.SYNOPSIS The TOKEN_GROUPS structure contains information about the group security identifiers (SIDs) in an access token. .PARAMETER GroupCount Specifies the number of groups in the access token. .PARAMETER Groups Specifies an array of SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES structures that contain a set of SIDs and corresponding attributes. .NOTES Author: Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson) License: BSD 3-Clause Required Dependencies: PSReflect, SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES (Structure) Optional Dependencies: None typedef struct _TOKEN_GROUPS { DWORD GroupCount; SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES Groups[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; } TOKEN_GROUPS, *PTOKEN_GROUPS; .LINK #> $TOKEN_GROUPS = struct $Module TOKEN_GROUPS @{ GroupCount = field 0 UInt32 Groups = field 1 $SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES.MakeArrayType() -MarshalAs ('ByValArray', 50) } |