.SYNOPSIS This function will grab your wallet mining status and includes your miners if you use the IncludeMiners switch. .DESCRIPTION This function will grab your wallet mining status and includes your miners if you use the IncludeMiners switch. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-rvnWalletStatus -Address "RT55FzSWAYv8FoMSohceAu5qFBeo2UwrvF" -IncludeMiners -OutVariable Status currency : RVN unsold : 0.72561798 balance : 2.27226802 unpaid : 2.99788600 paid24h : 11.37018751 total : 14.36807351 miners : {@{version=GMiner/2.44; password=x; ID=Example; algo=kawpow; difficulty=0.05332044; subscribe=0; accepted=19138793.663; rejected=0}} PS C:\>$Status.miners Id algo difficulty accepted rejected version password subscribe -- ---- ---------- -------- -------- ------- -------- --------- Test kawpow 0.05233044 19138793.663 0 GMiner/2.44 x 0 This example gets general information associated with your receiving wallet address used with RavenMiner pool along with all your miners. We use the outvariable paramter to also store the results in the variable $Status. We then display all our miners by running $Status.miners .INPUTS [String] Wallet Address .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject .NOTES API's can change, please report any issues to the github for this module. If you want to leave a tip to the author of this module use the address in the example. #> function Get-rvnWalletStatus { [cmdletbinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias("WalletAddress")] [string[]]$Address, [switch]$IncludeMiners ) Begin{ if ($IncludeMiners){ $url = "" } else{ $url = "" } } #begin Process{ foreach ($add in $Address){ try{ $Status = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ($url + $add) if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Status)){ Write-Warning "The command ran successfully but no wallet was found, please check your wallet address and try again" } else{ if ($IncludeMiners){ $Status.miners | foreach {$_.psobject.TypeNames.Insert(0,"PSRavenMinerPool.Miner")} } $Status } } catch{ $PSCmdlet.WriteError($_) } } #foreach } #process } |