@{ Description="A simple virtual server appliance for learning to use classes and objects in PowerShell" Guid="5b61971e-e46b-4ed4-b3fe-19bf69163587" Author="pemo" ModuleVersion = "1.0" ScriptsToProcess = @('Konto.ps1', 'Server.ps1', 'Rechenzentrum.ps1') RootModule = @('PSRechenzentrum.psm1') PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = @("OOP", "Classes", "LearningPowerShell") ReleaseNotes = 'This is a very simple "Virtual Appliances Lab" that I use in my PowerShell training classes for explaining how to use classes inside a module. Its nothing to use outside a learning situation. It contains a few techniques too that are a little bit more advances like how to use a timer inside a class.' } } } |