#region Default JSON File $DefaultJsonFile = "{ `"digits`" : 3, `"word1`" : [ `"accidentally`", `"accordingly`", `"additionally`", `"after`", `"afterwards`", `"almost`", `"already`", `"also`", `"always`", `"anyway`", `"besides`", `"certainly`", `"cheerfully`", `"conversely`", `"daily`", `"eagerly`", `"early`", `"easily`", `"enough`", `"especially`", `"ever`", `"exceptionally`", `"extremely`", `"far`", `"fast`", `"finally`", `"foolishly`", `"frequently`", `"fully`", `"generally`", `"generously`", `"hence`", `"however`", `"hungrily`", `"instead`", `"just`", `"kindly`", `"last`", `"late`", `"lately`", `"later`", `"likewise`", `"loudly`", `"moreover`", `"most`", `"much`", `"namely`", `"nearly`", `"neatly`", `"never`", `"nevertheless`", `"next`", `"normally`", `"now`", `"occasionally`", `"often`", `"once`", `"previously`", `"proudly`", `"quickly`", `"rapidly`", `"rarely`", `"really`", `"seldom`", `"since`", `"slightly`", `"sometimes`", `"somewhat`", `"still`", `"strangely`", `"suspiciously`", `"then`", `"today`", `"tomorrow`", `"tonight`", `"twice`", `"usually`", `"very`", `"virtually`", `"well`", `"yesterday`" ], `"word2`" : [ `"adventurous`", `"alert`", `"alive`", `"amused`", `"angry`", `"better`", `"bewildered`", `"blue`", `"brave`", `"breakable`", `"bright`", `"busy`", `"calm`", `"careful`", `"cautious`", `"cheerful`", `"clear`", `"cloudy`", `"colorful`", `"comfortable`", `"cooperative`", `"crowded`", `"curious`", `"dark`", `"different`", `"difficult`", `"distinct`", `"eager`", `"easy`", `"elated`", `"elegant`", `"encouraging`", `"energetic`", `"enthusiastic`", `"expensive`", `"famous`", `"fantastic`", `"fierce`", `"fragile`", `"frantic`", `"friendly`", `"frightened`", `"funny`", `"gentle`", `"gifted`", `"gleaming`", `"glorious`", `"good`", `"graceful`", `"happy`", `"hilarious`", `"important`", `"impossible`", `"inexpensive`", `"inquisitive`", `"jolly`", `"joyous`", `"kind`", `"light`", `"lively`", `"long`", `"lucky`", `"magnificent`", `"misty`", `"modern`", `"mysterious`", `"nice`", `"outrageous`", `"outstanding`", `"perfect`", `"plain`", `"pleasant`", `"poised`", `"powerful`", `"precious`", `"proud`", `"puzzled`", `"quaint`", `"real`", `"relieved`", `"rich`", `"scary`", `"sparkling`", `"splendid`", `"spotless`", `"stormy`", `"strange`", `"successful`", `"super`", `"talented`", `"tough`", `"vast`", `"victorious`", `"wandering`" ], `"symbols`" : [ `"!`", `"?`", `"%`", `"#`", `"(`", `")`", `"^`" ], `"passwordtypes`" : [ {`"standard`" : `"[Word1][Word2][0-9]{3}[symbol]`"}, {`"o365`" : `"[CONSONANT][vowel][consonant][0-9]{5}`"}, {`"gibberish`" : `"[random]{length}`"} ] }" #endregion $JsonTables = $null function LoadJsonData { param( [string] $JsonData, [string] $JsonFile ) process { $JsonTablesLoad = $null if(($null -eq $JsonData -or $JsonData -eq "") -and $null -ne $JsonFile) { $JsonTablesLoad = (Get-Content -Path $JsonFile | ConvertFrom-Json) } elseif($null -ne $JsonData) { $JsonTablesLoad = ($JsonData | ConvertFrom-Json) } return $JsonTablesLoad } } function GeneratePasswords { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string] $Expression, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $Count, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $Length, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $Digits ) process { try { $Passwords = @() $Elements = @() $ExprOffset = 0 while($ExprOffset -lt $Expression.Length) { $Offset = $Expression.IndexOf("[", $ExprOffset) [int]$ElementCount = 1 if($Offset -ne -1) { if(($Offset - $ExprOffset) -gt 0) { $Token = $Expression.SubString($ExprOffset, $Offset - $ExprOffset) if($Token.Contains("{") -and $Token.Contains("}")) { $ElementCountCheck = $Token.Substring($Token.IndexOf("{") + 1, $Token.IndexOf("}") - ($Token.IndexOf("{") + 1)) if($ElementCountCheck -eq "length") { $ElementCount = $Length } elseif($ElementCountCheck -eq "digits") { $ElementCount = $Digits } elseif($ElementCountCheck -match "^\d+$") { $ElementCount = [int]$ElementCountCheck } $Token = $Token.Substring(0, $Token.IndexOf("{")) $ExprOffset = $Expression.IndexOf("}", $ExprOffset) + 1 } else { $ExprOffset += $Token.Length } $Elements += [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = "LITERIAL" Token = $Token Case = "NA" Count = $ElementCount } } $ExprOffset = $Offset + 1 $Offset = $Expression.IndexOf("]", $ExprOffset) if($Offset -ne -1) { [string]$ElementValue = $Expression.SubString($ExprOffset, $Offset - $ExprOffset) if(($Offset + 1) -lt $Expression.Length -and $Expression.SubString($Offset + 1, 1) -eq "{") { if($Expression.IndexOf("}", $ExprOffset) -ne -1) { $ElementCountCheck = $Expression.SubString($Offset + 2, $Expression.IndexOf("}", $ExprOffset) - ($Offset + 2)) if($ElementCountCheck -eq "length") { $ElementCount = $Length } elseif($ElementCountCheck -eq "digits") { $ElementCount = $Digits } elseif($ElementCountCheck -match "^\d+$") { $ElementCount = [int]$ElementCountCheck } $ExprOffset = $Expression.IndexOf("}", $ExprOffset) + 1 } } else { $ExprOffset = $Offset + 1 } if($ElementValue -ceq "vowel") { $Elements += [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = "VOWEL" Token = $null Case = "LOWER" Count = $ElementCount } } elseif($ElementValue -ceq "VOWEL") { $Elements += [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = "VOWEL" Token = $null Case = "UPPER" Count = $ElementCount } } elseif($ElementValue -ceq "consonant") { $Elements += [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = "CONSONANT" Token = $null Case = "LOWER" Count = $ElementCount } } elseif($ElementValue -ceq "CONSONANT") { $Elements += [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = "CONSONANT" Token = $null Case = "UPPER" Count = $ElementCount } } elseif($ElementValue -eq "symbol") { $Elements += [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = "SYMBOL" Token = $null Case = "NA" Count = $ElementCount } } elseif($ElementValue -eq "random") { $Elements += [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = "RANDOM" Token = $null Case = "NA" Count = $ElementCount } } <# elseif($ElementValue -ceq "word1") { $Elements += [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = "WORD1" Token = $null Case = "LOWER" Count = $ElementCount } } elseif($ElementValue -ceq "Word1") { $Elements += [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = "WORD1" Token = $null Case = "PROPER" Count = $ElementCount } } elseif($ElementValue -ceq "WORD1") { $Elements += [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = "WORD1" Token = $null Case = "UPPER" Count = $ElementCount } } elseif($ElementValue -ceq "word2") { $Elements += [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = "WORD2" Token = $null Case = "LOWER" Count = $ElementCount } } elseif($ElementValue -ceq "Word2") { $Elements += [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = "WORD2" Token = $null Case = "PROPER" Count = $ElementCount } } elseif($ElementValue -ceq "WORD2") { $Elements += [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = "WORD2" Token = $null Case = "UPPER" Count = $ElementCount } } #> else { if($ElementValue.IndexOf("-") -ne -1) { if($ElementValue[0] -cmatch "[A-z]") { $Elements += [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = "ALPHA" Token = $ElementValue Case = "NA" Count = $ElementCount } } elseif($ElementValue[0] -cmatch "[0-9]") { $Elements += [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = "NUMERIC" Token = $ElementValue Case = "NA" Count = $ElementCount } } } else { if($ElementValue -cmatch "^[^A-Z]*$") { $Elements += [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = $ElementValue Token = $null Case = "LOWER" Count = $ElementCount } } elseif($ElementValue -cmatch "^[^a-z]*$") { $Elements += [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = $ElementValue Token = $null Case = "UPPER" Count = $ElementCount } } elseif($ElementValue[0] -cmatch "^[A-Z]*$" -and $ElementValue.Substring(1) -cmatch "^[^A-Z]*$") { $Elements += [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = $ElementValue Token = $null Case = "PROPER" Count = $ElementCount } } } } } } else { $Token = $Expression.SubString($ExprOffset, $Expression.Length - $ExprOffset) if($Token.Contains("{") -and $Token.Contains("}")) { $ElementCountCheck = $Token.Substring($Token.IndexOf("{") + 1, $Token.IndexOf("}") - ($Token.IndexOf("{") + 1)) if($ElementCountCheck -eq "length") { $ElementCount = $Length } elseif($ElementCountCheck -eq "digits") { $ElementCount = $Digits } elseif($ElementCountCheck -match "^\d+$") { $ElementCount = [int]$ElementCountCheck } $Token = $Token.Substring(0, $Token.IndexOf("{")) $ExprOffset = $Expression.IndexOf("}", $ExprOffset) + 1 } else { $ExprOffset += $Token.Length } $Elements += [PSCustomObject]@{ Type = "LITERIAL" Token = $Token Case = "NA" Count = $ElementCount } } } for($i = 0; $i -lt $Count; $i++) { $Password = "" foreach($Element in $Elements) { switch ($Element.Type) { "ALPHA" { $Alpha = @('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z') $Tokens = $Element.Token.Split("-") if($Tokens.Count -eq 2) { [int]$Offset1 = $Alpha.IndexOf([string]$Tokens[0][0]) [int]$Offset2 = $Alpha.IndexOf([string]$Tokens[1][0]) if($Offset1 -ne -1 -and $Offset2 -ne -1 -and $Offset1 -lt $Offset2) { for($j = 0; $j -lt $Element.Count; $j++) { $Password += $Alpha[(Get-Random -Minimum $Offset1 -Maximum $Offset2)] } } else { Write-Host "Alpha value: $($Element.Token) invalid. Ensure first alpha is lower in alphabetical and case order than the second alpha." -ForegroundColor Red return } } } "NUMERIC" { $Tokens = $Element.Token.Split("-") if($Tokens.Count -eq 2 -and $Tokens[0][0] -cmatch "[0-9]" -and $Tokens[1][0] -cmatch "[0-9]") { [int]$FromValue = [int]$Tokens[0][0].ToString() [int]$ToValue = [int]$Tokens[1][0].ToString() + 1 if($FromValue -lt $ToValue) { for($j = 0; $j -lt $Element.Count; $j++) { $Password += (Get-Random -Minimum $FromValue -Maximum $ToValue).ToString() } } } } "VOWEL" { $Vowels = @('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u') for($j = 0; $j -lt $Element.Count; $j++) { switch($Element.Case) { "UPPER" { $Password += $Vowels[(Get-Random -Maximum $Vowels.Count)].ToUpper() } default { $Password += $Vowels[(Get-Random -Maximum $Vowels.Count)] } } } } "CONSONANT" { $Consonants = @('b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z') for($j = 0; $j -lt $Element.Count; $j++) { switch($Element.Case) { "UPPER" { $Password += $Consonants[(Get-Random -Maximum $Consonants.Count)].ToUpper() } default { $Password += $Consonants[(Get-Random -Maximum $Consonants.Count)] } } } } "SYMBOL" { for($j = 0; $j -lt $Element.Count; $j++) { $Password += $JsonTables.symbols[(Get-Random -Maximum $JsonTables.symbols.Count)] } } "LITERIAL" { for($j = 0; $j -lt $Element.Count; $j++) { $Password += $Element.Token } } "RANDOM" { $CharMap = [char[]] (48..(78+48)) for($j = 0; $j -lt $Element.Count; $j++) { $Password += $CharMap[(Get-Random -Maximum 78)] } } <# "WORD1" { for($j = 0; $j -lt $Element.Count; $j++) { $Word = "" switch ($Element.Case) { "LOWER" { $Word = $JsonTables.first[(Get-Random -Maximum $JsonTables.first.Count)].ToLower() } "UPPER" { $Word = $JsonTables.first[(Get-Random -Maximum $JsonTables.first.Count)].ToUpper() } "PROPER" { $Word = ((Get-Culture).TextInfo).ToTitleCase($JsonTables.first[(Get-Random -Maximum $JsonTables.first.Count)]) } default { $Word = $JsonTables.first[(Get-Random -Maximum $JsonTables.first.Count)] } } $Password += $Word } } "WORD2" { for($j = 0; $j -lt $Element.Count; $j++) { $Word = "" switch ($Element.Case) { "LOWER" { $Word = $JsonTables.second[(Get-Random -Maximum $JsonTables.second.Count)].ToLower() } "UPPER" { $Word = $JsonTables.second[(Get-Random -Maximum $JsonTables.second.Count)].ToUpper() } "PROPER" { $Word = ((Get-Culture).TextInfo).ToTitleCase($JsonTables.second[(Get-Random -Maximum $JsonTables.second.Count)]) } default { $Word = $JsonTables.second[(Get-Random -Maximum $JsonTables.second.Count)] } } $Password += $Word } } #> default { if($null -eq $JsonTables.$($Element.Type)) { Throw "$($Element.Type) array missing from JSON file." return $null } for($j = 0; $j -lt $Element.Count; $j++) { $Word = "" switch ($Element.Case) { "LOWER" { $Word = $JsonTables.$($Element.Type)[(Get-Random -Maximum $JsonTables.$($Element.Type).Count)].ToLower() } "UPPER" { $Word = $JsonTables.$($Element.Type)[(Get-Random -Maximum $JsonTables.$($Element.Type).Count)].ToUpper() } "PROPER" { $Word = ((Get-Culture).TextInfo).ToTitleCase($JsonTables.$($Element.Type)[(Get-Random -Maximum $JsonTables.$($Element.Type).Count)]) } default { $Word = $JsonTables.$($Element.Type)[(Get-Random -Maximum $JsonTables.$($Element.Type).Count)] } } $Password += $Word } } } } $Passwords += $Password } return $Passwords } catch { $e = $_.Exception $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "caught exception: $e at $line" } } } <# .SYNOPSIS A basic random password generator. .DESCRIPTION A random password generator which supports a selection of password types. It looks for "randompassword.json" and if it exists it'll load the strings in that file instead of using the hardcoded strings. .PARAMETER Count Number of passwords to generate. .PARAMETER Type Types: standard, o365, gibberish, custom. O365 password (3 letters 5 numbers). Gibberish password (Random characters). Custom password (similar to regex use Get-Help Get-RandomPassword -full for further help). Additional types can be specified in the JSON .PARAMETER Length Length of gibberish password. .PARAMETER Lower Passwords to be all lowercase. .PARAMETER Upper Passwords to be all uppercase. .PARAMETER Digits Digit count in password. (100 limit). .PARAMETER Seed RNG Seed. Uses time by default. .PARAMETER JsonFile Specify a JSON file to use instead of the default "randompassword.json". .PARAMETER Generatejson Generates a default JSON file. .INPUTS You can't pipe objects into Get-RandomPassword. .OUTPUTS Returns a list of passwords as specified. .NOTES Custom password: Custom password allows you to specify a random password based on specified expression. Similar to regular expressions. This type ignores Length, Lower and Digit switches. Usage: Get-RandomPassword -Type custom:"EXPR" [x-x] Range of characters e.g. [0-9],[a-z],[a-Z]. [x] Type of characters e.g. [vowel],[consonant],[symbol]. [VOWEL] and [CONSONANT] will produce an uppercase character. [arrayname] Random word from a specified array. There are 2 mandatory arrays in the JSON file, Word1 and Word2 you can create your own arrays for example "colours" and populate the array with the colour names. word1 will produce a lowercase word WORD1 an uppercase word and Word1 a propercase word from the named array. [random] A random character. x literial character e.g. abc {x} Character count of range e.g. {3}. {digits} Character count set to digits value in JSON or if specified with -Digits. {length} Character count set to length specified with -Length. Example: Get-RandomPassword -Type custom:"[symbol][a-z]{4}[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{2}-[a-Z]{4}[symbol][symbol]" Could generate a password of: !efyrEKS48-GHsR?! .EXAMPLE Get-RandomPassword .EXAMPLE Get-RandomPassword -Count 100 .EXAMPLE Get-RandomPassword -Count 10 -Lower .EXAMPLE Get-RandomPassword -Count 10 -Digits 0 .EXAMPLE Get-RandomPassword -Type o365 .EXAMPLE Get-RandomPassword -Type gibberish -Length 16 .EXAMPLE Get-RandomPassword -Type custom:"[symbol][a-z]{4}[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{2}-[a-Z]{4}[symbol]{2}" .EXAMPLE Get-RandomPassword -Type custom:"[colours]{4}[0-9]{2}" #> function Get-RandomPassword { param( [ValidateRange(1,1000)] [int] $Count = 1, [string] $Type = "none", [ValidateRange(1,256)] [int]$Length = 8, [switch]$Lower, [switch]$Upper, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [ValidateRange(0,100)] [int]$Digits = -1, [int]$Seed = (Get-Date -UFormat "%s"), [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string]$JsonFile, [switch]$GenerateJson ) process { $Passwords = @() if($Lower -and $Upper) { Write-Host "You can only use either -Lower or -Upper. Not both." -ForegroundColor Red return } if($GenerateJson) { New-Item -Path .\randompassword.json -Value $DefaultJsonFile -Force -ErrorVariable res | Out-Null if(!$res) { Write-Host "randompassword.json created." return } else { return } } if($JsonFile -ne "") { if(Test-Path -Path $JsonFile) { $JsonTables = LoadJsonData -JsonFile $JsonFile } else { Write-Host "Unable to load $JsonFile" -ForegroundColor Red return } } else { if(Test-Path -Path "$((Get-Location).Path)\randompassword.json") { $JsonTables = LoadJsonData -JsonFile "$((Get-Location).Path)\randompassword.json" } else { $JsonTables = LoadJsonData -JsonData $DefaultJsonFile } } if(($null -eq $JsonTables.digits) -or ($null -eq $JsonTables.word1) -or ($null -eq $JsonTables.word2) -or ($null -eq $JsonTables.symbols)) { Write-Host "Malformed JSON file." -ForegroundColor Red return } Get-Random -SetSeed $Seed | Out-Null if($Digits -ne -1) { $JsonTables.digits = $Digits } if($Type -like "custom:*") { $Expr = $Type.SubString(7) } elseif($null -ne $JsonTables.passwordtypes -and ($JsonTables.passwordtypes | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.$Type}).Count -ne 0) { $Expr = $JsonTables.passwordtypes.$Type | Where-Object {$null -ne $_} if($Lower) { $Expr = $Expr.ToLower() } elseif($Upper) { $Expr = $Expr.ToUpper() } } else { if($Lower) { $Expr = "[word1][word2][0-9]{$($JsonTables.digits)}[symbol]" } elseif($Upper) { $Expr = "[WORD1][WORD2][0-9]{$($JsonTables.digits)}[symbol]" } else { $Expr = "[Word1][Word2][0-9]{$($JsonTables.digits)}[symbol]" } } $Passwords = GeneratePasswords -Expression $Expr -Count $Count -Length $Length -Digits $JsonTables.digits return $Passwords } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-RandomPassword |