
    ExampleTask is the minimum you need to create a new task inside of
    PSReleasers CI / CR system.

New-Module -Name $([IO.FileInfo]"$PSCommandPath").BaseName -ScriptBlock {
    # TaskName will be ExampleTask
    [string]$Name = $([IO.FileInfo]"$PSCommandPath").BaseName
    # This task is public
    [bool]$Public = $true
    # Value inputs used by Task
    [string[]]$Inputs = @()
    # Value outputs created by task
    [string[]]$Outputs = @()
    # describe the task and its operations
    [string]$Description = 'Describe the Task'
    # InvokeTask runs the tasks operations
    function InvokeTask {
        Param (

        $project.Value.Log('INFO', 'TASK: ' + $this.Name, 'Starting Task')
        try {
            $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Hello World From ExampleTask'
        catch {
        $project.Value.Log('INFO', 'TASK: ' + $this.Name, 'Ending Task')


    Export-ModuleMember -Variable @(
     ) -Function 'InvokeTask'
} -AsCustomObject