
    ArchiveModule is a task inside of RlserCR system that assembles the module.
    After assembly it is compressed into a zip archive

New-Module -Name $([IO.FileInfo]"$PSCommandPath").BaseName -ScriptBlock {
    [string]$Name = $([IO.FileInfo]"$PSCommandPath").BaseName
    [bool]$Public = $true
    [string[]]$Inputs = @('Lock.Name', 'Lock.Version', 'Cfg.FullPath', 'Cfg.ReleasePath')
    [string[]]$Outputs = @()
    [string]$Description = "Assembles the module and creates a zipped archive"
    function InvokeTask {
        Param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage='Reference variable pointing to an instance of the RlsrProject model being run.')]

        $project.Value.Log('INFO', 'TASK: ' + $this.Name, 'Starting Task')
        try {
            $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
            # modules name
            $mn = $project.Value.Cfg.ModuleName
            Write-Verbose -Message "ArchiveModule Name: $mn"

            # module version
            $mv = $project.Value.Manifest.ModuleVersion.ToSemver()
            Write-Verbose -Message "ArchiveModule Tag: $mv"

            # module version for folder name
            $mvf = "$mv".Replace(".", "_")

            # releaser source path
            $src = Join-Path -Path $PWD -ChildPath $project.Value.Cfg.SourcePath

            # Module destination path
            $dest = Join-Path -Path $PWD -ChildPath $project.Value.Cfg.ReleasePath
            $mdest = "$dest\$mvf\$mn"

            # copy the module
            Copy-Item -Path $src -Destination $mdest -Recurse -Force
            Write-Verbose -Message "ArchiveModule Released: $mdest"

            # zip archive dest
            $zdest = "$dest\$mvf\$mn" + '.' + "$mv" + '.zip'

            # archive module
            Compress-Archive -Path $mdest -DestinationPath $zdest -Force
            Write-Verbose -Message "ArchiveModule Zipped: $zdest"
        catch {
        $project.Value.Log('INFO', 'TASK: ' + $this.Name, 'Ending Task')


    Export-ModuleMember -Variable @(
     ) -Function 'InvokeTask'
} -AsCustomObject