function CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext { <# .SYNOPSIS The CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext function releases a handle to a catalog context previously returned by the CryptCATAdminAddCatalog function. .PARAMETER CatAdminHandle Handle previously assigned by the CryptCATAdminAcquireContext function. .PARAMETER CatInfoHandle Handle previously assigned by the CryptCATAdminAddCatalog function or the CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash function. .NOTES Author: Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson) License: BSD 3-Clause Required Dependencies: PSReflect Optional Dependencies: None (func wintrust CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext ([bool]) @( [IntPtr], #_In_ HCATADMIN hCatAdmin [IntPtr], #_In_ HCATINFO hCatInfo [UInt32] #_In_ DWORD dwFlags ) -EntryPoint CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext) .LINK .EXAMPLE #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [IntPtr] $CatAdminHandle, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [IntPtr] $CatInfoHandle ) $SUCCESS = $wintrust::CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext($CatAdminHandle, $CatInfoHandle, 0) if(-not $SUCCESS) { throw "[CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext]: Unable to release Catalog Handle $($CatInfoHandle)" } } |