function OpenThreadToken { <# .SYNOPSIS The OpenThreadToken function opens the access token associated with a thread .DESCRIPTION Tokens with the anonymous impersonation level cannot be opened. Close the access token handle returned through the Handle parameter by calling CloseHandle. .PARAMETER ThreadHandle A handle to the thread whose access token is opened. .PARAMETER DesiredAccess Specifies an access mask that specifies the requested types of access to the access token. These requested access types are reconciled against the token's discretionary access control list (DACL) to determine which accesses are granted or denied. .PARAMETER OpenAsSelf TRUE if the access check is to be made against the process-level security context. FALSE if the access check is to be made against the current security context of the thread calling the OpenThreadToken function. The OpenAsSelf parameter allows the caller of this function to open the access token of a specified thread when the caller is impersonating a token at SecurityIdentification level. Without this parameter, the calling thread cannot open the access token on the specified thread because it is impossible to open executive-level objects by using the SecurityIdentification impersonation level. .NOTES Author: Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson) License: BSD 3-Clause Required Dependencies: PSReflect Optional Dependencies: $TOKEN_ACCESS (Enumeration) (func advapi32 OpenThreadToken ([bool]) @( [IntPtr], #_In_ HANDLE ThreadHandle [UInt32], #_In_ DWORD DesiredAccess [bool], #_In_ BOOL OpenAsSelf [IntPtr].MakeByRefType() #_Out_ PHANDLE TokenHandle ) -EntryPoint OpenThreadToken -SetLastError) .LINK .LINK .EXAMPLE #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [IntPtr] $ThreadHandle, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY','TOKEN_DUPLICATE','TOKEN_IMPERSONATE','TOKEN_QUERY','TOKEN_QUERY_SOURCE','TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES','TOKEN_ADJUST_GROUPS','TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT','TOKEN_ADJUST_SESSIONID','DELETE','READ_CONTROL','WRITE_DAC','WRITE_OWNER','SYNCHRONIZE','STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED','TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS')] [string[]] $DesiredAccess, [Parameter()] [bool] $OpenAsSelf = $false ) # Calculate Desired Access Value $dwDesiredAccess = 0 foreach($val in $DesiredAccess) { $dwDesiredAccess = $dwDesiredAccess -bor $TOKEN_ACCESS::$val } $hToken = [IntPtr]::Zero $Success = $Advapi32::OpenThreadToken($ThreadHandle, $dwDesiredAccess, $OpenAsSelf, [ref]$hToken); $LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() if(-not $Success) { throw "OpenThreadToken Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)" } Write-Output $hToken } |