function Get-ExifData { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves EXIF data from an image file. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves EXIF data from an image file. Tags known to the [System.Drawing.Bitmap] class are decoded with the corresponding tag name. To see a list of known tags, use Get-ExifTag. Unknown tags may also be retrieved. Some selected tags are used to create artifical tags that have a PS object for the data returned, e.g. DateTimePS is created from the DateTime tag. Any file can be passed to the function, but EXIF data will not be included for files that do not have recognizable EXIF data. .PARAMETER Path Path to the image file. .PARAMETER TagId List of tag ids to be included. TagIds can be entered as either decimals, hex values, or strings. Wildcard characters are supported for string values. .PARAMETER NoPSData Exclude artificial data (additional data for selected tags as PS objects). .PARAMETER ShowUnknown Include unknown data points in the output. .EXAMPLE ## Get all known EXIF data for a file ## PS C:\> $Path = 'C:\my\images\Canon.jpg' PS C:\> Get-ExifData -Path $Path .EXAMPLE ## Get all artifical tag data for a file ## PS C:\> $Path = 'C:\my\images\Canon.jpg' PS C:\> Get-ExifData -Path $Path -TagId *PS .EXAMPLE ## Get all known EXIF data for a file, suppressing artificial data ## PS C:\> $Path = 'C:\my\images\Canon.jpg' PS C:\> Get-ExifData -Path $Path -NoPSData .EXAMPLE ## Get all known EXIF data for a file using the pipeline ## PS C:\> $Path = 'C:\my\images\Canon.jpg' PS C:\> Get-Item -Path $Path | Get-ExifData .EXAMPLE ## Get EXIF data for specific tags for a file ## PS C:\> $Path = 'C:\my\images\Canon.jpg' PS C:\> Get-ExifData -Path $Path -TagId 271,'272',0x11A,([Int32]'0x11B'),Orientation,'*ISO*' .EXAMPLE ## Get all known and unknown EXIF data for a file ## PS C:\> $Path = 'C:\my\images\Canon.jpg' PS C:\> Get-ExifData -Path $Path -ShowUnknown .EXAMPLE ## Get all known EXIF data for all files in a directory using the pipeline ## PS C:\> $Path = 'C:\my\images' PS C:\> Get-ChildItem -Path $Path | Get-ExifData .EXAMPLE ## Get EXIF data for a specific tag for all files in a directory, including the file name in the output ## PS C:\> $Path = 'C:\my\images' PS C:\> Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -PipelineVariable pv | Get-ExifData -TagId DateTimePS | Format-Table @{n='File';e={$pv.Name}},Tag,ValueDisplay .NOTES Author : nmbell .LINK #> # Function alias # [Alias('xxx')] # Use cmdlet binding [CmdletBinding()] # Declare parameters Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true , Position = 0 , ValueFromPipeline = $true , ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $Path , [Alias('Id')] [String[]] $TagId , [Switch] $NoPSData , [Switch] $ShowUnknown ) BEGIN { # Common BEGIN: Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0 $start = Get-Date $thisFunctionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand Write-Verbose "[$thisFunctionName]Started: $($start.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff'))" # Function BEGIN: } PROCESS { Write-Verbose "[$thisFunctionName]Inspecting $Path" # Create a bitmap object from the image file Try { $bitmap = [System.Drawing.Bitmap]::new($Path) } Catch { $bitmap = $null } # Output an artificial tag for the file object If ((!$TagId -and !$NoPSData ) -or ($TagId -and ('-1' -in $TagId -or '[System.IO.FileInfo]' -in $TagId))) { $file = Get-Item -Path $Path -Force If (!$file) { $file = Get-Item -LiteralPath $Path -Force } If ($file) { [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'PSReadExif' IdDec = -1 IdHex = '0xFFFF' Tag = '[System.IO.FileInfo]' Type = 2 TypeDesc = 'UNDEFINED' Length = $file.Length ValueBytes = $null ValueDecoded = $file ValueDisplay = $file } } } # Parse the EXIF data If ($bitmap) { ForEach ($propItem in $bitmap.PropertyItems) { Try { $idDec = $propItem.Id # Int32 $idHex = '0x{0:X}' -f $idDec $tag = $script:tags[$idDec] $type = $propItem.Type # Int16 $typeDesc = $script:types[$type] $length = $propItem.Len # Int32 $valueBytes = $propItem.Value # Byte[] $valueDecoded = @() $valueDisplay = $null $d = $null $n = $null If ($ShowUnknown) { $tag = ($tag ?? "Unknown_$idHex`_$($idDec.ToString())") } If (!$tag) { Continue } If ($TagId) { $tagMatch = $null ForEach ($t in $TagId) { If ([Int32]::TryParse($t,[ref]$null) -and ([Int32]$t -eq $idDec)) { $tagMatch = $idDec } If ($tag -like ($t.ToString() -replace 'PS([?*])?$','') ) { $tagMatch = $t.ToString() } } If (!$tagMatch) { Continue } Write-Debug " [$thisFunctionName]Matched tag: $tagMatch" } Write-Debug " [$thisFunctionName]$($idDec.ToString())|$idHex|$tag|$($type.ToString())|$typeDesc|$($length.ToString())|$($valueBytes.ToString())" If ($type -eq 1) # BYTE { $valueDecoded = $valueBytes } If ($type -eq 2) # ASCII { $ascii = [System.Text.ASCIIEncoding]::new() $valueDecoded += $ascii.GetString($valueBytes[0..$($valueBytes.Length-2)]) # trim off the trailing [Char]0 (null terminator) $valueDisplay = $valueDecoded[0] } If ($type -eq 3) # SHORT (UInt16) { For ($i = 0; $i -lt $valueBytes.Length; $i += 2) { $valueDecoded += [System.BitConverter]::ToUInt16($valueBytes,$i) } } If ($type -eq 4) # LONG (UInt32) { For ($i = 0; $i -lt $valueBytes.Length; $i += 4) { $valueDecoded += [System.BitConverter]::ToUInt32($valueBytes,$i) } } If ($type -eq 5) # RATIONAL (UInt32/UInt32) { Write-Debug " [$thisFunctionName]$($idDec.ToString())|$idHex|$tag|$valueBytes" For ($i = 0; $i -lt $valueBytes.Length; $i += 4) { If ($null -eq $n) { $n = [System.BitConverter]::ToUInt32($valueBytes,$i) } ElseIf ($null -ne $n) { $d = [System.BitConverter]::ToUInt32($valueBytes,$i) } If ($d -and $null -ne $n) { Write-Debug " [$thisFunctionName]$($idDec.ToString())|$idHex|$tag|`$n = $($n.ToString())|`$d = $($d.ToString())" $valueDecoded += ($n/$d) $n = $d = $null } } } # If ($type -eq 6) # n/a If ($type -eq 7) # UNDEFINED { $ascii = [System.Text.ASCIIEncoding]::new() # could be anything, so let's try our luck with ASCII $valueDecoded += $ascii.GetString($valueBytes) $valueDisplay = $valueDecoded[0] } # If ($type -eq 8) # n/a If ($type -eq 9) # SLONG (Int32) { For ($i = 0; $i -lt $valueBytes.Length; $i += 4) { $valueDecoded += [System.BitConverter]::ToInt32($valueBytes,$i) } } If ($type -eq 10) # SRATIONAL (Int32/Int32) { Write-Debug " [$thisFunctionName]$($idDec.ToString())|$idHex|$tag|$valueBytes" For ($i = 0; $i -lt $valueBytes.Length; $i += 4) { If ($null -eq $n) { $n = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt32($valueBytes,$i) } ElseIf ($null -ne $n) { $d = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt32($valueBytes,$i) } If ($d -and $null -ne $n) { Write-Debug " [$thisFunctionName]$($idDec.ToString())|$idHex|$tag|`$n = $($n.ToString())|`$d = $($d.ToString())" $valueDecoded += ($n/$d) $n = $d = $null } } } # Interpret decoded values Switch ($idDec) { { $_ -in 259, # 0x0103 Compression 20515 # 0x5023 ThumbnailCompression } { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 1 { 'Uncompressed' ; Break } 2 { 'CCITT 1D' ; Break } 3 { 'T4/Group 3 Fax' ; Break } 4 { 'T6/Group 4 Fax' ; Break } 5 { 'LZW' ; Break } 6 { 'JPEG (old-style)' ; Break } 7 { 'JPEG' ; Break } 8 { 'Adobe Deflate' ; Break } 9 { 'JBIG B&W' ; Break } 10 { 'JBIG Color' ; Break } 99 { 'JPEG' ; Break } 262 { 'Kodak 262' ; Break } 32766 { 'Next' ; Break } 32767 { 'Sony ARW Compressed' ; Break } 32769 { 'Packed RAW' ; Break } 32770 { 'Samsung SRW Compressed' ; Break } 32771 { 'CCIRLEW' ; Break } 32772 { 'Samsung SRW Compressed 2' ; Break } 32773 { 'PackBits' ; Break } 32809 { 'Thunderscan' ; Break } 32867 { 'Kodak KDC Compressed' ; Break } 32895 { 'IT8CTPAD' ; Break } 32896 { 'IT8LW' ; Break } 32897 { 'IT8MP' ; Break } 32898 { 'IT8BL' ; Break } 32908 { 'PixarFilm' ; Break } 32909 { 'PixarLog' ; Break } 32946 { 'Deflate' ; Break } 32947 { 'DCS' ; Break } 33003 { 'Aperio JPEG 2000 YCbCr' ; Break } 33005 { 'Aperio JPEG 2000 RGB' ; Break } 34661 { 'JBIG' ; Break } 34676 { 'SGILog' ; Break } 34677 { 'SGILog24' ; Break } 34712 { 'JPEG 2000' ; Break } 34713 { 'Nikon NEF Compressed' ; Break } 34715 { 'JBIG2 TIFF FX' ; Break } 34718 { 'Microsoft Document Imaging (MDI) Binary Level Codec' ; Break } 34719 { 'Microsoft Document Imaging (MDI) Progressive Transform Codec' ; Break } 34720 { 'Microsoft Document Imaging (MDI) Vector' ; Break } 34887 { 'ESRI Lerc' ; Break } 34892 { 'Lossy JPEG' ; Break } 34925 { 'LZMA2' ; Break } 34926 { 'Zstd' ; Break } 34927 { 'WebP' ; Break } 34933 { 'PNG' ; Break } 34934 { 'JPEG XR' ; Break } 65000 { 'Kodak DCR Compressed' ; Break } 65535 { 'Pentax PEF Compressed' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } { $_ -in 33432, # 0x8298 Copyright 20539 # 0x503B ThumbnailCopyRight } { $valueDisplay = ($valueDisplay -split [Char]0 | Where-Object { $_.Trim() }) Break } { $_ -in 37378, # 0x9202 ExifAperture 37381 # 0x9205 ExifMaxAperture } { $valueDisplay = 'f/{0:f1}' -f [Math]::Pow(2,$valueDecoded[0]/2) Break } 37379 # 0x9203 ExifBrightness { $numerator = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt32($valueBytes[0..3],0) $valueDisplay = Switch ($numerator) { -1 { 'Unknown' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0] ; Break } } Break } 41730 # 0xA302 ExifCfaPattern { $cfaLookup = @{ 0 = 'RED' 1 = 'GREEN' 2 = 'BLUE' 3 = 'CYAN' 4 = 'MAGENTA' 5 = 'YELLOW' 6 = 'WHITE' } $across = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt16($valueBytes[1..0],0) # $down = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt16($valueBytes[3..2],0) $valueDisplay = @() $row = '' ForEach ($b in $valueBytes[4..($valueBytes.Length-1)]) { $row += $cfaLookup[[Int]$b][0] If (($row.Length%$across) -eq 0) { $valueDisplay += $row $row = '' } } Break } 40961 # 0xA001 ExifColorSpace { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 0 { 'Unknown' ; Break } 1 { 'sRGB' ; Break } 2 { 'Adobe RGB' ; Break } 65533 { 'Wide Gamut RGB' ; Break } 65534 { 'ICC Profile' ; Break } 65535 { 'Uncalibrated' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 37121 # 0x9101 ExifCompConfig { $valueDecoded = $valueBytes | ForEach-Object { [Int32]$_ } $valueDisplay = ($valueDecoded | ForEach-Object { Switch ($_) { 0 { '' ; Break } 1 { 'Y' ; Break } 2 { 'Cb' ; Break } 3 { 'Cr' ; Break } 4 { 'R' ; Break } 5 { 'G' ; Break } 6 { 'B' ; Break } Default { $_.ToString() ; Break } } }) -join '' Break } 34850 # 0x8822 ExifExposureProg { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 0 { 'Not Defined' ; Break } 1 { 'Manual' ; Break } 2 { 'Program AE' ; Break } 3 { 'Aperture-priority AE' ; Break } 4 { 'Shutter speed priority AE' ; Break } 5 { 'Creative (Slow speed)' ; Break } 6 { 'Action (High speed)' ; Break } 7 { 'Portrait' ; Break } 8 { 'Landscape' ; Break } 9 { 'Bulb' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 33434 # 0x829A ExifExposureTime { # $reciprocal = [Int](1/$valueDecoded[0]) # $valueDisplay = $valueDecoded[0] -lt 1.0 ? '1/{0} sec' -f [Int](1/$valueDecoded[0]) : $valueDecoded[0] If (!$valueDecoded[0]) { $valueDisplay = '' } ElseIf ($valueDecoded[0] -lt 1.0) { $valueDisplay = '1/{0} sec' -f [Int](1/$valueDecoded[0]) } Else { $valueDisplay = '{0} sec' -f $valueDecoded[0] } Break } 41728 # 0xA300 ExifFileSource { $valueDecoded = $valueBytes $sigma = $valueBytes.Count -eq 4 ? 'Sigma ' : '' $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 0 { 'Unknown' ; Break } 1 { 'Film scanner' ; Break } 2 { 'Reflection print scanner' ; Break } 3 { "$sigma`Digital camera" ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 37385 # 0x9209 ExifFlash { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 0 { 'No Flash' ; Break } 1 { 'Fired' ; Break } 5 { 'Fired, Return not detected' ; Break } 7 { 'Fired, Return detected' ; Break } 8 { 'On, Did not fire' ; Break } 9 { 'On, Fired' ; Break } 13 { 'On, Return not detected' ; Break } 15 { 'On, Return detected' ; Break } 16 { 'Off, Did not fire' ; Break } 20 { 'Off, Did not fire, Return not detected' ; Break } 24 { 'Auto, Did not fire' ; Break } 25 { 'Auto, Fired' ; Break } 29 { 'Auto, Fired, Return not detected' ; Break } 31 { 'Auto, Fired, Return detected' ; Break } 32 { 'No flash function' ; Break } 48 { 'Off, No flash function' ; Break } 65 { 'Fired, Red-eye reduction' ; Break } 69 { 'Fired, Red-eye reduction, Return not detected' ; Break } 71 { 'Fired, Red-eye reduction, Return detected' ; Break } 73 { 'On, Red-eye reduction' ; Break } 77 { 'On, Red-eye reduction, Return not detected' ; Break } 79 { 'On, Red-eye reduction, Return detected' ; Break } 80 { 'Off, Red-eye reduction' ; Break } 88 { 'Auto, Did not fire, Red-eye reduction' ; Break } 89 { 'Auto, Fired, Red-eye reduction' ; Break } 93 { 'Auto, Fired, Red-eye reduction, Return not detected' ; Break } 95 { 'Auto, Fired, Red-eye reduction, Return detected' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 33437 # 0x829D ExifFNumber { $format = $valueDecoded[0] -lt 1.0 ? 'f/{0:F2}' : 'f/{0:F1}' $valueDisplay = $format -f $valueDecoded[0] Break } 37386 # 0x920A ExifFocalLength { $valueDisplay = '{0}mm' -f $valueDecoded[0] Break } 34855 # 0x8827 ExifISOSpeed { $valueDisplay = 'ISO {0}' -f $valueDecoded[0] Break } 37384 # 0x9208 ExifLightSource { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 0 { 'Unknown' ; Break } 1 { 'Daylight' ; Break } 2 { 'Fluorescent' ; Break } 3 { 'Tungsten (Incandescent)' ; Break } 4 { 'Flash' ; Break } 9 { 'Fine Weather' ; Break } 10 { 'Cloudy' ; Break } 11 { 'Shade' ; Break } 12 { 'Daylight Fluorescent' ; Break } 13 { 'Day White Fluorescent' ; Break } 14 { 'Cool White Fluorescent' ; Break } 15 { 'White Fluorescent' ; Break } 16 { 'Warm White Fluorescent' ; Break } 17 { 'Standard Light A' ; Break } 18 { 'Standard Light B' ; Break } 19 { 'Standard Light C' ; Break } 20 { 'D55' ; Break } 21 { 'D65' ; Break } 22 { 'D75' ; Break } 23 { 'D50' ; Break } 24 { 'ISO Studio Tungsten' ; Break } 255 { 'Other' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 37500 # 0x927C ExifMakerNote { $valueDecoded = $null $valueDisplay = $null Break } 37383 # 0x9207 ExifMeteringMode { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 0 { 'Unknown' ; Break } 1 { 'Average' ; Break } 2 { 'Center-weighted average' ; Break } 3 { 'Spot' ; Break } 4 { 'Multi-spot' ; Break } 5 { 'Multi-segment' ; Break } 6 { 'Partial' ; Break } 255 { 'Other' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 41729 # 0xA301 ExifSceneType { $valueDecoded = $valueBytes $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 0 { 'Unknown' ; Break } 1 { 'Directly photographed' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 41495 # 0xA217 ExifSensingMethod { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 1 { 'Not defined' ; Break } 2 { 'One-chip color area' ; Break } 3 { 'Two-chip color area' ; Break } 4 { 'Three-chip color area' ; Break } 5 { 'Color sequential area' ; Break } 7 { 'Trilinear' ; Break } 8 { 'Color sequential linear' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 37377 # 0x9201 ExifShutterSpeed { If ($valueDecoded[0] -lt 0) { $valueDisplay = '0 sec' } Else { $valueDisplay = '1/{0} sec' -f [Int](1/[Math]::Pow(2,$valueDecoded[0]*-1)) } Break } 37382 # 0x9206 ExifSubjectDist { If ($valueBytes[0] -eq '0x0') { $valueDisplay = 'Unknown' } ElseIf ($valueBytes[0] -eq '0xFFFFFFFF') { $valueDisplay = 'Infinity' } Else { $valueDisplay = "{0}m" -f $valueDecoded[0] } Break } # 37510 # 0x9286 ExifUserComment # { # } { $_ -in 36864, # 0x9000 ExifVer 40960 # 0xA000 ExifFPXVer } { If (![Int32]::TryParse($valueDisplay,[ref]$null)) { $valueDecoded = $valueBytes $valueDisplay = $valueBytes } Break } 338 # 0x0152 ExtraSamples { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 0 { 'Unspecified' ; Break } 1 { 'Associated Alpha' ; Break } 2 { 'Unassociated Alpha' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 266 # 0x010A FillOrder { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 1 { 'Normal' ; Break } 2 { 'Reversed' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 6 # 0x0006 GPSAltitude { $valueDisplay = "{0}m" -f $valueDecoded[0] Break } 5 # 0x0005 GPSAltitudeRef { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 0 { 'Above sea level' ; Break } 1 { 'Below sea level' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 23 # 0x0017 GpsDestBearRef { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 'M' { 'Magnetic North' ; Break } 'T' { 'True North' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 25 # 0x0019 GpsDestDistRef { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 'K' { 'Kilometers' ; Break } 'M' { 'Miles' ; Break } 'N' { 'Nautical Miles' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } { $_ -in 20, # 0x0014 GpsDestLat 22 # 0x0016 GpsDestLong } { $valueDisplay = "{0:d3}° {1:d2}' {2:00.0000}`"" -f $valueDecoded[0],$valueDecoded[1],$valueDecoded[2] Break } 10 # 0x000A GpsGpsMeasureMode { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { '2' { '2-Dimensional Measurement' ; Break } '3' { '3-Dimensional Measurement' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 9 # 0x0009 GpsGpsStatus { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 'A' { 'Measurement Active' ; Break } 'V' { 'Measurement Void' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 7 # 0x0007 GpsGpsTime { $valueDisplay = "{0:d2}:{1:d2}:{2:f3}+0" -f $valueDecoded[0],$valueDecoded[1],$valueDecoded[2] Break } 16 # 0x0010 GpsImgDirRef { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 'M' { 'Magnetic North' ; Break } 'T' { 'True North' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } { $_ -in 2, # 0x0002 GPSLatitude 4 # 0x0004 GPSLongitude } { If ($valueDecoded[1].GetType().FullName -eq 'System.Double' -and $valueDecoded[2] -eq 0) { $valueDecoded[2] = [Int]($valueDecoded[1]%1)*60 $valueDecoded[1] = [Int]$valueDecoded[1] } $valueDisplay = "{0:d3}° {1:d2}' {2:00.0000}`"" -f $valueDecoded[0],$valueDecoded[1],$valueDecoded[2] Break } 12 # 0x000C GPSSpeedRef { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 'K' { 'kph' ; Break } 'M' { 'mph' ; Break } 'N' { 'knots' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 14 # 0x000E GPSTrackRef { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 'M' { 'Magnetic North' ; Break } 'T' { 'True North' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 0 # 0x0000 GpsVer { $valueDecoded = $valueBytes -join '.' $valueDisplay = $valueDecoded } 290 # 0x0122 GrayResponseUnit { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 1 { 0.1 ; Break } 2 { 0.001 ; Break } 3 { 0.0001 ; Break } 4 { 1e-05 ; Break } 5 { 1e-06 ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 332 # 0x014C InkSet { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 1 { 'CMYK' ; Break } 2 { 'Not CMYK' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 512 # 0x0200 JPEGProc { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 1 { 'Baseline' ; Break } 14 { 'Lossless' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 254 # 0x00FE NewSubfileType { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { -1 { 'Invalid' ; Break } 0 { 'Full-resolution image' ; Break } 1 { 'Reduced-resolution image' ; Break } 2 { 'Single page of multi-page image' ; Break } 3 { 'Single page of multi-page reduced-resolution image' ; Break } 4 { 'Transparency mask' ; Break } 5 { 'Transparency mask of reduced-resolution image' ; Break } 6 { 'Transparency mask of multi-page image' ; Break } 7 { 'Transparency mask of reduced-resolution multi-page image' ; Break } 8 { 'Depth map' ; Break } 9 { 'Depth map of reduced-resolution image' ; Break } 10 { 'Enhanced image data' ; Break } 65537 { 'Alternate reduced-resolution image' ; Break } 65540 { 'Semantic Mask' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } { $_ -in 274, # 0x0112 Orientation 20521 # 0x5029 ThumbnailOrientation } { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 1 { 'Horizontal (normal) (top left)' ; Break } 2 { 'Mirror horizontal (top right)' ; Break } 3 { 'Rotate 180° (bottom right)' ; Break } 4 { 'Mirror vertical (bottom left)' ; Break } 5 { 'Mirror horizontal and rotate 270° CW (left top)' ; Break } 6 { 'Rotate 90° CW (right top)' ; Break } 7 { 'Mirror horizontal and rotate 90° CW (right bottom)' ; Break } 8 { 'Rotate 270° CW (left bottom)' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 262 # 0x0106 PhotometricInterp { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 0 { 'WhiteIsZero' ; Break } 1 { 'BlackIsZero' ; Break } 2 { 'RGB' ; Break } 3 { 'RGB Palette' ; Break } 4 { 'Transparency Mask' ; Break } 5 { 'CMYK' ; Break } 6 { 'YCbCr' ; Break } 8 { 'CIELab' ; Break } 9 { 'ICCLab' ; Break } 10 { 'ITULab' ; Break } 32803 { 'Color Filter Array' ; Break } 32844 { 'Pixar LogL' ; Break } 32845 { 'Pixar LogLuv' ; Break } 32892 { 'Sequential Color Filter' ; Break } 34892 { 'Linear Raw' ; Break } 51177 { 'Depth Map' ; Break } 52527 { 'Semantic Mask' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 284 # 0x011C PlanarConfig { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 1 { 'Chunky' ; Break } 2 { 'Planar' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 317 # 0x013D Predictor { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 1 { 'None' ; Break } 2 { 'Horizontal differencing' ; Break } 3 { 'Floating point' ; Break } 34892 { 'Horizontal difference X2' ; Break } 34893 { 'Horizontal difference X4' ; Break } 34894 { 'Floating point X2' ; Break } 34895 { 'Floating point X4' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } { $_ -in 296, # 0x0128 ResolutionUnit 41488, # 0xA210 ExifFocalResUnit 20528 # 0x5030 ThumbnailResolutionUnit } { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 1 { 'None' ; Break } 2 { 'inches' ; Break } 3 { 'cm' ; Break } 4 { 'mm' ; Break } 5 { 'μm' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 339 # 0x0153 SampleFormat { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 1 { 'Unsigned' ; Break } 2 { 'Signed' ; Break } 3 { 'Float' ; Break } 4 { 'Undefined' ; Break } 5 { 'Complex int' ; Break } 6 { 'Complex float' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 255 # 0x00FF SubfileType { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 1 { 'Full-resolution image' ; Break } 2 { 'Reduced-resolution image' ; Break } 3 { 'Single page of multi-page image' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } 292 # 0x0124 T4Option { $bit0 = ($valueDecoded[0] -band 1) -shr 0 $bit1 = ($valueDecoded[0] -band 2) -shr 1 $bit2 = ($valueDecoded[0] -band 4) -shr 2 $valueDisplay = @() If ($bit0) { $valueDisplay += '2-Dimensional encoding' } If ($bit1) { $valueDisplay += 'Uncompressed' } If ($bit2) { $valueDisplay += 'Fill bits added' } Break } 293 # 0x0125 T6Option { $bit0 = ($valueDecoded[0] -band 1) -shr 0 $valueDisplay = @() If ($bit0) { $valueDisplay += 'Uncompressed' } Break } 263 # 0x0107 ThreshHolding { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 1 { 'No dithering or halftoning' ; Break } 2 { 'Ordered dither or halftone' ; Break } 3 { 'Randomized dither' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } { $_ -in 531, # 0x0213 YCbCrPositioning 20537 # 0x5039 ThumbnailYCbCrPositioning } { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0]) { 1 { 'Centered' ; Break } 2 { 'Co-sited' ; Break } Default { $valueDecoded[0].ToString() ; Break } } Break } { $_ -in 530, # 0x0212 YCbCrSubSampling 20536 # 0x5038 ThumbnailYCbCrSubsampling } { $valueDisplay = Switch ($valueDecoded[0,1] -join ',') { '1,1' { 'YCbCr4:4:4' ; Break } '1,2' { 'YCbCr4:4:0' ; Break } '1,4' { 'YCbCr4:4:1' ; Break } '2,1' { 'YCbCr4:2:2' ; Break } '2,2' { 'YCbCr4:2:0' ; Break } '2,4' { 'YCbCr4:2:1' ; Break } '4,1' { 'YCbCr4:1:1' ; Break } '4,2' { 'YCbCr4:1:0' ; Break } Default { $($valueDecoded[0,1] -join ',') ; Break } } Break } Default { $valueDisplay = ${valueDecoded}?.Count -eq 0 ? $null : ${valueDecoded}?.Count -eq 1 ? $valueDecoded[0] : $valueDecoded } } Write-Debug " [$thisFunctionName]$($idDec.ToString())|$idHex|$tag|$valueDecoded|$valueDisplay" # Output If ($valueDecoded -and ($valueDecoded | Get-Member -MemberType Method -Name Trim)) { $valueDecoded = $valueDecoded.Trim() } If ($valueDisplay -and ($valueDisplay | Get-Member -MemberType Method -Name Trim)) { $valueDisplay = $valueDisplay.Trim() } If (!$TagId -or ($TagId -and $idDec -eq $tagMatch -or $tag -like $tagMatch)) { [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'PSReadExif' IdDec = $idDec IdHex = $idHex Tag = $tag Type = $type TypeDesc = $typeDesc Length = $length ValueBytes = $valueBytes ValueDecoded = $valueDecoded ValueDisplay = $valueDisplay } } # Create some artifical tags for ease of use If (!$NoPSData) { If ($tag -in 'ImageWidth','PixelXDimension') { If (!$TagId -or ($TagId -and $idDec -eq $tagMatch -or 'ImageWidthPS' -like $tagMatch)) { [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'PSReadExif' IdDec = $idDec IdHex = $idHex Tag = 'ImageWidthPS' Type = $type TypeDesc = $typeDesc Length = $length ValueBytes = $valueBytes ValueDecoded = $valueDecoded ValueDisplay = $valueDisplay } } } If ($tag -in 'ImageLength','PixelYDimension') { If (!$TagId -or ($TagId -and $idDec -eq $tagMatch -or 'ImageHeightPS' -like $tagMatch)) { [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'PSReadExif' IdDec = $idDec IdHex = $idHex Tag = 'ImageHeightPS' Type = $type TypeDesc = $typeDesc Length = $length ValueBytes = $valueBytes ValueDecoded = $valueDecoded ValueDisplay = $valueDisplay } } } If (!$TagId -or ($TagId -and $idDec -eq $tagMatch -or ($tag+'PS') -like $tagMatch)) { If ($valueDisplay -match '^\d{4}:\d{2}:\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$') # datetime tags { $dt = $valueDecoded -split '[: ]' $psDateTime = Get-Date -Year $dt[0] -Month $dt[1] -Day $dt[2] -Hour $dt[3] -Minute $dt[4] -Second $dt[5] [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'PSReadExif' IdDec = $idDec IdHex = $idHex Tag = ($tag+'PS') Type = $type TypeDesc = $typeDesc Length = $length ValueBytes = $valueBytes ValueDecoded = $psDateTime ValueDisplay = $psDateTime } } If ($tag -eq 'GpsGpsTime') { $psTime = New-TimeSpan -Hours $valueDecoded[0] -Minutes $valueDecoded[1] -Seconds $valueDecoded[2] [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'PSReadExif' IdDec = $idDec IdHex = $idHex Tag = ($tag+'PS') Type = $type TypeDesc = $typeDesc Length = $length ValueBytes = $valueBytes ValueDecoded = $psTime ValueDisplay = $psTime } } } } } Catch { Throw } } $bitmap.Dispose() } } END { # Function END: # Common END: $end = Get-Date $duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $start -End $end Write-Verbose "[$thisFunctionName]Stopped: $($end.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff')) ($($duration.ToString('d\d\ hh\:mm\:ss\.fff')))" } } |