function Get-ReadablePassphrase { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates readable passphrases suitable for passwords .DESCRIPTION Describe the function in more detail .EXAMPLE Get-ReadablePassphrase Generates a readable passphrase with the default settings. .EXAMPLE Get-ReadablePassphrase -AlternateDefault Generates a readable passphrase with the alternate default settings. Generates more readable, but *slightly* less secure passwords. .PARAMETER Count Optional. Default=1. The number of passwords to generate .PARAMETER MinLength Optional. Default=1. The minimum length of the password. .PARAMETER MaxLength Optional. Default=999. The maximum length of the password. .PARAMETER Strength Optional. Default=Random. Valid Values: 'Random', 'RandomShort', 'RandomLong', 'RandomForever', 'Normal', 'NormalAnd', 'NormalEqual', 'NormalEqualAnd', 'NormalEqualSpeech', 'NormalRequired', 'NormalRequiredAnd', 'NormalRequiredSpeech', 'NormalSpeech', 'Strong', 'StrongAnd', 'StrongEqual', 'StrongEqualAnd', 'StrongEqualSpeech', 'StrongRequired', 'StrongRequiredAnd', 'StrongRequiredSpeech', 'StrongSpeech', 'Insane', 'InsaneAnd', 'InsaneEqual', 'InsaneEqualAnd', 'InsaneEqualSpeech', 'InsaneRequired', 'InsaneRequiredAnd', 'InsaneRequiredSpeech', 'InsaneSpeech', 'Custom' .PARAMETER wordSeparator Optional. Default=' '. Default word separator. Can be empty .PARAMETER AnyLength Optional. Default=0. Used to indicate a non-gramatic, totally random selection of word forms .PARAMETER phraseString Optional. Default=$null. .PARAMETER mutStandard Optional. Default=$false. .PARAMETER mutAlternate Optional. Default=$false. .PARAMETER mutUpper Optional. Default=Never. Valid Values: 'Never', 'StartOfWord', 'Anywhere', 'RunOfLetters', 'WholeWord' .PARAMETER mutUpperCount Optional. Default=2. .PARAMETER mutNumeric Optional. Default=Never. Valid Values: 'Never', 'StartOfWord', 'EndOfWord', 'StartOrEndOfWord', 'Anywhere', 'EndOfPhrase' .PARAMETER mutNumericCount Optional. Default=2. .PARAMETER DictionaryPath Optional. Default=Internal dictionary. Use this to specify an alternate dictionary. .PARAMETER AlternateDefault Optional. Switch. use an alternate default configuration that is *slightly* less secure, but more readable. .PARAMETER AsSecureString Optional. Switch. Returns the password as a securestring rather than plain text. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $False, ConfirmImpact = 'Low')] param ( [Parameter()] [int]$Count = 1, [Parameter()] [int]$MinLength = 1, [Parameter()] [int]$MaxLength = 999, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Random', 'RandomShort', 'RandomLong', 'RandomForever', 'Normal', 'NormalAnd', 'NormalEqual', 'NormalEqualAnd', 'NormalEqualSpeech', 'NormalRequired', 'NormalRequiredAnd', 'NormalRequiredSpeech', 'NormalSpeech', 'Strong', 'StrongAnd', 'StrongEqual', 'StrongEqualAnd', 'StrongEqualSpeech', 'StrongRequired', 'StrongRequiredAnd', 'StrongRequiredSpeech', 'StrongSpeech', 'Insane', 'InsaneAnd', 'InsaneEqual', 'InsaneEqualAnd', 'InsaneEqualSpeech', 'InsaneRequired', 'InsaneRequiredAnd', 'InsaneRequiredSpeech', 'InsaneSpeech', 'Custom')] [string]$Strength = 'Random', [Parameter()] [string]$wordSeparator = ' ', [Parameter()] #Used to indicate a non-gramatic, totally random selection of word forms [int]$anyLength = 0, [Parameter()] [string]$phraseString = $null, [Parameter()] [switch]$mutStandard = $false, [Parameter()] [switch]$mutAlternate = $false, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Never', 'StartOfWord', 'Anywhere', 'RunOfLetters', 'WholeWord')] [string]$mutUpper = 'Never', [Parameter()] [int]$mutUpperCount = 2, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Never', 'StartOfWord', 'EndOfWord', 'StartOrEndOfWord', 'Anywhere', 'EndOfPhrase')] [string]$mutNumeric = 'Never', [Parameter()] [int]$mutNumericCount = 2, [Parameter()] [ValidateScript( { (Test-Path $_) })] #must return $true/$false [string]$DictionaryPath, [Parameter()] [switch]$AlternateDefault, [Parameter()] [switch]$AsSecureString ) begin { #do pre script checks, etc function genNonGrammaticalClause($count) { Write-Verbose "Generating Non-Grammatical Phrase Description of $count words" $wordset = @() (1..$count) | ForEach-Object { $wordset += ([MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.PhraseDescription.AnyWordClause]::new()) } return $wordset } if (-not $PSBoundParameters.containskey("DictionaryPath")) { $dictionarypath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData['defaultdictionary'] } } process { if ($AlternateDefault) { Write-Verbose "Setting Alternate Defaults" if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Count")) { $Count = 5 } if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("MinLength")) { $MinLength = 20 } if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("MaxLength")) { $MaxLength = 30 } if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Strength")) { $Strength = "Custom" } if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("WordSeparator")) { $wordSeparator = "" } if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("anyLength")) { $anyLength = 0 } if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("mutStandard")) { $mutStandard = $false } if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("mutAlternate")) { $mutAlternate = $false } if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("mutUpper")) { $mutUpper = "StartOfWord" } if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("mutUpperCount")) { $mutUpperCount = 50 } if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("mutNumeric")) { $mutNumeric = "Never" } if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("mutNumericCount")) { $mutNumericCount = 0 } if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PhraseString")) { $phraseString = "Noun = { Adjective->1, NoAdjective->1, NoArticle->5, DefiniteArticle->4, IndefiniteArticle->4, Demonstrative->0, PersonalPronoun->2, ProperNoun->1, CommonNoun->12, AdjectiveNoun->2, Number->1, NoNumber->5, Plural->0, Single->1, Preposition->0, NoPreposition->1, } Verb = { Adverb->1, NoAdverb->1, Interrogative->1, NoInterrogative->8, IntransitiveByNoNoun->0, IntransitiveByPreposition->0, Present->10, Past->8, Future->8, ContinuousPast->0, Continuous->0, Perfect->0, Subjunctive->0, } Noun = { Adjective->1, NoAdjective->1, NoArticle->5, DefiniteArticle->4, IndefiniteArticle->4, Demonstrative->0, PersonalPronoun->2, ProperNoun->0, CommonNoun->1, AdjectiveNoun->0, Number->1, NoNumber->0, Plural->1, Single->0, Preposition->0, NoPreposition->1, }" } } $objStrength = [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.PhraseStrength]::$strength $useCustomLoader = $false $loaderDll = "" $loaderType = "" $loaderArguments = "" $customPhrasePath = "" $query = $false $objNumericMutator = [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.NumericStyles]::$mutNumeric $objUpperMutator = [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.AllUppercaseStyles]::$mutUpper $phraseDescription = [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.PhraseDescription.Clause]::CreatePhraseDescription if ($phraseString -ne "" -and $phraseString -ne $null) { $phraseDescription = [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.PhraseDescription.Clause]::CreateCollectionFromTextString($phraseString) } $maxAttemptsPerCount = 1000 Write-Verbose "Intializing Database" $generator = New-Object MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.ReadablePassphraseGenerator $loaderT = New-Object MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Dictionaries.ExplicitXmlDictionaryLoader $loader = ([MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Dictionaries.IDictionaryLoader]) $loaderarguments = "url=$dictionarypath; iscompressed=true; " $generator.LoadDictionary($loadert, $loaderArguments) #write-verbose the various settings if ($anylength -gt 0) { #haven't quite figured out how to do the equivalent in powershell. He did a yield return new AnyWordClause() $combinations = $generator.CalculateCombinations((genNonGrammaticalClause -count $anyLength)) } elseif ($objStrength -ne [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.PhraseStrength]::Custom) { $combinations = $generator.CalculateCombinations($objStrength) } else { #handle custom phrase description $combinations = $generator.CalculateCombinations($PhraseDescription) } Write-Verbose ("Average Combinations: {0:E3} ({1:N2} bits)" -f $combinations.OptionalAverage, $combinations.OptionalAverageAsEntropyBits) Write-Verbose ("Total Combinations: {0:E3} - {1:E3} ({2:N2} - {3:N2} bits)" -f $combinations.Shortest, $combinations.Longest, $combinations.ShortestAsEntropyBits, $combinations.LongestAsEntropyBits) #write-verbose mutator details $upperTypeText = switch -Wildcard ($mutUpper) { "run*" { [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.AllUppercaseStyles]::RunOfLetters } "*word" { [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.AllUppercaseStyles]::WholeWord } default { "" } } $upperTypeText2 = switch -Wildcard ($mutUpper) { "run*" { [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.AllUppercaseStyles]::RunOfLetters } "*word" { [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.AllUppercaseStyles]::WholeWord } default { "capital" } } #if ($mutStandard) { # Write-Verbose "Use Std Mutators (2num 2cap)" #} elseif ($mutAlternate) { # Write-Verbose "Use Alt Mutators (2num 1cap word)" #} elseif ($mutNumericCount -ne 0 -and $mutUpperCount -ne 0) { # write-verbose ("Using upper case {2} and numeric mutators ({0:N0} {3}(s), {1:N0} number(s))" -f $mutUpperCount, $mutNumericCount, $upperTypeText, $upperTypeText2) #} elseif ($mutNumeric -eq "Never" -and $mutUpper -ne "Never") { # write-verbose ("Using upper case {1} mutator only ({0:N0} {2}(s))" -f $mutUpperCount, $upperTypeText, $upperTypeText2) #} elseif ($mutNumeric -ne "Never" -and $mutUpper -eq "Never") { # write-verbose ("Using numeric mutator only ({0:N0} number(s))" -f $mutNumericCount) #} else { # write-verbose "Using no mutators" #} $mutators = @([MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.UppercaseMutator]::Basic , [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.NumericMutator]::basic) if ($objUpperMutator -gt 0 -and $objUpperMutator -le [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.AllUppercaseStyles]::Anywhere) { $mutators += [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.UppercaseMutator]::Basic } #add code to create other mutators $mutators = @() if ($mutStandard) { Write-Verbose "Mutators: Adding Standard Set" $mutators += [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.UppercaseMutator]::Basic $mutators += [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.NumericMutator]::basic } elseif ($mutAlternate) { Write-Verbose "Mutators: Adding Alternate Set" $mutators += [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.UppercaseWordMutator]::Basic $mutators += [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.NumericMutator]::basic } else { if ($mutUpper -eq "StartOfWord" -or $mutUpper -eq "Anywhere") { #write-verbose "Mutators: Adding UppercaseMutator ($mutUpper, $mutUpperCount)" $newmut = New-Object MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.UppercaseMutator $newmut.When = $mutUpper $newmut.NumberOfCharactersToCapitalise = $mutUpperCount $mutators += $newmut } if ($mutUpper -eq "RunOfLetters") { #write-verbose "Mutators: Adding UppercaseRunMutator ($mutUpper, $mutUpperCount)" $newmut = New-Object MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.UppercaseRunMutator $newmut.NumberOfRuns = $mutUpperCount $mutators += $newmut } if ($mutUpper -eq "WholeWord") { #write-verbose "Mutators: Adding UppercaseWordMutator ($mutUpper, $mutUpperCount)" $newmut = New-Object MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.UppercaseWordMutator $newmut.NumberOfWordsToCapitalise = $mutUpperCount $mutators += $newmut } if ($mutNumeric -ne "Never") { #write-verbose "Mutators: Adding NumericMutator ($mutNumeric, $mutNumericCount)" $newmut = New-Object MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.NumericMutator $newmut.When = $mutNumeric $newmut.NumberOfNumbersToAdd = $mutNumericCount $mutators += $newmut } } #verbose output foreach ($mut in $mutators) { if ($mut.gettype().name -eq "NumericMutator") { Write-Verbose ("Mutator: Numeric, When: {0} Count: {1}" -f $mut.when, $mut.numberofnumberstoadd) } else { #uppercase mutator if ($mut.when -eq "StartOfWord" -or $mut.when -eq "Anywhere") { Write-Verbose ("Mutator: Uppercase, When: {0} Count; {1}" -f $mut.when, $mut.NumberOfCharactersToCapitalise) } if ($mut.when -eq "RunOfLetters") { Write-Verbose ("Mutator: Uppercase, When: {0} Count; {1}" -f $mut.when, $mut.NumberOfRuns) } if ($mut.when -eq "WholeWord") { Write-Verbose ("Mutator: Uppercase, When: {0} Count; {1}" -f $mut.when, $mut.NumberOfWordsToCapitalise) } } } ##### generate $generated = 0 $attempts = 0 $maxattempts = $count * $maxAttemptsPerCount Write-Verbose "Starting Password Generation (maxattempts: $maxattempts)" while ($generated -lt $count) { $attempts++ if ($attempts % 10 -eq 0) { Write-Verbose "Attempt $attempts/$maxattempts; Complete: $generated/$count" } $phrase = "" try { if ($anyLength -gt 0) { $nongram = genNonGrammaticalClause $anylength $phrase = $generator.Generate([MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.PhraseDescription.Clause[]]$nongram, " ", [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.IMutator[]]$mutators) } elseif ($objStrength -eq [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.PhraseStrength]::Custom) { $phrase = $generator.Generate($phraseDescription, " ", [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.IMutator[]]$mutators) } else { $phrase = $generator.Generate($objStrength, " ", [MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Mutators.IMutator[]]$mutators) } } catch {} if ($wordSeparator -ne " ") { #this has to be done afterwards or the mutators won't work. #mutators depend on spaces to work, then we apply the word separator $phrase = $phrase.Replace(" ", $wordSeparator) } if ($phrase.Length -ge $minLength -and $phrase.Length -le $maxLength) { $generated++ if ($AsSecureString) { Write-Output (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $phrase -AsPlainText -Force) } else { Write-Output $phrase } } if ($attempts -ge $maxattempts) { break } } if ($attempts -ge $maxattempts) { Write-Error "Could not generate requested $count after $attempts attempts. Try changing Min/MaxLength." } } end { } } |