@{ RootModule = if ($PSEdition -eq "Core") {"netstandard2.0\PSRegistry.dll"} else {"net462\PSRegistry.dll"} ModuleVersion = '2.0.0' CompatiblePSEditions = @("Core", "Desktop") GUID = 'ea7fa35e-49f6-4594-a7e4-344984da0523' Author = 'MartinGC94' CompanyName = 'Unknown' Copyright = '(c) 2021 MartinGC94. All rights reserved.' Description = 'Module for managing registry keys and properties.' PowerShellVersion = '5.1' DotNetFrameworkVersion = '4.6.2' FormatsToProcess = @('Registry.format.ps1xml') FunctionsToExport = @() CmdletsToExport = @('Add-RegKeyProperty','Copy-RegKey','Dismount-RegHive','Get-RegKey','Mount-RegHive','New-RegKey','Remove-RegKey','Remove-RegKeyProperty','Rename-RegKey') VariablesToExport = @() AliasesToExport = @() DscResourcesToExport = @() FileList = @('PSRegistry.psd1','Registry.format.ps1xml','en-US\PSRegistry.dll-Help.xml','net462\PSRegistry.dll','netstandard2.0\PSRegistry.dll') PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = @("Registry", "Reg") ProjectUri = '' ReleaseNotes = @' 2.0.0: cmdlet changes: New cmdlet: Rename-RegKey Modified cmdlet: Get-RegKey - The "Property" property has been renamed to "Properties" in the output and the type is now a Dictionary instead of an array. Modified cmdlet: Add-RegKeyProperty - The conversion logic has been modified to take PSObjects into account and now supports any collection type that implements IList. Modified cmdlet: Copy-RegKey - New "DestinationKeyRights" parameter to explicitly set the RegistryRights if needed. Default behavior is now to use the same RegistryRights used to open the source key. Error changes: Error categories that were previously "NotSpecified" will now be more specific. Some exceptions have been updated with more helpful descriptions. Compatibility changes: The module now supports Powershell 7+ The minimum .NET framework version has been lowered to 4.6.2 to match the inbox version of Windows Server 2016. Other changes: Argument transformers have been updated to be more lenient in input types. The RegKey transformers have been updated to use as few permissions as possible for each command. The RegistryProperty type has been updated with a new ToString method that shows the valuekind and value. Help files have been updated with more examples. Initial release '@ } } } |