Event Comment Date ArchivedDate
    -- ----- ------- ---- ------------
    1084 PSTweetChat 5/3/2024 1:00:00 PM 7/22/2024 2:05:01 PM
    1101 Onramp 25 Planning 5/31/2024 2:00:00 PM 7/22/2024 2:05:01 PM
    1085 PSTweetChat 6/7/2024 1:00:00 PM 7/22/2024 2:05:01 PM
Display Formatting
    The default display using Get-PSReminder uses a custom formatting file.
    The default view will show expired items using a default ANSI escape sequence.
    Items that will be due in 24 hours will be highlighted in red. Items that
    are due in 48 hours will be highlighted in yellow. Otherwise, if the item is
    tagged and there is a definition in $PSReminderTag, the ANSI escape
    sequence will be used.
    There is also a custom table view called Date which will group reminders
    by custom property of 'Month Year'.
    PS C:\> Get-PSReminder | Format-Table -view date
    PS C:\> Get-PSReminder -days 45 | Format-Table -view date
       Month: Jul 2024
    ID Event Comment Date
    -- ----- ------- ----
    1114 Morning standup 7/23/2024 8:00:00 AM
    1102 Haircut 7/24/2024 8:30:00 AM
    1109 QuickBooks Meeting 7/25/2024 9:00:00 AM
       Month: Aug 2024
    ID Event Comment Date
    -- ----- ------- ----
    1112 Alpha Meeting 8/1/2024 8:00:00 AM
    1108 PSTweetChat online 8/2/2024 1:00:00 PM
    1075 Cmdlet Working Group 8/7/2024 12:00:00 PM
    076 Cmdlet Working Group 8/21/2024 12:00:00 PM
       Month: Sep 2024
    ID Event Comment Date
    -- ----- ------- ----
    1107 Labor Day 9/1/2024 12:00:00 PM
    This view does not use tag highlighting.
Database Management
    You can use the Get-PSReminderDBInformation command to get a summary of the
    database tables and the number of records in each table.
    PS C:\> Get-PSReminderDBInformation
       Database: C:\Users\Jeff\PSReminder.db [80KB]
    Age Reminders Expired Archived
    --- --------- ------- --------
    00.01:42:29 84 61 754
    This is a rich object.
    PS C:\> Get-PSReminderDBInformation | Select-Object *
    Name : PSReminder.db
    Path : C:\Users\Jeff\PSReminder.db
    PageSize : 4096
    PageCount : 20
    Reminders : 84
    Expired : 61
    Archived : 754
    Size : 81920
    Created : 7/22/2024 10:59:01 AM
    Modified : 7/22/2024 2:50:02 PM
    Author : THINKX1-JH\Jeff
    Comment : Imported from a Tickle database
    Encoding : UTF-8
    SQLiteVersion : 3.42.0
    Date : 7/22/2024 4:33:27 PM
    Computername : THINKX1-JH
    Age : 01:43:24.7868521
    The `Age` property is a script property.
    Since the SQLite database is stored as a single file, there are limited
    management tasks compared to a full SQL Server instance. You can backup the
    database file with your standard file backup process.
    PS C:\> Export-PSReminderDatabase -Path c:\temp\jh-psreminder.json
    You must specify a JSON file. This command doesn't export the database
    structure, only the contents of the database.
    If you exported a PSReminder database using Export-PSReminderDatabase, you
    can import it and restore the database using Import-PSReminderDatabase.
    PS C:\> Import-PSReminderDatabase -Path c:\temp\jh-psreminder.json
    The default behavior is to create a new database file using the
    $PSReminderDB preference variable. This file must not exist before running
    Import-PSReminderDatabase. The function will create the database file and
    import the data into the appropriate tables.
    The parameters for Add-PSReminder accept pipeline input for new events.
    This makes it easy to import data from a CSV file.
    PS C:\> Import-Csv C:\temp\reminder.csv | Add-PSReminder -Verbose -PassThru
    VERBOSE: [14:45:36.8202189 BEGIN ] Starting Add-PSReminder
    VERBOSE: [14:45:36.8203945 BEGIN ] Running under PowerShell version 7.4.3
    VERBOSE: [14:45:36.8209222 PROCESS] Adding event 'Alpha Meeting'
    VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Add-PSReminder" on target "[2024-08-01 08:00:00] ".
    VERBOSE: [14:45:36.8211739 PROCESS] INSERT INTO EventData (EventDate,EventName,EventComment,Tags) VALUES ('2024-08-01 08:00:00','Alpha Meeting','','testing')
    VERBOSE: [14:45:36.8591463 PROCESS] Adding event 'Alpha Meeting 2'
    VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Add-PSReminder" on target "[2024-08-15 08:00:00] ".
    VERBOSE: [14:45:36.8597296 PROCESS] INSERT INTO EventData (EventDate,EventName,EventComment,Tags) VALUES ('2024-08-15 08:00:00','Alpha Meeting 2','','testing')
    VERBOSE: [14:45:36.8717859 END ] Ending Add-PSReminder
    ID Event Comment Date Countdown
    -- ----- ------- ---- ---------
    1110 Alpha Meeting 08/01/2024 08:00:00 9.17:14:23
    1111 Alpha Meeting 2 08/15/2024 08:00:00 23.17:14:23
    If you need to delete a reminder, use the Remove-PSReminder command. You
    must specify the ID of the reminder you want to delete, although you can
    take advantage of the pipeline.
    PS C:\> Get-PSReminder -Tag Testing | Remove-PSReminder -WhatIf
    What if: Performing the operation "Remove-PSReminder" on target "Event ID 1110".
    What if: Performing the operation "Remove-PSReminder" on target "Event ID 1111"
    Removing an item may affect ID numbering which auto increments. This is not a
    major problem but be aware that your IDs may not be sequential if you remove
    newly added items.
    This module has had minimal testing on non-Windows platforms. If you find a
    problem, please post an Issue. The module does not have commands for the
    following activities, although some of these items could be scripted using Invoke-mySqliteQuery.
    - There is no way to remove items from the archive table.
    - The default formatting for 24 and 48-hour reminders is hard-coded and not user-definable.
    - The database is not password-protected.
    If there is something you would like to see or if you have questions or
    comments, please use the repository's Discussions section. For bugs and
    other problems, please file an issue.
    - reminder
    - psreminder
    - tickle