.SYNOPSIS The TOKEN_STATISTICS structure contains information about an access token. An application can retrieve this information by calling the GetTokenInformation function. .PARAMETER TokenId Specifies a locally unique identifier (LUID) that identifies this instance of the token object. .PARAMETER AuthenticationId Specifies an LUID assigned to the session this token represents. There can be many tokens representing a single logon session. .PARAMETER ExpirationTime Specifies the time at which this token expires. Expiration times for access tokens are not currently supported. .PARAMETER TokenType Specifies a TOKEN_TYPE enumeration type indicating whether the token is a primary or impersonation token. .PARAMETER ImpersonationLevel Specifies a SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL enumeration type indicating the impersonation level of the token. This member is valid only if the TokenType is TokenImpersonation. .PARAMETER DynamicCharged Specifies the amount, in bytes, of memory allocated for storing default protection and a primary group identifier. .PARAMETER DynamicAvailable Specifies the portion of memory allocated for storing default protection and a primary group identifier not already in use. This value is returned as a count of free bytes. .PARAMETER GroupCount Specifies the number of supplemental group security identifiers (SIDs) included in the token. .PARAMETER PrivilegeCount Specifies the number of privileges included in the token. .PARAMETER ModifiedId Specifies an LUID that changes each time the token is modified. An application can use this value as a test of whether a security context has changed since it was last used. .NOTES Author: Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson) License: BSD 3-Clause Required Dependencies: PSReflect, LUID (Structure), TOKEN_TYPE (Enumeration), SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL (Enumeration) Optional Dependencies: None typedef struct _TOKEN_STATISTICS { LUID TokenId; LUID AuthenticationId; LARGE_INTEGER ExpirationTime; TOKEN_TYPE TokenType; SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ImpersonationLevel; DWORD DynamicCharged; DWORD DynamicAvailable; DWORD GroupCount; DWORD PrivilegeCount; LUID ModifiedId; } TOKEN_STATISTICS, *PTOKEN_STATISTICS; .LINK #> $TOKEN_STATISTICS = struct $Module TOKEN_STATISTICS @{ TokenId = field 0 $LUID AuthenticationId = field 1 $LUID ExpirationTime = field 2 UInt64 TokenType = field 3 $TOKEN_TYPE ImpersonationLevel = field 4 $SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL DynamicCharged = field 5 UInt32 DynamicAvailable = field 6 UInt32 GroupCount = field 7 UInt32 PrivilegeCount = field 8 UInt32 ModifiedId = field 9 $LUID } |