function AmsiOpenSession { <# .SYNOPSIS Opens an AmsiSession associated with an AmsiContext to conduct AMSI scans. Author: Ryan Cobb (@cobbr_io) License: GNU GPLv3 Required Dependecies: PSReflect, amsi Optional Dependencies: none .DESCRIPTION AmsiOpenSession opens an AmsiSession assocaited with an AmsiContext by calling the function described here: .PARAMETER amsiContext A pointer to the AmsiContext for which this AmsiSession will be associated. .PARAMETER session A reference to the AmsiSession that will be set by this function. .OUTPUTS Int .EXAMPLE $AmsiSession = [IntPtr]::Zero AmsiInitialize -amsiContext $AmsiContext -session ([ref]$AmsiSession) .NOTES AmsiOpenSession is a part of PSAmsi, a tool for auditing and defeating AMSI signatures. PSAmsi is located at Additional information can be found at #> Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [IntPtr] $amsiContext, [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory)] [ref] $session ) $HResult = $amsi::AmsiOpenSession($amsiContext, $session) If ($HResult -ne 0) { throw "AmsiOpenSession Error: $($HResult)" } $HResult } |