.SYNOPSIS The WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO structure is used when calling WinVerifyTrust to verify a member of a Microsoft catalog. .PARAMETER cbStruct Size, in bytes, of this structure. .PARAMETER dwCatalogVersion Optional. Catalog version number. .PARAMETER pcwszCatalogFilePath The full path and file name of the catalog file that contains the member to be verified. .PARAMETER pcwszMemberTag Tag of a member file to be verified. .PARAMETER pcwszMemberFilePath The full path and file name of the catalog member file to be verified. .PARAMETER hMemberFile Optional. Handle of the open catalog member file to be verified. The handle must be to a file with at least read permissions. .PARAMETER pbCalculatedFileHash Optional. The calculated hash of the file that contains the file to be verified. .PARAMETER cbCalculatedFileHash The size, in bytes, of the value passed in the pbCalculatedFileHash member. cbCalculatedFileHash is used only if the calculated hash is being passed. .PARAMETER pcCatalogContext A pointer to a CTL_CONTEXT structure that represents a catalog context to be used instead of a catalog file. .PARAMETER hCatAdmin Handle to the catalog administrator context that was used when calculating the hash of the file. This value can be zero only for a SHA1 file hash. Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: Support for this member begins. .NOTES Author: Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson) License: BSD 3-Clause Required Dependencies: PSReflect, CTL_CONTEXT (Structure) Optional Dependencies: None typedef struct WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO_ { DWORD cbStruct; DWORD dwCatalogVersion; LPCWSTR pcwszCatalogFilePath; LPCWSTR pcwszMemberTag; LPCWSTR pcwszMemberFilePath; HANDLE hMemberFile; _Field_size(cbCalculatedFileHash)BYTE *pbCalculatedFileHash; DWORD cbCalculatedFileHash; PCCTL_CONTEXT pcCatalogContext; HCATADMIN hCatAdmin; } WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO, *PWINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO; .LINK The WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO structure is used when calling WinVerifyTrust to verify a member of a Microsoft catalog. #> $WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO = struct $Module WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO @{ cbStruct = field 0 UInt32 dwCatalogVersion = field 1 UInt32 pcwszCatalogFilePath = field 2 IntPtr pcwszMemberTag = field 3 IntPtr pcwszMemberFilePath = field 4 IntPtr hMemberFile = field 5 IntPtr pbCalculatedFileHash = field 6 IntPtr cbCalculatedFileHash = field 7 UInt32 pcCatalogContext = field 8 IntPtr hCatAdmin = field 9 IntPtr } -CharSet Unicode |